INTEGERS NUMBER LINES CONSTRUCT A CONCEPT NAME HOUR 2, -3,8,3,-4 4,-4,10,-12 -3,6,-1,0 20, -30, -40, 0, 10 test -15, 20,-30,0, 25 RULE 100,-200,-100,120 -100, -300, -200, 0,200 COOPERATIVE LEARNING-TEAMS As a team write 5 integers in the first box. Then put them in order, then put them on a number line that is WRONG (nonexample) and then in the last box build a number line that is CORRECT(example). Just like we did on the previous page on the discover a concept. Choose one person to present a box to the class. You will get to use the smart board for your presentation. Numbers in Random Numbers in order Incorrect number line and why (nonexample) Correct number line and why (example) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.) Order these integers on a number line. {-2, -4, 12, -8, 4, 10, 0} 2.) Order thes integers on a number line. {-20, 32, 60, -45, 0, -10, 10} RULES OF BUILDING A NUMBERLINE?....