Phenology data for Six Wild Sunflower Populations Under Three Photoperiods
Five individuals from six populations were phenotyped for days to budding and
days to anthesis in growth chambers set to one of the following conditions: 8 hours light /
16 hours dark per day (8L:16D), 12L:12D, or 16L:8D. The population of each individual
is specified in the first column: MB = Manitoba, SD = South Dakota, NE = Nebraska, KS
= Kansas, OK = Oklahoma, TX = Texas. Day length treatment and latitude of origin are
listed in the second and third columns respectively. Days to budding (from germination
to R1 stage) and days to anthesis are given in the fourth and fifth columns.
Microsatellite Genotypes for Fst Measurement
Genotypes for 11 microsatellite loci on five populations (MB, SD, NE, KS, and
TX) formatted for the program MSA. The population of each individual is specified in
the first column. The second and third columns specify that the individuals are outbred
diploids and that all populations were treated equivalently in the analyses. Each locus
(HTxxx) is coded in two columns, one for each allele. Missing data have been left blank.
The repeat size of each microsatellite (2=dinucleotide, 3=trinucleotide) is listed above
each locus. The 2 in the first row, first column indicates the file is in two-column format.
Phenotypic Data for Qst measurement
Families within populations are groups of maternal half siblings. Days to budding
and days to anthesis were measured with germination date as day 0. Leaf traits were
measured 28 days after sowing on mature leaves subtending the third node. Floral traits
were measured at anthesis. Specific leaf area was calculated as leaf area / leaf dry
weight. Succulence was calculated as (leaf wet weight – leaf dry weight) / area. Ray,
bract, and leaf shapes were calculated as the ratio of maximum length to maximum width
of that structure. An outlier for specific leaf area (value marked with asterisk) was
removed from the analysis as it was very aberrant and strongly affected the results. Bract
shape, ray shape, ray number, and specific leaf area values in the file were logtransformed prior to analysis to improve normality of the residuals.
Gene Expression in Leaves of Five Flowering Time Genes for Wild Sunflower
Populations Under Three Photoperiod Treatments
Gene expression levels were assayed by qRT-PCR for the flowering genes
HaFT2, HaFT4, HaSOC1A, and HaCOL2 every four hours from over a diurnal cycle in
six populations raised in short days (8L:16D) or long days (12L:12D). In addition,
expression of HaSOC1B was measured under long days. Expression levels were also
measured for Ha60S rRNA to use for normalization. Measurements were taken on cDNA
derived from two biological replicates consisting of two to three leaves pooled from
multiple individuals. Three technical replications of the qPCR were run except in the
case of HaSOC1B, which had one technical replicate. Population, day length treatment,
time of day (h after dawn), and biological replicate number are specified in the first four
columns. Samples with the same biological replicate number within a day length
treatment but at different time points were not necessarily collected from the same
individuals. Gene expression levels (average threshold Ct values for the technical
replicates) for the five genes are listed in the remaining columns. Missing data (blank
spaces) for all genes except HaSOC1B indicates that no gene expression was detectable
for a gene in a particular individual. Missing data for HaSOC1B was because no cDNA
remained for that particular individual to conduct the qPCR assay.
Expression of HaSOC1A and HaSOC1B in the Shoot Apex of MB, KS, and TX in Short
Days and Long Days
Gene expression levels of HaSOC1A and HaSOC1B in the shoot apex were
assayed by qRT-PCR at four hours after dawn in three populations raised in short days
(8L:16D) or long days (12L:12D). Expression levels were also measured for Ha60S
rRNA to use for normalization. Measurements were taken on cDNA derived from three
biological replicates consisting of two to three shoot apices pooled from multiple
individuals, and one to three technical replications of the qPCR were run. Population,
latitude of origin (degrees), biological replicate number, and day length (h) are specified
in the first four columns. Gene expression levels (average threshold Ct values for the
technical replicates) for the three genes are listed in the remaining columns. The one
missing data point (blank space) was because no cDNA remained for that particular
individual to conduct the qPCR assay.
Phenology and Rosette Leaf Number for Transgenic A. thaliana Overexpressing
HaCOL1 and HaCOL2
Wild-type (Col-0) Arabidopsis thaliana plants and plants with a loss of function
mutation in CONSTANS (co) were transformed with constructs overexpressing HaCOL1
or HaCOL2 from a 35S promoter. Each column in the spreadsheet lists the values of
either days to budding or number of rosette leaves at budding for all plants of a given
genotype (Col-0; co; Col-0 35S::HaCOL1; co 35S::HaCOL1; Col-0 35S::HaCOL2; and
co 35S::HaCOL2). Plants expressing the 35S::HaCOL1 construct were measured in the
T1 generation. Plants expressing the 35S::HaCOL3 construct were measured in the T3
Expression of Eight Flowering Time Genes Over a Diurnal Cycle Under Short Days for
Six Wild Sunflower Populations
Gene expression levels were assayed by qRT-PCR for the flowering genes
HaCOL1, HaCOL2, FKF1A, FKF1B, HaSOC1B, HaFT4, HaGI1, and HaGI2 at frequent
intervals over a diurnal cycle in six populations raised in short days (8L:16D).
Expression levels were also measured for Ha60S rRNA to use for normalization.
Measurements were taken on cDNA derived from three biological replicates consisting of
two to three leaves pooled from multiple individuals, and two technical replications of the
qPCR were run. Population, time of day (h after dawn), and biological replicate number
are specified in the first three columns. Samples with the same biological replicate
number but at different time points were not necessarily collected from the same
individuals. Gene expression levels (average threshold Ct values for the technical
replicates) for the nine genes are listed in the remaining columns. Gene expression levels
were sampled more frequently during the period of peak expression of each gene and so
not all genes were assayed at all time points. Therefore, missing data (blank spaces)
indicates that no gene expression was measured at that time point for that population
replicate for that gene.