File - Ms Barnes` Biology 11

Nanchang Sino-Canadian Academy
Biology 11
Ms. Barnes
Alien Taxonomy
In the year 2525….
Humans, after hundreds of years of constant effort, have successfully polluted all bodies of water on Earth. As a
result, almost all previously known species of plant, animal, and other life have become extinct. Through natural
selection, genetic engineering, and selective breeding programs, a portion of the Earth has been successfully
repopulated. The following organisms are all that remain:
1. Photosynthetic sun-basking sharks. Their green fins have chlorophyll to convert sunlight to energy
2. Chemosynthetic goldfish that convert pollution to food (autotrophs)
3. Aquatic humanoids whose main diet is aqua-wheat and basking sharks. They have fins instead of legs
4. Aqua-wheat: one of the few plants that remain, it is similar to algae.
5. Terrestrial Humanoids with 4 arms, their diet consists of butter-roaches and fuzzy hamsters.
6. Tentacled aqua humanoids, they only feed on aqua-wheat and have tentacles for arms and legs.
7. Cockroaches that feed on humanoid waste.
8. Giant Aqua-spiders that live in water and feed on goldfish and basking sharks.
9. Green-haired rats that are photosynthetic.
10. Parasitic mosquitoes that feed off any humanoid
11. Ten-legged fleas that live on the photosynthetic rats and drink blood.
12. Poison Grass - this plant is a hybrid between grass and poison ivy. The plants are toxic to almost everything
13. Fuzzy hamsters with green hair that use the sunlight to make their food, thought to be related to the rats.
14. Butter-roaches: genetic engineering created these butterfly-like creatures from cockroaches. Butter-roaches
eat poison grass.
Your assignment:
1. As an alien taxonomist, it is your responsibility to classify these existing organism types.
a. Create two additional organisms that might have survived the destruction of Earth’s ecosystems.
Feel free to base your organism on existing ones from the year 2014 or to create something
completely new. Give each one a common name, a short description and tell how it gets its energy
(food, sunlight, chemicals, etc.)
Create a taxonomic scheme using only kingdom, phylum, genus, and species. The intermediate
categories have been eliminated since the total number of species has been drastically reduced.
(Two Kingdoms are recommended). Remember, if the organisms are in the same genus, they are
closely related.
c. Create Latin-sounding scientific names for each organism (including the two that you invented).
Remember, these will be scientific names and will include the genus and species classification.
Written in this form: Genus species or Genus species
2. Illustrate your interpretation of each organism's appearance. Write the common name and the scientific name
next to the drawing.
3. Prepare a dichotomous key for these organisms so that your fellow aliens can identify them when they come to
Earth for their summer vacations. Remember that a dichotomous key is based on APPEARANCE of the organisms
(what you can SEE from the drawings).
Nanchang Sino-Canadian Academy
Each group will pass in:
Biology 11
Ms. Barnes
1. A poster with the Taxonomic diagram using the 4 classifications with the binomial scientific names for each
organism and an illustration. Here are some examples of diagrams you could use:
2. A dichotomous key for the organisms. You can include it with your poster or pass it in on separate A4 paper.
Due Date: Friday, November 7, 2014
/20 points
Nanchang Sino-Canadian Academy
Biology 11
Ms. Barnes
Alien Taxonomy Marking Rubric
Taxonomic scheme
3 points
Logical choices were
made for each
taxonomic division;
organisms in each
taxa have
characteristics in
Kingdom names
Phyla names
Scientific (genus,
species) names
New organisms
Dichotomous key
Extremely creative
and colorful, based
on the description of
each organism, each
picture easily shows
the key features of
each organism
Common name,
scientific name,
description & picture
Incorporated into
taxonomic scheme &
dichotomous key
All 16 organisms are
easily identified by
the 2 logical choices
provided at each
2 points
Good choices were
made for each
taxonomic division,
but some organisms
seem to be out of
1 point
Vague or illogical
choices were made
for each taxonomic
division, organisms in
each taxa do not
have many
characteristics in
Logical, based on the Illogical, not based
description of the
on the description of
the organisms
Logical, based on the Illogical, not based
description of the
on the description of
the organisms
Logical, based on the Illogical, not based
description of the
on the description of
the organisms
Creative and colorful, Somewhat creative,
mostly based on the mostly based on the
description of each
description of each
organism showing
organism, but key
most or all of the key features are missing
or indistinguishable
O points
No taxonomic
scheme evident
Common name,
scientific name,
description & picture
included but not
incorporated into
taxonomic scheme &
dichotomous key
10-15 organisms are
identified by the 2
choices at each level
New organisms not
fully developed in
terms of naming &
taxonomic scheme
No new organisms
5-9 organisms are
identified by the 2
choices at each level
OR key does not
have 2 choices at
each level
1-5 spelling mistakes
on the poster or in
the key
4 or fewer organisms
are able to be
identified with the
No spelling mistakes
on the poster or in
the key (for real
words & names
given in the
/20 points
Completely different
from given
6 + spelling mistakes
on the poster or in
the key