Assessment on Emergency Preparedness in Indonesia, WHO/OCHA Mission, July/October 2002 – Annex 3 AEP Report - Annex 3 Workshop on Evaluation Disasters and IDPs Preparedness Jakarta, July 22-23 2002 General Information 1. Background The workshop will be a follow up to the previous workshop in November 2001, and in order to maximize all resources including the World Health Organization (WHO) on the disasters and internally displaced people (IDPs) management. In addition, a WHO/OCHA international/ national team will be assessing the preparedness on disaster management in Indonesia. Due to limited time it is almost impossible for the WHO team to visit all Indonesia sites. Therefore, it is necessary to have a workshop in Jakarta with several representatives of provinces and districts to be invited to present their specific disasters and IDPs problems within their provinces or districts. 2. Objectives The general objective is to identify the capacity of province and/or district for management on disasters and IDP preparedness. The specific objectives are: 1. To identify the capacity of province and/or district for management on disasters preparedness. 2. To identify the capacity of province and/or district for management on IDP preparedness. 3. To identify the province and/or district communication system on disasters management preparedness. 4. To identify the province and/or district communication system on IDP management preparedness. 5. To identify the province and/or district intersctoral and programmes management on disasters preparedness. 6. To identify the province and/or district intersctoral and programmes management on IDP preparedness. 7. To identify the province and/or district logistics management on disasters preparedness. 8. To identify the province and/or district logistics management on IDP preparedness. 3. Methods The methods for the workshop are: 1. Keynote speech by the Secreatary General of the Minisry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (MOH). 2. Preseentation from the Central Gvernment: a. National policy on disasters and IDP management by the MOH PPMK office. b. National policy on IDP management by the Director General of Social Assustant of tht Ministry of Social Wellfares of the Republic of Indonesia. c. National policy on disasters and IDP management by the Bakornas PBP office. 3. Presentation from the province representatives. 4. Presentation from the district representatives. 4. Particpants Central government offices: MOH (10 persons), Bakornas PBP ( 1 person), Ministry of Social Wellfares (1 person), TNI/Police (4 persons), Medical School of the Unniversity of Indoenesia (1 person), Committee (5 orang); Provinces (11 persons); and districts (12 persons). 5.Time and place. The workshop was in 22-23 July 2002, and took place at Ibis Hotel Kemayoran Jakarta. 6.Fund. The fund provided by Jakarta WHO office. 12/02/16 DRAFT 1 Assessment on Emergency Preparedness in Indonesia, WHO/OCHA Mission, July/October 2002 – Annex 3 Workshop Summary on Evaluation Disasters and IDPs Preparedness Jakarta, July 22-23 2002 Process 1. The workshop began the presentations from: Directorate General of Relief and Social Security (Dirjen Bantuan dan Jaminan Sosial), dr. Sumarjati Arjoso, SKM, presented the relief programs for social problems raised as the consequences of natural disaster. Head division of PPMK (dr. Doti Indrasanto), presented the national policy on health relief program, And Head of BAKORNAS (national coordinating board), dr. Manaor FL Napitupulu, MSc about coordination on health preparedness program. The World Health Organization assessment mission were represented by Dr. Fernando del Castillo – WHO EHA Consultant, Dr. Bastaman Basuki - National WHO EHA Consultant, and Mr. Pierre Bessuges OCHA – Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. 2. Following the presentation of the resource persons were the presentation from each provinces and districts. 3. The program ended with group discussions. The participants were divided into three groups, and discussed three topics: IDPs related to political affair (Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Papua/Irian Jaya) IDP related to racial, religion and ethnics conflicts (Maluku, Central Sulawesi, Yogyakarta) IDP related to natural disasters: flood, haze, earthquake (DKI Jakarta, Bengkulu, South Sulawesi, Central Java, West Kalimantan). Conclusions 1. Efforts that have been taken a. Evacuation of the flood victims. b. Open 24 hours coordinated post for health and medical services. c. Providing primary medical service and referral system for the victims and the IDPs d. Measles vaccination for the infants from 6 months to 12 months. e. Provide with public sanitary and shelters. f. Giving education g. Collecting and distributing humanitarian aids. h. Recruiting volunteers among the IDPs to be self-dependent solving their own problems in the IDPs camps. 2. Planning for further action a. Short term a.1. Updating and validating data a.2. Provides certain medical specialties for emergency cases a.3. Coordinating inter-territory for medical services, surveillance, managing communicable diseases. a.4. For refugees of East Timor: Provided homes in the west part of Timor Island Or other part in NTT province Or other province in Indonesia a.5. Provided medical services and improving the existing medical service in order to solve medical problems raised among the IDPs a.6. Contigency plan 12/02/16 DRAFT 2 Assessment on Emergency Preparedness in Indonesia, WHO/OCHA Mission, July/October 2002 – Annex 3 a.7. Preparing Brigade Siaga Bencana (BSB) a.8. Safe community a.9. Empowerment of Bakornas PBP, Satkorlak PBP, Satlak PBP, Satgas PBP in sub districts areas, in collaboration with NGOs a.10. Prepared communication and transportation. a.11. Preparing ready-on-call funding a.12. normalized the river flow a.13. Reboisation/ reforestation a.14. Education to the community a.15. Education for the forest conservation a.16. National policy for conservation of the environment. b. Middle term b.1. Prevention and intervention for communicable diseases b.2. training of the medical and health officers b.3. improvement of transportation and communication b.4. provide equipment for certain vulnerable areas b.5. relocation of people lived along the river banks b.6. empowerment of cultural and social structure to educate people about environment and forest conservation (reforestation) b.7. Education about agriculture c. Long term c.1. Nutritional intervention c.2. provides specialist in psychology and psychiatry to solve mental health problems. c.3. build ‘waduk’ c.4. health city plan and drainage system c.5. hire consultants about city planning c.6. Research to manage ‘lahan gambut’ c.7. Modern agriculture for the community Recommendations 1. Safety and security for the caregivers, medical officers, and health providers according to the IHL. 2. Territory agreement in the border areas especially for medical care, including immunization and surveillance. 3. Training to improve the knowledge and practical treatment for medical and health officers to solve health problems in the IDPs areas. 4. Empowerment of ‘Sistem Gadar’ in every areas 5. Improving coordination inter-sectors and programs from the central and remote areas. 6. Improving advocacy to the local government and the private sectors to give more attention in managing health problems as the consequences of the natural and manmade disasters 7. Preparing funding for Contingency Plan in Districts and cities, provinces, and central authority. 8. Collaboration with NGOs, local and abroad, especially to provides medical services. 9. Improving people awareness to anticipate health problems as the consequences of disasters through developing “safe community” 10. Equipped camps and areas with medical facilities and equipment. 11. Improving management information system of the related institutions with other parties to provide updating information about the natural signs to anticipate natural disasters. 12. Be proactive to search updated information to the related institutions as well as other relevant parties 13. Reward system for medical and health providers in the conflict areas. 12/02/16 DRAFT 3 Assessment on Emergency Preparedness in Indonesia, WHO/OCHA Mission, July/October 2002 – Annex 3 Programme Day and time Monday 22 Jul 2002 08.00 – 08.30 08.30 – 09.30 09.30 – 10.00 10.10 – 12.00 13.30 15.30 15.40 17.40 20.00 – 22.00 Tuesday 23 Jul 2002 08.00 – 9.30 09.40 – 11.40 12.40 – 14.40 14.50 – 15.50 15.50 – 16.15 12/02/16 Activity Registration Panel discussion - Social management on disasters and IDPs - National policy on health relief management - Coordination on emergency and disasters health problems Discusion MOH Secretary General keynote speech Panel discussion on IDPs management from South West Sulawesi province, Maluku province, Poso district, North Maluku district Panel discussion on landslides and volcano erruption from Central Java province, Magelang district, Kulon Progro district Group discussion Presentation and discussion on the results of group discussion Panel discussion on earthquake, tsunami, and haze from: Bengkulu province, North Bengkulu district, Biak district, West Kalimantan province, Pontianak district. Panel discussion on floods from Jakarta province, West Jakarta municipality, North Jakarta municipality, South Sulawesi provice and Wajo dostrict. Workshop summary and recommendation Closing ceremony DRAFT Speaker Instituion Dr. Sumaryati Depsos Dr. Dotti Indrasanto. PPMK Dr. Manaor M. Bakornas PBP Dr. Dadi Argadiredja The realted province and district MOH The realted province and district Chairman of the group discussion The realted province and district The realted province and district Dr. Dotti Indrasanto 4 Assessment on Emergency Preparedness in Indonesia, WHO/OCHA Mission, July/October 2002 – Annex 3 List of Participants Name of the participants No. Name 1 Dr. Cut Idawani 2 Dr. HM Sabri 3 Dr. M Toris 4 Mr. Purwanto 5 Dr. Sarminto 6 Dr. Yuliana Ramba 7 Dr. Ristianto Sugiono 8 Dr. AJ Dimpulus 9 Dr. HMA Kamaluddin 10 Stefanus Bria Seran 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 25 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Mr. Antasari Idris Mr. Agus Sugiarto Dr. Kodasi Mr. Sutjipto Dr. Yuwono S. Drg. Urip Heriyanto Dr. Sri Relati Rejeki Dr. Jeni Adijaya Dr. Moh. Ansor Drg. Felentinus Pareira Dr. Kusdinar Dr. Indrawati Dr. Hadrian Dr. Wahjudi Uun Dr. Slamet Purnomo Mr. Suripto Dr. Herqutanto Mr. Mudjiharto Mr. Karno Dr. YusmansyahIdris Dr. Dotti Indrasanto Drg. Els Mangundap Dr. Tjetjep Ali Akbar Drs. DodiIrianto Dr. Lucky T.jahjono Drg. Indah marwati Mr. Yusrizal Ms. Lita Renata Ms. Dwi Jati Pitoyo Mr. Roy Masse Dr. Murdani Abdulla Ms. Sasmta Ningsih Ms. Siti Maemunah Ms. Sumijati Dr. Bastaman Basuki Dr. Fernado del Castello Mr. Pierre Bessuges 12/02/16 Institution Head, Aceh Prov. Health Office Head, Bengkulu Prov. Health Office Head, West Kalimantan Prov. Health Office Central Java Prov. Health Office Yogyakarta Prov. Health Office South East Sulawesi Health Office Head, Maluku Prov. Health Office Head, Papua Prov. Health Office Head, South Sulawesi Prov. Health Office Head, East Nusa Tenggara Prov. Health Office Pidie district North Bengkulu Health Office Pontianak district health office Mageang district Head, Kulon Progo health district office Head, Poso district health office Head, Wajo district health office North Maluku district health office Head, Biak district health office Belu health office Jakarta prov. Health office West Jakarta health office North Jakarta health office TNI Health Office Police health office Man power health centre School of Medicine University of Indonesia Environmental Depr. MOH Man power health centre Directorate of Public Health MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital PPMK MOH PPMK MOH PPMK MOH WHO Jakarta WHO Jakarta Contact UN OCHA Jakarta DRAFT 5