Name: __________________________ Date: ________________ Section: 11.1 11.2 11.3 (circle one) U.S. History II New Deal Poster Project, Day 1 Do Now Talk with your partner (yes, really!) about these questions, using last night’s homework and your knowledge of the New Deal: 1. How has the New Deal changed the way we live today? 2. To what extent do you think the New Deal was responsible for ending the Depression? Exit Ticket 1. What New Deal program are you and your group researching? 2. Summarize what the program did, in 2-3 sentences and in your own words. 3. Explain how the program tried to address the causes and/or consequences of the Depression, in 2-3 sentences and in your own words. 8 Awesome 7 Solid 6 Getting there 5 Needs serious work 4 Missed the point completely Name: __________________________ Date: ________________ Section: 11.1 11.2 11.3 (circle one) Rubric: New Deal Poster Presentations Individual Group Content (x2) Visuals Presentation Skills Audience Participation 8 7 6 5 4 Presentation displays thorough and detailed understanding of subject matter Visuals add excitement and interest Posture, body language, tone, and volume convey authority and engage the audience Student asks one or more insightful questions Presentation displays competent knowledge of subject matter Presentation displays some gaps in knowledge of subject matter Presentation displays little knowledge of subject matter Presentation is completely unrelated to subject matter Visuals capture all major points of presentation Appropriate posture, tone, and volume Visuals capture most major points in presentation Posture, body language, tone, and/or volume are sometimes inappropriate Student attentively tracks all presentations and questions Visuals omit major points from the presentation Posture, body language, tone, and/or volume interfere with understanding Student is occasionally inattentive during others’ presentations No visuals Student asks one relevant question Presentation is impossible to understand Student is disruptive or visibly disengaged during others’ presentations Score: ___/40 Name: __________________________ Date: ________________ Section: 11.1 11.2 11.3 (circle one) U. S. History II New Deal Poster Project Over the next two days, you and your small group will be responsible for researching and presenting a specific New Deal program, assigned by me. This assignment has two parts: Part I: Advertising Your Program (2 minutes) Create an informational poster, pamphlet, or brochure to advertise your program to your fellow citizens suffering though the Great Depression. o A historically accurate summary of the program and its goals: What is it? How does it help the nation? How do people become involved? etc. o At least three images o Presenters should be prepared to make an oral sales pitch to accompany their poster Presentation: o Text should be typed up o All poster components should be cleanly cut and presented on a larger sheet or poster board, OR assembled in an image file that can be projected Part II: The Historian’s View (5 minutes) Some members of your group will be responsible for explaining the history and legacy of your program. You should use Powerpoint, Prezi, or Google Drive to aid your explanation. Your presentation should include: The history of the program A summary of the numbers and groups of people that it aided The impact of the program and how it helped Americans during the Depression Any shortcomings or criticisms of the program The legacy of the program: How has it shaped the world we live in today? Does it still exist? If not, why not? If so, how has it evolved? Why is it still relevant? Presentation Checklist I recommend preparing for your presentation in the following order: ⧠ Use information in your coursepack to get a basic sense of what your assigned program was ⧠ With your group, find at sources online with more information about your program (each member must read a different source for homework over the weekend) ⧠ Complete Cornell notes on one source related to your program ⧠ With your group, decide who will make and present the poster, and who will research and present the historian’s view ⧠ Create your poster and presentation ⧠ Rehearse your presentation (everyone must participate!) Finally, remember my single most important piece of presentation advice: DON’T JUST READ THE SLIDES OUT LOUD!