UC Learning and Development Consortium Core Competency Model

UC Learning and
UC Core Competency
Written by:
UC Learning and Development
March, 2011
UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Building a persuasive business case for the continued investment in Staff Learning and
Development, in light of the University’s near term fiscal crises and the longer term
emphasis on administrative efficiency, is one of the primary reasons for the creation of
the UC Learning and Development Consortium. At its first meeting on January 13 and
14, 2011, Consortium representatives acting on a stated priority of the Consortium
undertook the drafting of a list of competencies which should be included in the UC
Core Competency Model.
The purpose of the UC Core Competency Model is to serve as a foundational tool for
the assessment and development of staff, managers and leaders at the University of
California. Broader applications for the Core Competency model are intended to include
the following process areas:
Employment including job posting, interviewing and selection
Compensation including position classification and job family design
Performance Management
Career Development
Succession Management
This Competency Model is intended to describe target, expected or satisfactory
performance behaviors at the University of California, where seeking excellence in
mission accomplishment is the standard. The Competency Model is expected to serve
as a dictionary or compendium to define the “What” as processes and programs in
employment, compensation, learning and development are designed, implemented and
assessed for effectiveness. The “How” of incorporating the Competency Model in to
specific location and systemwide talent management efforts will be designed into the
next phases of the Consortium’s work. The “Why” a person has or has not attained a
certain level of proficiency in the Competency Model is a step in the subsequent
process program and performance evaluation. The Consortium, in developing the
descriptors and behavior indicators contained in this Competency Model, has
deliberately tried to be broad and inclusive of the existing work that has been developed
at several UC locations.
This Competency Model Working Draft was developed for initial review and discussion
at the January 2011 CHRO Meeting. Further editing and discussion has taken place
during teleconference calls and in the March meeting of the Consortium. This Core
Competency Model Discussion Draft is the result of these discussions. Communication
and consultation with key stakeholders in the UC community on the Discussion Draft
have been conducted. The final UC Core Competency Model to be completed by April
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: Shares and receives information using clear and concise oral, written and
interpersonal communication skills.
Behavioral Indicators:
Leverages working relationships with customers and colleagues to build strong
connections, cooperation and collaboration
Actively seeks perspectives from others to ensure inclusiveness and
Models interpersonal communication that invites participation and future dialogue
Encourages feedback and uses it as a factor when considering personal and or
organizational changes
Tailors and delivers high-level presentations to diverse audiences using a variety
of communication delivery methods (e.g., written, electronic, oral, interpersonal)
Creates impactful written communication; improves others’ writing through editing
and feedback process
Facilitates management of differences by addressing them openly and
encouraging mutually beneficial resolutions
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: Models and promotes the University of California Principles of
Community, including fair, respectful, and inclusive behaviors.
Behavioral Indicators:
Demonstrates inclusiveness by seeking out opportunities to exemplify the
strength of diversity in all the ways that people differ
Exercises accountability to model and promote behaviors that include fairness,
respect, inclusiveness, empathy, integrity, ethical conduct, and the UC Principles
of Community
Models and promotes behaviors that uphold diversity and inclusion in dealings
with and on behalf of the University, consistent with laws, regulations and
University policies
Contributes by actions and behaviors towards an environment in which each
person has the opportunity to grow and develop, and is recognized for his or her
unique contribution
Advocates for and demonstrates an understanding of the value of differences
that promotes and sustains a diverse community
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: Values and delivers high quality, professional, responsive and innovative
service to all clients.
Behavioral Indicators (Operational level):
Identifies and assesses client and organizational needs
Applies emerging ideas, innovations and new technologies to ensure high quality
service delivery to a variety of clients.
Engages others in service quality improvement.
Delivers services and products that add value and meet and exceed client
perspectives and preferences.
Readily readjusts priorities to respond to pressing and changing client demands
Sets service standards and measures service performance against those
Cultivates strategic client relationships and loyalty
Collaborates with clients, stakeholders and colleagues in the delivery of optimal
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
(Additional core competency for supervisors and managers)
Descriptor: Inspires people toward alignment of university mission with attainment of
strategic and operational goals; leads and motivates people; maximizes
organizational and individual performance; champions employee learning
and development
Behavioral Indicators:
Inspires and supports people to achieve the mission of the university
Leads and motivates people by modeling interpersonal effectiveness,
communication, trust, advocacy and political acumen
Engages in outreach, recruitment, selection and retention of talented employees
Manages employee performance in alignment with the mission, strategic and
operational goals of the department/unit while maintaining consistency with
university practices, policies and collective bargaining agreements
Maximizes organizational results and individual effectiveness through delegation
of tasks, supervision of work and management of performance, with clearly
outlined expectations and measures of success
Communicates organizational context and leverages influence while managing
and supporting people through change
Champions employee learning and development by coaching, mentoring and
developing people for growth and performance, maximizing career management
and talent development
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: In accordance with the UC Standards of Ethical conduct, demonstrates
integrity, accountability, discretion and sound judgment in managing
university resources
Behavioral Indicators:
Models accountability and integrity in optimizing financial and human resources
in an open, effective manner
Embraces, establishes, and promotes university values and integrates them
when managing any resources
Models the use of discretion and sound judgment
Models and promotes behavioral safety in accordance with university safety
Manages risks appropriately, and in compliance with all university policies and
controls. Raises awareness in others about managing risks
Acquires, maintains and manages financial and capital assets to ensure
maximum productive use of resources
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: Cooperates and collaborates with colleagues in order to successfully
achieve goals and accomplish the mission of the University of California.
Behavioral Indicators:
Builds collaborative relationships with key leaders for resources, information, and
Embraces a shared understanding of team participant roles, responsibilities and
decision making.
Identifies opportunities to gather input from others and arrive at a consensus on
important decisions/solutions.
Demonstrates a shared accountability and focus to ensure work objectives and
goals are successfully completed.
Adapts to varying work situations and is flexible in approach to resolving
Pursues work with energy, drive, and a need for completion.
Looks for ways to influence decisions and outcomes by participating in formal
and informal work activities and alliances.
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: Committed to achieving maximum performance and contribution in
support of the organization’s mission, priorities and values.
Behavioral Indicators:
Demonstrates “commitment from the heart” and discretionary effort to maximize
own and others’ contributions.
Creates and supports a climate in which people can do their best.
Invites input from others and shares ownership and recognition.
Holds self and others accountable for meeting commitments.
Demonstrates enthusiasm for capturing new opportunities and resiliency in face
of change or challenges.
Seeks out growth and development opportunities for self and others.
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: Demonstrates the ability to analyze complex situations or problems, make
timely and sound decisions, construct comprehensive plans and achieve
optimal results
Behavioral Indicators:
Plans, prioritizes and organizes work while anticipating and adjusting to changes
to deliver quality results by committed deadlines
Understands overriding organizational factors which influence or constrain
direction, decision-making, and organizational priorities
Develops and implements work plans with actionable components and
measurable outcomes; accurately scopes out length and difficulty of work; breaks
down work into manageable steps; and develops and honors work schedules
Maintains a sense of urgency by self and engenders commitment in others to
achieve priority goals, makes real-time adjustments and successfully achieves
Utilizes critical thinking to analyze issues systematically, logically comprehends
connections within complex issues and resolves conflict among goals
Gathers and uses relevant stakeholder input and data to distinguish relevant
from irrelevant information to take appropriate risks and make sound decisions
Maintains focus on high-priority actions, honors commitments and holds self and
others accountable for project or role responsibilities
Leverages personal and organizational energy and resources to creatively
develop solutions, overcome obstacles, and achieve high quality outcomes
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: Uses an integrated approach to envision the future, anticipate change,
opportunistically capitalize on opportunities and manage risks in alignment with
the mission, vision, and strategic priorities of the organization
Behavioral Indicators:
Understands the “big picture” of the organization, including vision, mission and
priorities and is able to incorporate them to own priorities
Incorporates creative thinking, scenario planning and hypothesis testing to
develop strategic options
Establishes and achieves long and short term goals, aligns work with priorities,
and maintains focus on long term horizon while navigating changes and path
Maintains concentration without distraction to marshal and leverage personal and
organizational energy to achieve goals
Gains and maintains awareness of organizational players and factors that drive
strategic direction, priorities, and emphasis on short and long term outcomes
Regularly reassesses competing priorities and adjusts allocation of own and
others’ time and resources to increase effectiveness
Comprehends connections within complex issues and resolves conflicts among
Maintains a systems perspective through understanding implications of actions
on the whole system of value creation and his or her role within it
Demonstrates intelligent opportunism by being responsive to emergent
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: Thinks in innovative and strategic ways, and implements new or different
approaches using systematic change management disciplines.
Behavioral Indicators:
Recognizes when an improvement, new opportunity or solution is desirable and
is receptive to new ideas
Constructively challenges assumptions about how we create value for our
Uses creative and ingenious techniques to design, develop and transform how
the organization operates
Evaluates and supports responsible risk-taking to effect change
Understands the institutional, operational, and human dimensions of change and
establishes systematic approaches to implementation
Explains the case for change or innovation and paints an inspiring vision of it
Assists others to innovate and adapt to changing requirements
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UC Learning and Development Consortium
Core Competency Model Discussion Draft
Descriptor: Demonstrates responsibility for own career path and continuous learning.
Identifies new skills needed, takes responsibility for own learning, and
knows how to apply new skills to perform successfully on the job.
Behavioral Indicators:
Demonstrates technical competence and job knowledge and ability to add value
beyond the core job function.
Continually strives to upgrade depth and breadth of skill-set.
Applies background, technical knowledge, education, and prior job experiences
to current and new job situations.
Makes time for appropriate training, keeps current on tools, technology, and
information needed to meet job challenges. Applies expertise to the job.
Capable of training and developing peers and/or staff.
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