Horticulture Syllabus - Portland Community College

Clackamas Community College Horticulture Department
HOR 122-01 Greenhouse Crops-Potted Plants, 3 credits, Thursday 8:00–11:50am, C117
Elizabeth Howley – Instructor
Office Location – Clairmont Hall room 119
Office Hours:
(Schedule appointments with me by contacting Loretta at 503 657.6958 ext. 2246)
Fall 2010 Syllabus
Course Outline Information Course Description - This 3-credit course will study environmental influences on plant growth, crop
scheduling, greenhouse structures, and equipment. Foliage and flowering potted plant production and
identification will be emphasized. Industry standard practices will be utilized.
Course Objectives – Instruct students in the practical knowledge of the techniques used for greenhouse
crop growing in the following areas: Principles of plant growth and production techniques, structures in
which to grow greenhouse crops and materials to control plant growth as well as detection and control of
plant disorders will be emphasized. Students will utilize critical thinking skills to incorporate sustainability
into greenhouse business operations.
Course Prerequisite - None
Student Learning Outcomes – Students successfully completing this course should be able to:
 Describe the principles of plant growth as well as physiological processes.
 Students will analyze production techniques and systems including heating and cooling systems as
well as equipment and tools.
 Students will recognize assigned crops and be able to identify them as well as water, fertilizer,
soil/media, light, and temperature and their role in greenhouse crop production.
 Students will be able to describe plant disorders including insects and diseases as well as diagnose
plant disorders.
 Students will define the components in integrated pest management for greenhouse crops.
 Students will utilize critical thinking skills to develop solutions for challenges faced with decision
making, in each of the above categories, to reach decisions which display sustainable practices for a
greenhouse crop production business.
Textbooks Required - Greenhouse Operation and Management, by Paul V. Nelson, Reston Publishers, 6th
Supplies – 3 ring binder, paper, calculator (a great prize/plant will be awarded to the student(s) who
demonstrates reuse of a funky binder – hint: check out thrift stores, SCRAP http://scrapaction.org/aboutscrap/history/ in Portland, etc.!)
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Grading Criteria
Quizzes and Assignments will constitute 40% of the final course grade.
Midterm exam will constitute 30% of the final course grade.
Final examination, which is cumulative, will constitute 30% of the final course grade.
Grading scale
A = 90 - 100% of possible points
B = 80 - 89% of possible points
C = 70 - 79% of possible points
D = 60 - 69% of possible points
F = below 60% of possible points
In place of "A" - "B" - "C" - "D" or "F" a student may be given one of the following grades:
Incomplete, no credit, no grade points
"W" Withdrawn after sixth week of the term, no credit, no grade points
"X" Audit, no credit, and no grade points
This course does not carry a Pass/No Pass option.
Web advisor access to grades at my.clackamas.edu
Class Policies
Academic Integrity and Expectations of Students: Students are expected to know and abide by
the policies of Clackamas Community College as shown in the Student Handbook; link at
Attendance requirements – Students are expected to attend all class sessions.
Withdrawal and the relation to the grade – Students choosing to withdraw from the class must
follow the procedure in the current class schedule. Students choosing to withdraw will not receive
credit or a grade for the class.
Cell telephone Policy – Cell telephones should be turned off during all class sessions, if for any
reason a student needs to be contacted during a class session, the student will confer with the
instructor at the beginning of the class session.
Children in Class – Children are not allowed in class.
Computer Use: No food or drink is allowed at the computer stations. Please leave any such items
on the table near the entrance of the Computer Lab, or on the worktables in the Resource Room.
Late work Policy – Assignments will not be accepted after the date and time, in class which they
are due/collected..
Important Dates
Final Exam – The Final Exam will be held on the Thursday of Final Exam week, at 10:00 am, as
displayed in the Clackamas Community College schedule of classes.
Test Dates – Mid term will be held on week 6, at the beginning of the class session.
Quiz Dates – Quizzes may be held during weeks 2 through 10. Students missing a class session, and
therefore missing the quiz, will not have the opportunity to make up quizzes.
Assignment Due Dates – All assignments will contain expectations and due dates when they
are given. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Special Needs
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If you are a student with a disability, or think you have a disability, and you believe that your
opportunities to be successful in this class are affected by that disability, please contact the
Clackamas CC Disability Resource Center Coordinator, Betsy Pacheco (CC 144) at (503)
____________, or betsyp@clackamas.edu. Website is http://depts.clackamas.edu/advising/drc/.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Lecture Topic
Lab Exercises
Reading Assignment
Note: students are responsible for
changes announced in class
Chapter 1 Horticulture – A Global
Chapter 8 Watering
Class Orientation
Crop Schedules
Plant Identification
Crop Selection
Crop Inventory
Crop Production Systems
Crop Schedules
Integrated Pest Management
Pest Management Systems
Crop Production Systems
Crop Schedules
Plant Identification
Crop Inventory
Crop Record Keeping
Media pH monitoring
Crop Transplanting
Plant Identification
Crop Record Keeping
Crop Transplanting
Chapter 6 Root Substrate
Chapter 7 Root Substrate Pasteurization
Chapter 14 Insect Control
Chapter 15 Disease Control
Crop Production Systems
Crop Schedules
Plant Identification
Crop Record Keeping
Crop Transplanting
Chapter 2 Greenhouse Construction
Chapter 3 Greenhouse Heating
Chapter 12 Light and Temperature
Crop Schedules
Plant Identification
Crop Record Keeping
Crop Transplanting
Chapter 4 Greenhouse Cooling
Chapter 5 Environmental Control Systems
Mid Term Examination
Incorporation of
Sustainability into
Greenhouse Business
Plant Identification
Crop Record Keeping
Crop Transplanting
Sustainability Assignment/Handouts
Plant Identification
Crop Record Keeping
Crop Transplanting
Chapter 11 Carbon Dioxide Fertilization
Veterans’ Day
College Closed
Crop Production/Crop Pricing
Field Trip: Clackamas
College Closed
Post Production Systems
Introduction to Business
Plant Identification
Crop Record Keeping
Discuss Sun & Shade
Plant Exchange
Final Exam (10:00 am-noon)
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Chapter 9 Fertilization
Chapter 10 Alternative Cropping Systems
Chapter 13 Chemical Growth Regulations
Gather up boxes and bring these to
class, next week for the Plant Exchange!
Chapter 16 Postproduction Quality
Chapter 17 Marketing
Chapter 18 Business Management