SQL Server Error Messages

The Events and Errors Message Center, located at this Microsoft Web site, is the primary
source of information on error messages for SQL Server 2005 and improves the customer
experience when searching for information on SQL Server error messages, as well as
other Microsoft products. The new Web site enables customers to perform full-text
searches and filter results based on product, version, source, and numeric or symbolic
identifier. Additionally, the new interface provides support across multiple languages.
The Web site will be continually updated with new troubleshooting information on
frequently encountered errors.
Future enhancements to the Events and Errors Message Center will make troubleshooting
content available in downloadable form, giving you access to it from a computer that is
not connected to the Internet.
Getting Assistance From Others
If you have not found the information you are looking for in the product documentation
or on the Web, you can either ask a question in the SQL Server community or request
help from Microsoft support.
SQL Server Community
Has links to newsgroups and forums monitored by the SQL Server community. It also
lists community information sources, such as blogs and Web sites. The SQL Server
community is very helpful in answering questions, although there is no guarantee of an
SQL Server Developer Center Community
This site focuses on the newsgroups, forums, and other community resources that are
useful to SQL Server developers.
Microsoft Help and Support
You can use this Web site to open a case with a Microsoft support professional.
Database Engine Events and Errors
This topic provides information about errors and events for the SQL Server 2005
Database Engine.
Understanding Database Engine Errors
Describes the format of Database Engine error messages and explains how to view error
messages and return error messages to applications.
Cause and Resolution of Database Engine Errors
Provides an explanation of the error message, possible causes, and any actions you can
take to correct the problem.
Understanding Database Engine Errors
Errors raised by the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine have the attributes described
in the following table.
Attribute Description
Error number
Each error message has a unique error number.
Error message string
The error message contains diagnostic information about the cause of the error. Many
error messages have substitution variables in which information, such as the name of the
object generating the error, is inserted.
The severity indicates how serious the error is. Errors that have a low severity, such as 1
or 2, are information messages or low-level warnings. Errors that have a high severity
indicate problems that should be addressed as soon as possible. For more information
about severities, see Database Engine Error Severities.
Some error messages can be raised at multiple points in the code for the Database Engine.
For example, an 1105 error can be raised for several different conditions. Each specific
condition that raises an error assigns a unique state code.
When you are viewing databases that contain information about known issues, such as
the Microsoft Knowledge Base, you can use the state number to determine whether the
recorded issue is the same as the error you have encountered. For example, if a
Knowledge Base Article describes an 1105 error that has a state of 2 and the 1105 error
message you received had a state of 3, the error probably has a different cause than the
one reported in the article.
A Microsoft support engineer can also use the state code from an error to find the
location in the source code where that error code is being raised. This information might
provide additional ideas on how to diagnose the problem.
Procedure name
Is the name of the stored procedure or trigger in which the error has occurred.
Line number
Indicates which statement in a batch, stored procedure, trigger, or function generated the
All system and user-defined error messages in an instance of the Database Engine are
contained in the sys.messages catalog view. You can use the RAISERROR statement to
return user-defined errors to an application.
All database APIs, such as the Microsoft .NET Framework SQLClient namespace,
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), OLE DB, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC),
report the basic error attributes. This information includes the error number and message
string. However, not all the APIs report all the other error attributes. For more
information, see Handling Errors and Messages in Applications.
Information about an error that occurs in the scope of the TRY block of a TRY…CATCH
construct can be obtained in Transact-SQL code by using functions such as
ERROR_SEVERITY, and ERROR_STATE in the scope of the associated CATCH
block. For more information, see Retrieving Error Information in Transact-SQL and
Using TRY...CATCH in Transact-SQL.
The following example queries the sys.messages catalog view to return a list of all
system and user-defined error messages in the Database Engine that have English text
FROM sys.messages
WHERE language_id = 1033;
Database Engine Error Severities
When an error is raised by the SQL Server Database Engine, the severity of the error
indicates the type of problem encountered by SQL Server.
Levels of Severity
The following table lists and describes the severity levels of the errors raised by the SQL
Server Database Engine.
Severity level
Informational messages that return status information or report errors that are not severe.
The Database Engine does not raise system errors with severities of 0 through 9.
Informational messages that return status information or report errors that are not severe.
For compatibility reasons, the Database Engine converts severity 10 to severity 0 before
returning the error information to the calling application.
Indicate errors that can be corrected by the user.
Indicates that the given object or entity does not exist.
A special severity for queries that do not use locking because of special query hints. In
some cases, read operations performed by these statements could result in inconsistent
data, since locks are not taken to guarantee consistency.
Indicates transaction deadlock errors.
Indicates security-related errors, such as permission denied.
Indicates syntax errors in the Transact-SQL command.
Indicates general errors that can be corrected by the user.
Indicate software errors that cannot be corrected by the user. Inform your system
administrator of the problem.
Indicates that the statement caused SQL Server to run out of resources (such as memory,
locks, or disk space for the database) or to exceed some limit set by the system
Indicates a problem in the Database Engine software, but the statement completes
execution, and the connection to the instance of the Database Engine is maintained. The
system administrator should be informed every time a message with a severity level of 18
Indicates that a nonconfigurable Database Engine limit has been exceeded and the current
batch process has been terminated. Error messages with a severity level of 19 or higher
stop the execution of the current batch. Severity level 19 errors are rare and must be
corrected by the system administrator or your primary support provider. Contact your
system administrator when a message with a severity level 19 is raised. Error messages
with a severity level from 19 through 25 are written to the error log.
Indicate system problems and are fatal errors, which means that the Database Engine task
that is executing a statement or batch is no longer running. The task records information
about what occurred and then terminates. In most cases, the application connection to the
instance of the Database Engine may also terminate. If this happens, depending on the
problem, the application might not be able to reconnect.
Error messages in this range can affect all of the processes accessing data in the same
database and may indicate that a database or object is damaged. Error messages with a
severity level from 19 through 25 are written to the error log.
Indicates that a statement has encountered a problem. Because the problem has affected
only the current task, it is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged.
Indicates that a problem has been encountered that affects all tasks in the current
database, but it is unlikely that the database itself has been damaged.
Indicates that the table or index specified in the message has been damaged by a software
or hardware problem.
Severity level 22 errors occur rarely. If one occurs, run DBCC CHECKDB to determine
whether other objects in the database are also damaged. The problem might be in the
buffer cache only and not on the disk itself. If so, restarting the instance of the Database
Engine corrects the problem. To continue working, you must reconnect to the instance of
the Database Engine; otherwise, use DBCC to repair the problem. In some cases, you
may have to restore the database.
If restarting the instance of the Database Engine does not correct the problem, then the
problem is on the disk. Sometimes destroying the object specified in the error message
can solve the problem. For example, if the message reports that the instance of the
Database Engine has found a row with a length of 0 in a nonclustered index, delete the
index and rebuild it.
Indicates that the integrity of the entire database is in question because of a hardware or
software problem.
Severity level 23 errors occur rarely. If one occurs, run DBCC CHECKDB to determine
the extent of the damage. The problem might be in the cache only and not on the disk
itself. If so, restarting the instance of the Database Engine corrects the problem. To
continue working, you must reconnect to the instance of the Database Engine; otherwise,
use DBCC to repair the problem. In some cases, you may have to restore the database.
Indicates a media failure. The system administrator may have to restore the database.
You may also have to call your hardware vendor.
accessible – доступный
although – хотя
application – приложение, применение
assign – определять, назначать
attempt – попытка
batch – группа, пакет
cause – причина, вызывать
CHEKDB – проверка базы данных
commit – совершать
consistency – согласованность, связанность
contain – содержать
convert – преобразовать
correct – правильный, исправлять
could – мог (прош. от can)
current – текущий
damage – повреждение
DBCC (database consistency checker) – модуль
контроля непротиворечивости данных
deadlock default – по умолчанию
denied – запрещен
deny – отрицать, отказывать
describe – описывать
description – описание
determine – определять
downloadable – загружаемый
elapse encounter – сталкиваться
engine – двигатель, движок
establish - устанавливать
establish – устанавливать
event – событие
example – пример
exceed – превышать
execution – исполнение
expire – истекать (о сроке)
explanation – объяснение
failure – неудача, сбой
fatal – неизбежный
following – следующий
frequently – часто
hint-подсказка, намек
however – однако
inconsistent – несогласованный, несвязанный
indicate – указывать
instance instance – мгновение; for ~ - например,
integrity – целостность
invalid issue – выпуск, издание
length – длина
maintain – поддерживать (в рабочем
message – сообщение
movement – движение
occur – случаться, происходить
occur – случаться, происходить
permission – разрешение
pipe – труба
possible – возможный
primary – первичный
probably – вероятно
query – вопрос, запрос
question – вопрос
raise – поднимать
rarely – редко
reason – причина
refer – относиться, ссылаться
refuse – отказывать
relate – относиться, связываться
related – связанный
remote – удаленный
request – запрос
require – требовать
resolve respond – отвечать
resubmit – переподчинить
search – поиск
severe – суровый, строгий
severity – серьезность ошибки
since – с тех пор, как; так как
source – источник
state – состояние
statement – утверждение
store – сохранять
substitution – подстановка, замена
successfully – успешно
such – такой
sure – уверенный
surface – поверхность
take – взять
target – цель
transaction – сделка, транзакция, перевод
trigger – триггер, защелка
try – пытаться
useful – полезный
vendor – поставщик, продавец
User-Defined Error Message Severity
sp_addmessage can be used to add user-defined error messages with severities from 1
through 25 to the sys.messages catalog view. These user-defined error messages can be
used by RAISERROR. For more information, see sp_addmessage (Transact-SQL).
RAISERROR can be used to generate user-defined error messages with severities from 1
through 25. RAISERROR can reference a user-defined error message stored in the
sys.messages catalog view or build a message dynamically. When using the user-defined
error message in sys.messages while generating an error, the severity specified by
RAISERROR overrides the severity specified in sys.messages. For more information, see
Error Severity and TRY…CATCH
A TRY…CATCH construct catches all execution errors with severity greater than 10 that
do not terminate the database connection.
Errors with severity from 0 through 10 are informational messages and do not cause
execution to jump from the CATCH block of a TRY…CATCH construct.
Errors that terminate the database connection, usually with severity from 20 through 25,
are not handled by the CATCH block because execution is aborted when the connection
For more information, see TRY...CATCH (Transact-SQL).
Retrieving Error Severity
The ERROR_SEVERITY system function can be used to retrieve the severity of the error
that caused the CATCH block of a TRY…CATCH construct to be run.
ERROR_SEVERITY returns NULL if called outside the scope of a CATCH block. For
more information, see ERROR_SEVERITY (Transact-SQL).
Cause and Resolution of Database Engine Errors
This topic contains cause and resolution information for a number of errors related to the Database Engine.
Error 18456 Severity 1
SQL Server 2005 Event 18456 Severity 1
State Description
2 & 5 Invalid UserID
6 Attempt to use a Windows login name with SQL Authentication
7 Login disabled and password mismatch
8 Password mismatch
9 Invalid password
11 & 12 Valid login but server access failure
13 SQL Server service paused
16 User does not have permission to target database or target database not accessible
18 Change password required
Message Text
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this
failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 28 - Server doesn't support requested protocol) (Microsoft SQL Server,
Error: -1)
The SQL Server client cannot connect to the server. This error could be caused by one of the following reasons:
The firewall on the server has refused the connection.
A specified SQL Server instance name is not valid.
The SQL Server Browser service (sqlbrowser) is not started.
User Action
To resolve this error, try one of the following actions:
Make sure that you have configured the firewall on the server instance of SQL Server to open the SQL Server
Browser port.
Make sure that the SQL Server Browser service is started on the server.
Check the spelling of the SQL Server instance name that is specified in the connection string.
Use the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool to enable SQL Server to accept remote connections. For
more information about the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Tool, see Surface Area Configuration for
Services and Connections.
Message Text
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -2)
The SQL Server client cannot connect to the server. This error could occur because the firewall on the server has
refused the connection.
User Action
Make sure that you have configured the firewall on the server instance of SQL Server to accept connections.
Message Text
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this
failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data
SQL Server did not respond to the client request because the server is probably not started.
User Action
Make sure that the server is started.
Message Text
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this
failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data
The SQL Server client cannot connect to the server. This error could occur because either the client cannot
resolve the name of the server or the name of the server is incorrect.
User Action
Make sure that you have entered the correct server name on the client, and that you can resolve the name of the
server from the client. To check TCP/IP name resolution, you can use the ping command in the Windows
operating system.
Message Text
The column prefix '%.*ls' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
The select list of the query contains an asterisk (*) that is incorrectly qualified with a column prefix. This error
can be returned under the following conditions:
The column prefix does not correspond to any table or alias name used in the query. For example, the following
statement uses an alias name (T1) as a column prefix, but the alias is not defined in the FROM clause.
SELECT T1.* FROM dbo.ErrorLog;
A table name is specified as a column prefix when an alias name for the table is supplied in the FROM clause. For
example, the following statement uses the table name ErrorLog as the column prefix; however, the table has an
alias (T1) defined in the FROM clause.
SELECT ErrorLog.* FROM dbo.ErrorLog AS T1;
If an alias has been provided for a table name in the FROM clause, you can only use the alias to prefix columns
from the table.
User Action
Match the column prefixes against the table names or alias names specified in the FROM clause of the query. For
example, the statements above can be corrected as follows:
SELECT T1.* FROM dbo.ErrorLog AS T1;
SELECT ErrorLog.* FROM dbo.ErrorLog;
New: 12 December 2006
Product Name
SQL Server
Product Version
Product Build Number
Event ID
Event Source
Symbolic Name
Message Text
Case expressions may only be nested to level %d.
SQL Server allows for only 10 levels of nesting in CASE expressions.
User Action
Reduce the level of CASE statements to 10 or less.
Message Text
Must declare the scalar variable "%.*ls".
This error occurs when a variable is used in a SQL script without first declaring the variable. The following
example returns error 137 for both the SET and SELECT statements because @mycol is not declared.
SET @mycol = 'ContactName';
SELECT @mycol;
One of the more complicated causes of this error includes the use of a variable that is declared outside the
EXECUTE statement. For example, the variable @mycol specified in the SELECT statement is local to the
SELECT statement, thus it is outside the EXECUTE statement.
USE AdventureWorks;
DECLARE @mycol nvarchar(20);
SET @mycol = 'Name';
EXECUTE ('SELECT @mycol FROM Production.Product;');
User Action
Verify that any variables used in a SQL script are declared before being used elsewhere in the script.
Rewrite the script so that it does not reference variables in the EXECUTE statement that are declared outside of it.
For example:
USE AdventureWorks;
DECLARE @mycol nvarchar(20) ;
SET @mycol = 'Name';
EXECUTE ('SELECT ' + @mycol + ' FROM Production.Product';) ;
Message Text
Invalid column name '%.*ls'.
The specified column was not found in any table specified in the FROM clause of the query.
User Action
Change the column name to a column name present in one of the tables referenced in the query.
Verify the collation of the database. When a database uses a case-sensitive collation, the column names specified
in the Transact-SQL statement must match the case of the columns in the database.
For example, when a column is specified as LastName and the database uses a case sensitive collation, queries
that refer to the column as Lastname or lastname will cause error 207 to return because the column name does not
You can verify the database collation by running the following statement.
SELECT collation_name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'database_name';
The abbreviation CS in the collation name indicates the collation is case sensitive. For example,
Latin1_General_CS_AS is a case sensitive and accent sensitive collation. CI indicates the collation is caseinsensitive.
Message Text
Invalid object name '%.*ls'.
The specified object cannot be found.
Possible Causes
This error can be caused by one of the following problems:
The object is not specified correctly.
The object does not exist in the current database or in the specified database.
The object exists, but could not be exposed to the user. For example, the user might not have permissions on the
object or the object is created within an EXECUTE statement but accessed outside the scope of the EXECUTE
User Action
Verify the following information and correct the statement as appropriate:
The object name is spelled correctly.
The current database context is correct. If a database name for the object is not specified, the object must exist in
the current database. For more information about setting the database context, see USE (Transact-SQL).
The object exists in the system tables. To verify whether a table or other schema-scoped object exists, query the
sys.objects catalog view. If the object is not in the system tables, the object has been deleted, or the user does not
have permissions to view the object metadata. For more information about permissions to view object metadata,
see Metadata Visibility Configuration.
The object is contained in the default schema of the user. If it is not, the object must be specified using the twopart format schema_name.object_name. For more information about schemas, see User-Schema Separation. Note
that scalar-valued functions must always be invoked by using at least a two-part name.
The case sensitivity of the database collation.
When a database uses a case-sensitive collation, the object name must match the case of the object in the
database. For example, when an object is specified as MyTable in a database with a case sensitive collation,
queries that refer to the object as mytable or Mytable will cause error 208 to return because the object names do
not match.
You can verify the database collation by running the following statement.
SELECT collation_name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'database_name';
The abbreviation CS in the collation name indicates the collation is case sensitive. For example,
Latin1_General_CS_AS is a case sensitive, accent sensitive collation. CI indicates a case insensitive collation.
The user has permission to access the object. To verify the permissions the user has on the object, use the
Has_Perms_By_Name system function.
Message Text
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process.
(provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (Microsoft SQL Server,
Error: 233)
The SQL Server client cannot connect to the server. This error could occur because the server is not configured to
accept remote connections.
User Action
Use the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool to allow SQL Server to accept remote connections. For more
information about the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Tool, see Surface Area Configuration for Services
and Connections.
Message Text
Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement.
The SQL Server Database Engine cannot continue executing the query because it is trying to read data that was
updated or deleted by another transaction. The query is using either the NOLOCK locking hint or the READ
UNCOMMITTED transaction isolation level.
Typically, access to data that is being changed by another transaction is denied because of locks put on the data.
However, the NOLOCK locking hint and READ UNCOMMITTED transaction isolation level let a query read
data that is locked by another transaction. This is referred to as a dirty read because you can read values that have
not yet been committed and that are subject to change.
User Action
This error cancels the query. Either resubmit the query or remove the NOLOCK locking hint.
Message Text
Attempt to fetch logical page %S_PGID in database %d failed. It belongs to allocation unit %I64d not to %I64d.
This error generally signifies page or allocation corruption in the specified database. SQL Server detects
corruption when reading pages belonging to a table either by following the page linkages or by using the Index
Allocation Map (IAM). All pages allocated to a table must belong to one of the allocation units associated with
the table. If the allocation unit ID contained in the page header does not match an allocation unit ID associated
with the table, this exception is raised. The first allocation unit ID listed in the error message is the ID present in
the page header, the second allocation unit value is the ID associated with the table.
Data Corruption Errors
A severity level of 21 indicates potential data corruption. Possible causes are a damaged page chain, a corrupt
IAM, or an invalid entry in the sys.objects catalog view for that object. These errors are often caused by hardware
or disk device driver failure.
Transient Errors
A severity level of 12 indicates a potential transient error; that is, it occurs in the cache and does not indicate
damage to data on disk. Transient 605 errors can be caused by the following conditions:
The operating system prematurely notifies SQL Server that an I/O operation has completed; the error message is
displayed even though no actual data corruption exists.
Running a query with the Optimizer hint NOLOCK or setting the transaction isolation level to READ
UNCOMMITTED. When a query that is using NOLOCK or READ UNCOMMITTED tries to read data that is
being moved or changed by another user, a 605 error occurs. To verify that it is a transient 605 error, rerun the
query later. For more information, see this KB article.
In general, if the error occurs during data access but subsequent DBCC CHECKDB operations complete without
error, the 605 error was probably transient.
User Action
Identify the tables associated with the allocation units specified in the message by running the following query.
Replace <allocation_unit_id> with the allocation units specified in the error message.
USE <database_name>;
SELECT au.allocation_unit_id, OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id) AS table_name, fg.name AS filegroup_name,
au.type_desc AS allocation_type, au.data_pages, partition_number
FROM sys.allocation_units AS au
JOIN sys.partitions AS p ON au.container_id = p.partition_id
JOIN sys.filegroups AS fg ON fg.data_space_id = au.data_space_id
WHERE au.allocation_unit_id = <allocation_unit_id> OR au.allocation_unit_id = <allocation_unit_id>
ORDER BY au.allocation_unit_id;
Execute DBCC CHECKTABLE without a REPAIR clause on the table associated with the second allocation unit
ID specified in the error message.
Execute DBCC CHECKDB without a REPAIR clause as soon as possible to determine the full extent of the
corruption in the entire database.
Check the error log for other errors that often accompany a 605 error and examine the Windows Event Log for
any system or hardware related issues. Fix any hardware-related problems that are contained in the logs.
If the 605 error is not transient, the problem is severe and must be corrected by performing one of the following
If the problem is not hardware related and a known clean backup is available, restore the database from the
backup. You can leverage the page restore backup feature to restore just the damaged pages.
Run DBCC CHECKDB with the REPAIR clause recommended by the DBCC CHECKDB operation performed
in step 2 to repair the corruption.Caution:
If you are not sure what effect DBCC CHECKDB with a REPAIR clause has on your data, contact your primary
support provider before running this statement.
If running DBCC CHECKDB with one of the REPAIR clauses does not correct the problem, contact your
primary support provider. Have the output from DBCC CHECKDB available for review.
Message Text
There is insufficient system memory to run this query.
SQL Server has failed to allocate sufficient memory to run the query. This can be caused by a variety of reasons
including operating system settings, physical memory availability, or memory limits on the current workload. In
most cases, the transaction that failed is not the cause of this error.
Diagnostic queries, such as DBCC statements, may fail because server the does not have sufficient memory.
User Action
The following list outlines general steps that will help in troubleshooting memory errors:
Verify whether other applications or services are consuming memory on this server. Reconfigure less critical
applications or services to consume less memory.
Start collecting performance monitor counters for SQL Server: Buffer Manager, SQL Server: Memory Manager.
Check the following SQL Server memory configuration parameters:
max server memory
min server memory
awe enabled
min memory per query
Notice unusual settings. Correct them as necessary. Account for increased memory requirements for SQL Server
2005. Default settings are listed in "Setting Server Configuration Options" in SQL Server Books Online.
If you are using Address Windowing Extensions (AWE), verify that the Windows security setting Lock pages in
memory' is enabled.
Observe DBCC MEMORYSTATUS output and the way it changes when you see these error messages.
Check the workload (for example, number of concurrent sessions, currently executing queries).
The following actions may make more memory available to SQL Server:
If applications besides SQL Server are consuming resources, try stopping running these applications or consider
running them on a separate server. This will remove external memory pressure.
If you have configured max server memory, increase its setting.
Run the following DBCC commands to free several SQL Server memory caches.
If the problem continues, you will need to investigate further and possibly reduce workload.
Message Text
There is insufficient memory available in the buffer pool.
This is caused when the buffer pool is full and the buffer pool can not grow any larger.
User Action
The following list outlines general steps that will help in troubleshooting memory errors:
Verify whether other applications or services are consuming memory on this server. Reconfigure less critical
applications or services to consume less memory.
Start collecting performance monitor counters for SQL Server: Buffer Manager, SQL Server: Memory Manager.
Check the following SQL Server memory configuration parameters:
max server memory
min server memory
awe enabled
min memory per query
Notice any unusual settings and correct them as necessary. Account for increased memory requirements for SQL
Server 2005. Default settings are listed in "Setting Server Configuration Options" in SQL Server Books Online.
If you are using Address Windowing Extensions (AWE), verify that the Windows security setting Lock pages in
memory is enabled.
Observe DBCC MEMORYSTATUS output and the way it changes when you see these error messages.
Check the workload (number of concurrent sessions, currently executing queries).
The following actions may make more memory available to SQL Server:
If applications besides SQL Server are consuming resources, try stopping these applications or running them on a
separate server.
If you have configured max server memory, increase the setting.
Run the following DBCC commands to free several SQL Server memory caches.
If the problem continues, you will need to investigate further and possibly reduce workload.
Message Text
The operating system returned error %ls to SQL Server during a %S_MSG at offset %#016I64x in file '%ls'.
Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe
system-level error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full
database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information,
see SQL Server Books Online.
A Windows read or write request has failed. The error code that is returned by Windows and the corresponding
text are inserted into the message. In the read case, SQL Server will have already retried the read request four
times. This error is often the result of a hardware error, but may be caused by the device driver. For more
information about error 823, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/828339. For more information about I/O errors,
see Microsoft SQL Server I/O Basics, Chapter 2.
User Action
Check for additional information in the system event log. Contact the hardware manufacturer or Microsoft
Customer Services and Support to determine the cause and corrective action. After the hardware error is fixed,
restore all databases and run DBCC CHECKDB.
Cause and Resolution of Integration Services Errors
New: 17 July 2006
This section of the documentation contains cause and resolution information for several errors related to
Integration Services.
For more information about Integration Services error messages, including a list of most Integration Services
errors and their descriptions, see Integration Services Error and Message Reference. However, the list currently
does not include troubleshooting information.
Many of the error messages that you may see when you are working with Integration Services come from other
components. These may include OLE DB providers, other database components such as the Database Engine and
Analysis Services , or other services or components such as the file system, the SMTP server, or Microsoft
Message Queueing. To find information about these external error messages, see the documentation specific to
the component.
Summary of errors
Connection required when requesting metadata
Indicates that SSIS Designer must connect to a data source to retrieve new or updated metadata for a source or
destination, and that it is unable to connect to the data source.
Product level is insufficient
Indicates that the package cannot run because the appropriate version of SQL Server 2005 Integration Services
(SSIS) is not installed.
Connection manager not properly installed
Indicates that SSIS Designer has encountered an error involving Registry permissions while enumerating the
connection managers installed on the computer.
Could not load file or assembly
Indicates that the Script task or Script component cannot locate an assembly that is referenced within the script
Cannot convert between Unicode and non-Unicode strings
Indicates that a data flow component is trying to pass Unicode string data to another component that expects nonUnicode string data in the corresponding column, or vice versa.
Cannot convert between Unicode and non-Unicode strings
Message Text
1. Columns "__" and "__" cannot convert between Unicode and non-Unicode string data types.
2. Column "__" cannot convert between Unicode and non-Unicode string data types.
This message indicates that a data flow component is trying to pass Unicode string data to another component that
expects non-Unicode string data in the corresponding column, or vice versa.
Possible Causes
This message might appear because of one of the following problems:
You are using the Excel source and have not configured a Data Conversion transformation to convert string
columns from the Unicode data that was loaded from the Excel source.
You are using the Excel destination and have not configured a Data Conversion transformation to convert to
Unicode the data that is being saved to the Excel destination.
User Action
Add Data Conversion transformations to convert the data
Add Data Conversion transformations to convert string columns from non-Unicode (DT_STR) to Unicode
(DT_WSTR) strings, or vice versa.
Use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to create the package
When you use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to create a package, it creates and configures any Data
Conversion transformations that are required for you. Use the wizard to create a base package, save it, and then
reconfigure and enhance it.
Connection manager not properly installed
Message Text
The connection manager '%1' is not properly installed on this computer.
This message indicates that SSIS Designer has encountered an error involving Registry permissions while
enumerating the connection managers installed on the computer.
Possible Causes
This message might appear because of one of the following problems:
There is at least one Registry key in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID section of the Registry for which the
current account does not have Read permissions.
User Action
Do not reinstall SQL Server or other components
This error is not related to the installation of SQL Server or its components and cannot be resolved by uninstalling
or reinstalling them. You must fix the root cause as described in the following section.
Fix the problem with permissions in the Registry
Integration Services relies on the COM API function EnumClassesOfCategories to enumerate connection
managers that are installed on the computer. This function fails with an error if it encounters a class in the
Registry whose keys the current account does not have permission to read. The solution is to locate the keys that
are causing the problem and to grant at least Read permissions to the Users group on those keys. Microsoft
Knowledge Base article 913817 provides C# code that you can compile and run to locate the keys that are causing
the problem, and explains the steps that you can follow to fix the keys.
Connection required when requesting metadata
Message Text
An error occurred due to no connection. A connection is required when requesting metadata.
This design-time message indicates that SSIS Designer must connect to a data source to retrieve new or updated
metadata for a source or destination, and that it is unable to connect to the data source.
Possible Causes
This message might appear because of one of the following problems:
You have disabled connections to data sources by enabling Work Offline from the SSIS menu in Business
Intelligence Development Studio.
The data source is in fact offline, or the connection attempt has failed for another reason.
User Action
Turn Off "Work Offline"
Enable connections to data sources by turning off the Work Offline option. Ordinarily, SSIS Designer tries to
connect to each data source that is used by your package to validate the metadata associated with sources and
destinations. You may have enabled Work Offline from the SSIS menu to prevent these connection attempts, and
to prevent the validation errors that occur when the data sources are not available.
Could not load file or assembly
Message Text
Could not load file or assembly '%1' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
This message indicates that the Script task or Script component cannot locate an assembly that is referenced
within the script project.
Possible Causes
This message might appear because of one of the following problems:
The referenced assembly has not been installed in the global assembly cache (GAC).
User Action
Install the assembly in the global assembly cache (GAC)
At design time, you must place assemblies that are used by the Integration Services Script task or Script
component in specific folders before you can successfully add a reference to them in the script project. However
at run time, these assemblies are loaded from the global assembly cache. Therefore you must use the gacutil.exe
command prompt utility with the /i option to install each referenced assembly in the global assembly cache for
use at run time. For more information, see Referencing Other Assemblies in Scripting Solutions.
Product level is insufficient
Message Text
The product level is insufficient for __.
This message indicates that the package cannot run because the appropriate version of SQL Server 2005
Integration Services (SSIS) is not installed.
Possible Causes
This message might appear because of one of the following problems:
You are using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard and you have installed Workstation components but you
have not installed Integration Services. This problem has been fixed in Service Pack 1 or later. You can download
the latest service pack from the SQL Server .
You have installed Workstation components but you have not installed Integration Services. Running packages
outside Business Intelligence Development Studio requires the installation of Integration Services.
Your package may be attempting to use advanced components for Analysis Services, data mining, or text mining
that are available only in SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition.
User Action
Install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1
If you are using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard and you have installed Workstation components but
you have not installed Integration Services, you can resolve this error by installing Service Pack 1.
Install Integration Services
Although installing Workstation components lets you design packages in BI Development Studio, running
packages outside the development environment requires the installation of Integration Services. Subject to the
terms of your SQL Server licensing agreement, you may be able to run Setup again to add Integration Services to
your installation. SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) is now a server component and is not
redistributable to client computers in the same manner that the components required for SQL Server 2000 Data
Transformation Services (DTS) were redistributable.
Install Enterprise or Developer Edition
If your package is trying to use advanced components for Analysis Services, data mining, or text mining that are
available only in SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, you can resolve this error by installing Enterprise Edition.
Enterprise Edition requires a server operating system. For development, you can install Developer Edition to work
with the advanced components.
Cause and Resolution of Replication Errors
Updated: 12 December 2006
This section of the documentation contains cause and resolution information for a number of errors related to
Error Message
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object '%.*ls' with unique index '%.*ls'.
Violation of %ls constraint '%.*ls'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object '%.*ls'.
Database '%ls' was restored, however an error was encountered while replication was being restored/removed.
The database has been left offline. See the topic MSSQL_ENG003165 in SQL Server Books Online.
Cannot %S_MSG the %S_MSG '%.*ls' because it is being used for replication.
Cannot alter the %S_MSG '%.*ls' because it is being published for replication.
MSSQL_ENG007395. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
Unable to start a nested transaction for OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls". A nested transaction was
required because the XACT_ABORT option was set to OFF.
Could not drop publication. A subscription exists to it.
The server '%s' is not defined as a subscription server.
'%s' is not configured as a Distributor.
'%s' is not configured as a distribution database.
Could not drop the distribution database '%s'. This distributor database is associated with a Publisher.
Could not drop the Distributor '%s'. This Distributor has associated distribution databases.
Cannot drop Subscriber '%s'. There are subscriptions for it in the publication database '%s'.
Replication-%s: agent %s succeeded. %s
Replication-%s: agent %s failed. %s
Replication-%s: agent %s scheduled for retry. %s
The subscription created by Subscriber '%s' to publication '%s' has expired and has been dropped.
The threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s] has been set. One or more subscriptions to this publication have
The threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s] has been set. Make sure that the logreader and distribution agents
are running and can match the latency requirement.
The threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s] has been set. Please make sure that the merge agent is running and
can match the expected requirement.
The threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s] has been set. Please make sure that the merge agent is running and
can match the expected requirement.
The threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s] has been set. Please make sure that the merge agent is running and
can match the expected requirement.
The threshold [%s:%s] for the publication [%s] has been set. Please make sure that the merge agent is running and
can match the expected requirement.
Login failed for user '%.*ls'.%.*ls
Only one Log Reader Agent or log-related procedure (sp_repldone, sp_replcmds, and sp_replshowcmds) can
connect to a database at a time. If you executed a log-related procedure, drop the connection over which the
procedure was executed or execute sp_replflush over that connection before starting the Log Reader Agent or
executing another log-related procedure.
The replication agent has not logged a progress message in %ld minutes. This might indicate an unresponsive
agent or high system activity. Verify that records are being replicated to the destination and that connections to
the Subscriber, Publisher, and Distributor are still active.
Agent shutdown. For more information, see the SQL Server Agent job history for job '%s'.
Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' has been reinitialized after a validation failure.
Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' failed data validation.
Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' passed data validation.
Only '%s' or members of db_owner can drop the anonymous agent.
The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command.
The initial snapshot for publication '%s' is not yet available.
The initial snapshot for article '%s' is not yet available.
Conflict table '%s' does not exist.
Failed to create a sub-directory under the replication working directory.(%ls)
Failed to copy user script file to the Distributor.(%ls)
Snapshot failed to process publication '%s'. Possibly due to active schema change activity or new articles being
MSSQL_ENG021617. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
Unable to run SQL*PLUS. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle client code is installed at the
MSSQL_ENG021620. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
The version of SQL*PLUS that is accessible through the system Path variable is not current enough to support
Oracle publishing. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle client code is installed at the distributor.
MSSQL_ENG021624. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
Unable to locate the registered Oracle OLEDB provider, OraOLEDB.Oracle, at distributor '%s'. Make certain that
a current version of the Oracle OLEDB provider is installed and registered at the distributor. For addition
information, see SQL Server Error 21624 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online.
MSSQL_ENG021626. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
Unable to connect to Oracle database server '%s' using the Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle.
MSSQL_ENG021627. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
Unable to connect to Oracle database server '%s' using the Microsoft OLEDB provider MSDAORA.
MSSQL_ENG021628. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
Unable to update the registry of distributor '%s' to allow Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle to run in
process with SQL Server. Make certain that current login is authorized to modify SQL Server owned registry
MSSQL_ENG021629. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
The CLSID registry key indicating that the Oracle OLEDB Provider for Oracle, OraOLEDB.Oracle, has been
registered is not present at the distributor. Make certain that the Oracle OLEDB provider is installed and
registered at the distributor.
MSSQL_ENG021642. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
Heterogeneous publishers require a linked server. A linked server named '%s' already exists. Please remove linked
server or choose a different publisher name.
MSSQL_ENG021663. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
No valid primary key found for source table [%s].[%s].
MSSQL_ENG021684. See Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers.
'The replication administrative user for Oracle Publisher "%s" has insufficient permissions. Refer to the script
/MSSQL/Install/oracleadmin.sql for the required permissions.
'%s' must be a valid Windows Login in the form: 'MACHINE\Login' or 'DOMAIN\Login'. Please see the
documentation for '%s'.
The '%s' agent job must be added via '%s' before continuing. Please see the documentation for '%s'.
A required privilege is not held by the client.
The process could not execute '%1' on '%2'.
The merge process was unable to change generation history at the '%1'. When troubleshooting, restart the
synchronization with verbose history logging and specify an output file to which to write.
The merge process failed to enumerate changes in articles with parameterized row filters. If this failure continues,
increase the query timeout for this process, reduce the retention period for the publication, and improve indexes
on published tables.
Cause and Resolution of Full-Text Errors
New: 17 July 2006
This section contains cause and resolution information for a selection of errors that are related to full-text
SQL Server failed to communicate with Full-Text Service (msftesql%ls%ls). The system administrator must
make sure that same service account is used for both services and the service account has the permission to auto
start the full-text service.
Full-text operation failed due to full-text catalog %ls is corrupted. Use rebuild rebuild catalog to correct the
New: 17 July 2006
Product Name
SQL Server
Product Version
Product Build Number
Event ID
Event Source
Symbolic Name
Message Text
SQL Server failed to communicate with Full-Text Service (msftesql%ls%ls). The system administrator must
make sure that same service account is used for both services and the service account has the permission to auto
start the full-text service.
This message occurs because SQL Server Configuration Manager was not used to change either the SQL Server
Service Account or the SQL Server Full-Text Search Service Account. This prevents the SQL Server Service
Account from accessing the Full-Text Search Service.
User Action
Use SQL Server Configuration Manager to reapply the changes to the SQL Server Service Account. This enables
permissions to be checked when the Full-Text Search Service starts.
New: 17 July 2006
Product Name
SQL Server
Product Version
Product Build Number
Event ID
Event Source
Symbolic Name
Message Text
Full-text operation failed due to full-text catalog %ls is corrupted. Use rebuild rebuild catalog to correct the
This message occurs when a full-text catalog is corrupted. Full-text catalogs can become corrupted for any of the
following reasons:
A failure occurs while the full-text catalog is being populated. This may cause inconsistencies in the data that is
written to the catalog. Data inconsistencies are especially likely when a failover cluster node fails over to another
node during population.
The hard disk that stores the full-text catalog fails.
A catalog file that belongs to the catalog directory is mistakenly deleted.
The catalog is mistakenly attached to more than one database.
User Action
Run the ALTER FULLTEXT CATALOG Transact-SQL statement, specifying REBUILD.
Alternatively, restore the full-text catalog from a backup.
Notification Services Errors and Events
Microsoft SQL Server Notification Services provides compile-time and run-time error messages:
When you create an instance of Notification Services error messages are displayed in the user interface. These
messages typically inform you of errors in an application definition, the instance configuration, or supporting
files. They also can inform you if a specified operation, such as deleting an instance, is not possible.
When an instance of Notification Services is running, events are written to the Microsoft Windows Application
log. You can view these events with Windows Event Viewer. The events written to the Application log provide
the most help for troubleshooting an instance of Notification Services. For example, if notifications are not being
delivered, events in the Application log can help you determine why.
Even if your notification applications are running as expected, you should check the Application log periodically.
Checking the log on a regular schedule can help avoid significant system problems.
In This Section
Topic Description
Viewing Notification Services Events
Provides instructions for view Notification Services events in the Windows Event Viewer.
Notification Services Event Format
Describes the structure of event messages.
Cause and Resolution of Notification Services Events
Lists the types of Notification Services event messages and their event ID ranges.
Reporting Services Errors and Events
Updated: 17 July 2006
This topic provides information about errors and events for SQL Server Reporting Services. The Reporting
Services log files also contain error information. To learn more about the types of log files that are available and
how to view the logs, see Reporting Services Log Files.
Cause and Resolution for Reporting Services Error Messages
Cause and resolution information is available for the errors most frequently searched for on the Microsoft Web
sites. For more information, see Cause and Resolution of Reporting Services Errors. Additional cause and
resolution information will become available over the next several releases of SQL Server Books Online. To
check whether you have the latest version, see Downloading and Updating Books Online.
Report Server Events
The following report server events are recorded in the Microsoft Windows application log.Event ID
Source Description
Report Server
SQL Server Agent must be running when you define a scheduled operation (for example, report subscription and
Report Server
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
<Source> cannot connect to the report server database. For more information, see Report Server Windows Service
(MSSQLServer) 107 and Troubleshooting Server and Database Connection Problems.
Report Server
Report Manager
<Source> cannot load a delivery, data processing, or rendering extension.
Most likely, this is the result of an incomplete deployment or removal of an extension. For more information, see
Deploying a Data Processing Extension and Deploying a Delivery Extension.
Report Server
Report Manager
A configuration file has been modified. For more information, see Reporting Services Configuration Files.
Report Server
Report Manager
A setting in one of the configuration files has been modified such that it is no longer valid. A default value will be
used instead. For more information, see Reporting Services Configuration Files.
Report Server
Report Manager
<Source> cannot create the trace log. For more information, see Reporting Services Trace Logs.
Report Server
The report server has detected a possible denial of service attack. For more information, see Securing Reporting
Report Server
The report server cannot create a performance counter.
Report Manager
Report Manager cannot connect to the Report Server service.
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
A scheduled task in the SQL Server Agent queue has been modified or deleted.
Report Server
Report Manager
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
An internal error occurred.
Report Server
The report server database is an invalid version. For more information, see Troubleshooting Server and Database
Connection Problems.
Report Server
Report Manager
The trace log is not at the expected directory location; a new trace log will be created in the default directory. For
more information, see Reporting Services Trace Logs.
Report Server
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
<Source> has not been granted access to the contents of the report server database.
Report Server
The symmetric key cannot be decrypted. Most likely, the there has been a change to the account that the service
runs as. For more information, see Managing Encryption Keys.
Report Server
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service failed to start.
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
Scheduling and Delivery Processor cannot connect to the SMTP server that is used for e-mail delivery. For more
information about SMTP server connections, see Configuring a Report Server for E-Mail Delivery.
Report Server
Report Manager
The report server failed to write to the trace log. For more information about trace logs, see Reporting Services
Trace Logs.
Report Server
The Report Server service has been initialized. For more information, see Initializing a Report Server.
Report Server
The key used for encrypting data was successfully extracted. For more information about keys, see Managing
Encryption Keys.
Report Server
The key used for encrypting data was successfully applied. For more information about keys, see Managing
Encryption Keys.
Report Server
Encrypted content was successfully removed from the report server database. For more information about deleting
non-recoverable encrypted data, see Managing Encryption Keys.
Report Server
Reporting Services components from different editions cannot be used together.
Report Server
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
An encrypted configuration file setting in cannot be decrypted.
Report Server
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
<Source> cannot find the configuration file. Configuration files are required by the report server.
Report Server
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
An encrypted user data value could not be decrypted.
Report Server
A failure occurred during encryption of user data. The value cannot be saved.
Report Server
Report Manager
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
A configuration file failed to load. This error may occur if the XML is not valid.
Report Server
The report server failed to encrypt values for a setting in a configuration file.