How to reinitialize the embedded SOLID DB It is always a good idea to stop all NNM processes before recreating a new embedded database, but it is not mandatory. The procedure to reinitialize the DB consists of 4 major steps: - stop the current instance of Solid embedded DB (if still running) - remove the current DB files - create an empty DB - create the tables. An additional step (d) needs to be performed if the ovdw.conf file is lost or corrupt. The ovdwcfggetset utility will recreate this file. It is important to understand that all 3 DWH and SOLID ini files contain the correct information about data source and accessibility of the data source. It is always a good idea to stop all NNM processes before recreating a new embedded database, but it is not mandatory. The procedure to reinitialize the DB consists of 4 major steps: - stop the current instance of Solid embedded DB (if still running) - remove the current DB files - create an empty DB - create the tables. An additional step (d) needs to be performed if the ovdw.conf file is lost or corrupt. The ovdwcfggetset utility will recreate this file. It is important to understand that all 3 DWH and SOLID ini files contain the correct information about data source and accessibility of the data source. Procedure: a) stop the current instance (if NNM processes are still running) ovdbcheck -stop b) remove the current DB files UNIX: cd $OV_DB/analysis/default rm solid.db rm solmsg.* rm ./log/sol*.log NT: cd \Openview\databases\analysis\default del solid.db del solmsg.out del log\sol?????.log # new location for the Solid DB log files del sol?????.log # old location for the Solid DB log files del solerror.out c) create a new DB ovdbrun will create an empty database in the current working directory. Change to: UNIX: cd $OV_DB/analysis/default NT: cd \OpenView\databases\analysis\default ovdbrun -x exit -u ovdb -p ovdb d) additional step to re-create the ovdw.conf file, change to: UNIX: cd $OV_CONF/analysis $OV_BIN/ovdwcfggetset -file ovdw.conf -s : -set "user: ovdb" $OV_BIN/ovdwcfggetset -file ovdw.conf -s : -set "password: ovdb" -encrypt 1 $OV_BIN/ovdwcfggetset -file ovdw.conf -s ": @" -set "dbname: UPipe NNM" $OV_BIN/ovdwcfggetset -file ovdw.conf -s ": @" -set "db: yes" NT: cd \OpenView\conf\analysis \OpenView\bin\ovdwcfggetset.exe "user: ovdb" \OpenView\bin\ovdwcfggetset.exe "password: ovdb" -encrypt 1 \OpenView\bin\ovdwcfggetset.exe set "dbname: ovdbrun" \OpenView\bin\ovdwcfggetset.exe set "db: yes" -file ovdw.conf -s : -set -file ovdw.conf -s : -set -file ovdw.conf -s ": @" -file ovdw.conf -s ": @" - Note: the data source for the UNIX product(s) is "UPipe NNM", for NT "ovdbrun" e) start the instance and create the new table structure you need to change the current working directory to: UNIX: cd $OV_CONF/analysis/sqlScripts NT: cd \Openview\conf\analysis\sqlScripts ovdbcheck -start ovdwquery -file tables_common.solid ovdwquery -file tables_event.solid ovdwquery -file tables_trend.solid ovdwquery -file tables_topo.solid f) shut down the new instance and start it using ovstart ovdbcheck -stop ovstart -v ovdbcheck Note: meaning of the DWH and SOLID config files: SOLID DB config file, used to set some DB solid.ini defaults as well as what type and how many listener are started when the SOLID DB engines tarts up. NNM Data Ware House config file, used by ovdw* utilities to read the name of the data source ovdw.conf and also holds password information. It also tells if the DB needs to be started at access time if it down. UNIX only: System ODBC config file, used by ovdw* system_odbc.i utilities (and others) to know how and where to ni contact the a specific data source. Use the Control Panel, ODBC32 Driver settings to make any changes to the ODBC Driver to NT only: access the Solid instance. The System DSN name ODBC32 and Network Name (ovdbrun by default) has to Settings match the name configured in the ovdw.ini and solid.ini files. Note: This procedure will not restore a lost solid.lic file (Solid DB license file). If the user did a backup using ovbackup.ovpl, then you can copy the solid.lic file from the backup directory, else you have to copy it from the CDRom. Backup directories for Solid internal backup is: UNIX: $OV_DB/analysis/default/backup NT: \OpenView\databases\default\backup