Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) Section 1: Practice Considerations Name: Date completed: Registration #: For three-year period: Profession: Date(s) updated: Practice Description: Indicate the percentage of time you spend in: Clinical % Administrative % Research % Education of students in the profession % Other (specify) % Client Demographics: Describe your clients, considering that “clients” may be agencies, educators, other health professionals, students of the profession, etc. as well as individuals with communication and hearing disorders and their families. Special Contributions and Achievements: Recent Changes to Scope of Practice: Has your scope of practice changed or developed within the past year - has it become more or less specialized, have you returned to practice after an absence, or have you had a change in your professional role? ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 1 of 21 Anticipated Changes to Scope of Practice: How might your practice change over the next three years? Other: Describe any other aspects of your practice that will impact your self-assessment, as applicable. Consider constraints to service delivery, such as recruitment, funding, accessibility, remote location, waitlists, etc. Instructions for Section 2: Competence Self-Assessment (starts on page 3) This is your tool to assist you in developing your continuing competence goal(s). Please be as honest and objective as possible, as it will assist you in creating goals and ultimately benefit clients. Please note the definition of “client” - “clients” may be agencies, educators, other health professionals, students of the profession, etc. as well as individuals with communication and hearing disorders and their families. Tick the box (N/A, Partial, Yes) that best describes your compliance with the competence indicator. The indicators should be interpreted as broadly as possible to fit your definition of client as well as the role and setting in which you currently practice and plan to practice. After indicating your compliance with the competence indicator, rate your competence level (Entry Level / Emerging, Proficient, Advanced) for the aspect of the essential competency and indicate whether or not this is an aspect of competence you wish to set goals for during the next three years. See the Guidelines for Completing CCP Forms for the description of the rating scales. The information from the SAT will then be used to develop goal(s) on the Continuing Competence Goal Tool (CCGT). ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 2 of 21 Section 2: Competence Self-Assessment Competency 1: Practice Knowledge For audiologists (from the practice statement in Schedule 28 of the Health Professions Act (HPA)): Demonstrates knowledge, skills, and abilities to: assess auditory and vestibular function and diagnose, rehabilitate, prevent and provide appropriate devices and treatment for auditory and vestibular dysfunction, in applicable practice setting; teach, manage and conduct research in the science and practice of audiology, in applicable practice setting; and provide restricted activities authorized by the regulations in applicable practice setting. For speech-language pathologists (from the practice statement in Schedule 28 of the Health Professions Act (HPA)): Demonstrates knowledge, skills, and abilities to: assess, diagnose, rehabilitate and prevent communication and oral motor and pharyngeal dysfunctions and disorders; teach, manage, and conduct research in the science and practice of speechlanguage pathology; and provide restricted activities authorized by the regulations in applicable practice setting. Practice Knowledge 1.1 N/A Partial Yes Within area(s) of practice (clinical, administrative, research or education of students in the profession) demonstrates an integration of speech-language pathology/audiology skills with current theory and relevant supporting scientific knowledge. Specifically, demonstrates knowledge in the applicable clinical area(s) of practice as outlined in the adopted standards of practice reference: Assessing and Certifying Clinical Competence: Foundations of Clinical Practice for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (2004) ( A. For Audiologists: a. b. Basic Requirements (anatomy, physiology, genetics, counseling, medical interventions, research methods, etc.) Prevention, Evaluation, and Diagnosis c. d. Client Management Neonatal and Infant Population e. f. Preschool and School Populations Profoundly Hearing Impaired Populations ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 3 of 21 Practice Knowledge 1.1 N/A Partial Yes A. For Audiologists (continued): g. h. The Aging Adult Population Occupational Hearing Loss i. Professional Practices and Issues j. Other (specify): Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): B. For Speech-Language Pathologists: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Basic Requirements (anatomy, physiology, genetics, counseling, medical interventions, research methods, etc.) Principles of Clinical Practice and Professional Practice Issues Developmental Articulation / Phonological Disorders Neurologically Based Speech Disorders Developmental Language Disorders Acquired Language Disorders Voice Disorders Resonance Disorders i. j. k. Fluency Disorders Augmentative and Alternative Communication Hearing Disorders and Related Speech-Language Disorders l. Dysphagia m. Other (specify): Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Disregarding all N/As, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 4 of 21 Practice Knowledge 1.2 N/A Partial Yes Performs restricted activities, as authorized in the Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Profession Regulation ( in a competent manner if the restricted activity is appropriate to area of practice. A. For Audiologists: a. Insert or remove instruments or devices beyond the cartilaginous portion of the ear canal b. Insert into the ear canal: i) liquid, air or gas under pressure, or ii) a substance that subsequently solidifies Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): B. For Speech-Language Pathologists: a. Insert into the ear canal air under pressure b. Insert or remove instruments or devices beyond the point in the nasal passages where they normally narrow c. Insert or remove instruments, devices or fingers beyond the pharynx d. Insert or remove instruments or devices into an artificial opening into the body e. Administer oral diagnostic imaging contrast agents Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced N/A I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 5 of 21 Practice Knowledge 1.3 N/A Partial Yes Assessment skills a. Integrates knowledge of research findings into client assessment b. Knows and applies rationale for use of assessment procedures c. Communicates assessment procedures and rationale d. Integrates findings and observations to make appropriate recommendations e. Demonstrates independent assessment planning f. Uses assessment tools effectively Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 6 of 21 Practice Knowledge 1.4 N/A Partial Yes Clinical management skills (includes consultation and intervention/therapy/treatment) a. Integrates research findings with client management b. Plans effective goals and objectives for client intervention – uses information from observation and assessment, assigns priorities c. Knows and applies rationale for treatment procedures d. Sequences and adjusts steps in progress toward a goal e. Describes, measures and documents client change f. Evaluates progress and develops recommendations based on client change Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 7 of 21 Practice Knowledge 1.5 N/A Partial Yes Analyzes Data and Service Delivery a. Gathers, analyzes, critically applies and interprets information to generate options for service delivery b. Identifies and determines the nature of a problem using relevant knowledge base c. Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of data collection procedures d. Selects and applies appropriate data collection procedures e. Accurately records data f. Analyzes and interprets data objectively g. Supports decision with evidence based practice rationale Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 8 of 21 Practice Knowledge 1.6 N/A Partial Yes Clinical Records a. Maintains confidentiality and security in all oral and written communication b. Applies record-keeping systems to clinical records c. Documents appropriate d. Organizes records to facilitate information retrieval e. Establishes and follows policies and procedures to protect clinical record confidentiality f. Includes appropriate information in verbal and written reports g. Presents information in logical, concise and sequential manner h. Uses appropriate professional terminology and style i. Adapts verbal and written reports to work environment and communication situation j. Edits reports as appropriate relevant to clinical interactions, as Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 9 of 21 Practice Knowledge 1.7 N/A Partial Yes Research Skills in the Clinical Process a. Reads, interprets and applies clinical research b. Demonstrates ability to formulate clinical research questions c. Demonstrates ability to conduct clinical research d. Demonstrates ability to support or refute clinical research findings e. Reports results of clinical research and disseminates, as appropriate to practice f. Shares knowledge of current research findings, evaluation and management procedures Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 10 of 21 Competency 2: Professional Practice Management Manages role and implements speech-language pathology or audiology services within the diverse contexts of practice. Professional Practice Management 2.1 N/A Partial Yes Uses available and appropriate resources to support safe, effective and efficient client services. a. Promotes client safety b. Delivers professional services in a safe physical environment c. Demonstrates due precautions in relation to hazards in environment d. Verifies that equipment is in safe working order and contributes to maintaining safety of equipment Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 11 of 21 Professional Practice Management 2.2 N/A Partial Yes Supervises support personnel involved in the delivery of audiology and/or speechlanguage pathology services, including audiometric technicians, speech-language pathologist assistants, volunteers and others. Audiologists’ reference: Audiologists’ Guidelines for Working with Support Personnel from rsonnel_Final_(ECopy).pdf. SLPs’ reference: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Guidelines for Working with Support Personnel from sonnel_Final_(ECopy).pdf a. Assesses performance of support personnel involved in the delivery of services b. Assigns and monitors tasks appropriately c. Accepts responsibility for delegated decision-making situations d. Documents supervisory interactions with support personnel Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced N/A I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 12 of 21 Professional Practice Management 2.3 N/A Partial Yes Supervises students involved in the delivery of audiology – hearing related and/or speech-language pathology services. a. Assesses performance of students involved in the delivery of services b. Assigns tasks appropriate to the student acting within the profession appropriate guidelines c. Accepts responsibility for delegated decision-making situations d. Documents supervisory interactions with students Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced N/A I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 13 of 21 Competency 3: Professional Accountability and Responsibility Assumes professional responsibility and demonstrates safe, ethical, culturally sensitive and autonomous professional practice. Note: N/A is not a rating option for Competency 3: Responsibility Professional Accountability and Professional Accountability and Responsibility 3.1 Partial Yes Conducts self within legal and ethical requirements relevant to the profession and practice setting. a. Demonstrates knowledge of and complies with the Health Professions Act – general web link: Specific web link: b. i) Mandatory registration ii) Registration requirements iii) Protected titles iv) Restricted activities v) Competence program vi) Professional practice vii) Discipline Demonstrates knowledge of and complies with the Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Profession Regulation - general web link: Specific web link: c. i) Uses regulated titles appropriately ii) Practices only with a valid practice permit iii) Performs and supervises restricted activities as specified iv) Participates in Continuing Competence Program Demonstrates knowledge of and complies with any other applicable legislation that may impact on practice (e.g. privacy legislation) d. Demonstrates knowledge of rights and appeal procedures specific to the work setting Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 14 of 21 Professional Accountability and Responsibility 3.2 Partial Yes Provides ethical professional services. a. Demonstrates knowledge of and complies with the Code of Ethics (see cs_-_April_2009.pdf) and professional obligations b. Questions policies and procedures that are inconsistent with client outcomes, best practice and safety standards c. Demonstrates a realistic sense of own professional limitations d. Demonstrates professional integrity and a commitment to the well-being of all clients e. Understands the obligation of protection of the public and acts accordingly f. Maintains appropriate boundaries in therapeutic and working relationships g. Charges applicable fees which are documented for the client, appropriate and justifiable for the services performed and product provided (as applicable to practice) Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 15 of 21 Professional Accountability and Responsibility 3.3 Partial Yes Respects the individuality and autonomy of the client. a. Demonstrates sensitivity to and respect for each client b. Ensures each client is treated respectfully c. Uses a client-centred approach d. Demonstrates sensitivity to other cultures and religions; values diversity e. Demonstrates awareness of own cultural values and biases and their impact on practice Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 16 of 21 Professional Accountability and Responsibility 3.4 Partial Yes Delivers professional services incorporating education, research and ACSLPA preferred practice guidelines. a. Provides services that reflect effective use of resources b. Plans and delivers services using an approach based on experience, best available evidence and resources Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: Professional Accountability and Responsibility 3.5 Partial Yes Provides services within the scope of professional practice for speech-language pathology or audiology and within the parameters of personal competence a. Demonstrates knowledge of and complies with the standards of practice - - see 1.1 for detailed breakdown b. Maintains autonomy in practice that supports professional decision making c. Accepts responsibility at all times for actions and decisions Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 17 of 21 Professional Accountability and Responsibility 3.6 Partial Yes Engages in professional development and lifelong learning activities. a. Engages in professional activities that enhance and support evidence based knowledge in the profession b. Plans effective goals and objectives for clinical and professional growth – uses self-evaluation, assigns priorities Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 18 of 21 Competency 4: Communication and Collaboration Communicates with clients and professionals in other disciplines to collaborate and coordinate services. Note: N/A is not a rating option for Competency 3: Responsibility Professional Accountability and Communication and Collaboration 4.1 Partial Yes Establishes and maintains effective communication with clients and caregivers. a. Establishes rapport and trust in client relationships b. Facilitates decision making by clients c. Informs clients of benefits, limits and potential risks of intervention d. Uses appropriate verbal, nonverbal and written communication e. Matches communication style and content to the needs of the client f. Communicates with clients and relevant others about services, including completion and follow-up g. Manages conflict in a professional manner Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 19 of 21 Communication and Collaboration 4.2 Partial Yes Establishes and maintains effective communication with professional colleagues. a. Establishes rapport and trust in interprofessional relationships b. Collaborates to provide interprofessional client service, as needed, to achieve client goals and outcomes c. Communicates with professional colleagues regarding planning, implementing and evaluating care d. Uses appropriate verbal, nonverbal and written communication e. Manages conflict in a professional manner f. Consults with and shares information with other professionals in a timely manner to ensure comprehensive service delivery Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 20 of 21 Competency 5: Professional Judgment and Reasoning Applies principles of critical thinking while solving problems and making decisions. Professional Judgment and Reasoning 5.1 Partial Yes Engages in reflective and evaluative approach to practice. a. Uses a comprehensive problem solving approach to decision making b. Recognizes own background, education, experience, perceptions, values and beliefs and their effect on decision making c. Recognizes patterns of occurrence based on previous learning, experience and professional knowledge and uses this information in action d. Demonstrates self awareness and self-evaluation skills to reflect on actions and decisions e. Analyzes, evaluates and modifies own behaviour f. Meets and respects deadlines g. Sets priorities Example or aspect specific to my practice (optional): Overall, I rate myself on this aspect of competency as: Entry Level / Emerging Proficient Advanced I consider this an aspect of competency that I want to set goal(s) for during the next three years: Yes No Comments: ACSLPA CCP Self-Assessment Tool (June 2007) Page 21 of 21