Overview UNGC principles and implications for Holcim Principle GRI indicator Commitment Systems Action Performance Principle 1: HR1, HR2, HR3, HR4 Our CSR policy expresses support for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and we commit to adhere to ILO standards. http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/1610644624/channel_id/8801/module/gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed HR2, HR3 Our CSR policy expresses support for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and we commit to adhere to ILO standards. http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/46248/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed HR5, LA3, LA4 Our CSR policy states: “We respect workers' right, ensure wages that meet local industry good practices and strive to provide best possible working and development conditions.” http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/46254/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed Businesses are asked to support and respect the protection of international human rights within their sphere of influence; Principle 2: Make sure their own corporations are not complicit in human rights abuses; Principle 3: Businesses are asked to uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/46253/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html 1/4 12.02.2016/KOS/edd Overview UNGC principles and implications for Holcim Principle GRI indicator Commitment Systems Action Performance Principle 4: HR7 Our CSR policy states: “We respect workers' right, ensure wages that meet local industry good practices and strive to provide best possible working and development conditions.” http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/46254/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed HR6 Our CSR policy states: "We refuse to employ children at an age where education is still compulsory." http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/1610644624/channel_id/8801/module/gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed HR4, LA10, LA11 Our CSR policy states: "We value diversity and promote equal opportunities in recruitment, employment, development and retention". http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/46254/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor; Principle 5: The effective abolition of child labor; Principle 6: The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation; 2/4 12.02.2016/KOS/edd Overview UNGC principles and implications for Holcim Principle GRI indicator Commitment Systems Action Performance Principle 7: 3.13 The Holcim commitment is captured in our corporate Environmental Policy Statement, our requirement for Group company ISO14,001 certification and our specificallyfocused AFR Policy. http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/1610644621/channel_id/8801/module/gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed EN1, EN2, EN3, EN4, EN5, EN6, EN7, EN8, EN9, EN10, EN11, EN12, EN13, EN14, EN15, EN16, 1.1 Our EPS covers four main pillars of activity to meet this commitment – management systems, resources utilization, environmental impacts and stakeholder relations. http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/oid/47529/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed EN17 Our EPS explicitly commits Holcim to this principle. Refer web pages detailed at Principle 8 Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed Businesses are asked to support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; Principle 8: Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; Principle 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies; http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/oid/46300/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/51585/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/46243/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/46240/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/36007/channel_id/8801/module/gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html 3/4 12.02.2016/KOS/edd Overview UNGC principles and implications for Holcim Principle GRI indicator Commitment Systems Action Performance Principle 10: SO2 In October 2004, we published our Group code of conduct which makes this commitment explicit. http://www.holcim.com/CORP/EN/b/null/oid/51531/module/ gnm50/jsp/templates/editorial/editorial.html Refer web pages detailed Refer web pages detailed Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery; 4/4 12.02.2016/KOS/edd