السيرة الذاتية

Saudi Arabia
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Mineral Resources
& Rocks
Saudi Arabia
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Faculty of Earth
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University of Western Australia
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Assistance Professor
Academic Title
Mineral Resources & Rocks
Major field
Mineral Resources
Highest Degree
Current Research Interests (English)
Ore Mineralogy – Fluid Inclusions – Stable Isotope – Gold deposits in different geological settings
The Ph.D & MS thesis titles &
Ph.D. Thesis Title: Origin of the Stockwork Gold Mineralization at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Harbi H.M., 1993. District- and deposit-scale variations in alteration assemblages and
oxidation state in stockwork gold mineralization within the Kalgoorlie goldfield,
(Abstract). Kalgoorlie ’93; International Conference on Crustal Evolution, Metallogeny
and Exploration of the Eastern Goldfields. Excursion 5, pp 69-70.
Harbi H.M., 2004. Genesis of gold mineralization at Zalm area, Central Saudi Arabia;
K.S.A. 6th Intern. Conf. on Geochemistry, Alex. Univ. Egypt, P. 143-160.
Al Jahdli N., Harbi H.M., and Eldougdoug A.A., 2003. Gold-bearing listvenite in Jabal
Al Ghadararah area, Central Arabian Shield. The 8th Arab Conference on Mineral
Resources V1, 26-42.
Hassanen M.A. Moghazi A,M., Harbi, H.M., and Qhadi T. (In press) Geochemical
characterization and origin of the late Neoproterozoic Post-Collision A-type granite of
Jablal Yalah, Southwest Arabian Shield. K.S.A. Jou. Geol. Soc. Egypt.
Harbi H.M., 2006. Stratabound tourmalinites from Jabal Zalm, Central Saudi Arabia; An
example of post-kinematic tourmalinization of ophiolitic metapyroxenites. Jou. of Egy.
Min. (accepted).
Harbi H.M. Eldougdoug A.A., and Al Jahdli N.S., 2007. Geology and Geochemistry of
Jabal Ghadarah ophiolitic mélange, Zalim Quadrangle, Central Saudi Arabia Fac. Earth
Sci. King Abdulaziz Univ., Jeddah. Bul., vol. 17.
Khater G.A., Idris, M.H., and Harbi, H.M., 2005. Glass-ceramics from weathered
granitic rocks. In Indust. Cera., 25, P. 178-193.
Harbi H.M., Eldougdoug A.A., and Hassanen M.A., 2007. Ophiolitic Melange and
Associated Listvenite, Jabal Zalm Area, Central S.A. Submitted for the 7th meeting of
the Saudi Society for Geosciences, 12-14 May 2007 King Saud University, Riyadh.
Eldougdoug A.A., Harbi H.M., and Hassanen M.A., 2007. A New Occurrence of
Nelsonite Associated with Massif Anorthosites, NW Saudi Arabia, Arabo-Nubian
Shield, Submitted for the 7th meeting of the Saudi Society for Geosciences, 12-14 May
2007 King Saud University, Riyadh.
Madani A., Harbi H.M., and Eldougdoug A.A., 2007. Utilization of remote sensing
technique for mapping the listvenite associated with Jabal Al-Wask ophiolite complex,
Northwestern Saudi Arabia. Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing & Space, Vol. XI.
Submitted for the 7th meeting of the Saudi Society for Geosciences, 12-14 May 2007
King Saud University, Riyadh.
Harbi H.M. 2008. Geology and Lithostratigraphy of the ultramafic-mafic rocks and
associated mineralization, Wadi Khamal area, West-Central Arabian Shield. Fac. Earth
Sci. King Abdulaziz Univ., Jeddah. Bul., vol. 19.
Al-Garni M.A., Harbi H.M., Eldougdoug A.A. Hassanein H.I. and El-Kaliouby H.M.,
2008. Reconnaissance Geophysical and Geological Studies on Bahrah Prospect,
Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region, KSA. Fac. Earth Sci. King Abdulaziz Univ., Jeddah.
Bul., vol. 19.
Seminars & Conferences & Workshops
1- International Conference In Crustal Evolution, Metallogeny ands Exploration of the
Eastern Goldfields, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, September, 1993., Abstract presented.
2- International Conference In Applied mineralogy (ICAM 93); Freemantle Western
Australia; May 31st - June 2ed.
3- The 12th Australian Geological Convention, Geological Society of Australia, Perth, 26-30
September 1994.
4- Deposit-|Modeling Workshop, USGS-Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 12-19 November 1999.
5- Industrial Minerals and Rocks Workshop, SGS, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 5-6 February 2002.
6- Training program " Trace Element and Isotope Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma
Mass Spectrometry" Atomic Energy Authority, Central Laboratory for Elemental and
Isotopic Analysis; Cairo' Egypt, 5-16/4/2003.
7- The 16th Goldschmidt Conference (Melbourne, Australia,2006), 27 Aug-1 Sep,
Melbourne Australia.
8- Workshop: Geochemical Fingerprinting of Lithosphere and Deep Earth Processes. 16th
Goldschmidt 2006- Pre-Meeting Workshop At GEMOC 23rd and 24th August. Macquarie
University, Australia.
9- The 9th Arabic Conference on Mineral Resources (Jeddah, KSA,2006), 5-7 March.
Seminar presented (Evolution of the Arabian Shield and Associated Mineralizations with
Emphasis on Gold Mineralization).
10- The 7th meeting of the Saudi Society for Geosciences, 12-14 May 2007 King Saud
University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
11- The 9th Biennial SGA Meeting, Dublin 2007.
Research Projects Participation
Principal Investigator: Geochemical and Metallogenic Aspects of Some Gold Occurrences
within the Afif Terrane. Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia. Funded by King Abdulaziz
University, Institute of Research and Consultation.Final. Report submitted, 2001.
Co Investigator: The Metallogenic and Economic Aspects of Rare Metal Mineralization in
Granitoid Rocks, Western Part of the Arabian Shield. Funded by King Abulaziz City of
Science and Technology, 2003.
Principal Investigator: Economic Potentiality and Petrogenetic Evolution of the MaficUltramafic Rocks in the Wadi Khamal Area, Northwestern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia.
Funded by King Abdulaziz University, Institute of Research and Consultation. Final Report
submitted 2006.
Co Investigator: Fate and Transport of Heavy metals and Radioelements in Groundwater
Aquifers of Al Qunfudah and Wadi Hali quadrangle, southwest of Saudi Arabia. Funded by
King Abulaziz City of Science and Technology, 2007.
Co Investigator: Reconnaissance Geophysical and Geological Studies on Baharah Prospect,
Makkah Al-Mokarramah Region, KSA.2007, Funded by King Abdulaziz University,
Institute of Research and Consultation.
Principal Investigator: Listvenite rocks along ophiolitic belts in the Arabian Shield as a future potential
source of gold in Saudi Arabia: with special emphasis on the applications of remote sensing and GIS. Project
commenced March 2008. Funded by King Abulaziz City of Science and Technology.
Any additional information to be added