PO Box 7946, Greensboro, NC 27417 613-798-3746
Dog's Name:
Microchip #:
Rabies Tag #:
Email (s):
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone 1:
Cell Phone 2:
Drivers’ License – State & Number: NA
The animal named above is and shall remain for its entire life the property of Road Warrior Australian
Cattle Dog Rescue. If the adopter cannot maintain a home for their adopted dog, Road Warrior
Australian Cattle Dog Rescue will rehome and depending on the circumstances, may require the
adopter to cover all costs associated with the rehome. Should their be behavioural or training, or
integration issues it is the responsibility of and expected that the adopter seek a professional trainer
to resolve the issue. The adopter(s) agree(s) to provide a lifetime home for said animal that at a
minimum, provides adequate, wholesome food, adequate fresh potable water, adequate shelter from
the elements and inclement weather, including but not limited to, excessive heat, humidity or cold,
adequate safe exercise, adequate veterinary and other health care (including but not limited to, all
applicable inoculations or other preventive medications such as rabies vaccinations, heartworm
preventative and the like), and most important, an adequate and consistent safety, demonstration of
love, affection and attention._____
If kept outside for any period, the animal will neither be allowed to run free beyond the property limits
of the adopter(s) nor be tethered or otherwise restrained except by effective fencing (actual fencing or
a fenced enclosure of adequate size and height to contain the animal and allow it sufficient freedom
of movement commensurate with the length of time the animal is expected to stay therein).
“Adequate” in every case shall be determined by Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue in its
sole discretion. To ensure strict compliance with all terms of this agreement in all respects by
adopter(s), adopter(s) also grant herewith that Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue at any
time has license and right of entry for duly authorized and identified representatives of Road Warrior
Australian Cattle Dog Rescue for inspection and removal of the animal if warranted in the sole
discretion of Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue. _____
If the adopter(s) consider themselves unable to comply with any provision of this Agreement, the
animal MUST be returned to Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue. Under no circumstances
may this animal be sold, traded, or given away to another person, rescue group, humane society,
animal control facility, or other 3rd party, nor may the adopter(s) abandon the animal. Any violation of
these provisions is a breach of this agreement and shall entitle Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog
Rescue to use self-help or any other equitable or legal means to retrieve the animal. ______
If this animal is returned to Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue, or Road Warrior Australian
Cattle Dog Rescue otherwise regains custody of the animal, the adoption fee may or may not be
refunded; each case is handled on an individual basis. _____
Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue retains the right to conduct a home inspection at any time
if one is deemed necessary by Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue in its sole discretion after
the adoption. Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue may remove the above-named animal
from the adopter(s) if the adoptive home is found by Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue in its
sole discretion to be injurious to the health, safety or welfare of said animal. _____
Adopting a rescue dog is a serious responsibility. There are some risks involved as well. Our policy is
ensure each person willing to adopt a dog not only be aware of the responsibility, but also be willing
to accept this responsibility physically and financially. We make every attempt to ensure every
adopted is healthy and safe. Each adoptive home understands that Road Warrior Australian Cattle
Dog Rescue is not liable for any damage / injury and is held harmless for any such liability related to
the dog's behaviour or any healthcare issues encountered once adopted. _____
In the event that the adoptive dog is not altered (spayed or neutered) for any reason including health
circumstances, age or circumstances, the adopter will agree to alter the dog within one month of
adopting or one month after 6 months of age of a puppy, whichever is applicable. Road Warrior
Australian Cattle Dog Rescue will either assign the dog to a nearby low-cost/discount veterinarian
within 60 miles or will reimburse up to $100 of the procedure cost by any board-certified veterinarian
desired by the adopter. Any medical reason to NOT alter the dog or to delay the altering beyond the
above must be provided n writing by a board-certified veterinarian. _____
Should any dispute arise involving the provisions of this agreement and adopter(s)’ obligations
hereunder, the laws of the State of North Carolina will apply. ______
By my initials after each paragraph above and my signature below I represent and warrant that I have
read and understand the provisions of this agreement, that I will in all respects comply with the
obligations placed on me by this agreement. _____
Adopter Signature:
Adoption Fee, Less Deposit, if any:
Payment Methods:
Adoption Facilitator (Print & Sign) Name:
Please make checks payable to Road Warrior Australian Cattle Dog Rescue