APPLICATION PROCEDURE TO CHAIR / ORGANIZE AN EHA-ESH TYPE II HEMATOLOGY TUTORIAL INTRODUCTION Clinicians and scientists who are interested in organizing a Type II Hematology Tutorials are welcome to apply and develop the scientific program in close collaboration with the Tutorial Unit. This document contains information about the Tutorial format, the application procedure and the responsibilities of the organizers. TUTORIAL FORMAT Type II Hematology Tutorials are interactive courses designed for a maximum of 150 participants aiming to provide laboratory and clinical hematologists with an integrated diagnostic and clinical work-up of hematological disorders. The scientific program takes the participants through the diagnostic and clinical pathway of malignant diseases. Tutorials consist of three types of sessions: 1. Plenary lectures (approx 45 minutes is allocated for a lecture ) 2. Interactively conducted clinical case study sessions presented as PowerPoint Slides. (approx. 30 minutes for presenting and discussing one clinical case) 3. Interactively conducted self-assessment test-cases based on clinical cases using PowerPoint Slides and Voting Box System allowing participants to individually register their responses to multiple choice questions and to see how their responses compare with those of the other participants. (approx. 15 minutes for presenting and discussing one self-assessment case) Type II Hematology Tutorials are part of EHA’s Outreach program. They use lectures and the clinical cases and self-assessment test-cases presented for the first time at Type I Hematology Tutorials available on EHATol on-line platform ( The Chair of EHA’s Tutorial Unit is responsible for selecting the cases and self-assessment case studies from the database according to the topics selected by the Chair(s). Type II Hematology Tutorials are chaired by (and the Faculty is composed of) local speakers with the support of at least one member of the EHATol Unit. The official language of Type II Hematology Tutorials is English. The courses last 2 to 2.5 days. For each day, 2 to 3 session topics should be planned. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications are examined by the EHATol Unit. If you would like your application to be considered, please prepare and send the following documents by email to EHA attn. Victoria Chuvakova at 1. Your name and full contact information of your organization 2. Suggested list of 2-3 co-chairs 3. Preliminary dates for the tutorial (chairs should undertake to ensure that other major meetings covering similar topics do not coincide with the meeting they would like to organize). 4. The proposed Main topic of the Tutorial 5. A description of the proposed Tutorial’s objectives, the targeted audience, and an overview of what the participants stand to learn 6. Preliminary program: Please refer to the enclosed list of Session topics to be selected for a Type II Hematology Tutorial. The list of main topics includes the following subjects: Myeloid malignancies, Lymphoid malignancies, Anemia and Myelodysplasia For a two-day Tutorial, you will have to select 6 session topics from the list and the Faculty will include 6 participants For a two-and a half day Tutorial, you will have to select 7-8 session topics from the list and the Faculty will include 8 participants 7. Suggested Faculty The faculty list should include chairs, co-chairs and local invited speakers who have tentatively accepted to participate to the Type II Tutorial. At least one speaker should be a member of EHATol Unit. Faculty members should be informed that a teaching manual will be distributed to the participants. Faculty members are expected to contribute a 2-3-page summary of their lecture accompanied by a list of references to guide further reading. All faculty members are required to complete an on-line disclosure form at to report any potential conflict of interest. A fully developed list of potential providers of unrestricted educational grants who may be interested in funding the tutorial. This list should include the name and position of the contact person, and complete contact information. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LOCAL ORGANIZERS: Hematology Tutorials Type II are part of EHA’s Outreach program. This means that the event is aimed at the participants from your country and the countries nearby. Please note that it is the responsibility of the local organizers to perform an extensive local promotion to ensure sufficient participation of local delegates for the tutorial. The minimum number of attendees is 80 participants. The Sponsorship Policy is outlined in the Sponsor Prospectus that will be provided to the local organizers, once the application for the tutorial is accepted. The local organizers will be informed about the budget of the event including breakdown. The local organizers guarantee a financial contribution of 50% of the total budget of the event from sponsoring or other funds. The local organizers are requested to recommend an appropriate venue, which can accommodate up to 150 people. The registration fee for the tutorial is 280 Euros. Individual participants (as well as groups) are requested to register and pay the registration fee online. The registration link will be available on the EHA website. EHA-ESH has the right to cancel the event in case of insufficient participation and/or lack of funding. A decision to cancel the event can be taken 6-4 weeks before the date of the meeting and depends on the cancellation policy of the booked venue. RESPONSIBILITIES OF EHA-ESH EHA will handle all logistical aspects of the tutorial organization, promotion, official invitations to the speakers, registration of the participants, the educational materials of the tutorial and the Voting Box System (including all financial aspects of organization). EHA will financially contribute to the Tutorial. Based on the budget the EHA Board will decide on the level of financial support. Pre-condition is that EHA should have funds available for this. The tutorial will be considered officially confirmed after an agreement between EHA and the local organizers, stating the full list of responsibilities, is signed. CONTACT: Victoria Chuvakova European Hematology Association Koninginnegracht 12b 2514 AA The Hague, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)70 3020 099 Fax: +31 (0)70 3923 663 Email: Http:// ANNEX: LIST OF SESSION TOPICS FOR HEMATOLOGY TUTORIALS TYPE II AND III Before preparing your program, please choose the main topic among Anemia, Myeloid Malignacies, Lymphoid Malignancies. For the following list of topics, two clinical cases and two test cases are available. ANEMIA 1. Normal and reactive bone marrow morphology 2. Normal bone marrow flow- cytometry 3. Red blood cell morphology 4. Genetics and anemia 5. Anemia management 6. Thalassemias: successes and challenges 7. Thalassemia Intermedia 8. Sickle cell disease: current understanding and management 9. Blood transfusions in Sickle cell disease MYELOID MALIGNANCIES MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES 1. Dysplastic blood cell morphology 2. Dysplasia and non clonal diseases 3. Myelodysplastic syndromes 4. Diagnostic criteria in MDS : classification and morphology 5. Differential diagnosis : Hypoplasic MDS/AML, EPN, Marrow aplasia 6. Flow cytometry in MDS 7. Cytogenetics in MDS 8. Prognostic factors in MDS 9. Treatment in MDS MYELOPROLIPHERATIVE NEOPLASMS 1. WHO classifications of myeloid malignancies 2. Morphology in MPN and in MDS/MPN 3. Flow-cytometry in MPN 4. Genetics and molecular genetics in MPN 5. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia 6. Clinics/therapeutics in CML 7. Clinics/therapeutics in other MPN ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIAS 1. WHO classification and morphology in AML 2. Genetics and molecular genetics in AML 3. Clinics/therapeutics in AML 4. Acute promyelocytic leukemia 5. Leukemias with recurrent cytogenetic translocation 6. AML not otherwise catagorised 7. AML with multilineage dysplasia 8. Eosinophilic leukaemias 9. Systemic mastocytosis 10. Undifferentiated and biphenotypic leukemias 11. Therapy-related leukemias LYMPHOID MALIGNANCIES LYMPHOPROLIPHERATIVE DISORDERS 1. WHO classification of lymphoid malignancies 2. Morphology in LPDs 3. Flow-cytometry in LPDs 4. Genetics and molecular genetics in B-LPDs 5. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia 6. Follicular Lymphoma 7. Villous lymphocytes lymphomas 8. Leukemic phase of B-lineage NHL 9. Viruses and lymphoma 10. Gastrointestinal Lymphomas 11. T-cell and natural killer (NK) cell neoplasms 12. Multiple myeloma 13. Hodgkin’s disease ACUTE LYMPHOID LEUKEMIAS 1. WHO classification and morphology in ALL 2. Genetics and molecular genetics in ALL 3. Flow-cytometry in ALL 4. Clinics/therapeutics in ALL 5. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 6. Leukemias in children and adolescents