McBride Family Explanations, Stories and Histories - porter

McBride Family: Explanations, Stories and Histories from 1620 AD
From the book “AGAINST GREAT ODDS—The Story of the McBride Family.”
By Bruce L. McBride and Darvil B. McBride, 1988,
Both authors are deceased
(No books are available at present)
Page I
The McBride Coat of Arms
In ancient times the fighting man wore a suit of metal armor, which covered his body from head to toe. Thus
it became impossible t recognize the individual. As a means of identification to tell friend from foe, each
knight painted a distinguishing pattern on his shield. In tine, they began the practice of weaving these
colorful patterns into fabric vestments (coats) which were worn over the armor, an even more effective
means of identification; hence the name, Coats of Arms. Eventually each clan adopted its own patterns and
emblems and wore the coats with a special pride. They were recorded, or registered, so that no two clans
would have identical coats of arms.
The McBride Coat of Arms, as shown here, drawn by an heraldic artist that gathered his information
from ancient archives, is described basically as three chevrons between three scallops (shells). No
description of the stripes, side decorations, or the scroll at the bottom is given. Sitting atop the shield and
helmet is the crest, a chapeau (plumed military hat), wherein a salamander is enveloped in flames.
The salamander in the flames is interesting in that it verifies ancient belief that this lizard-like
amphibian was supposed to be able to live in the midst of fire. Its significance to the coat of arms is lost in
antiquity, though this unique emblem, no doubt held some deep significance to the clan.
Though none is shown here, most coat of arms scrolls contain a motto of some sort. These family
mottos, are believed too have originated as battle cries in medieval time. Oh, that we knew that battle cry!
Perhaps it would bear out the thought implied by the title of the book, Against Great Odds.
Page II The McBride Coat of Arms (coming depiction)
Page III
In the preparation of the book, AGAINST GREAT ODDS—The Story of The McBride Family,
The authors have relied heavily upon others. Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins have gathered the
facts. We are especially indebted to three individuals: Laura McBride Smith, Florence McBride Turley and
Gladys McBride Stewart.
Laura Smith , affectionately known as Little Laura, daughter of Peter Howard McBride and Laura
Lewis, lived to the age of ninety-nine years, and over a period of a great many of these resourceful years,
gathered genealogy and historical facts of the McBride family. Her voluminous material has proven
invaluable in the writing of this history
Florence Turley, daughter of Peter Howard McBride Jr. and Elsie Craig served for many years as the
key persons in the family organization for gathering genealogy. Her leadership in promoting the Four
Generation Program, and corresponding widely with numerous record sources in the United States and Great
Britain, kept the organization alive and progressing.
Gladys Stewart, daughter of Robert Franklin McBride and Clara Sims, most recently heading up the
family effort, has made significant discoveries pertaining to the early years of the McBrides in Ireland and
Scotland. We are also indebted to Gladys for cataloging the many records which made possible the
organization and concise arrangement of the genealogical charts in Sections IV of this book. Representing
monumental effort by her and the authors, the charts clearly outline the McBride Genealogy.
Page IV, Chart #1, is combined with—Pedigree Chart #2, about seven pages on down
Page V
Robert and Margaret McBride are the pivotal characters of this history. They are identified on the
accompanying chart #1 as Robert McBride 3rd (#10) and Margaret Ann Howard (#11). The union of Robert,
of Scottish ancestry, and Margaret, of English parentage (1833) brought together two stalwart ancestral lines.
The first of the McBride clan to embrace the (Mormon) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1837:
they endured much for its sake.
Section I deals primarily wit the progenitors of Robert and the story of his and of Margaret’s family
down to the early years in Utah. Chapter two gives special consideration to the ancestral pedigree of Nancy
Lakey, wife of Robert 1st, as it connects to Scottish Royalty and other peerage groups.
Section II is comprised of life sketches of the five children of Robert and Margaret and of their spouses.
Some of the children of these marriages have left short histories of their own lives. Other sketches have been
submitted by family members. This section includes as many of these as we have been able to assemble. (i.e.
the grandchildren of Robert 3rd and Margaret)
AGAINST GREAT ODDS—The Story of the McBride Family should be of interest and great value to
all the descendants of Robert McBride 3rd and Margaret Ann Howard, whom we look to with undying
gratitude for accepting the Restored Gospel and for the great sacrifice they made.
With pride in our ancestry, whose faith and deeds we hope to impress indelibly upon the pages of
history, we present this story as professionally as unprofessional hands are able to pen.
Page VI
Dedicated to GLADYS MCBRIDE STEWART (sister of the authors), who for many years has promoted the
idea of a family history. Except for her diligence in genealogical research, and without her insistence that the
project get underway, this book would never have been written. [Gladys: June 23, 1900 to November 21,
Photo coming
Page VII
Whence came this courageous little family? What stripe of men and women had spawned such as these
who would champion truth no matter how unpopular? Their story has its real beginning in the distant
past amid scenes perceived butt dimly by the student of history.
The ship Horizon Half Clipper lay at anchor in the Mersey River a short distance off the docks at Liverpool
England. Government officials and a doctor had completed the necessary inspection and had departed for
shore. Tense with excitement, the passengers, anxious to sail for America, waited expectantly. Everything
seemed in readiness on this spring day of 1856.
Suddenly sounds of scuffling and shouting and shouting arose from the deck. For cause not known to
the emigrants, an argument between the sailors and the ship’s officers had precipitated a fight. It seem ms the
sailors were attempting to get at the first mate who waited in his cabin. Suddenly the cabin door burst open.
A man brandishing a pistol in either hand stepped out to face the rebellious crew. Half frightened out of their
wits, the astonished passengers had scattered. Children screamed and clung to their parents.
“I’ll shoot the first man that moves, “shouted the first mate to the crew. For a few terrible seconds it
appeared blood would be spilled, but the first mate’s menacing posture proved effective. The irate crew
backed off. A ship’s officer sent up a distress signal. Quickly boats appeared alongside with policemen and
the entire crew was taken ashore in handcuffs.
No other voyage of record transporting Latter-day Saints to America had ever staged so dramatic a
beginning. One young passenger, Heber McBride, had managed to secure himself where he witnessed the
whole affair. Heber figured his birthday had been well celebrated, for on that day, May 13, 1856, he turned
Emigration of Latter-day Saints from the British Isles to America had begun as early as 1840. In the
ensuing years, especially fro England they came, boatloads of converts to the Restored gospel, members of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. The port of liver pool, England, at the mouth of the Mersey
River became a popular point of embarkation. Despite the severe persecution the Saints endured in Missouri,
thousands continued to throw in their lot with the Latter-day Prophet, Joseph Smith, as the main body of the
main body of the Church fled Missouri Mobs to establish themselves in Nauvoo, Illinois.
Following the martyrdom of their Prophet Leader, the great migration to the west got underway in
1846. Within the net ten years, Brigham Young, prophet and colonizer, had engineered the movement of
many thousands of faithful souls across oceans, plains and mountains into the Valley of the Great Salt Lake
and its environs. Other thousands were yet to come as the message of the Restored Gospel touched the hearts
of truth-seekers in many foreign lands.
The presence of the McBride family aboard the Horizon marked a culmination of several years of
planning. A yearning to join the main body of the Church in America was about to be fulfilled. The happy
hearts and an abiding faith, they felt they were now part of the “Gathering” predicted for the Latter-day Zion.
Though all was tranquil now and none were worse off because of the unhappy incident with the crew, an
agonizing delay of four days occurred. The Horizon remained at anchor in did-river while a new crew was
rounded up and brought aboard. Heber concludes the exciting episode with these words; “With a new crew
and a very jolly one, we set sail again, I believe on the fourth day…. After we lost sight of land there came
another steamboat that brought the captain and took the pilot.” (The sailing date May 17 1 —the ship’s
master, Captain Reed.)
The McBride family, Robert, Margaret and their brood of five, were all aboard and hopefully on their
The youngsters were Janetta Ann, 16; Heber Robert 13; Either Enos, 8; Peter Howard, 6; and
Margaret Alice (Little Maggie), almost 3.
Now that the Captain had boarded with peaceable crew and the ship moved out of the river’s mouth
into the open sea, and despite the unwelcome delay, the passengers, men, women and children numbering
856, all Latter-day Saints, began to relax into the voyage. What say ahead would take part in an episode of
faith and endurance that will live forever in the minds and hearts of generations yet unborn.
Whence came this courageous little family? What stripe of men and women had spawned such as
these who would champion truth no matter how unpopular? Their story has its real beginning in the distant
past amid scenes perceived butt dimly by the student of history.
Research into Robert 3rd’s progenitors has been diligent and is ongoing. Some of those in his
ancestral line have been identified: and though information concerning some of them is of the meagerest sort,
in the following chapters we will make their acquaintance
1 The exact sailing date is open to question. One historical source has it as May 25. (See Handcarts to Zion, p 91). Be this as it may, McBride
family records are quite explicit that the date of boarding the ship was Heber’s birthday, May 13, and that the ship left the harbor three or four
days later.
Page IX
History—from Gael to Eden
Chapter 1
The McBrides of our ancestral line were Scots. Diligent research has placed those whom we believe
to be the earliest of record as living in Ireland in the early 17th century A. D.
Fairly certain are we that the earlies person of record in our ancestral line is Captain John McBride
(#1 on the chart, page IV, circa 1620). 2 To get a focus on Captain John and those succeeding him with
whom this history deals, it is well to consider something of the early Scots, the origin of the name McBride,
and why we find the McBrides, though Scots—living so much of their time in Ireland.
Just who the people were who first inhabited Scotland is uncertain. There is good evidence they were
remnants of the Israelites who migrated into the north countries of Europe, having escaped the Assyrian
captivity after 721 B.C. Some of these people evidently made their way into northern Scotland, into the
highlands that came to be known as Gael, and from their spread southward.
Early in their history, for purposes of identity and protection, they formed themselves into close-knit
family groups called “clans.” Out of a tangled web of clan struggles, Scotland’s history began to emerge
`At some period during these early centuries, fighting men developed the coats of arms by which
individuals and families (clans) identified themselves. The McBride coat of arms described on the flyleaf is
one of the many developed by the early Scots.
In Later centuries, after the introduction of Christianity, Catholicism became the predominant
religion. Many of the clans looked to Patron Saints for leadership, giving them a sense of unity and a cause.
One particular group accepted “Saint Bridget” as their patron saint. Because they so religiously
followed the concepts of this adopted leader, they became known “as The Followers of Saint Bridget,” or
simply, Saint Bridgets.” Over the centuries the word “Saint was re placed by the prefix “Mac,” meaning
“son(s) of.” Thus the appellation became Mac Bridget, literally, “Sons of Bridget.” Some years later in the
contraction of the prefix (from M-a-c to Mc) the name became McBride. The Scots of today are descended
from those early clans who gradually adopted modern names.
The political climate of the period had an even more far-reaching effect. At the time of which we
speak, the English had strict control over both Scotland and Ireland. In the 1600’s Irish Lords rebelled
against the oppressive rule of the English government. Successfully quelling the uprising the English drove
he rebellious Lords fro the country, taking over their lands and holdings. The displaced Lords, their lives at
stake, fled to places of safety never to return. Their property, the land, and political conditions were left in a
devastated state. Likewise many hundreds of the Irish citizenry, employed by the landholders, fled to the
To correct this situation the English Government made large land grants, called Baronies, to certain
chosen Scottish and English people. The grantees, however, were required to develop the land.
Consequently, large numbers of people from neighboring countries were invited in, causing a steady influx
of farmers and tradesmen to Ireland. Especially from Scotland they came, often whole families; even big
portions of clans moved en masse. These people became known as the Scotch-Irish.3 They occupied the
dubious position of living in Ireland but having no Irish ancestors.
The masses who had fled were forced to live by robbing from the villages of the lowlands. They
eventually filtered back into the communities and took the menial jobs to survive. Being the native Irish who
had been so unjustly deal with, they naturally held deep resentment for the Scots and English who had taken
Though intermarriage of the Scots with the English became common practice, any such integrating
with the Irish remained a rare occurrence for many generations. This for both political and religious reasons
since the Irish were predominantly catholic, they gave short shrift to those Protestants with whom they
differed on matters of faith, and who they considered intruders.
The exact time our ancestors moved from Scotland to Ireland is not known. The earliest people we
know of in the McBride ancestral line are believed to have been of the Presbyterian persuasion. Such
families as the McBrides, seeking good opportunity, may have come to Ireland for either or both reasons
mentioned. That they were a part of the so-called “Scotch-Irish” as explained above seems certain.
The Captain John McBride with whom our story begins seems to have been a man of integrity,
seriously committed to his religious views and possessed of certain qualities of leadership. From parish
records of the period is gleaned the information that he was a Presbyterian born of Scottish parents, and that
he had a military career. It is highly probable that his parents came to Ireland from Scotland in the early
1600’s at the time of the settling of the Ulster Plantation, 1603-1610.
No doubt the early years of his life were in uncertain, rapidly changing times. An important issue of
those times centered around freedom of worship. In due course political and religious leaders drafted a
document called, The Solemn League and Covenant, which provided that religious reform groups would be
allowed their own forms of worship and still show allegiance to the King. One in sympathy with the
movement, John McBride attached his signature to the document at Holywood, county Down, April 8, 1644.
This act alone marks him as a man of firm convictions, not adverse to being identified with the issues of the
day. And judging from what research has disclosed concerning the high moral and spiritual caliber of a great
many of his descendants, one cannot escape the feeling that this Captain John was a man of similar noble
endowments. 4
Just when John began his military career is not certain, but by the time Reformer-General Oliver
Cromwell did battle and took over the English Government in 1649 he was an officer (Captain) of a certain
contingent of Irish troops, a part of the standing army loyal to the English King, Charles I. As such he would
ostensibly be expected to defend the existing government against Cromwell’s campaign of government
reform if called upon.
Evidently Captain John never engaged directly in any of the military encounters of Cromwell’s
campaign. When the take-over was imminent, he and other officers surrendered without bloodshed to one of
Cromwell’s generals. Captain John’s name is listed among the “49er’s” or the “49 Lot” 4 who capitulated at
this time.
Cromwell’s take-over marked the beginning of the “British commonwealth,” which lasted eight
years, or until the General’s death in 1658. It is believed the surrendering officers continued to serve their
country under the rule of the Commonwealth managed by the victorious Oliver Cromwell.
About the time of the General’s death there is a records of the “49 Lot” (group) being called to
headquarters to receive their “adjudicants,” which evidently means they were given whatever citations or
rewards were due them for the military service. Among the long list of officers is the name of Captain John
Research of the period has revealed several persons by the name of McBride, ostensibly sons of the
Captain. Only one of them is documented as such. He became a minister and was known thenceforth as
Reverend John McBride. 5 The Reverend, however, is not in the ancestral line of the McBrides of this book.
Though documentation is lacking there is good evidence that a certain Robert McBride is the one who fits
the time and location to be the son of Captain John and the father of Daniel, (#3). (A less likely candidate is
one Thomas McBride, believed to be a brother of Robert.).
As of this writing (1988), vital information about this Robert is lacking. Research is on-going through
correspondence with the Belfast the Daniel of whom we speak was the grandson of Captain John McBride.
(See chart I page IV). All those names descending from Daniel are well documented.
Though records are extremely sketchy, Daniel (#3) is established as a tenant on the Downshire, or
Hillsborough, Estates, in Down County, Ireland. The exact nature of his occupation is not mentioned, but he
was evidently a farmer or a tradesman.
Of Daniel McBride’s family we know only of a son, John (#4) born about 1715 (or 19) given the
name of his great-grandfather. Though the place of his birth is not recorded, at the time of his marriage he
lived in Lisburn, Antrim County, Ireland. Very likely John’s birth was at this same place, at least at some
town within the County Antrim. He married Mary Hull (#5), whom we believe to be also of Scotch-Irish
descent. That he became a man of some importance is evidenced by the fact that he received a Government
appointment to the Port Surveyor’s Office at Londonderry, Derry County, at which time he moved from
Lisburn to London-derry.
John McBride and Mary Hull were married sometime prior to 1750. Mary, the daughter of Edward
Hull, was born about 1724 at Blaris, County Down, in Ireland. The Hull family were in the service of Lord
Hillsborough, the father being the agent for the Hillsborough Estate. Edward Hull died around 1748/49,
leaving his estate to Mary and her brothers. The properties thus inherited by Mary were later disposed of
according to records of deeds dated 30 June, 1750, in Blaris, and 24 July, 1856, in Londonderry.
It appears that John McBride’s appointment to the position in the Port Surveyor’s Office occurred
some time between the dates of the disposal of these properties (1750-56). Upon their move to Londonderry,
no doubt occasioned by the appointment, John and Mary lived in a house on Bishop Street. His name appears
on the tax rolls there from 1775 until 1778, presumably the time of John’s death, at about age sixty.
Mary continued to occupy the house until 1783, presumably the time of her death, she also near age
sixty, at which time their son Robert became the occupant. This is the person designated as Robert 1st (#6) on
the chart. 6
Robert’s son and grandson also bore the name of Robert. For identification purposes we arbitrarily
refer to these three individuals as Robert 1st, Robert 2nd, and Robert 3rd, although, as noted, an earlier Robert,
believed to be the son of Captain John, is part of the record.
As noted earlier, Robert the 1st is assumed to have been born about 1750 in Lisburn, Antrim County,
Ireland, and upon the death of his parents, John and Mary, he occupied a house in Londonderry, Derry
County, Ireland. However, any further documented information about Robert 1st in Londonderry is lacking.
This is probably due to the fact that he followed a seagoing profession and had little to do with life in the
city. He probably never exercised the rights of citizenship in Londonderry. Consequently his name does not
appear on record as a “Freeman,” one who has a voice in the city’s government and other privileges of
citizenship. This does not mean that he was not deserving of such right, only that he probably was not at
home enough to be interested.
1 The entire chapter is taken from research performed by Florence Turley and Gladys Stewart
2 This approximate birth date is based on tphe fact that his signature appears on an important document, April 8, 1644. No doubt
an adult at the time, we assume he may have been 20 to 24 years of age. That his birth place is in Ireland is based on thefurther
assumption that his parents came to Ireland from Scotland, upon the settlement of the Ulster Plantation—1603 – 1610, for which
there is good evidence.
3 this term used to identify these particular people should not be construed to mean a mixture of Scottis and Irish blood; merely
that they were Scots who had made Ireland their home.
4 See Section III, Appendix 1—The Progeny of Captain John McBride
5 Apparently it has reference to the year 1649.
6 See Section III, Appendix1—The Progeny of Captain John McBride
Chapter II 1
Robert 1st married a Scottish Lass, Nancy Lakey (#7), in 1776.We have nothing of the personal life of
Nancy Lakey other than that she was born about 1755 in Londonderry, Derry County, Ireland, to James
Lakey and Margaret Cust. In a family of seven children, three brothers and three sisters were all older than
Nancy. Her extensive pedigree, to be discussed in this chapter, suggests a solid family, proud of its heritage.
The fact of her father being a “Shopkeeper” suggests that he held an enviable position in the business world
of his day. Her grandfather, Thomas Lakey, is known to have been a merchant and to have held the position
of Alderman and Mayor in Derry, circa 1708.
It seems evident that the Lakey family had considerable knowledge about their progenitors and that
there existed a connection to Scottish Royalty even to Robert Bruce I, 2 King of Scotland. Whether there
existed any recorded pedigree in possession of the Lakey family is doubtful. Their Knowledge of being a
one-time peerage family was primarily by word of mouth passed down through ten or more generations.
Furthermore, there is evidence that the tradition persisted in the McBride family through the descendants of
Robert and Nancy to modern times. 3
Research, of recent years, into the historical background of the Lakey family has resulted in a
genealogical windfall, a treasure trove of information about people and places of great renown, peerage
families, stewards and kings. Truly, Nancy Lakey is deserving the appellation “Gem of Genealogy.” Not
only is the tradition of relationship to Scottish royalty now confirmed, but a great deal else has come to light.
However, Royalty no confirmed, but a great deal else has come to light. However, only a limited portion of
these discoveries falls within the scope of this book.
Since King Bruce figures prominently in genealogical material to be discussed, the reader will be
interested in reviewing the story of how this illustrious Scot came to prominence, an account seen as one of
special significance to the McBride family.
In 1313 a Scottish Baron, fugitive from battle, heartsick with discouragement, lay on a bed of straw
in a peasant’s hovel hiding from his enemies while his troops were in disarray. Repeated military defeats
had reduced his fighting spirit to low ebb. Idly he watched a spider hanging from its web, vainly attempting
to swing itself to the next beam of the wretched hut. Six times the spider tried and failed.
“If it tries again and is successful,” said the fugitive to him, “I too will make another attempt.”
On the seventh try the spider succeeded.
This bedraggled soldier, the Scottish hero Robert Bruce, encouraged by the insect’s stubborn
persistence, rallied his forces, and against great odds went forth to win the battle against his enemies, and
was soon thereafter crowned King of Scotland.
The story of the spider (it is more than legend) illustrates a dominant characteristic of our Scottish
progenitors. The dogged determination to prevail in the face of adversity, demonstrated by the King and his
contemporaries, has cropped up many times in their lineage since that distant date, and is evident in their
progeny even today. To persevere against great odds has been the legacy of the McBride family, especially
since the time one of their number, in 1837, threw in his lot with the Latter-day Saints, the first of his clan to
do so.
The story of our connection with King Bruce I, II and III begins with his beautiful daughter, Princess
Margery. She married a man by the name of Walter Stewart, who held the office of Lord High Steward of
Scotland, the most important office in the kingdom next to the throne. From this union was born a son whom
they named Robert Stewart, after his grandfather, the King. This son, Robert Stewart, eventually inherited
the throne (1371). He assumed the title King Robert Bruce II and reigned until his death. His son, also
Robert Stewart, also ascended the throne and reigned as King Robert Bruce III. Thus the line of Stewart
Kings began to be perpetuated in Scotland.
From King Bruce III a genealogical line begins with his daughter, Princess Mary Stewart, then
descends through six succeeding generations to an Agness Cunningham who married Walter Leckie in the
mid 1500’s.Through five more generations of Leckie (Lakey) 4 family we arrive at a James Lakey living in
James’ daughter, Nancy Lakey, married Robert McBride 1st. (See chart II below). This couple,
Robert and Nancy, are great, great, great-grandparents of the authors, and the 5th and 6th greats
[And now, 7th and 8th greats, as of 2005] to many who will read this book the year [1988] of its publication.
A perusal of genealogy in the possession of the McBride organization confirms the brief outline
given in the preceding paragraph.5 The accompanying Chart II shows at a glance 5 centuries of genealogy
from King Robert Bruce I to Robert McBride 3rd.
That Nancy Lakey was a descendant of a family of some note is evidenced by the fact that a town of
that name (then Lecky or Leckie) still exists near Dumbarton, Scotland. According to available information
the Leckies remained for many years a high ranking peerage family owning great Baronies and lands, fully
aware of their relationship to Scottish Royalty through the descendants of Stewart (Bruce) Kings. Like many
people of early times, through quarrels among themselves, changes in rulers, wars and disagreements, the
Lakeys (lekies) evidently lost their holdings and titles and became a solid working class of people. This
small area near Bumbarton is presumed to be all that remains of the vast holdings once owned by them.
The extensive research performed in recent years takes us back even farther than has been mentioned.
From King Bruce I, an ancestral line can be traced to the kings of Israel, Furthermore, from that Walter
Stewart who married the King’s daughter, Margery, an ancestral line con be traced to William the
Conqueror, 1100 A.D., and thence to Biblical times, likewise connecting to the kings of Israel.
Although no attempt has been made on our part to verify it, genealogists tell us that these royal lines
including Biblical lineage, form one straight line back to Adam. That we are all descended fro Adam is not
new; but the fact we are actually able to verify it, and, in the process, acquaint with those people whose
blood flows in our veins, is sobering and exciting information.
The Cunninghams, mentioned in the ancestral line of Lakey, are in the pedigree descending from the
great Charlemagne. Other high-ranking and peerage families are found to be intermarried with the Leckys
and the Cunninghams, including the Setons, Sinclairs, the Livingstouns, Stewarts and Edmonstounes. The
brief outline of names and places mentioned here represents only a small vein of the genealogical bonanza
uncovered upon searching into the background of the Scottish lass, Nancy Lakey. The story of her ancestry,
branching as it does through dozens of peerage families of the British Isles and Europe, t\though of great
interest and importance, lies outside the scope of this volume.
Author’s Note: The demonstration of how the descendants of Robert McBride 1st are connected to Scottish
Royalty and other peerage families through his marriage to Nancy Lakey is not to be construed as an attempt
to claim any special distinction. To do so would not be in keeping with the avowed purpose of genealogical
research, that of compiling names and doing temple work for the dead. Genealogists tell us that anyone who
is willing to devote time and effort may possibly trace his ancestry to royalty of some sort. The real
excitement is getting acquainted with new (old) friends. Furthermore, every researcher knows as one
searches out his progenitors he runs the risk of associating not only with princes, but knaves as well, making
any claim to fame on that score questionable.
Though all will admit that a few famous names add color and flavor, making the story more
palatable, the material in the foregoing chapter is presented primarily to give credit to those who have shown
great diligence in painstaking pursuit of genealogical research. Let us therefore be proud of the heroes and
forgiving of the rogues. Furtherance of the cause of truth is reward enough.
1 The entire chapter is taken from Gladys McBride Stewart research
2 Known as Robert the Bruce. Evidently the term Bruce was originally a designation of a title or station of nobil9ty.
Eventually the term Bruce was adopted as a surname.
3 Robert Franklin McBride, father of the authors, seems to have vaguely understood this oral tradition. It is said that the
naming of his seventh child Bruce was not only in admiration of the Scottish King hero, but with some knowledge of
genealogical connection
Pedigree Chart II
The line of descent from Robert Bruce I, King of Scotland, to Robert McBride 3rd.
(The dates shown are dates of Birth)
Numbers as (#X) following names are for identification within the history text
(abt. = about & md.= married)
Robert the Bruce (King Bruce I)—Late 1200’s.
Daughter, Princess Margery Bruce, md. Walter Stewart (High Stewart)
Son, Robert Stewart (King Bruce II)
Son, Robert Stewart (King Bruce III)
Daughter, Princess Mary Stewart, md. Sir Walter Edmondstoune
Daughter, Elizabeth Edmondstoune, md. Sir Humphrey De Cunningham
Son, Sir William De Cunningham—abt. 1505
Son, Sir William Cunningham—abt. 1531 to 15 47 (He dropped the “De” in his surname.)
Daughter, Agness Cunningham md. Walter De Leckie—abt. 1539
Son, Alexander Lekie—abt. 1567
Son, Alexander Lekie—abt. 1599
| Captain John McBride -abt. 1620 (#1)
Son, Alexander Lekie—abt. Feb 22, 1631
| Son, Robert McBride (#2)
Son, Thomas Lekie—abt. 1678
| Son, Daniel McBride (#3)
Son, James Lakie—abt. 1709
| Son, John McBride- abt. 1615 (#4) md. Mary Hull (#5)
Daughter, Nancy Lakie—abt. 1755 --- married Son, Robert McBride 1st (#6) - abt. 1750 (md. Nancy Lakie) (#7)
________________________________________| Son, Robert McBride 2nd (#8) -14 Feb.1783 md. Janet Sharp (#9)
Son, Robert McBride 3rd (#10) -16 Nov.1803 (md. Margaret Ann
Howard (#11)
Children of Robert and Margaret are in birth order
And, on down to the present generations
* Elijah James, 1835
* Sara Jane, 1837
- Janneta Ann, 1839 (#12)
* Child (still born), 1842
- Heber Robert, 1843 (#13)
* Nancy Lakey, 1845
* Either Enos, 1848 (#14)
- Peter Howard, 1850 (#15)
- Margaret Alice, 1853 (#16)
(* Four children died in infancy)
Chapter III
We note with interest that the profession of some of the McBrides was connected with the sea. John
McBride (#4), Son of Daniel, held a position in the Port Surveyors Office and his son Robert 1st was a
seaman. Subsequently records, though very limited, show also that others of their descendants were men of
the sea. This is in keeping with a dominant characteristic of the Scots. Historically, Scotsmen have been
seamen (in addition to being meticulous farmers and tradesmen). Always an industrious, clever and thrifty
people, they not only built ships for other nations but manned them, this due in part to their country’s
topography. Scotland’s Rugged and mountainous inland gave little inducement to many industries found in
other parts of the world. The people naturaly took to the sea. Scotland’s irregular coastline abounds with
firths, peninsulas and islands with many natural harbors.
Ireland also, though lacking the type of seacoasts of Scotland, does have natural harbors at the
mouths of principal rivers, providing ample opportunity to follow seagoing professions.
It is important that Robert 1st’s father-in-law, James Lakey, as the record states, was a “shopkeeper.”
The term had a more extended meaning then than it does now. A “shop” in those days, in most cases,
referred to a place of business that handled a wide variety of items. Such “shops” were closely associated
with merchant seamen, whose goods of various kinds from other ports were unloaded and turned over to the
“shopkeepers” for sale to the public. Since Robert is said to have been a mariner, it is within the realm of
possibility that he owned a ship which transported goods to the shop of his father-in-law. There may very
well have been some such business association between the two.
Records are lacking of the date, place or circumstances of Robert 1st’s death.
Robert 2nd (#8), son of Robert 1st, was born Februar6y 14, 1783, in Derry County, Ireland. It is not
surprising to learn that he followed the profession of his father. A seagoing man of whom we know
comparatively little, his exploits at sea were apparently very extensive ranging over most of the waters of the
world. It is said by one of his grandchildren who knew him well that he “had landed in every port that a ship
could stick its hull.”1 Also, that he had a comfortable home that he was seldom around to enjoy. Like his
father, Robert 2nd may very well have owned his own shipping business.
Though exact dates are not available, we do know that just prior to 1803 he lived for a time in
Rothsay, on the Isle of Bute, Scotland, married to a Scottish lass, Janet Sharp (#9). Janet Sharp was born
about 1780 (or 1783) at Nairn, a small village in the Highlands of Scotland. Her name is spelled variously as
Janet, Jennette and Jane. Little is known of her life except for her marriage to Robert McBride 2nd and their
living on the Isle of Bute. This couple may have had a home elsewhere, but if so, they moved back to the
Island, for there is where Janet died a tragic death. History has it that her 13-year-old daughter, Janetta Ann
McBride, often stayed with her. Janetta left her grandmother one day sitting in a chair in front of the
fireplace while she went over to a neighbor’s to look at some crocheting. The grandmother either fell asleep,
fainted, or, from dizziness fell into the fireplace. Her clothing caught fire and she suffered severe burns. She
lived a week or so before she died, Aug. 11, 1853.2 Her remains were taken for burial to Argylshire County,
Scotland. A few years after his wife’s death (1860), we find this Robert 2nd in a home for the aged in
Scotland, called Wood’s Asylum.3 Being a member of some sort of seamen’s organization (union), entitled
him to live there as a retiree. He resided there until his death, February 10, 1862. Buried in Greenock,
Renfrew County, Scotland, this Robert would be remembered with special affection by his posterity.4
When the Scottish seaman, Robert 2nd, was about twenty years of age, he and his wife Janet resided in
Scotland. There a son was born to them. They named him Robert (#10), the third of that name in as many
generations. Of the multitudinous family which had borne, or was to bear the name of McBride, this son of a
young seaman was destined to break the mold and become their most revered of all. He it is to him we, his
progeny, point with gratitude for possessing the simple faith to recognize truth when he heard it. The authors
of this book and those who read and cherish its message will recognize this man, whom we designate as
Robert 3rd, as pivotal in this genealogy. The story we tell evolves both backward and forward from him.
This third Robert, born November 16, 1803, in Rothsay, Isle of Bute, Scotland was likely his parents’
first child. There may have been other children. Certain evidence points to a daughter, Matha.3 Very little is
known of Robert’s early manhood, but it is family tradition that he also followed the sea until about thiry
years of age.
Sometime prior to November, 1853, Robert moved to England. In the small village of Churchtown, in
the English countryside, some twenty miles inland from the port city of Liverpool, he courted a young
English girl by the name of Margaret Ann Howard (#11). The circumstances under which they met are not
known; but she probably lived with her parents, and despite the fact that she was eleven years younger, they
married November 25, 1833, she about nineteen, Robert thirty. Research by Laura Smith has produced a
copy of their marriage certificate.
Details of Margaret Ann’s life before her marriage to Robert McBride are lacking. However,
pedigrees of both her father and mother, Peter Howard and Ann Wright, indicate that those families had lived
for five generations in a small geographical area, namely in North Meols Parish, in the towns of Churchtown
and Rowelane, Lancashire, England.6 Margaret’s immediate family consisted of eight children, she being
next to the eldest. No doubt she shouldered much responsibility for younger brothers and sisters. Her father’s
occupations are given as harness maker and weaver. The business of making harnesses was probably
inherited from progenitors, and we discover that he passed the business on to one or more of his sons.7
Knowing these facts gives us a clue to Margaret’s character and early life, and why her father strenuously
opposed her break with tradition upon he acceptance of the Mormon Faith. Being from the old established
gentry, young Margaret was no doubt a solid, serious-minded, and deeply religious person.
Nearly sixty years from the time of which we speak (marriage of Margaret and Robert), their son
Either, living in America, filled a mission in England and discovered dozens of his mother’s people still in
the same area and living much the same as they had always lived.
Apparently by the time of this marriage, Robert had given uup his seagoing life and settled on the
land. Sober minded and resourceful, he took up the trade of plasterer and related vocations. The couple made
their home in Churchtown, where their first child, Elijah James, was born August 24, 1835. Soon the small
family moved to a neighboring town of Preston. Though of humble circumstances, the happy couple
welcomed a second child to their home, a beautiful little daughter, Sara Ann, born March 15 1837.
Preston, a large industrial center noted mainly for the manufacture of cotton fabrics, had grown up on
the banks of a beautiful stream, the River Ribble. No resident of Preston could have known at that time that
both their city and river, though of some importance in England would soon play a unique roll in a segment
of American history. In July of this same year (1837), we begin to speak of this little family in the context of
an event that would alter the course of their lives, certainly the most important event in their experience up to
this time, whose repercussions would be felt throughout all Britain: the introduction of the Restored Gospel
into the British Isles!
1 Peter Howard McBride Journal.
2 The event of Janet’s death was taken from Laura McBride research.
3 This is not a mental institution. It was a home for retired seafarers.
4 See Section III—Appendix 2, a letter from Robert McBride 2 nd .
5 Records in the St. George Temple show that Margaret McBride did
Temple work for her Sister-in law, Martha McBride, this means that her husband, Robert 3 rd had a sister,
(daughter of Robert 2nd ).
6 Gladys McBride Stewart research.
7 Life Sketch of Either Enos McBride—Section II, this volume (his mission to England).
Chapter V
Sunday July30, 1837, must have been a pleasant day in Preston, England. Ordinarily it would have been an
uneventful day. Other than work at the mills, not much of interest ever went on in the typical English
manufacturing center. However, during the past week excitement had been mounting—something special
wafting in the wind on this next to the last day in July. Huge crowds had gathered on either side of the river.
Many others occupied the bridge which spanned its lazy waters. The numbers of people is not definite,
estimates vary from 7,000 to 9,000.1
At a signal two men broke from a starting point and raced along the grassy riverbank. Something on
the order of a hundred yard dash ensued as the pair sprinted toward other men standing farther along the
river’s edge. Excitement ran high among the huge throng of onlookers assembled from Preston and the
surrounding countryside as the younger of the runners reached the finish line ahead of the other. The victor,
George D. Watts, had a special reward coming—to be one the first person in the British Isles to be baptized
into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Cheering and shouting accompanied the event, as first
George and then the other contestant entered the water to be baptized by Heber C. Kimball, he and others
officiating at this sacred ordinance Elders of the Mormon Church. Other candidates followed, a total of nine
being baptized that Sabbath day.
The throng included many scoffers not especially pleased with the goings on. Present primarily out of
curiosity of what they had seen or heard about the Mormons, the crowd seemed apprehensive of these men
from America and their strange teachings. Baptism by emersion? They had heard of it, but few had witnessed
it: least of all, in a river! Talk of new revelation, a modern Prophet, the Book of Mormon, the Priesthood,
gifts of the Spirit, a true Church, worried most of them. But the Mormon Elder had not promoted the crowd.
They never intended to stage an exhibition. People had gathered of their own volition. Only a few who had
listened carefully and had asked in faith to know t he truth would come forward for baptism.
It is highly probable that Robert and Margaret stood among those who witnessed this historic event of
July 30, 1837. But they professed to be more than curious spectators. Deeply moved, Robert was baptized by
Orson Hyde along with another group just two days hence, August 1, 1937, at the same spot in the River
The story is a familiar one in Church History; only eight days prior to the first baptisms, seven young
men from America had arrived in Preston. Two of them were Apostles, Heber Kimball and Orson Hyde, the
others, Elders and fellow missionaries; Joseph fielding, Willard Richards, John Goodson, Isaac Russell and
John Snyder. The date Saturday, July22, 1837, was election day in Preston wit festivities in progress. As the
missionaries, coach arrived, participants paraded a large banner along the street, hoisted almost directly
above the heads of the new arrivals. It read: TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. Taking the coincidence as a good
omen, the seven messengers of truth cried out in unison, “Amen! Thanks be to God! Truth will prevail!”
The missionaries had disembarked at the port of Liverpool two days before. Divine inspiration had
led them to this place where a reverend Fielding had recently led his congregation away from the mainline
churches. Studying the Bible closely in search of the true Gospel, they believed the true Church had been
lost. One of the missionaries, Joseph Fielding, was a brother to the minister, who gave them ready
acceptance to the Sunday meetings being held at Vauxhall Chapel.
Weeks earlier he congregation had prayed earnestly for light and truth. Some of the more spiritually
inclined had seen a vision those who would bring them the true Gospel. They knew their prayers had shaken
the Heavens when Elder Kimball appeared on the scene that Sunday, the day following his arrival in Preston.
To some at Vauxhall he was no stranger for they recognized him as the very one they had seen in vision. The
minds and hearts of these devout people were ready for the message of the Restoration which Heber C.
Kimball delivered when invited to speak. Others bore testimony, and thus the doors swung open, the first
time the Restored Gospel had been preached in a foreign land.
An exciting week had followed in which the presence of these strangers from America began to be
noised abroad and people, curious about their teachings, heard their message in a series of meetings in
people’s homes and in the town square. Robert and Margaret McBride among the truth seekers, had been
inclined toward the teachings of Reverend Fielding. Indeed, Robert had been in attendance at the Vauxhall
Chapel and the Holy Spirit had borne witness to him of the inspired words of Apostle Kimball.2 He and
Margaret had attended other meetings during the week, being deeply religious and ready to accept the truth.
A tendency to be calculating and deliberate in actions may account for the fact that Robert had waited
until the second day of baptisms to present himself for the fateful step. Margaret, though apparently whole
heartedly accepting the missionaries and their message, may have had good reason for waiting a while before
joining, for we discover that her parents, the Howards, were ill disposed toward the Church. In any event,
Margaret put off baptism until five months later, January of 1838. The delay was not for any lack of
conversion; only in hopes of avoiding any division in her family because of her avowed intentions.
From the very beginning Robert and his little family were firmly planted in the Faith. At a meeting
held August 6 (the Sunday following the first baptism) in the home of Ann Dawson, twenty-nine persons
were confirmed and a branch of the Church organized, Robert being one of those confirmed on this date.
In the McBride home the missionaries were always welcome. They came there often, food and
lodging always provided. Meetings were held in their home on many occasions, Margaret providing the
items for the sacrament.3
Church history tells of the phenomenal success of these great missionaries. Very rapidly the work
spread throughout Britain, reminiscent of the rise of Christ’s Church in ancient times.
It is interesting to note that the oldest, continuous branch of the Church is in Preston, England. It may
be the one Robert helped organize.. The area became the seed bed of the Church in that country. Due to the
work of these missionaries, assisted by those faithfuls who had so readily accepted the Gospel, within nine
months (April 1839), British membership had risen to 2000. Later in 1840, with the arrival of Brigham
Young and several other members of the Council of the Twelve, Church membership took another big leap
ahead. The Work of these inspired brethren set in motion a continuous flow of faithful, and often skilled
converts to Zion, who became the stalwarts in the Faith and did more than any other group to build up the
Church, first in Nauvoo, Illinois, and eventually I the Intermountain
1 Joseph Smith and the restoration—A history of the Church to 1846—by Ivan Barrett, page 348.
2 From Laura smith Research.
3 From Laura Smith Research
Chapter V
Faith to Endure
Heber Kimball and Orson Hyde returned to their homes in America, 1838, leaving Joseph Fielding to
preside over the British Mission. By April 1840, Apostle Kimball, in company with others of the missionary
effort. Upon visiting the Preston area and at a special meeting, Brigham Young gave a number of brethren a
significant calling; “Devote as much time as possible to the work of the Ministry.” Robert, among those who
pledged to do so, had begun to prove his mettle. Those records are lacking it seems evident that both
Margaret and Robert were given many responsibilities that put them in the forefront of the work as it
progressed wherever they lived.
At this time many of the converts were being encouraged to migrate to America. A close friendship
had developed between the presiding Elders and the members in Preston area, Churchtown and Southport.
Indicative of the love and concern he held for the McBride family is a letter written by Apostle Heber C.
Kimball fro London. Addressed to Robert, the Apostle requested that the letter be read to the branches of the
Church in that area. It follows: (footnotes are ours, punctuation and spelling are original)
London, December 17, 1840
Dear Brother Robert in Christ and to all the Saint in Churctown and Southport:
Greetings, and may God bless you wit peace, love, joy long life and the good things in this life and in that which is to come, and I
say unto you all if you will be faithful and keep the commandments of God you shall go to that land before long and I shall see you
there [in America] and eat and drink with you and when this time comes to pass then you will know that I told you these things.
Now, my dear brothers and sisters, let your hearts be comforted, for all things will work for good for them that love the Lord and
keep his commandments. I would say one word to Alice for her comfort, be of good cheer for the time will come when your loss
will be made up, for you will have your little one in the next world. You say it has got through with its troubles. When you begin
to see what is coming in the world you will rejoice. I have lost two, Sister McBride has lost two.1 We know how to sympathize
with you. Be of good cheer, for all things will go good with you in the end.
I received your letter this morning. Was glad to hear from you. It was written part by you and part by An. [Margaret Ann?]
McBride.2 I feel glad to hear of the prosperity of the work in that part. I say Brother, roll it on till thou hast gathered out thy
people and prepared them for thine own use that thy servant may see them crowned in the Celestial world in the presence of the
Father and son where we can see each other face to face, where death mourning, sorrow, pain will be swept away for Christ’s sake,
The work is going on steady here in the great city. I have baptized five since I came here, Elder Woodruff baptized four before I
came. I baptized four last evening. There are others hanging by the gills that will come in soon. The only way is to have patience
with the generation. If we were merciful with them the Lord will be merciful with us, for he says as we measure to them it shall be
measured to us again, so let us do good the rest of our days, for this is the law, this is what the Lord has placed us on this earth for,
to do all the good we can to each other.
You say you have the gift of tongues, then I am glad, but I wish to give you some counsel, that is, not to speak before the world
but it is for the edifying of the Church. When you speak let is be when the Church is together, as part of it; when there is an elder
and a priest present; and open your meeting with prayer then all things will be in order and the devil will not have power over you.
All the meetings are to be led by the Elders as they are led by the Holy Ghost; it is the Priesthood that governs the Church and not
the tongues. You see the I have much love for you and that all things may be right before God. I have had some experience in these
things. If all things are done right at first and do not have to undo what we have done. I know you want to do right and this is the
reason I want to give you counsel. Pray for the gift of wisdom. The Lord is pouring out his spirit on all the churches. The work is
spreading in all parts of this land, not only here but in the land of America. On the third day of October the Church held a
conference that continued for three days. There were five thousand people. There were so many baptized there were ten elders in
the river baptizing at once. Such a time has not been known since Christ’s day. The glory of God shone upon them.
The Church is growing through England, Scotland and Ireland. The work will be great and powerful in these places. Great and
terrible trouble is coming to the inhabitants of America, that one year will bring much of it to pass. Read this epistle to the Church
and not to the world.
You know that the Prophet Joseph told us of the Nephites and that Moroni came with the plates that contain the Book of
Speaking of your situation and of the work in Lancaster – If you are in a situation to go to America, you go. It is not wisdom to
go without your circumstances will admit (permit), but you know your own situation. When you go there let them support you, if
they will not, learn them, you know the labor is worthy of the hire. Go ahead and the way will be open for you. And it is your
privilege to go when you can.
I must close. Elder Young only stayed a little more than a week. He has gone to Hirilpond Shire. I didn’t expect to stay here
when I came but the spirit said it was wisdom for me to stop and the brethren thought it best.
Elder Woodruff is here and sends his love to you all. Give my love to your wife, Brother John and his wife, Brother Laide and
his wife and all the Saints for I have much care for you all. Please read this to the church. May God bless you forever. I need your
prayers and you shall have mine. Give my love to Mother Dickerson. When you receive this please write. I remain you brother in
(to Robert McBride)
H.C. Kimball
Letters such as this one written by the ancient Apostles, under the spirit of inspiration, became
scripture; i.e., Paul’s Epistles to individuals and to various branches of the Church. In like manner, this
Epistle from a Latter-day Apostle was received as the Word of the Lord by those faithful Saints. Note the
counsel given concerning the gift of speaking in tongues.
Because of this letter is must have seemed only a matter of waiting for the propitious moment for the
McBride Family to join the Saints in America. This idea when voiced to Margaret’s parents, Peter and Ann
Howard, drew bitter criticism. With her father is caused virtual estrangement. Just when this confrontation
occurred is not clear, but it no doubt happened prior to 1851, for Mr. Howard’s death is recorded as March 6,
1851, he being not quite sixty years of age. Subsequent events, including frequent visits, indicate a probable
reconciliation between Margaret and her parents. Furthermore, the children always spoke highly of their
Howard grandparents.
The lives of Margaret and Robert now centered around his work as a plasterer and their activities in
the Church. For a reason not known, they moved back to Churchtown. In the interim their two little ones,
Elijah and Sarah had died, supposedly of common childhood diseases, which left them childless. But before
long a baby girl arrived, Janetta Ann (#12), born December 24, 1839. This Scottish, English Lass, destined
while yet in her youth, to become a heroine of the McBride family, would leave a legacy in a land half a
world away. But that remained years in the future.
How they must have cherished this little daughter, for as the years went by, she became “big sister”
to a number of brothers and sister. Within the next six years Margaret gave birth to three more children while
living in Churchtown. Only Heber Robert (#13), the middle one of these three, survived.3 Born May 13,
1843, Heber remained a strong healthy boy, his destiny to be beside his older sister in a trauma that neither
could envision.
Around the year 1846 (Janetta then six years of age), Robert moved his family back to is native land,
Rothsay, on the isle of Bute, Scotland, the home of his parents. It appears that for some time Janetta had been
in poor health and, thinking that being near the sea would bring about an improvement, Robert and Janetta
went ahead of the others to stay at the home of his parents. After about a year, when the others joined them,
they possibly had a home of their own on the Island. As time went on two more children were born in
Scotland, Ether Enos (#14), February 29, 1848, and Peter Howard (#15), May 3, 1850. All the children of
this little family had fond memories of their associations with their grandparents, Robert 2nd and his wife
It was during this time when the children were growing up and enjoying their association with their
paternal grandparents that their beloved grandmother Janet Sharp McBride died of burns she incurred upon
falling into the fireplace. (Chapt. III) Thought a shock to all, the event must have been especially traumatic to
young Janetta McBride, who seemed especially close to her grandmother. During their sojourn in Scotland, a
period of at least seven years, the family remained somewhat isolated from the Church. Janetta’s brief
autobiography gives us this interesting insight into their religious affairs on the Isle of Bute:
Since there was no Branch of the Church there, we belonged to the Glasco4 (Glasgow) Conference.
We were the only Mormons on the island, but the elders from Glasco often came to see us, and we
often went to Glasco to their meetings.
Janetta speaks also of attending school in Glasgow, stating that at eight years of age she attended a
Presbyterian Church school.
At age six Heber also began to attend school, but according to his own statements he may just as well
never have started. Heber, bent on becoming a seaman, seems to have inherited his love for the sea from as
far back as his great-grandfather, Robert 1st. When supposedly in school, like as not he would run away, get
in a boat and play in the ocean. Whipping, scolding were all to no avail; he simply would not go to school.
Furthermore, close by stood the old Rothsay Castle , abandoned and beckoning, made to order for
adventurous lads like Heber and Ether.5
Nothing definite is known about Robert’s employment during their stay in Scotland. Whether or not
he pursued his trade of plasterer is not known. Janetta no doubt had improved her health, shown progress in
school and had further ambitions. Heber presented a hopeless case as far as school went, and the two
younger boys were growing up.
For a number of years they had been in semi-isolation from the Church. This and other considerations
prompted the move back to England, not far from where they had lived before. They settled in the beach city
of Southport sometime in 1853. Perhaps here the youngsters could better go to school and have closer
association with the Church.
If Robert had entertained the idea that moving back to England would somehow get Heber into the
classroom, he faced big disappointment. Every inducement failed. Heber claimed that he didn’t mind going
to school, but he just couldn’t learn. This self-appraisal proved to be incorrect many times, for we discover
that the young man learned readily enough the things that interested him. Between his tenth and thirteenth
year he took on several different jobs in which he excelled, and learned quickly how to make the most of his
opportunities. The fact that he would rather work than go to school does not brand him as an incorrigible. A
good boy, Heber was destined to take on the responsibilities of “being a man” at an unusually early age. The
reader will find a rare treat in reading Heber’s own account of his life further on in this volume. Conditions
in Southport (the sea being not nearly so handy as it had been on the Isle of But) caused Heber’s interest to
be directed toward other things.
The family had been in Southport only a few months when Margaret Alice (#16) blessed their home
June 29, 1853. She would be their last. With her mother’s name, she came to be called “Little Maggie,” and
by age three was destined to experience the harshness of the wilderness, privation and hunger to an extent
seldom required of one of such tender years.
Elija James and Sara James Mcbride.
No doubt Margaret Ann, Robert’s wife.
See Chart I for names of children who died in infancy.
Glasgo (Glasgow)—on the mainland, only a short boat trip from their island home.
The authors have had experience roaming hills and riverbeds of Arizona and playing in old abandoned houses. We
think we know something of the fascination and adventure two young Scots must have experienced playing along a
rugged seacoast and in an old castle, imagining themselves as pirates or warriors defending the fortress to the wailing
of bagpipes and the clashing of arms. No wonder Heber wouldn’t go to school!
Chapter VI
From the time Robert and Margaret had accepted the Restored gospel it became evident that their lives and
the lives of their children would be inextricably entwined with the fortunes of the Church. Notwithstanding
the phenomenal success of the early missionaries in England, there had arisen great opposition to the spread
of the Gospel in that country. Persecution against the Church in America had its counterpart in Great Britain.
Vilified and discriminated against, the Saints were put on the defensive. This to a large extent by the clergy,
who were envious of their success, and by many public officials.
Information flowed freely into Britain through organizational channels concerning the trials of the
Saints in America. The period in which Margaret and Robert accepted the Gospel (1837-1838) marked the
dark days of the Church in Missouri. The exodus from that trouble spot had occurred the year following
The letter Apostle Kimball written from London in 1840 had advised Robert that he should join the
Saints in America if and when he felt able to do so. Already some of the new converts in England had
migrated to America and no doubt such a move had crossed the minds of the McBrides. Perhaps several
reasons existed to prevent them from doing so at that early date. No doubt finances headed the list. Family
problems were many. Their little girl Janetta had just turned two years old, and we note that shortly
thereafter they were expecting another child. Then came the disappointing news of the persecution of the
Saints I Nauvoo, culminating in the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph and his brother Hyrum.
Soon after this time (in 1846) the Saints were driven out of Nauvoo and had subsequently established
a foothold in The Salt Lake Basin in Utah. The great migration to the West had begun. Latter-day Israel, now
on the march, had acknowledged Brother Brigham (B. Young)as their inspired leader and Prophet of the
Although the McBride family was at this time still in Scotland where association with the Church
was extremely limited, their hopes and aspirations were with the Saints in their affairs in America. Every bit
of news that flowed over 2,000 miles of wilderness and 3,000 miles of ocean seemed to be a part of their
own lives. They rejoiced in the joys and sorrowed in the trials of the main body of Saints. Brother Brigham’s
call to assemble in the western mountains area had gone out to all Saints. Over a period of the next few
years, many thousands from the British Isles would respond. How Robert and Margaret must have longed to
be a part of the great Latter-day movement in the choice land of America! Now that they had moved back to
England, their chances for America may have seemed a mite closer.
It appears that Robert built a comfortable home in Southport, England. Their involvement in the
Church is evidenced by the fact that Robert served as secretary of the branch and the youngsters often spent
Sunday afternoons canvassing the neighborhood, handing out missionary tracts (pamphlets).1 Janetta and
Ether were able to go to school in Southport, though not without some difficulty. Schools there operated by
Protestant denomination would not allow Mormon children to attend. The Catholics, however, took them in
to one of their schools. They were not required to learn the Catholic Creed, Along with her schooling, Janetta
hired out to a lady as an apprentice and learned the dressmaking trade.
Being faithful Church members, the McBride family had often felt the effects of bitter opposition.
Whatever sacrifices or inconveniences this caused them they had willingly accepted for Gospel’s sake. To
them the Church remained foremost, their pillar of strength. Though still in rather poor financial straits, the
idea of migrating never strayed far from their thoughts. Then certain conditions came about which hastened
the decision to go.
Until 1856 the means of transportation westward beyond New York Harbor had been by rail as far as
the trains went, then by especially equipped teams and wagons. All this entailed considerable expense, and
many who wanted to “come to Zion were not financially able to do so despite some assistance from the
Church. But, now, Brigham Young had devised a new and more economical plan for bringing people across
the 1,300 miles from the rail terminus in Iowa City, Iowa, to the great Basin. Word reached the Saints in
Britain and the Scandinavian countries that beginning in the early spring of 1856, large two-wheeled carts
would be provided, and well organized companies would cross the plains, pulling their belongings in these
handcarts. The McBride family was now caught up in the fervor, as hundreds of others in their vicinity began
to make plans to sail early enough to be a part of the spring trek to the West. The spirit of the gathering had
taken hold as Robert envisioned his family helping to build the great Mormon commonwealth proposed by
their Prophet leader.
Under direction of Apostle Franklin D. Richards, well organized machinery went into operation.
Edward Martin2 appeared on the scene, contacting the prospective emigrants giving instructions, arranging
passage and sailing date. One of their spiritual leaders, he would be the captain of the entire company when
the trek across the plains would get under way.
In Southport the McBrides were able to sell their home for a good price. Other possessions were sold
at auction, financial matter settled and a farewell visit made to Margaret’s mother. In Manchester at this
time, Mrs. Howard lived only a few miles up the Mersey River from Liverpool. It had been only a matter of
five years since her husband Peter had died, and one can well imagine how difficult it must have been to part
with her daughter and grandchildren. The prospects of ever seeing them again were indeed remote. As
indicated earlier, there had been hard feelings about Margaret joining the Church, especially, one is led to
believe, on the part of the father. However, at this time, as the McBride family was about to take its leave,
one hopefully assumes that good relations had since been established. If Margaret’s mother or other relatives
in the area now mad any effort to dissuade them fro leaving we do not know of it. In any event the die was
cast and after a day or two visit at Manchester our little family boarded the train for Liverpool, the point of
embarkation for America.
Very little of record exists detailing their train ride to the port city, the boarding of the ship and the
period of nearly a month and a half at sea. No doubt excitement ran high, especially for the youngsters.
Except for Heber, none of the children had ever experienced anything like it before. Once aboard the
Horizon, Heber was probably right in his element; and he it is who has given us the firsthand account of the
rebellious ship’s crew, the gunplay and the delay in setting sail. That exciting episode, outlined in the
introduction of this book, is taken from Heber’s memoirs written in his adult years. What little we have of
the voyage, their arrival in Boston harbor, the train ride to the readying camp in Iowa City, is primarily from
the same source. Indeed, the only firsthand information we have of the handcart trek across the plains is
gleaned from brief accounts written many year later by the several participants, all children at the time of the
trek Heber’s and Ether’s accounts are more detailed than the others, and the reader is referred to Section II of
the book for intriguing facts as these individuals have given them.
Accounts by Church historians of the handcart pioneers are brief. Three small companies who started
early in the spring of 1856 were very successful with no deaths and a minimum of sickness and hardship.
The Willie Company, leaving in mid July, and the Martin Company, leaving the last of July, were the ones
who suffered greatly. It appears there had been a breakdown in communications concerning the arrival at the
readying camp in Iowa City, Iowa, of so many hundreds of travelers. Suitable equipment was not ready.
Hurried preparations resulted in poorly constructed carts and wagons. The late start, coupled with early
winter climate on the plains and in the mountains set the stage for disaster for both the Willie and Martin
During the next four years, however, fife other companies made their way to the Salt Lake Basin
without serious mishap.
Our next Chapter VII will pickup the story at a point in Wyoming Territory with Margaret McBride
nearly three months into the trek of the Martin Handcart Company.
Edward Martin note: This young Elder had served in the famous Mormon Battalion and that
unprecedented experience had qualified him as a veteran of plains and mountains. Subsequently
having completed a Gospel mission, he was put in charge of the migrating Saints on [the ship]
Horizon Half Clipper. [Then he continued with this group as the handcart company leader.]
In their determination to get to their Latter-day Zion the lowly handcart became the CHARIOT OF HOPE for
Margaret and Robert and their brood of five.
1. Laura Smith Research.
2. See Edward Martin note: This young Elder had served in the famous Mormon Battalion and that unprecedented
experience had qualified him as a veteran of plains and mountains. Subsequently having completed a Gospel Mission,
he was put in charge of the migrating Saints on Horizon Half Clipper.
Chapter V11
Handcarts and prairie! The coaxing of the lumbering two-wheeled rigs over endless flatlands had been
the inescapable central fact in the lives of the McBride family for the past eighty-five days. Now in Wyoming
Territory the Martin Handcart Company had arrived at a sad state of affairs. Today, Oct. 21, 1856, Margaret lay
on a buffalo hide in a large tent, despondent, exhausted and grief stricken, oblivious of the activities of others.
Only this afternoon she had watched as grim-faced men dragged frozen bodies across the opening
toward a gaping hole in the ground. Earlier a large fire had been built to thaw the ground; then with pick and
shovel the men had managed to hack out the earth to prepare a shallow burial place for fifteen persons who
had perished during the terrible ordeal following the crossing of the North Platte River. Her six-year-old son
Peter ran to the side of one prone figure. The distraught mother, well aware that it was the body of the lad's
father, her beloved husband, Robert McBride, sorrowfully turned away. Little Peter, too young to grasp the
gravity of the moment, cried salty tears as he tugged at the man's clothing. The boy's crying caused the men
to assume he grieved over his father's death and they tried to comfort him. A bit of sad humor it turned out to
be when they discovered the lad was merely concerned about some fishhooks he wanted from his father's
Margaret had last seen her husband alive sometime the morning of the day before. Now alone with her
grief, her thoughts went tumbling back, back to the day five months ago when they had boarded the ship and set
sail for America. The forty-four days in crossing the Atlantic, though not always comfortable, proved uneventful
except for some rough seas and seasickness among some of the passengers. Boston, the point of disembarkation,
had seemed strange and so very far from the English countryside. She recalled the uncomfortable ride by rail
from Boston to the terminus in Iowa City, Iowa; the fretting of the children; the smelly boxcars that had been
their lot on the last lap out of Chicago. Indeed, a good many things had gone awry on this venture, which had
started with such high hopes for a good life in a new land. The rain and mud at the readying camp; the rugged
life incident to tenting on the prairie; the unexpected, agonizing three-week delay in getting the carts ready; all
had proven a severe test of faith and endurance for a dainty English lady used to a comfortable home and
pleasant surroundings.
Five hundred and seventy-six souls made up the Martin company, which had left Iowa City July 28, 1856.
Then followed the wearisome trek, the dust, the fatigue, the dreary nights and the near constant illness she had
Vividly Margaret recalled how supportive her husband had been of all the leaders in all their preparations
and during the movement across the plains, the vision of the "Valley" constantly before them. One particular
item carefully stashed away in the corner of his cart, a token of his dreams, was a masonry trowel with which
Robert hoped to help build the Temple in Zion. Again Margaret saw in her mind's eye the strong back and the
strained muscles as her dear Robert, often fatigued to the point of collapse, had leaned into the pull bar, hauling
the loaded cart for a period of more than twelve weeks over hundreds of miles of prairie.
Today all this seemed of little consequence compared to that which had transpired since arriving only
two days ago at the crossing of the Platte River.
The company leader, Edward Martin, had deliberated at length with his appointed captains over the
feasibility of attempting a crossing. Time was of the essence because of foreboding weather conditions. It had
turned bitter cold, and ice floated in the swollen river. Decision made, the crossing got underway. The infirm and
the tiny children were brought safely over in the supply wagons. Some of the youngsters rode atop the loaded
carts. The men went into the waist-deep, numbing water time after time to man the carts and bring them to the
south bank. Many of the women braved the treacherous stream with their husbands.
When the crossing had been completed and the pitiful company had made camp at the foot of some
bluffs, all were completely worn out. Time after time Robert had gone into the water, drenching himself for
hours in the ice flow. Suffering from exhaustion, exposure and lack of proper nourishment, he then lay deathly ill
in the tent. The children had gathered a little wood, built a fire and prepared what food remained of their
depleted rations. As the family huddled together, the youngsters tended as best they could to their ailing parents.
Robert's mind seemed to dwell upon what had been his compelling desire, to get to the Valley in the West. In a
low voice he sang the words of a favorite hymn, "Oh Zion." As the night wore on and his strength failed him
more, the words came only as a faint whisper: "O Zion, when I think of thee I long for pinions like a dove, And
mourn to think that I should be So distant from the land I love.
The family prayed as their father's life seemed to be ebbing slowly away. Six inches of snow fell that
night. Surprisingly enough Robert was still alive when morning came. When orders came to break camp and
move on, Janetta and Heber assisted their father to one of the wagons, he being unable to even stand alone, let
alone perform any work. Many others had resorted to the wagons, unable to continue any other way.
Weakened from exposure and hunger, the bedraggled company moved only a short distance that day,
due to the nearly impossible task of pushing through the snow and mud. By day's end, having managed to pitch a
tent and build a fire, Janetta and Heber went looking for their father. The wind blew the snow so badly they
could hardly see and the wagons were late getting into camp. Sorrowfully they returned to the tent, unable to
locate the wagon they had put him in. As death stalked the dismal camp, more snow fell that night, (Oct 20,
The next morning Heber went alone in search of his father. He found his frozen body underneath one of
the wagons. A touching scene ensued as Heber mourned his father's death, not knowing for sure the final
circumstances of his passing. One can hardly imagine the despair in the young boy's heart as he carried the sad
news to an anxious family.2
Haggard men with no heart and not much strength for the task had gone through the camp this day to
count the dead and lay them at the edge of the clearing. Heartbroken families watched as fifteen3 were buried in
the common grave, Robert among them.
What now would be their fate with such questionable means of survival, yet so far from the place of their
Despite the tragic events at the crossing of the Platte River, the Martin Company pressed on as best they
could. Church history and the private journals of many of the participants tell the story of their near superhuman
efforts against the great odds of deep snow, lack of food, illness and exhaustion.
Accounts of Robert’s death in journals of family members differ in some details. This is to be expected
since they were all children at the time and wrote their accounts many years later. The account given here is a
composite extracted from the several accounts of the children and other historical sources, and is believed to be
essentially correct. Some accounts give the number of people who died that terrible night as thirteen, but the fact
is there were thirteen dead the morning of October 21, but before the burial took place two more had died. It
seems total of fifteen is correct.
One particular incident of special significance to the McBride family, illustrative of the manner in which
they had to contend with the elements, occurred a short time following the tragic events of the crossing of the
Platte River. The company had made camp on the ground already blanketed with a few inches of snow. Strong
winds during the night precipitated a crisis. The people, huddled in their canvas shelters were pitifully illequipped against the severity of winter. The bitter cold pierced like a driven nail. Though the winds of blizzard
force had subsided with the coming of the dawn, another eight inches of snow had been added to the Wyoming
hills during that terrible November night. Brave men, barely able to move about in the one foot depth of the icy
stuff, had managed to start a few fires. The camp of well over 500 persons began to stir. Almost every tent lay
flattened by the weight of the snow and the fierce winds. Many had been ripped from their moorings and carried
away, leaving hundreds of men, women and children with little choice but to draw canvas and blankets around
them and wait out the storm. The more stalwart of the men moved about the camp attending to the gruesome
business of helping people from their frozen beds. Not all had survived. Several frozen bodies had been carefully
removed and laid out as weary souls wept and huddled near the fires.
Margaret McBride lay seriously ill, physically numbed by the bitter cold and mentally distraught by the
plight of her five children. One of her brood had not been immediately accounted for. As the camp attendants
approached and inquired about their welfare, Janetta, the oldest, tearfully volunteered, "I'm afraid my little
brother died in our tent last night."
Hastily kicking away the snow from off one comer of the fallen tent, one of the men threw back the stiff canvas.
A young boy lay still, his long blond curls frozen to the icy ground. The distraught mother, fearful that her sixyear-old son was dead, had not the strength but to weep and pray. Then as calloused hands gently lifted the little
form out, thinking to lay him beside the others, the lad whimpered and made a slight movement. Peter McBride
was alive! A joyful family gathered about to wrap him in warm blankets and administer a cup of hot broth, all the
while praising God for the miracle of his deliverance. Soon his normal self, young Peter suffered no ill effects
from the ordeal
Historical accounts tell also of the great rescue effort set in motion by President Brigham Young at the
October conference in Salt Lake City. Except for the rescue contingents which finally met the ill-fated company,
death from starvation and freezing may have been the ultimate fate of all of them. By the time the Martin
Company arrived in Salt Lake City, Nov. 30, 1856, upwards of 150 had perished and been left along the way,
many in unmarked graves. The story of the McBride family beyond the Platte River must be pieced together
from journals written by family members many years later.4
The plight of the McBride family differed little from that of others whose men folk had been lost. It is worthy
of note that Margaret had been ill5 most of the way, and at times unable to walk. We think that she never asked
for room in the wagons but rode on the cart during these times. Of course, the baby, three-year-old Margaret
Alice (Little Maggie), always had her special place atop their meager belongings. Much of the work on the trek
from the beginning had fallen to sixteen-year-old Janetta and thirteen-year-old Heber to assist their parents in
every phase of the wearisome journey. The two little boys, Ether eight and Peter six, did their share. They
willingly pushed when needed and took part in the many chores about the camp. They, like their older brother
and sister, walked all the way, a thousand miles or more.
Beyond the Platte River the efforts of all were indeed heroic, but to Janetta fell the major responsibility. With
her mother still very ill most of the time, she took charge of the family affairs. Not a healthy girl in early
childhood, the parents had taken special measures to nurse her through those early years. Janetta's weathering of
the ordeal stands as a miracle in itself. It is almost unbelievable that this slip of a girl could have mustered the
courage and strength to strive with the handcart and do all else that she did. If ever stubborn determination was
exhibited "against great odds," it was by Janetta Ann McBride, there in the plains and mountains of Nebraska
and Wyoming. And Heber by her side proved ever faithful and as stubbornly determined.
Authors' special note: In all, ten handcart companies crossed the plains and mountains into Utah between the years
1856 and 1861, five of them after the ill-fated Martin Company. That unparalleled adventure of thousands of Latter-day
Saints moving West pulling handcarts, must in the broad over view be hailed a tremendous success. Phases of the venture,
as that which befell the Willie and Martin Companies, have elicited criticism and were declared a failure by some. But
failure is an elusive word, the question often persisting, by what criteria shall it be measured? And what mortal is in
possession of a proper yardstick?
Those people who suffered great losses, almost to a person, remained true to the faith, their losses counted but dross
and refuse compared to the joys and blessings derived from having endured for the Gospel's sake.
Depiction of Heber Howard McBride (13 years old) finding his father,
Robert 3rd frozen in death next to a wagon, in southern Wyoming,
the early morning some 2 weeks after crossing the river back
and forth many times carrying children. He gradually
weakened never able to recover from the ordeal
1 From Laura Smith research. This story was told by Peter himself to his son Clyde
McBride, who passed it on to his (Clyde’s) sister.
2. Accounts of Robert’s death in journals of family members differ in some details. This is to be expected since they were
all children at the time and wrote their accounts many years later, each within the context of his own memory and
experience. The account given in this chapter is a composite extracted from the several accounts of the children and
other historical sources, and is believed to be essentially correct. (the authors)
3. Some accounts give the number as thirteen, but the fact is there were thirteen dead the morning of October 21, but
before the burial took place two more had died. It seems a total of fifteen is correct.
4. See also, Chariots of Hope, a novel by the authors of this book, which although not purporting to be actual history in
every detail, depicts personalities and events in keeping with the facts
5. The exact nature of Margaret’s illness has never been determined. Several maladies were present among the trekkers:
fatigue, exposure, malnutrition, chills, fever and dysentery. Many deaths were attributed to pneumonia and
hypothermia. Margaret may have suffered from one or a combination of these
Chapter VIII
Samuel Ferrin, a goodly man and a widower, lived on a small farm in Ogden, Utah. In November of 1856,
his wife had been dead well over a year, leaving him with a family of four boys and one little girl. In the
latter part of November when Bishop Chancy West contacted him with a special request, Samuel could not
have known the vital role he was about to play in the final chapter of a drama at that moment being enacted
in the snow-covered mountains to the east.
For well over a month residents had been aware of the unparalleled rescue effort put into operation by
Brigham Young on behalf of the stranded handcart pioneers. Bishops of Wards throughout the area had been
alerted to receive the survivors and look after their immediate needs, a customary procedure. Indeed, it was
the law of the Church, and Samuel Ferrin willingly accepted the request to provide temporary care of any of
the needy that might arrive at his door.
The Martin Company arrived in Salt Lake City November 30, 1856, the McBride family, along with
others, occupying a wagon driven by Ebenezer Richardson of Ogden City. Consequently their destination
became Ogden, the occupants to be dropped off at different locations along the way. In Salt Lake City the
driver's sister, Mrs. Mese, provided food and lodging the first night. The next day they proceeded as far as
Farmington to stay the night at a Mr. Grover's place. On the evening of the second day, the McBride's arrived
in Ogden and there taken to the home of Samuel Ferrin. Mr. Ferrin's housekeeper prepared nourishing food
and helped provide for their immediate needs. Margaret, not fully recovered from the lingering illness of
chills and fever, welcomed the tender care proffered by the housekeeper and relished a few days of rest at the
Ferrin home that greatly improved her condition.
Bishop West secured a small, one-room house for them in Ogden. Whether a log or an adobe structure is
not clear, but it had a dirt floor and a thatched roof covered with dirt. A fireplace in one end gave some
semblance of comfort, although the roof leaked badly and allowed rainwater to run down the walls and get
the children's beds wet. But the Church members were kind and helped provide wood and food for the
unfortunate family. The children spent many hours digging sego roots1 (Along-stemmed beautiful bloom
with a nourishing onion-like bulb under ground, the Sego Lilly grew abundantly in that area) to supplement a
diet consisting principally of cornmeal, salt, and squash. With an abiding faith and great determination, the
little family made it through the first winter, Margaret always grateful for any assistance proffered by Mr.
Ferrin and others, never complaining.
When the spring thaw began and planting time drew near, Janetta and the two older boys found some
employment on the farms and elsewhere in the community. Janetta, now seventeen, soon found herself
attracted to the oldest Ferrin boy, Jacob, who was several years older. After a brief engagement they were
married March 29, 1857, and went out on their own.
About this time Margaret and her family moved with their scanty possessions to Slaterville, a small
community a few miles west of Ogden City. There they took up quarters a mite more comfortable than the
small cabin they had occupied during the winter. The Slaterville place belonged to Samuel Ferrin.
Perhaps the marriage of Janetta to the Ferrin boy had promoted a closer tie between the two families. No
doubt in the turn of events in each of the lives of Margaret and Mr. Ferrin they saw a need for each other. In
any event Samuel soon proposed marriage and Margaret became Mrs. Ferrin May 3, 1857, in a civil
ceremony. Family records reveal that Margaret was eventually sealed by proxy to her first husband, Robert
Not a wealthy man, Samuel Ferrin, like most of the people in that section of Utah, had struggled through
some trying times since migrating to that state. Nevertheless, things must have begun to look brighter for
Margaret and her family. The boys took responsibilities on the farm, the arrangement assuring food and
lodging and a sense of security that they had not experienced during the last full year.
Records show that Brother Ferrin treated the McBride children as his own. Even after they were grown
they spoke respectfully of their stepfather, always addressing him as "father" which indeed he proved to be
as they worked and struggled together for a number of years.
Difficulties of an unexpected nature loomed on the horizon, however. Following their marriage the Ferrins
were to feel the effects of a situation foisted upon all the Saints in the West, the so-called Utah War. False
rumors reaching Washington depicted the Mormons as in a state of rebellion. Old misunderstandings fanned
by political rivalry caused President Buchanan to take an unwarranted step. Disregarding the claims of the
Saints, and without waiting for Federal investigation of the serious charges, President Buchanan, on May
28,1857, ordered the Federal Army at Ft. Leavenworth to proceed to Utah and quell the so-called rebellion.
When word of this reached President Brigham Young in Utah, it precipitated a crisis. The Saints were
determined to resist such unwarranted aggression. Members throughout the west mobilized for defense and
prepared to abandon their homes and move southward. They determined to use a scorched earth policy and
burn everything at their departure. During summer and fall of 1857, preparations got underway as the Army
under the leadership of General Johnson crossed the plains and drew ever nearer to the Salt Lake Valley. The
Ferrin family, caught up in the mass exodus, left their home with little hope of ever seeing it intact again.
Left behind were only those to torch the city if the Federal Troops invaded. Heber's and Ether's journals tell
of the heartaches connected with this episode.
War was averted, however, when General Johnson and leaders in Washington were finally persuaded that
no such thing as a rebellion existed. When the crisis ended in June, 1858, a greatly maligned populace filed
back into their homes. It had been an eventful year, the cause of much hardship for the Mormon people - one
more chapter in the lives of Margaret and her uncomplaining brood to survive in the face of overwhelming
It was probably shortly after this time (1860), that Margaret, received the communication from England.
The letter from her father-in-law, Robert McBride 2nd and her mother, Ann Howard, must have caused
rejoicing in her family. Evidently Margaret had been in communication with her mother previously, but
probably not directly with the elder McBride. Perhaps letters were exchanged more frequently than we know,
exploding the once stated belief that any ill feelings about Margaret joining the Church and going to America
were of a lasting nature. We believe all the members of the Howard and McBride families were compatible,
God-fearing, religious people with much love and affection for each other.
Following the settlement of the Utah War, Brother Ferrin established his family on a 200 acre farm about
three miles north of Ogden. With his farming Samuel operated a sawmill with the help of his sons and
stepsons. Their stay at this location lasted only about three years. Heavy rains during the winter of 1861-62
washed the saw mill out while the farm also suffered damage. They sold the land and moved into a sparsely
settled area east of Ogden over a range of mountains into Ogden Valley. Here again the family engaged in
Sometime early in 1862 Margaret must have received the sad news of the death of her mother, Ann Wright
Howard. While alone at her home in Churchtown, England, Mother Howard's clothes accidentally caught
fire. Badly burned she lived but twenty-six hours. The death occurred January 2, 1862, age seventy-three
Information concerning Margaret's life with Samuel Ferrin is sketchy. Those were the days of polygamy in
the Church; and an inescapable factor in the relationship of this pair is that Samuel eventually took a second
wife, though with Margaret's consent. Every indication is that their life continued without serious discord.
About this time several settlements were being established in Ogden Valley. It seems the Ferrins located
near the community of Huntsville, by no means an easy place to live because of frequent trouble with the
Indians. Early in 1865 the Indians had become so troublesome in some sections of the valley that families
began to move closer together for protection. The Church Authorities, aware of the need, arranged for the
establishment of a new community. A beautiful spot laid out under the direction of Richard Ballentyne took
the name Eden, Utah, and people moved in immediately. A big celebration and dedication activities marked
its founding, July 15, 1865.
Despite the fact that we find no indication of an estrangement between Margaret and Samuel Ferrin, in due
time, we find them living separately. It appears that the move to themselves was more one of convenience
and for the benefit of the children than for anything else. The boys were growing up and becoming more
capable in providing financial support. In fact, they continued to work for Brother Ferrin from time to time,
and he may have otherwise contributed to the welfare of his adopted family. Margaret was certainly never
ungrateful for the love and support of Samuel Ferrin.
In 1865 we find Margaret with her boys and daughter living in Eden, and for a good many years this
garden spot figured prominently in the lives of the McBride family.
Regrettably their exists no life history of Margaret other than that woven into the story of the McBride
family thus far. Little is known of her life after she settled in the town of Eden, she then being approximately
fifty years old. she considered this her home for the rest of her life, a period of another twenty-six years or
so. Here her three boys and young daughter grew to maturity.
From the records of the Women's Relief Society in the Eden Ward we gather a few interesting details of
Margaret's later years, which testify to her unswerving devotion to Gospel ideals and to her sterling
character. We learn that she spent several months in St. George, Utah (part of 1876 and 77), helping with the
completion of the Temple. Her work consisted mainly of sewing carpets and curtains for that building. Being
present at the dedication, April 6, 1877, she witnessed spiritual manifestations that remained memorable
experiences the rest of her life.
From page 67 – Book A off the Eden Ward Relief Society the following is taken under the date of June 2,
Sister McBride addressed the meeting:
Dear sisters,
I am glad to meet with you again and all the Saints in the Valley, I have traveled a long journey
since we last met. I have had the privilege of receiving instructions from the high authorities of the
Church. I have tried to attend every meeting possible, also to retain some of the great blessings and
teachings that were given to the Saints on different occasions from eleven of the Twelve Apostles.
The Temple at St. George is a great building. My first introduction was to help the sisters to sew
carpet for the Temple. I was also present at the dedication. Great power was made manifest. I cannot
find language to convey to you the teachings we received.
The Saints traveled from great distances and large numbers of people came to do ordinances for
the dead. I was baptized for my mother and many of my dead relatives.* Babylon must fall, and those
who have slain the Prophet and driven the Saints will be brought into judgment. Brother Brigham has
told the sisters to raise silk worms and make silk for clothing. Well may the Lord bless us is my
prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. (From Laura Smith research)
*One relative no doubt, was her husband’s sister, Martha, referred to previously.
Just a year from this event Margaret was called as President of the Relief Society in her Eden Ward, June
7, 1878.
Again from the Relief Society records we discover that three years later she spent another lengthy period,
more than a year, at the St. George Temple. On page 170 - Book A under the date May 10, 1882, the
following appears:
President McBride having been gone so long hardly knew what to say. She had been away more than a
year. While absent she had had good health and had been laboring in the Temple doing work for her
dead relatives, who died without the Gospel. She was baptized for 135 people in one day. She gave a
great account of her labors in the St. George Temple and how the work was done. She wished all the
sisters could have the privilege of laboring in the Temple as she had done. She continued with blessings
and instructions. (From Laura Smith Research)
During these periods in St. George, Margaret stayed with her daughter, Margaret Alice (Little Maggie)
Snow, and husband, Erastus White Snow.
Though comparatively little is known of Margaret's life after they moved to Eden, it is extremely
significant that she served faithfully as President of the Relief Society in the Eden Ward for a period of thirteen
years, from June 7, 1878, until the time of her death. To anyone who understands the duties of a Relief Society
President, especially in those early and trying days of the Church, the record is abundantly clear; this delicate little
woman stood well above most of her peers in performing meaningful service to her fellow beings. We can be
sure that in raising her family and remaining steadfast in her calling, she did plenty to which secular recorded
history can never do justice.
Margaret passed away in Eden July 5, 1891, at the age of seventy-six and six months. From page 308 of
the Relief Society record we extract the following:
One more gone to rest at Eden, Weber County, July 5, 1891. We were called to part with a noble woman,
President Margaret McBride of the Relief Society of the Eden Ward. Margaret McBride was born Dec. 2,
1814 in Parish of North Meols, Lancashire, England. Married at the same place in the year 1833, Nov.25.
Baptized into the Church on the 4th of January, 1838, by Heber C. Kimball in Preston, Lancashire,
England, and migrated on the 30th of May, 1856.4 Crossed the plains with handcarts and lost her
husband on the way. He was found dead under a wagon covered with snow and buried with fourteen
other men, all in one shallow grave. She arrived in Ogden December 24, 18565 with five children, the
youngest being three years old. She was the mother of nine children, five are living and are all members
of the Church. She has forty-six grandchildren. (from Laura Smith research)
It is interesting to note that during these years she went by the name of McBride and not Ferrin. We do not
know of any special significance of this.
With the above notations we come to the close of an eventful life of one of the choice daughters of Zion. Her
life had not been an easy one. But despite this, Margaret claimed much joy in the Gospel and never complained
about her lot, her steadfastness giving credence to the thought that triumph, and not tragedy or failure, is often
the fruit of adversity.
From her devotion to temple work, and from her testimony we perceive the spirit and dignity of a true Saint.
As the veil between this life of hardship and a better life grew ever thinner, how she must have yearned to
embrace her dear Robert on the other side, recalling his fervor to see his family planted securely in Zion, and
how he had planned to help build temples there.
Faithful to the end, "against great odds," both he and she left a legacy of perseverance worthy of emulation by
their descendants. We owe them much!
A long-stemmed, beautiful bloom with a nourishing onion-like bulb, the Sego Lilly grew abundantly underground,
and wild in that area.
Laura Smith Research
In a journal of one of the grandchildren a statement is made concerning Mrs. Ann Howard and Mrs. Janet McBride,
that “both grandmothers died in the same year by fire.” This is only partially correct. They both died by fire; but not
in the same year. Grandmother McBride, wife of Robert 2 nd died August 11, 1853. Grandmother Howard’s death is
indicated above
More substantial records show that the ship Horizon Half Clipper sailed from Liverpool, England on May 17, 1856,
with the McBride family aboard.
Since her company arrived in Salt Lake November 30, and came straight to Ogden, we think this date should read
Dec. 2.