The ordered perception grounding the referential competence Barbara Giolito, Università del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro” ( First premise of my proposal is the distinction, developed by Diego Marconi, between inferential competence and referential competence: by ‘inferential competence’ we designate the capability of connecting lexical items with each others, by ‘referential competence’ we designate the capacity of connecting lexical items to the external world. An important consequence of this distinction is that we can assume that a theory could be a good explanation for just one of these two competences without claiming that such a theory is enough for the whole meaning of words. The separation between inferential and referential capacity can be applied to the same word: most words have indeed both an inferential and a referential part in their meaning. Nevertheless, for different words one of these two aspects can be more important than the other, and for some words just one of them can be relevant (abstract or functional words can be lacking the referential aspect). The hypothesis of such a distinction, and the connected possibility to study inferential and referential capacity separately, can be relevant against some criticisms concerning the difficulty in explaining the meaning of words by the sensorial perception of world. Indeed, these criticisms are in part founded on the existence of some completely abstract words and on the existence of some abstract aspects in most words. On the contrary, we could refer to perception just as an explanation source for the referential aspects of some words, while we could need another sort of explanation for inferential aspects, where we could look for the explanation of most abstract aspects of words. 1 In particular, we can try to explain some aspects of the meaning of words by our capacity of perceiving the world in a conceptually ordered way. Indeed, if our perception is already ordered in different categories by our sensory system work, such categories could ground the meaning of some of our lexical items or at least part of it. This attempt can be based on some experiments on neural networks, supporting my second premise, that is the possibility of an influence between the sensory system work and the conceptual system work. A connectionist model, supporting the existence of Categorical perception, is developed by Harnad, Hanson and Lubin. They consider the ability of back-propagation neural networks to learn to discriminate 8 lines of different lengths in two categories (‘short’ and ‘long’ lines). The lines are presented in different ways: they can have a ‘place-code’, so that a line of length 4 would be represented as 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0, or a ‘thermometer-code’, so that the same line would be represented as 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0. The place-code is assumed to be more arbitrary and the thermometer-code is assumed to be more analog, because the fist one preserves some multi-unit constraints not preserved by the place-code. To produce the pre-categorization discrimination function, an auto-association method is used. For each network, the interstimulus-distances for all pairs of the 8 lines are calculated as the Euclidean distance between the vectors of hidden unit activations. After the autoassociation task, the trained connection weights between hidden units and outputs units are reloaded for a new double task: the auto-association task and a categorization task. The categorisation task consists in naming lines 1 - 4 by the arbitrary name ‘short’ and lines 5 – 8 by the arbitrary name ‘long’. The interstimulusdistances of the networks that have been trained on the categorization task are compared to the pre-categorization values for the same networks: a decrease in within-category interstimulus-distances and an increase in between-categories 2 interstimulus-distances are considered Categorical Perception effects. These effects emerge for all representations. The networks acquire the capacity to sort inputs in categories imposed by supervised learning, shifting the distances between them until there is enough within-category compression and between-category separation to achieve reliable categorization. In other studies, the number of stimuli is increased from 8 to 12 and the number of categories from 2 to 3 (‘short’, ‘medium’ and ‘long’ lines). The average results are basically the same, but - in the last work - the placecode shows a Categorical Perception effect consisting both in compression withincategory and in separation between-categories, while the thermometer-code shows a Categorical Perception effect mainly consisting in separation between-categories: representations using this kind of code are already grouped together after the autoassociation phase because of their analog nature, making compression effects less useful and small. These studies on neural networks suggest that Categorical Perception arises with more strength in difficult and confused cases and support the plausibility of Categorical Perception phenomena, at least in terms of reciprocal influences between sensory system work and conceptual system work. Such a fact is important in the study of language meaning. The possibility that concepts influence sense data suggests a plausible link between concepts and sensory perception, and this could support the hypothesis that some aspects of the meaning of concepts depend on our perception of the world: our conceptual structure could depend on our natural capability to interpret sense data in a meaningful way. Consequently, we could consider the conceptual structure supporting the meaning of language in part as a by-product of Categorical Perception: some lexical terms could be grounded in the capability to discriminate and categorize the real word objects, events and states of affairs to which they can be interpreted as referring. Our 3 referential competence could be grounded in our natural capacity to perceive the world in an ordered way. 4