Politics, 21(1), 1986]. - University of Western Sydney

Jack Barbalet
Professorial Fellow
Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy
University of Western Sydney
Email: j.barbalet@uws.edu.au
Webpage: www.jackbarbalet.com
Academic Qualifications:
1978: PhD, University of Adelaide.
1972: BA (Honors) [First Class], University of Adelaide.
1971: BA, Flinders University of South Australia.
Present Appointment:
2009-> Professorial Fellow, Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy,
University of Western Sydney.
Continuing Honorary Appointments:
2010-> Honorary Fellow, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, Lingnan
University, Hong Kong.
2006-> Research Associate, SociNova, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Previous Appointments:
2008-09: Foundation Professor of Sociology, University of Western Sydney.
1999-2008: Professor of Sociology, University of Leicester (Head of
Department, 2000-2006).
1995-99: Reader in Sociology, Australian National University.
1989-95: Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Australian National University.
1982-88: Lecturer in Sociology, Australian National University.
1979-82: Research Fellow in Sociology, Institute of Advanced Studies,
Australian National University.
1977-79: Lecturer in Sociology, Mitchell College of Advanced Education,
Bathurst, New South Wales.
1976-77: Tutor in Politics, University of Adelaide.
1975: Lecturer in Economics, University of Papua New Guinea
Visiting Appointments:
2007: Scholar-in-Residence, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies,
Cologne, Germany (January-July).
2003: Visiting Fellow, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National
University (July-September).
1997: Visiting Professor, School of Science and Technology Studies,
University of New South Wales, Australia (July-December).
1993-4: Visiting Scholar, Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology, Clark
University, Worcester, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (November-February).
1990: Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of California,
Los Angeles, U.S.A. (January-December).
1981: Department Visitor, Sociology Department, Macquarie University,
Sydney, Australia (June).
1980: Official Visitor, Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge
University, England (October-December).
Editorial Activities:
From 2005: Member, Editorial Board The Sociological Review
From 2005: Member, Editorial Board, William James Studies
2002-05: Managing Editor, Journal of Classical Sociology.
a) Single authored books:
Weber, Passion and Profits:‘The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism’ in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 264pp.
[Reviews: Canadian Journal of Sociology, 34(3), 2009; Contemporary
Sociology, 38(6), 2009].
Winner of the 2010 Stephen Crook Memorial Prize of the Australian
Sociological Association, a biennial award for ‘the best authored
monograph within the discipline of Sociology published over the
previous three years’.
Emotion, Social Theory, and Social Structure: A Macrosociological
Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 210pp.
[Reviews: Journal of Sociology, 34(3), 1998; Contemporary Sociology,
28(1), 1999; American Journal of Sociology, 104(5), 1999; Annals of
the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 562, 1999].
[Portuguese translation, 2000; paperback edition, 2001; Korean
translation, 2007; also available as a CUP eBook].
Citizenship: Rights, Struggle and Class Inequality. London: Open University
Press; Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. 119pp.
[Reviews: Contemporary Sociology, 20(1), 1991; The Times Higher
Education Supplement, Oct 20, 1989; Political Studies, 38(1), 1990;
Sociological Review, 38(2), 1990; Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Sociology, 26(2), 1990; Work, Employment and Society,
15(2), 1991].
[Portuguese translation, 1989; Chinese translation, 1991; Italian
translation, 1992; Spanish translation, 1995; Romanian translation
Marx's Construction of Social Theory. London and Boston: Routledge and
Kegan Paul, 1983. 228pp.
[Reviews: Contemporary Sociology, 13(6), 1984; Sociology, 18(1),
1984; Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 22(1), 1986;
Politics, 21(1), 1986].
b) Edited books:
Religion and the State, edited with Adam Possamai and Bryan Turner.
London: Anthem Press (in press).
Emotions and Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing (Sociological Review
Monograph Series), 2002. 175pp.
[Reviews: Contemporary Sociology, 33(3), 2004]
[Korean translation 2009]
c) Refereed journal articles.
‘Self Interest and the Theory of Action’ [under review with American Journal
of Economics and Sociology].
‘Market Relations as Wuwei: Chinese Concepts in Analysis of a Modern
Economy’ [under review with Asian Studies Review].
‘Emotions beyond Regulation: Backgrounded Emotions in Science and Trust’.
Emotion Review. 2011 (in press).
‘Citizenship in Max Weber’. Journal of Classical Sociology. 2010. 10(3): 20116.
‘Action Theoretic Foundations of Economic Sociology’.
Wirtschaftssoziologie. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.
2009. Sonderheft 49: 143-57.
‘A Characterization of Trust, and its Consequences’. Theory and Society.
2009. 38(4): 367-82.
‘Disinterestedness and Self Formation: Principles of Action in William
Hazlitt’. European Journal of Social Theory. 2009. 12(2): 195-211.
‘Pragmatism and Economics: William James’ Contribution’. Cambridge
Journal of Economics. 2008. 32(5): 797-810.
‘Max Weber and Judaism: An Insight into the Protestant Ethic Methodology’.
Max Weber Studies. 2006. 6 (1): 51-67.
‘Weeping and Transformations of Self’. Journal for the Theory of Social
Behaviour. 2005. 35 (2): 125-141.
‘Smith’s Sentiments (1759) and Wright’s Passions (1601): The Beginnings of
Sociology’. British Journal of Sociology. 2005. 56 (2): 171-89.
‘Hypothesis, Faith, and Commitment: William James’ Critique of Science’.
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. 2004. 34 (3): 213-30.
‘Consciousness, Emotions, and Science’. Theory and Research on Human
Emotions. Advances in Group Processes: A Research Annual. 2004. Volume
21, edited by Jonathan H. Turner. Amsterdam: Elsevier: 245-72.
‘William James: Pragmatism, Social Psychology and Emotions’. European
Journal of Social Theory. 2004. 7(3): 337-53.
‘Secret Voting and Political Emotions’. Mobilization: An International
Journal. 2002. 7(2): 129-40.
‘Moral Indignation, Class Inequality and Justice: An Exploration and Revision
of Ranulf’. Theoretical Criminology. 2002. 6(3): 279-97.
‘Weber’s Inaugural Lecture and its Place in his Sociology’. Journal of
Classical Sociology. 2001. 1 (2): 147-70.
‘William James and Robert Louis Stevenson: The Importance of Emotion’.
Streams of William James: A Publication of the William James Society. 2001.
3 (3): 6-9.
‘Beruf, Rationality, and Emotion in Max Weber’s Sociology’. Archives
Européennes de Sociologie. 2000. 41 (2): 329-51.
‘Boredom and Social Meaning’. British Journal of Sociology. 1999. 50 (4):
‘William James’ Theory of Emotions: Filling in the Picture’. Journal for the
Theory of Social Behaviour. 1999. 29 (3): 521-66.
‘The Jamesian Theory of Action’. Sociological Review. 1997. 45 (1): 102-21.
‘Class Action and Class Theory: Contra Culture, Pro Emotion’. Science &
Society. 1996. 60 (4): 478-85.
‘Social Emotions: Confidence, Trust and Loyalty’. International Journal of
Sociology and Social Policy. 1996. 16 (8/9): 75-96
‘Developments in Citizenship Theory and Issues in Australian Citizenship’.
Australian Journal of Social Issues. 1996. 30 (1): 54-71
‘Climates of Fear and Socio-Political Change’. Journal for the Theory of
Social Behaviour. 1995. 25 (1): 15-33
‘A Social Emotions Theory of Basic Rights’. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Sociology. 1995. 31 (3): 36-44
‘Ritual Emotion and Bodywork: A Note on the Uses of Durkheim’. Social
Perspectives on Emotion. 1994. Volume 2, edited by William M. Wentworth
and John Ryan. Greenwich CT: JAI Press: 111-23.
‘Confidence: Time and Emotion in the Sociology of Action’. Journal for the
Theory of Social Behaviour. 1993. 23 (3): 229-47.
‘Marx and Hegel’s Dialectic’. Political Theory Newsletter. 1992. 4 (2): 99115.
‘A Macrosociology of Emotion: Class Resentment’. Sociological Theory.
1992. 10 (2): 150-63.
‘Class and Rationality: Olson’s Critique of Marx.’ Science & Society. 1991. 55
(4): 446-68.
‘Power and Group Processes’. Sociological Inquiry. 1991. 61(3): 314-26.
‘The “Labor Aristocracy” in Context’. Science & Society. 1987. 51(2): 133-53.
‘Power, Structural Resources and Agency’. Current Perspectives in Social
Theory. 1987. Volume 8, edited by John Wilson. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press:
‘Limitations of Class Theory and the Disappearance of Status: The Problem of
the New Middle Class’. Sociology. 1986. 20(4): 557-75.
‘Weber and Marshall on the State’. Politics. 1986. 22(2): 12-19.
‘Class Theory and Earnings Inequality’. Australian and New Zealand Journal
of Sociology. 1985. 21(3): 327-48.
‘Power and Resistance’. British Journal of Sociology. 1985. 36(4): 531-48.
[Reprinted in:
a) Cynthia Hardy (editor), Power and Politics in
Organizations. Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing Co, 1995:
b) Peter Hamilton (editor), Max Weber: Critical Assessments
2, vol 1. London: Routledge, 1991: 385-400].
‘Social Closure in Class Analysis: A Critique of Parkin’. Sociology. 1982.
16(4): 484-97.
‘Distribution Theory and Trade Cycles in Class Analysis: Some Comments on
Clark’s Contribution’. Labour History. 1981. 41: 132-9.
‘Principles of Stratification in Max Weber: An Interpretation and Critique’.
British Journal of Sociology. 1980. 31(3): 401-18.
‘Underdevelopment and the Colonial Economy’. Journal of Contemporary
Asia. 1976. 6(2): 186-93.
‘The Colonial Mode of Production: Exploration of a Concept and its
Application to Papua New Guinea’. Economics Department Discussion Paper.
No. 19, University of Papua New Guinea, 1975. [14pp].
‘Tri-partism in Australia: The Role of the Australian Country Party’. Politics.
1975. 10(1): 1-14.
[Reprinted in John Summers, Dennis Woodward and Andrew Parkin
(editors), Government, Politics and Power in Australia. Adelaide:
Flinders University Press, 1979: 178-203].
‘Political Science, the State and Marx’. Politics. 1974. 9(1): 69-74.
d) Chapters in edited collections:
‘Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments: A Foundational Text of
Emotions Sociology’. Hauptwerke der Emotionssoziologie, edited by
Konstanze Senge and Rainer Schützeichel. Berlin: Verlag für
Sozialwissenschaften (in press).
‘Chinese Religion, Market Society and the State’. Religion and the State,
edited by Jack Barbalet, Adam Possamai and Bryan Turner. London: Anthem
Press (in press).
‘Consciousness, Emotions, and Science’. Pp. 39-71 in Theorizing Emotions:
Sociological Explorations and Applications, edited by Debra Hopkins, Jochen
Kleres, Helena Flam and Helmut Kuzmics. Frankfurt/New York: Camus
Verlag, 2009.
‘Pragmatism and Symbolic Interactionism’. Pp. 199-217 in New Blackwell
Companion to Social Theory, edited by Bryan Turner. London: Blackwell,
‘The Emotional Basis and Consequences of Trust’. Emotions in Motion (in
Swedish), edited by Åsa Wettergren, Bengt Starrin and Gerd Lindgren.
Copenhagen: Liber, 2008.
‘The Moon before the Dawn: a Seventeenth-century Precursor of Smith’s The
Theory of Moral Sentiments’. Pp. 84-105 in New Perspectives on Adam
Smith’s ‘The Theory of Moral Sentiments’, edited by Ann Firth, Geoff
Cockfield and John Laurent. London: Edward Elgar, 2007.
‘Classical Pragmatism, Classical Sociology: William James, Religion and
Emotion’. Pp. 17-45 in Pragmatism and European Social Theory, edited by
Patrick Baert and Bryan Turner. Oxford: The Bardwell Press, 2007.
‘Emotions in Politics: From the Ballot to Suicide Terrorism’. Pp. 31-55 in
Emotion, Politics and Society, edited by Simon Clarke, Paul Hoggett and
Simon Thompson. London: Palgrave, 2006.
‘Science and Emotions’. Pp. 132-50 in Emotions and Sociology, edited by
Jack Barbalet. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing (Sociological Review
Monograph Series), 2002.
‘Introduction: Why Emotions are Crucial’. Pp. 1-9 in Emotions and Sociology,
edited by Jack Barbalet. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing (Sociological Review
Monograph Series), 2002.
‘Vagaries of Social Capital: Citizenship, Trust and Loyalty’. Pp. 91-106 in
Citizenship, Community, and Democracy, edited by Ellie Vasta. London:
Macmillan; New York: St Martin's Press, 2000.
‘Society’s Body: Emotion and the “Somatization” of Social Theory’. [with
M.L. Lyon]. Pp. 48-66 in Embodiment and Experience: The Existential
Ground of Culture and Self, edited by T.J. Csordas. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1994.
[Reprinted in The Body: Basic Concepts, edited by Andrew Blaikie et
al. London: Routledge, 2003].
‘Citizenship, Class Inequality and Resentment’. Pp. 36-56 in Citizenship and
Social Theory, edited by Bryan Turner. London: Sage, 1993.
‘Citizenship Rights’. Pp. 227-38 in Citizenship: Critical Concepts, Volume 1,
edited by Bryan S. Turner. London: Routledge, 1993.
‘Social Movements and the State: The Case of the American Labour
Movement’. Pp. 237-61 in Politics of the Future: The Role of Social
Movements, edited by C. Jennett and R. Stewart. London and Sydney:
Macmillan, 1989.
‘Marx and Weber as Class Theorists and the Relevance of Class Theory
Today’. Pp. 136-52 in Three Worlds of Inequality: Race, Class and Gender,
edited by C. Jennett and R. Stewart. London and Sydney: Macmillan, 1987.
e) Short papers and encyclopedia entries:
‘Social Structure of Emotion’. Oxford Companion to the Affective Sciences,
edited by David Sander and Klaus Scherer. Oxford University Press, 2009.
‘Citizenship’. Pp. 497-500 in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited
by George Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.
‘Emotion: Cultural Aspects’. Pp. 1374-7 in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of
Sociology, edited by George Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007 .
‘Marshall, Thomas Humphrey’. Pp. 2794-6 in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of
Sociology, edited by George Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.
‘Property, Private’. Pp. 3676-8 in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology,
edited by George Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.
‘Keyword: Emotion’. Contexts Magazine [publication of the American
Sociological Association]. 2006. 5(2): 51-3.
[Reprinted in The Contexts Reader, edited by Jeff Goodwin and James
M. Jasper. New York: W.W. Norton & Company].
‘Anomie’. Pp. 20-1 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, edited by
Bryan Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
‘Charisma’. Pp. 58-9 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, edited by
Bryan Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
‘Emotions’. Pp. 163-5 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, edited by
Bryan Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
‘James, William’. P. 310 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, edited by
Bryan Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
‘Norms’. Pp. 418-9 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, edited by
Bryan Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
‘Property’. Pp. 476-7 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, edited by
Bryan Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
‘Scheff, Thomas J.’. P. 535 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, edited
by Bryan Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
‘Social Role’. Pp. 583-4 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, edited by
Bryan Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
‘Solidarity’. Pp. 602-3 in The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology, edited by
Bryan Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
‘Emotion’. Pp. 167-8 in Encyclopedia of Social Theory, edited by Austin
Harrington, Barbara Marshall and Hans-Peter Müller. London: Routledge,
‘Emotions and the Economy’. Pp. 236-40 in International Encyclopedia of
Economic Sociology, edited by Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski. London:
Routledge, 2005:
‘Reflections on the Sociology of Emotions, the Section and the Discipline’.
Emotions Section Newsletter: Newsletter of the Emotions Section of the
American Sociological Association. 2002, 16 (1): 3-4.
‘Emotions and Sociological Theory’. Perspectives: The [American
Sociological Association] Theory Section Newsletter. 2001, 23 (1): 3,6,8.
‘Acción de Clase y Teoría de Clase: Contra Cultura, Pro Emoción’.
Alternativa: Publicación del Instituto de Ciencias Alejandro Lipschutz.
[Santiago, Chile]. 1997, 2(3): 107-13.
‘Theoretical Sociology in Australia’. Perspectives: The [American
Sociological Association] Theory Section Newsletter. 1994, 17 (1): 1-3.