Parish Visitor – October 2005 - The Federated Church of Orleans

Federated Church of Orleans
P. O. Box 761, 162 Main Street
East Orleans, MA 02643
508-255-3060; fax 508-255-3423
Presorted Standard
Non-Profit Organization
Permit #41 – US Postage Paid
Orleans, MA 02653 Address
Service Requested
Dated Material Sept. 1, 2015
Special Events in
Guest Worship Leaders ~
Sept. 6
Rev. Rod MacDonald
Sept. 13
Rev. Don Wick
Sept. 20
Rev. Bob Richardson
Sept. 27
Rev. Judy Thomas
Choir Rehearsals Resume ~
Sept 3, 12:30 pm Handbell Choir
Sept 9, 7:30 pm Chancel Choir
Won’t you join us?
Am HaYam observes
Rosh Hashanah ~
Sept. 13, 7 – 10 pm
Sept. 14, 10 am – 1 pm
Am HaYam observes Yom Kippur
Sept. 22, 7 am – 10 pm
Sept. 23, 10 am – Sundown
Sept. 7–Labor Day–Office
Sept. 20 – Rally Day!
Sept. 27–Stewardship BBQ
Many Thanks to:
Marti Johnson
Donna Sutton
Chris King
Dave King
… and other volunteers
September 2015
Published monthly by The Federated Church of Orleans, Massachusetts
Pastor Bob
WWSD. I have been asked to
contribute to our newsletter and I
will offer these words for your
consideration ….
WITHOUT SALLY?!!!! And if you
were present as she was driving
away for a well-deserved rest you
might have heard …. WHAT AM I
The pastor-parish relationship, at
first cordial and respectful,
gradually evolves into a
complicated (nothing is ever
easy), one might even say, close
or intimate relationship, mediated
by the distance required to
maintain the necessary
professional relationship between
the two. It is a very hard juggling
act alongside of which a kind of
co-dependency also evolves.
Without going into pages and
pages of psychological and
theological reasoning (besides
Marti would never let me get
away with it) let’s just say, for all
reasons, that we’re a good team;
team being the operative word
here. Sally may leave knowing
that the congregation
understands her personal and
spiritual life is in need of renewal.
The congregation knows that
Sally understands that its'
togetherness is also in need of
personal and spiritual renewal.
Without sounding like an All-State
commercial, both of us know that
we are in the good hands of our
Lord as he guides us and reunites us after this brief (it’s only
‘til October) absence.
In conclusion, Sally did just what
Sally should have done and we
will do what we must do, the both
of us living the love which God
gave to us.
Let us then at every opportunity,
praise God and give God thanks,
that through the blessing of our
bounties shared with a world in
sore need, comfort may keep
peace and justice upon the
horizon of Hope.
Pastor Bob
Rev. Robert A. Richardson
Thanks so much to all who gave
so much of their time to make
our 2015 FAIR a success. In 1
and a half days we were able to
raise just over $14,800 which will
go to support both our church as
well as many local and national
outreach programs for those in
So many within this congregation
have supported our annual FAIR
year after year. Some have now
reached a point in their lives
where they need to take a welldeserved break. In order to
continue the tradition of our
annual FAIR for 2016 we need
volunteers to chair the following
sections if we are to have a 2016
Men's Fellowship (a yard sale on
the front lawn of the church)
Elegant Accessories (jewelry,
handbags, and other ladies items)
Books (which involves collecting,
sorting, and organizing books in
good condition)
Children Items (which involves
collecting and sorting children's
toys, bikes and other items that
are in good condition)
At our wrap up meeting on
August 20 it was decided that
unless we can find volunteers to
chair the sections noted above for
a 2016 FAIR by December 31,
2015, we will have no choice but
to either cancel the 2016 FAIR or
scale it back dramatically.
Please contact either Bob Wright
or Bill Stoeckert if you are willing
to volunteer your services for
Thank you,
Bob Wright & Bill Stoeckert
The flowers and
plants that are
placed in our
Sanctuary, on the
Landing and Upper Narthex each
Sunday are given in memory or in
honor of others or given in
celebration of special life events,
and are a very special part of our
worship services. The following
were given during July and
July 5
The flowers in the Sanctuary were
given by Phil Mitchell in honor of
his family and friends.
The flowers on the Landing were
given by Sally Norris in loving
memory of her mother, Carol
Dorkey,for her birthday on July 5.
July 12
The flowers in the Sanctuary were
given by Pat Bampos
remembering Dave Schoeffel on
his birthday.
July 19
The flowers in the Sanctuary were
given by Jill Beardsley in loving
memory of Edward M. Beardsley.
The arrangement on the Landing
was given by Carolyn Witt in
loving memory of her parents.
July 26
The flowers in the Sanctuary were
given by Marion Kennedy in
memory of her good church
August 2
The flowers in the Sanctuary were
given by Stewart Broatch in
loving memory of his wife, Sylvia.
The arrangement on the Landing
was given by Jane and Don Wick
in loving memory of Diane Wick
and her twin sister, Joanne.
August 9
The flowers in the Sanctuary were
given by Carol Sylver in
remembrance of Earl Sylver’s
101st birthday. “I Hope You
August 16
The flowers in the Sanctuary were
given by Pete Bampos in loving
memory of Phyllis’ birthday.
August 23
The flowers in the Sanctuary were
given By King and Lynn Nelson in
loving memory of Lynn’s mother,
Harriet Pearson.
The arrangement on the Landing
was given by Jean Uebele in
loving memory of Kurt for his
August 30
The flowers in the Sanctuary were
given by John Burlingame in
thanksgiving for
his grand and great
The arrangement on the Landing
was given by Marti Johnson in
loving memory of her father,
Howard Bancroft.
Your Flower
Committee says...
You know fall is
coming when
chrysanthemums are
for sale everywhere.
Your Flower Committee looks
forward to the new season as we
look back on summer and the
beautiful arrangements you made
it possible for our church to
We offer our deepest
sympathies and
prayers to the family
and friends of
Kirsten MacCracken, who died in
California in August. Please hold
her family in your prayers.
Have a special date coming up
you would like to commemorate?
Check the list near the kitchen
phone and call a committee
member responsible for that
month in order to make
arrangements. Thank you!
Martha Livingston
She never complained whether
the pain was great, the
experience unbearable, the
comments made in haste...she
knew that tomorrow held a new,
albeit unknown venture treading
the waters of aging paddling
calmly keeping the setting sun in
its rightful place as life's sextant.
If only, if only I had the same
discipline for life as she.
The world imperceptibly continues
to shrink, event invitations that
we always attended go
unanswered, friends from her
viewpoint don't call as often,
books set aside to read lay,
binders unbent, and nature’s
vitamin D is too hot, too muggy
to sit even in shade and enjoy but
the twinkle in her eyes never
falters as she recounts past
adventures alone, with family,
with friends and with me. What a
Yes, the transition from DOING to
reflecting on the things we DID
occurs gradually and in most
cases fondly realizing that those
too shall pass with God’s help and
understanding. HE steered us to
Christian camps in Canada and
the US, HE guided us working
with military clergy at bases and
HE was there to welcome our
children into this uncertain world
and HE now awaits what we shall
do sharing a wonderful life
There is a place for each of us for
peace, understanding and LOVE
as we traverse this final sojourn
of life....WHAT A BLESSING!
Jimmy Dishner,
Your Moderator
The September meeting of the
Prayer Shawl Knitters will be held
on Friday, September 18th at
11:00 am at the home of Jean
Uebele, 14 Bambi Way, South
Orleans. New yarn will be
Bring your knitting and a
New knitters are most welcome.
Come – it is a good group!
Anita Mewherter
profit from this year's
Annual Church FAIR is
currently at $14,250.
This may improve to
just over $14,300 as
the rest of the money comes in.
Great job by all for a successful
summer FAIR!
Bill MacLachlan
Thanks to all who made the Tag
Sale a success this year. Michael
McDonald, Russ Stockwell, Pam
and Bill Stoeckert, Maureen
Vigneau, Sue Kiklis, to name just
a few, made it all possible and
ALL who
so many
to the sale –
a big THANK
Paul Washburn
Elephant would
like to thank
Nancy Bush, Alice
Weber, Jean Kuhn, Moo Smith,
Shirley Smith, and Phil Mitchell
our newest member for all their
hard work this year. We would
also like to thank all the people
who made donations for the
Elephant and all those who
purchased the goods! We are
pleased to report the hard work
paid off with purchases made
inside and out over the amount
we made last year. Many thanks
again to everyone involved.
Phyllis & Suzanne Calsson, Dottie
A big THANK YOU to my Jewelry
Committee for making our
success possible this year at the
FAIR. Nancy Clough, Jean
Uebele, Barbara Bertram, Betsy
Wagner, Dinni Goodwin, Kay
Marsh, Mary Lee Mantz, Marilyn
and Keith Harrison, Jan Laster,
Jackie Rockwood, and Nan Cook
were GREAT!
Our success is also
greatly due to the
wonderful donations we received
from YOU. Thank you so much
again this year. Louise Washburn
The preschool year is about to
begin; it is always tough to
predict what each child will be
like at the school. During my
twelve years in the early
childhood field I have found
that each year is unique from
the next. I am asked the
question: “What are you
planning to teach for the first
month?” My answer is always
the same, “Getting to Know
You.” Puzzled? How can I
teach when I haven’t learned?
The children bring a sense of
wonder and curiosity to the
classroom - one may know
their colors, one may know
their shapes. In a way, we are
learning from each other and
we are getting to know each
other, our likes and dislikes,
our interests and our, well,
academic interests, our
temperament and our
personality changes, the
dynamics in the classroom and it is amazing to watch the
transformation of the children
as the year progresses. A few
years ago, I had a youngster
fascinated by dinosaurs. That
was all he could talk about and from him I learned about
dinosaurs. To this day when I
see him, we have a connection
of the dinosaurs and in a
conversation he told me what
he learned from me: “how to
be a friend.” I did not have that
written down in my lesson plan
but somewhere, it was there.
So, each year the teachers and
I plan to teach the ABC’s and
the 123’s, but just maybe there
is a little more in the plan that
we haven’t discovered.
I look forward to keeping the
church community up to date of
all of our activities. Be sure and
view our bulletin board in the
Vestry. Each month we will post
samples of art work, photos of
the children, and special visitors,
and our monthly calendar of
events. If anyone is interested
in volunteering their time to the
preschool, please feel free to get
in touch with me. I know that
the children and myself would
love to have a special person
come in to read or do art
projects with us.
As always we greatly appreciate
all of the
support the church community
provides us. Thank you!
Peace & Good Health,
Maureen Vigneau
Preschool Director
The first rehearsal for the
Handbell Choir is Thursday,
September 3, 2015 at 12:30.
We have an exciting year ahead.
First, On October 3rd there will be
a Handbell Workshop at the West
Parish of Barnstable in Barnstable
from 9:00-12:00 with two
wonderful clinicians: Daniel
Moore and Ed Henderson. Cost is
$10.00. Secondly, we are
working on a Spring Ring for the
Our group has grown as an
ensemble and I look forward to
beginning a new year with them.
If anyone is interested in ringing
with us, please contact Bonnie
Brenner at 508-945-2741.
Bonnie Brenner
Chancel Choir rehearsals resume
on Wednesday evenings at
7:30 p.m. beginning on
September 9th. Singers of all
voice parts are most welcome.
Justice Committee Report:
An update from 2015’s Justice
Letter Offerings
A good number of Federated
Church and Am HaYam members
participated in the two letter
offerings so far this year. It is
important that the congregations
hear of developments in the
causes for which we have
U.S. Child Nutrition
legislation (we joined with
Bread for the World in this
effort) — Letters were
written in February
U.S. Congress must
reauthorize programs of child
nutrition, such as federallysupported school lunches and
also the summer Food4Kids
program on the Outer Cape, by
September 30, 2015 - in order
that they may continue to receive
funding. This hasn’t happened
yet. Bread for the World reports
that legislation is taking shape in
both House and Senate, and says
that this would be a good time
to again contact our senators
and representatives to urge full
participation and funding in all
programs of child nutrition.
There is more information at
2. Massachusetts funding for
mental health programs in
2016 budget —
Letters were written in May
The budget which passed both
houses of the legislature and was
signed by Governor Baker did not
have good news for mental health
programs on the Cape. It called
for the privatization of important
services, especially the
emergency intervention work
(which has assisted suicidal
person, those with PTSD and
other conditions) staffed by statefunded personnel. Several police
chiefs at our community forum in
June cited the importance of
continuing this work. This
interruption in services was later
overturned by an effort led by
Senator Dan Wolf and others, and
emergency services will not be
privatized at this time. Our
letters may have had positive
impact on this development.
However, we will continue to
monitor state funding for mental
health programs.
For example, Barnstable County
Human Services has had to
fundraise in order to provide firstresponder training, while other
MA counties have salaried
clinicians for this purpose.
The Justice Committee again
thanks all those who responded
to the Letters for Justice
offerings. We expect to provide
further opportunities for our
congregations to witness to our
faith in this way.
Our church sells food
cards (after worship, in
the Vestry).
They cost no more than paying at
the store, yet 5% goes to our
local Homeless Prevention
You may buy food cards for Stop
& Shop, Shaw’s, Friends, Phoenix,
and CVS.
Rod MacDonald
We only have a small group of
regular buyers and would like to
“grow” this important program.
Please try it out…you will feel really good
about it.
Carolyn Witt
Super Saturday
October 17, 2015
This fall’s Super Saturday will be
held at the Keefe Regional
Parish Visitor
E-mail submissions are most
appreciated. This preserves the
accuracy of your submission and
saves a great deal of time. (We
are, however, most happy to
accept your hand-written
Technical High School in
Helpful Hints For E-mail
Framingham, MA with Rev. Dr.
Marcia McFee as the featured
speaker. Her faith journey has
always walked hand-in-hand with
her love of the arts. On Super
Saturday she will share the great
and wonderful hunger for learning
that she has discovered among
clergy and lay alike. To register,
contact Andrea Bellarosa at
Articles received after this date
will go in the next month’s Parish
Visitor. (*no PV is published in
July or December). The deadline
for the October, 2015 issue of
The Parish Visitor is noon,
Tuesday, September 20th. Of
course, we are always happy to
receive your articles before the
deadline 
Many thanks to all who
participate in the publishing of
The Parish Visitor.
- use Microsoft WORD
- use Times New Roman,
Font size 12
ON THE WEB . . .
Our website:
Barnstable Association, UCC:
Massachusetts Conference UCC:
National UCC website:
All offer a lot of good information
about our denomination and the
work we do as individual
churches and together.
- no fancy setup – especially
We just have to remove
them - include your name and
phone number - e-mail to:
- deadline is 12:00 noon, 3rd
Tuesday of each month
(*see note)
To assist those who wish to plan
ahead, the deadlines for the
Parish Visitor in
2013 will be:
Issue Deadline
September 20
October 20
Dec. ‘15/Jan. ’16 November 17
February 2016 January 19, 2016
February 16
Please submit by 12:00 noon on
the days listed above.
Unfortunately, late submissions
can no longer be “squeezed” in,
but will be included in the
following month’s issue.