Academic Activities of Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner 1. (due on July, 2002) PUBLICATIONS, EDITORIAL WORK & TRANSLATION 1.1. INTERNATIONAL 1.1.1. JOURNAL PAPER Full paper published in a peer reviewed journal covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI core list Yalciner A. C. Alpar B., Altinok Y., Ozbay I., Imamura F., (2001), "Tsunamis in the Sea of Marmara: Historical Documents for the Past, Models for Future" Special Issue of Marine Geology (in press) YÜKSEL, Y, ALPAR, B.,YALÇINER, A.C., ÇEVIK, E, ÖZGÜVEN O, ÇELIKOGLU, Y, "Effects of The Estern Marmara Earthquake on The Marine Structures and Coastal Areas"part1 ICE Water and Marine Eng. (in press) Altınok Y., Tinti S., Alpar B., Yalçıner A. C., Ersoy Ş., Bertolucci E., Armiglito A., (2001), "The Tsunami of August 17, 1999 in Izmit Bay", (Journal of the Internatonal Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natıural Hazards, ISSN 0921-030X NATURAL HAZARDS Kluwer Academic Publishers Volume 24, No: 2, pp: 133-146 Minoura, K., Imamura, Kuran, U., Nakamura, T., Papadopoulos, G., Takahashi, T., Yalçıner, A. C., (2000), "Discovery of Minoan Tsunami Deposits” Geology, v. 28, no. 1, p.p: 59-62, January 2000. Güler I., Ergin A. Yalçıner, A. C, (1998), "The Effect of the Use of Wave Data for thje Numerical Simulation of Shoreline Evolution” Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. SI 26, pp: 195-200, 1 Full paper published in a peer reviewed journal covered by an international index or in a non-refereed journal of type or technical note, case study published in a journal of type Yalçıner A. C, and Gökdalay, M, (2000), "On the Developments of Marine Parks in Turkey” Journal of Coastal Conservation, EUCC, Opulus Press, Uppsala, Vol: 6, 99 pp :57-60, June 2000, Published in Sweden 1.1.2. CHAPTER IN A BOOK Chapter in a book of type YALÇINER, A.C., KURAN, U., AKYARLI, A. and IMAMURA F., (1995), "An Investigation on the Generation and Propagation of Tsunamis in the Aegean sea by Mathematical Modeling", Chapter in the Book, "Tsunami: Progress in Prediction, Disaster Prevention and Warning", in the book series of Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research by Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1995), Ed. Yashuito Tsuchiya and Nobuo Shuto, pp 55-71: KURAN, U. and YALÇINER, A. C., (1993), "Crack Propagations Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Vicinity of Anatolia", Paper in the Book, "Tsunamis in the World", in the book series of Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research by Kluwer Academic Publisher, (1993), Ed. Stefano Tinti, pp:159-175. Yalçıner, A.C., Altınok. Y, Synolakis , (2000), "Tsunami Waves in Izmit Bay after the Kocaeli Earthquake" Chapter 3 in the Book Earthquake Spectra, of Professional Journal of Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, "Kocaeli, Turkey Earthquake of August 17, 1999 Reconnaissance Report, published by EERI, (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, USA), (special issue supplement to Volume 16) pp:55-62 2 YALCINER A. C. (2000) , "Tsunami Research and Mitigation Studies in Turkey”, Chapter in the Book "Study on Regional and Historical Change of Tsunami Disasters" Published by Iwate Prefectural University Japan Editor: Nobuo Shuto Country :Japan Pages :93-101 Month :10 Year :2000 Chapter in a book of type 1.1.3. BOOK Scientific, professional books, textbooks published by internationally known publishers Scientific, professional books, textbooks published by other international publishers 1.1.4. EDITOR OF A BOOK Editor of a book of type NATO SCIENCE SERIES "Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation", Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers , Editors Yalçıner A. C., Pelinovsky E., Synolakis C., Okal E.) (in preperation) (expected publishing date Dec., 2002) Editor of a book of type Book of Abstract of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation", 264 pages, ISBN: 97593455-0-1 1.1.5 CONFERENCE PAPER Full paper presented at and published in the proceedings of a refereed conference regularly held by an international organization Altinok, Y., Ersoy, Ş., Yalciner, A. C., Alpar B., Kuran U., (2001) " Historical Tsunamis in the Sea of Marmara", International Tsunami Symposium ITS 2001, Session 4, Paper 42, Seattle, August 7-9, 2001, pp: 527-535 3 Alpar, B, Yalciner, A. C., Altinok Y., Imamura, F., and Synolakis C. E., (2001), "Determination of Probable Underwater Failures and Modeling of Tsunami Propagation in the Sea of Marmara" International Tsunami Symposium ITS 2001, Session 4, Paper 43, pp: Seattle, August 7-9, 2001, 535-544 Yalciner, A. C., Synolakis, A. C., Alpar, B., Borrero, J., Altinok, Y., Imamura, F., Tinti, S., Ersoy,Ş., Kuran, U., Pamukcu, S., Kanoglu, U., (2001) "Field Surveys and Modeling 1999 Izmit Tsunami", International Tsunami Symposium ITS 2001, Session 4, Paper 4-6, Seattle, August 7-9, 2001, pp: 557-563 Irtem E., Gedik N., Yalciner A. C. , (2001), "Analysis and Comparison of the Forces by the Non-linear long Waves on the Piled System at Derince Port Turkey" The Proceedings of The Eleventh (2001) International Ofshore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE) Conference Vol :3 Publisher :International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE) Editor(s) :ISBN: 1-880653-54-0, Technical Program Committe (a member is Yalciner) Country :U.S.A Pages :512-517 Month :6 Year :2001, June, 18-21, 2001, Stavanger, Norway Minoura, Imamura, Yalcıner, Takahashi, Papadopoulos, Kuran, Altınok, Ersoy, Alpar, (2000) , "The Traces Related to Tsunamis Along Along the Coasts of Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara , Fifth Coastal Engineering Workshop, Yıldız Technical University, Yalçın Yüksel, Turkey, pp:147-153 , 15-17 Oct. 2000 YALCINER, A.C., Synolakis, C.E., Borrero, J., Altinok, Y., Watts, P., Imamura, F., Kuran, U., Ersoy, S., Kanoglu, U. and Tinti, S., (1999c), Tsunami generation in İzmit Bay by the İzmit Earthquake,” Proceedings ITU-IAHS International Conference on the Kocaeli Eartquake 17 August 1999, page 217-221, İstanbul, Dec. 1999 Erten D. and YALCINER, A.C., (1999), “Establishing Board of Registration for Engineers in Turkey”, Proceedings ITU-IAHS International Conference on the Kocaeli Eartquake 17 August 1999, İstanbul, Dec. 1999, pp: (4 pages) 4 Imamura, F., Koshimura, S., Yalçıner, A.C., 1999. Field survey and numerical modeling of tsunami generated by Turkish Earthquake of August 17, 1999. Proceedings of Coastal Engineering in Japan 47, pp. 331-335, 1999 (in Japanese). YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet and GÖKDALAY Meriç, "Marine Parks for Protection and Coastal Tourism in Turkey" 3rd International Conference on Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 97, 11-14, Oct., 1995, Malta V.I, pp: 61-70. AKYARLI A. ve YALÇINER A. C. "Wave Climate Study for an LNG Terminal near Marmara Ereğlisi, Turkey", The Seventh International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 1997, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1997, V III, pp: 272-278. YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet and GÖKDALAY Meriç,, (1995), "On the Developments for the Marine Parks in Turkey", 2nd International Conference on Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 95, 23-27, Oct., 1995, Tarragona Spain V.I, pp: 285-296. YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet and BAYRAKTAROĞLU Ali , (1995), "A Computer Analysis for the Transformation of Irregular Waves" International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries. COPEDEC IV, 25-29, Sep., 1995, Rio de Jaberio, Brasil, V. III pp: 2379-2392. TONT, Sargun and YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, (1993), "A Plea for Marine Parks", 1st International Conference on Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 93, 2-5, Nov, 1993, Antalya, V.I, pp:65-71, ERGİN Ayşen, BALAS, E. C., BIRGONUL, M.T., and YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, (1993), "A Network Planning Model for the Multiple Unit Construction Projects, of Hydraulic Systems" International Association of Hydraulic Research, XXV. Congress, 29, Aug.-3 Sept., 1993, Tokyo, Japan. 5 YALÇINER, A. C., KURAN, U., AKYARLI, A. and IMAMURA, F., (1993), "An Investigation on the Generation and Propagation Tsunamis in Aegean Sea by Mathematical Modeling" International Tsunami Syposium, TSUNAMI'93, 23-27 Aug., 1993, Wakayama, Japan. ERGİN Ayşen and YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, (1991), "Computer Simulation Model for Optimum Seaport Planning" 1991 Int'l System Dynamics Conference, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thaile, Aug. 1991. V: 1. 189-199 ERGİN Ayşen and YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet,, (1991), "Optimizing Seaports Through Computer Simulation" International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries. COPEDEC III, 20-25, Sep., 1991, Mombasa, Kenya V1 405-417 OZHAN, E. and YALÇINER, A.C., (1990), "Overtopping of Solitary Waves at Model Sea Dikes" ASCE, 22nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2-6 July, 1990, Delft, Netherlands, (in English) ERGİN Ayşen and YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, (1990), "Computer Simulation for Optimum Seaport Planning" International Seminar for Port Planning, October, 1990, Antalya, Türkiye. (in English and Turkish) YALCINER, A.C. and OZHAN, E., (!989), "Reflection of Solitary Waves from Porous Structures" XXIII. IAHR Congress in Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 21, 1989, pp. C459- C468 (in English) ÖZHAN, E. and YALÇINER, A.C. , (1983), "A Computer Model for the Shoaling Rate of Harbor Approach Channels" 8th International Harbor Congress. June 1983 pp 1.43-1.54 Antwerp. (in English) Abstract of a paper presented at and published in the proceedings of a refereed conference regularly held by an international organization 6 Yalciner AC, Alpar B., , Altinok Y., Imamura F., Synolakis CE. (2001), "Models on tsunami generation and propagation; case studies in Turkey, Workshop on Coastal and Tsunami Early Warning Systems, Tsunami Risk Management and Urban Vulnerabiliity", Workshop originated with support of European Commission, 1-3 November 2001, Lagos., Portugal. Yalciner AC, Alpar B., Ozbay I., Altinok Y., Imamura F., (2001, "Tsunami Generation and Coastal Amplification in the Sea of Marmara " NATO ARW, Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation, Vol: 1, Advanced Research Workshop, NATO Science Program, ISBN: 975-93455-0-1 (Editor Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner), May 23-26, 2001, Istanbul, Turkey pp: 138-146 Plafker G., Greene H. G., Maher N., Synolakis C. E., Borrero J., Yalciner A., (2001) "The Destructive 1994 Submarine Landslide and Tsunami at Skagway Alaska: An Example of a Nearshore Submarine Failure" NATO ARW, Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation Vol :1, Advanced Research Workshop, NATO Science Program, ISBN: 975-93455-0-1 (Editor Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner), May 23-26, 2001, Istanbul, Turkey pp: 38-42 Yalciner A. C., Ozbay, I., Imamura F., (2001) "A Comparison of The Tsunami Set-up with Relation to the Dimensions of Underwater Landslide" NATO ARW, Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation Vol :1, Advanced Research Workshop, NATO Science Program, ISBN: 975-93455-0-1 (Editor Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner), May 23-26, 2001, Istanbul, Turkey pp: 60-66 Synolakis CE, Borrero, J., Yalciner AC , (2001), " Developing Inundation Maps for the State of California" NATO ARW, Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation Vol :1, Advanced Research Workshop, NATO Science Program, ISBN: 975-93455-0-1 (Editor: Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner), May 23-26, 2001, Istanbul, Turkey pp: 188-192 7 Minoura K, Imamura F, Kuran U, Nakamura T, PapdopoulosG, TakahashiT, Yalciner AC , (2001) "Tsunami Hazards Associated With Explosion-Collapse Processes of a Dome Complex on Minoan Thera", NATO ARW, Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation1 Vol :1, Advanced Research Workshop, NATO Science Program, ISBN: 975-93455-0-1, (Editor: Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner), May 23-26, 2001, Istanbul, Turkey pp: 211-215 Altınok, Y., Tinti, Alpar B., Ersoy S., YALÇINER A. C., Bertolucci, E., Armigliato, A., (2000), “How did the Kocaeli Earthquake generate a tsunami in Izmit Bay; a Tectonic Model from Coastal Observations and Seismic Data”, XXV. General Assembly, Millenium Conference on Earth and Planetary & Solar System Sciences, April 25-29, 2000, Nice France, (Paper Presented and Abstract Published) Synolakis, C.E., Borrero, J., Yalçıner, A.C., Plafker, G. and Watts, (2000) , "Modeling the 1994 Skagway, Alaska Tsunami, General Assembly of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, U.S.A, Borrero, J., Synolakis, C. E., Yalçıner, A.C. and McCarthy, D, (2000), Tsunami Inundation Maps for Santa Barbara and Santa Monica Bay, General Assembly of American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Publisher :American Geophysical Union Country :U.S.A Minoura, K., Imamura, Kuran, U., Papadopoulos, G., Takahashi, T., YALCINER, A. C., (2000), "New Results about the Minoan Tsunami” XXV. General Assembly, Millenium Conference on Earth and Planetary & Solar System Scences, April 25-29, 2000, Nice France, (Paper Presented and Abstract Published) Tinti S., YALCINER A.C., Altinok, Y., Bertolucci, E., Armigliato, A., (2000), “Numerical Simulations of the Tsunami Induced by the August 17, 1999, ızmit (Turkey) Tsunami”, XXV. General Assembly, Millenium Conference on Earth and Planetary & 8 Solar System Scences, April 25-29, 2000, Nice France, (Paper Presented and Abstract Published) YALCINER A. C., Altınok, Y., Borrero, J, Watts, P., Kanoglu U., Synolakis C. E., (1999), "Modeling of August, 17, 1999, Imit Tsunami”, General Assembly of American Geophysical Union, December, 13-17, 1999, San Francisco, USA, (Abstract Published and Paper Presented) Watts, P., Grilli, S., Synolakis, C. E., YALCINER A. C (1999), ”Resonance Study of Los Angeles Long Beach Port”, General Assembly of American Geophysical Union, December, 13-17, 1999, San Francisco, USA, (Abstract Published and Paper Presented) YALÇINER A. C. and KURAN U, DOGANAY, C., IMAMURA, F.. "Distribution of Tsunami Height in Iskenderun Bay" Presented in HAZARDS'98 Conference, "7th International Conference on Mitigation of Natural Hazards", HAZARDS'98 by Natural Hazards Society, 18-22 May 1998, Chania, Crete, Greece YALÇINER A. C. and KURAN U, DURMUSOGLU, O., IMAMURA, F.. "The Simulation of the Tsunami Generated by Santorini Eruption in the Aegean Sea", Okushiri Tsunami/UJNR Workshop' 98, Disaster Control Research Center, Tohoku Univ. Japan, 9-14, July, 1998, Sapporo, Okushiri, Japan YALÇINER A. C. ve KURAN U. "Crack Propagations and Tsunami Activities for the Southern Coasts of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean" Paper presented abstract published in IAMAS IAPSO Conference, 1-9, July, 1997, Melbourne, Australia. IMAMURA, F., MINOURA, T., TAKAHASHI, T., YALÇINER, A. C., KURAN, U. and PAPADOPOULOS, G.,"The Geological Study on Historical Tsunamis" Paper presented in IASPEI'97 Symposium, Aug., 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece. 9 Ergin A., YALÇINER, A. C., GENÇ. F. P. and GULER. I.,. (1996), Computer Simulation Method for Optimum Seaport Size" Poster Paper in 11th International Harbor Congress, Antwerpen, Belgium, 17-21, June, 1996. YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, PELINOVSKI Efim, ÇAKIROĞLU Yeşim, IMAMURA Fumihiko, AKYARLI Adnan, (1996), "The Attenuation of Tsunami Height in the Irregular Batymetry", International Conference on Mitigation of Natural Hazards", HAZARDS'96 by Natural Hazards Society, 22-26 July, 1996, Toronto, Canada YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, PELINOVSKI Efim, ÇAKIROĞLU Yeşim, IMAMURA Fumihiko, (1996), "The Properties of Resonance due to the Geometry of the Basins" XXV. General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Session NH5, Tsunamis Impacting on the European Coasts: Modelling, Observation and Warning, 6-11, May, 1996, The Hague, Netherlands YALÇINER, A.C., YÖNEY, O. and AKYARLI, A., (1994), "The Effect of Meteooceanographic Factors on the Design of Sea Outfall Systems", Poster Paper in the 2. International Specialized Conference on Marine Disposal Systems", 9-11, Nov. 1994, İstanbul, Turkey. (Abstract Published) PAPADOPOULOS, G.A., YALÇINER, A. C., and KURAN, U., (1994),. "A Discussion on the Generation Mechanism of 1956 Southern Aegean Tsunami" Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Tsunami Session, 23-27 April, 1994, Grenoble, France. (Paper Presented and Abstract Published) YALÇINER, A. C., KURAN, U., AKYARLI, A. and IMAMURA, F.,, (1993), "Generation and Propagation Processes of Tsunamis in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey", International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards, HAZARDS'93, 29 Aug-3 Sept., 1993, China. (Paper Presented Abstract Published) 10 37. ERGİN Ayşen, YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, GENÇ, Payidar, and GÜLER, Işıkhan, (1993), "Computer Simulation Method for Optimum Port Size" 1993 Int'l System Dynamics Conference, Asian Hosted By ITESM, CEM, Cancun, Mexico, July 1993. ERGİN Ayşen and YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, (1993), "Computer Simulation Model for a Container Terminal" Second Seminar on Ports and Inlet Waterways, 2-7 March, 1992, Surabaya, Indonesia ÖZHAN Erdal and YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, (1993), "Performance of Repaired Toe Protection of a Quaywall After Propeller Induced Scouring" Second Seminar on Ports and Inlet Waterways, 2-7 March, 1992, Surabaya, Indonesia YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet and KURAN Ugur, (1993), "Past, Present and Future of Seismic Sea Waves in the Vicinity of Anatolia" 13 th International Tsunami Symposium IASPEI Symposium S11, Vienna, August, 1991. (Paper Presented and Abstract Published) 1.1.6. CONFERENCE PRESENTATION Unpublished presentation in a refereed conference regularly held by an international organization Yalciner A.C., Borrero J., Synolakis, C., "The Resonance of Los Angeles Long Beach Harbor" California Underwater Landslide Workshop", March, 6, 2001, Los Angeles, Organized by University of Southern California, Invited Speaker Yalçıner A. C. (2000), “Tsunami in Izmit Bay by August, 17, 1999 Earthquake and Comments on Tsunami Generation in the sea of Marmara” HAZRADS 2000, 8th International Symposium on Natural and Man Made Hazards, Organized by nt. Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards, Tokushima, Japan, 21-25 May, 2000 11 1.1.7. EDITOR OF A PROCEEDING OR A SPECIAL ISSUE Editor of the proceedings of a conference of type or of the special issue of a journal 1.1.8. TRANSLATION OF A BOOK Published translated book of type 1.2.3 1.1.9. TRANSLATION OF A PAPER/CHAPTER Published translated paper of type 1.2.1 or book chapter of 1.2.2. 1.1.10. CITATIONS Each citation by other authors The paper (ÖZHAN and YALÇINER, 1983) is referenced in the book Port Engineering by Per Bruun. This book consists of two volumes which are widely used as one of the important text books in graduate programs of Coastal Engineering. Referenced in the Textbook::Per Bruun, (1990), “Port Engineering , Volume 2, Harbor Transportation, Fishing Ports, Sediment Transport, Geomorphology, Inlets, and Dredging”, pp 316-318. 1.1.11. REVIEW OF A WORK/WORKS Critical review article on others’ design or building 1.2. NATIONAL 1.2.1. JOURNAL PAPER Full paper published in A type national journal Altinok, Y., Alpar, B., Ersoy, S. and YALCINER, A.C., (2000a), “Tsunami Generation of the Kocaeli Earthquake (August 17th 1999) in the İzmit Bay: coastal observations, bathymetry and seismic data”, Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, University of İstanbul. December, 1999. ERGİN Ayşen and YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, (1991), "Economic Analysis in Port Planning by Computer Simulation" Doga, Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, TUBITAK, V. 15 (1991), 247-258 (in English). 12 Full paper published in B type national journal 1.2.2. CHAPTER IN A BOOK Chapter in a book of type Chapter in a book of type CHAPTERS IN THE BOOK “FORTRAN IV AND BASIC Written by Uğur G Yalciner, Published by Verso Publication A. Ş.in 1085, Chapter 9 is fully, Chapter 7 and 8 are partly written by Yalçıner A. C., Chapter 9 “Examples of FORTRAN IV Applications to Matrix Solutions”, pp: 244-282 Yalçıner A. C., Chapter 7 “Subscripted Variables in FORTRAN IV”, pp: 193-216 Yalçıner A. C., Chapter 8 “Function Definitions and Subprograms in FORTRAN IV”, pp: 217-243 1.2.3. BOOK Scientific, professional books, textbooks published by nationally known publishers Scientific, professional books, textbooks published by other national publishers 1.2.4. EDITOR OF A BOOK Editor of a book of type Editor of a book of type 1.2.5. CONFERENCE PAPER Full paper presented at and published in the proceedings of a refereed conference regularly held conference ALTINOK, Y. YALÇINER, A. C., ALPAR, B., ERSOY, Ş. (2000), “Tarihsel Veriler Işığında Marmara Denizinde Depreşim Dalgaları (Tsunamiler)”, 3. Ulusal Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, Ankara Şubesi, ,5-7 Ekim, 2000, Çanakkale . pp: 33 -44 13 “Tsunamis in the sea of Marmara on the Lights of Historical Data” II.. National Coastal Engineering Symposium, Organized by Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineer, Ankara Branch, Oct. 5-7, pp: 33 - 44 ALPAR, B., YALÇINER, A. C., OZBAY, I. (2000), “Marmara Denizinde Potansiyel Heyelan Alanları ve Bunlara İlişkin Depreşim Dalgası (tsunami) Oluşum ve Hareketleri”, 3. Ulusal Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, Ankara Şubesi, ,5-7 Ekim, 2000, Çanakkale . pp:17 - 31 “The Potential Landslide Areas and Associated Tsunami Generation and Propagation in the sea of Marmara ” II.. National Coastal Engineering Symposium, Organized by Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineer, Ankara Branch, Oct. pp: 17-31 YALÇINER A.C., Kuran, U., Minoura, K, Imamura, F., Takahashi T., Papdopoulos G., (2000), “Traces of Tsunami Waves near Aegean Coasts”, Symposium on Earthquake Potential of Western Anatolia, V: 1, pp: 256-266., Organized by MTA , 23-27 May, 2000 ERGİN, A., YALÇINER A. C., ÖZTUNALI, B., NUMANOĞLU, A., ARMAĞAN, C., KAHYAOĞLU, Ç., YÜNCÜ, H., (1998) "Koruma Tabakasında Antifer ve Küp Blok Kullanılan Dalgakıranların Denge Durumlarının 3 Boyutlu Model Deneyleri ile Araştırılması”, 2. Ulusal Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, Ankara Şubesi, ,17, 19 Kasım, 1998. Pp: 228-234 “Investigation of Breakwaters Armoured with Cube and Antifer Blocks by 3 D Model Experiments” II.. National Coastal Engineering Symposium, Organized by Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineer, Ankara Branch, 17,-19 Nov. 1998, Mersin., pp: 228-234 ÇAKIROĞLU, Y. ve YALÇINER, A. C. (1997), "Determination of Resonance Periods of the sea of Marmara and Izmit Bay for the Earthquake Generated Waves by Mathematical Modeling", IV. Earthquake Engineering Conference, 17-19 Sept. 1997 METU, Ankara, pp: 38-46 (in Turkish). 14 NUMANOĞLU, A., ÖZTUNALI B., ERGİN, A. VE YALÇINER A.C., (1997) "Experimental Study on the Stability of Breakwaters Armoured with Cube Blocks and Cube/Stone Units", Conference on Turkish Coasts'97, National Committee on Coastal Zone Managemet, May, 1997, METU, Ankara, V: 1, pp: 669-678. ÇAKIROĞLU, Y. ve YALÇINER A. C.,(1997) "Determination of Period of free Oscillations of the Baisns by Numerical Techniques", Conference on Turkish Coasts'97, National Committee on Coastal Zone Managemet, May, 1997, METU, Ankara, V: 1, pp: 639-648. GÖKDALAY, M. and YALÇINER, A. C. and (1997), "Environmental and Economic Dimensions of Coastal Tourism in Turkey", ", Conference on Turkish Coasts'97, National Committee on Coastal Zone Managemet, May, 1997, METU, Ankara, V: 1, pp: 299-307. NUMANOĞLU A, ÖZTUNALI B., ERGİN, A. VE YALÇINER A.C., "Stability of Trunk Section of Breakwaters Armoured with Cube Blocks under Breaking Wave Conditions", Developments in Civil Engineering, 4th Technical Congress, 15-16 Sept. 1997, METU, Ankara, V. 1, pp: 1-10 ÖZBAHÇECİ (ÖZTUNALI) B., NUMANOĞLU A, ERGİN, A. VE YALÇINER A.C., (1997) ”Stability of Trunk Section of Rubble Mound Breakwaters Armoured with Cubic Blocks" Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineering ,Ist Coastal Engineering Symposium, 14-16, Nov. 1997, Samsun, pp: 3-10. ÖZBAHÇECİ (ÖZTUNALI) B., NUMANOĞLU A, ERGİN, A. VE YALÇINER A.C., (1997), "The Determination of Incoming and Reflected Waves in the Experiments on Irregular Waves", Developments in Civil Engineering, 4. Technical Congress, 15-16 Sept. , 1997, METU Ankara, V 2, pp: 647-656. 15 ERGİN A., YALÇINER A. C., GÜLER, I. VE KARAASLAN S., (1997) "The Planning of Capacity Development in the Ports by Simulation Technique" I. Coastal Engineering Symposium, Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineering, 14-16, Nov. 1997, Samsun, pp: 41-48. GÜLER, I, YALÇINER, A. C. ve BAYDUR, İ. H., (1997), "The Effect of Wave Climate on the Modeling of Coastal Evolution", National Committee of Coastal Zone Management of Turkey, Conference on Coastal Environment of Turkey' June, 1997, METU, Ankara, V: 1, pp: 579-590 ERGİN A., YALÇINER A. C., ÖZYURT U. C., (1997),”Stability of Toe Protection of Vertical Wall Coastal Structures Under Irregular Waves" National Committee of Coastal Zone Management of Turkey, Conference on Coastal Environment of Turkey' June, 1997, METU, Ankara, V: 1, pp: 649-658 YALÇINER, A. C., KURAN, U., AKYARLI, A. and IMAMURA, F., (1993), "An Investigation on the Generation and Propagation of Tsunamis in the Sea of Marmara", Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, XII. Technical Congress, 24-26 May, 1993, Ankara. (in Turkish). YALÇINER Ahmet Cevdet, KURAN Ugur, (1991), "Generation, Propagation of Seismic Sea Waves (Tsunamis)" Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, XI. Technical Congress, 811 Sept., 1991, Istanbul, V:1, pp:465-476 (in Turkish). ERGİN, A. and YALÇINER, A. C., (1991), "Economic Analysis in Port Planning by Computer Simulation" 2. National Symposium on Computer Simulation, Feb., 1990, METU, Ankara, 10 pages (in English) ERGİN, A. and YALÇINER, A. C. (1990), "The Effect of Cargo Transport Technologies on the Optimum Port Planning", VI. Engineering Week, Akdeniz Üniv. 28 May- 2 June 1990, İsparta, Turkey. (in Turkish) 16 ERGİN, A. and YALÇINER, A. C.,(1990), "The Relation Between Total Cost and Physical Parameters in Port Planning and Sensitivity Analysis", II. Symposium on Computer Use in Civil Engineering, Istanbul Tech. Univ., September 1990, İstanbul, Turkey. (in Turkish ÖZHAN, E. and YALÇINER, A. C. , (1989) "Computer Aided Design in Coastal Engineering" Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, X. Technical Congress, Oct., 1989, İstanbul, pp: 133-148 (in Turkish) ÖZHAN, E., YALÇINER, A. C., GÜLER, I. (1985), "Design of Coastal Structures at Koycegiz Dalyanagzı Region" III. Engineering Week, Isparta, May. 1985, pp 101-114 (in Turkish) Abstract of a paper presented at and published in the proceedings of a refereed conference regularly held conference YALÇINER A.C., Minoura, K, Imamura, F., Takahashi T, Kuran, U., Shuto, N., Synolakis, C.E.,, Papdopoulos G., (2000), “Traces of Tsunami Waves near Turkish Coasts and Modeling Studies”, (Paper presented and abstract published), 1st, National Conference on Marine Sciences”, V: 1, page: 38 (in Turkish). ÖZHAN, E. and YALÇINER, A. C. (1984), "Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Koycegiz Dalyan River Mouth” Symposium on the Environmental Problems of the Aegean Sea, İzmir, Dec., 1984, 19 pages (in Turkish) 1.2.6. CONFERENCE PRESENTATION Unpublished presentation in a refereed regularly held conference YALÇINER A. C., KURAN U, DURMUSOGLU, O., IMAMURA, F.. (1998) "Ege ve Akdenizdeki Tarihsel Depremler ve Onlara İlişkin Tsunamilerin Araştırılması", 2. 17 Ulusal Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, Ankara Şubesi, ,17, 19 Kasım, 1998. “.Historical Earthquakes and Associated Tsunamis in the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea”, II.. National Coastal Engineering Symposium, Organized by Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineer, Ankara Branch, 17,-19 Nov. 1998, Mersin. ERGİN, A., YALÇINER A. C., GÜLER I., (1998) "Manavgat Irmak Ağzı Koruma Projesi”, 2. Ulusal Kıyı Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, Ankara Şubesi, ,17, 19 Kasım, 1998. “Protection Project of Manavgat River Mouth” II.. National Coastal Engineering Symposium, Organized by Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineer, Ankara Branch, 17,-19 Nov. 1998, Mersin. AKYARLI A, YALÇINER A. C., (1997), " Environmental Impact Assestment on Coastal Projects" Conference on The Developments in Coastal Engineering" Turkish Ministry of Transportation" March, 1997, Ankara YALÇINER A. C., KURAN. U., AKYARLI A, IMAMURA, F, (1997), ”Historical Earthquakes and Associated Tsunamis in Aegean Sea”, Conference on The Developments in Coastal Engineering" Turkish Ministry of Transportation" March, 1997, Ankara 1.2.7. EDITOR OF A PROCEEDING OR A SPECIAL ISSUE Editor of the proceedings of a conference of type or of the special issue of a journal Editor of the Proceeding of 3rd National Symposium on Coastal Engineering, Nov. 5-7 , 2000, Çanakkale, Organized by Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers. ISBN: 975-395399-2 (450 pages) 1.2.8. TRANSLATION OF A BOOK Published translated book of 1.1.3 18 1.2.9. TRANSLATION OF A PAPER/CHAPTER Published translated paper of type 1.1.1. 0.1 or book chapter of types or 1.2.10. CITATIONS Each citation by other autohrs 1.2.11. REVIEW OF A WORK/WORKS 1.0.1 Critical review article on others’ design or building 2. AWARDS & RECOGNIZED WORK 2.1. INTERNATIONAL 2.1.1. PROJECT COMPETITION Competitions endorsed by and organized according to the regulations of international professional organizations (UIA, ISOCARP, ICSID or equal) (First 3 prizes) Competitions endorsed by and organized according to the regulations of international professional organizations (UIA, ISOCARP, ICSID or equal) (Mention prizes) 2.1.2 REALIZED & PRIZE WINNING WORK Completed work abroad which won a prize given by an internationally known organization, preferably on a regular basis 2.1.3 REALIZED & PUBLISHED WORK Work on which,,,, type paper has been published by others exclusively on the work 2.1.4 IDEAS PROJECT Unrealized project published in a journal of type or 2,2 NATIONAL 2.2.1 PROJECT COMPETITION Competitions endorsed by and organized according to the regulations of national professional organizations or the Ministries (First 3 prizes) Competitions endorsed by and organized according to the regulations of national professional organizations or the Ministries (Mention prizes) 2.2.2 REALIZED & PRIZE WINNING WORK 19 Completed work in Turkey which won a prize given by a nationally known organization, preferably on a regular basis 2.2.3 REALIZED & PUBLISHED WORK Work on which,,, type paper has been published by others exclusively on the work 2.2.4 IDEAS PROJECT Unrealized project published in a journal of type or 3 PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 3,1. INTERNATIONAL 3.1.1 PATENT Patent 3.1.2 PROJECT WORK Project work FEMA, USA Jan, 1999-2000 “Modeling and Tsunami Inundation Maps for Los Angeles Coasts, California, USA” Synolakis C., YALCINER A.C., Borrero, J, Watts, P., (2000). “Modeling and Tsunami Inundation Maps for Los Angeles Coasts, California, USA”, University of Southern (USC) California), FEMA Research Report . (in press) FEMA, USA Jan, 1999-2000 “Modeling and Tsunami Inundation Maps for Santa Barbara Coasts, California, USA” Synolakis C., YALCINER A.C., Borrero, J., (2000), “Modeling and Tsunami Inundation Maps for Santa Barbara Coasts, California, USA” USC University of Southern California), FEMA Research Report . (in press) YALÇINER, A.C. and SHUTO, N., (1988), "Experiments on the Run-up, Reflection and Transmission of Solitary Waves through Vertical Porous Structures" Matsumae Int. Found. Tokyo Japan, Fellowship Res. Rep. Sep. 1988, pp. 164-188 (in English) 20 YALÇINER, A.C. and SHUTO, N. (1988), " Run-Up and Refletion of Solitary Waves" Matsumae Int. Found. Tokyo Japan, Fellowship Res. Rep., Sep. 1988, pp. 119-135 (in English) YALÇINER, A.C. and SHUTO, N. (1988), "Run-Up and Reflection of Solitary Waves from Permeable Media", Matsuame International Found. Tokyo Japan, Fellowship Res. Rep., Sep. 1988, pp. 136-163 (in English) 3.1.3 EXPERT REPORT Published expert report prepared for an international organization 3,2 NATIONAL 3.2.1 PATENT Patent 3.2.2 PROJECT WORK Project work and Research Reports TUBITAK-INTAG-827; Jan,. 1998- 2001 Yalçıner, A.C., Kuran, U., Altınok Y., Alpar B., Ersoy Ş., 2001b, Yalçıner, A.C., Kuran, U., Altınok Y., Alpar B., Ersoy Ş., (2001), "Historical Earthquakes and Associated Tsunamis in the Aegean Sea" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner (Project Director), Geophysicist Ugur Kuran (Ministry of Settlement and Construction, General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, Ozcan Durmusoglu, Civil Eng. M.Sc. Student Prof. Dr. Fumihiko Imamura (Tohoku University, Disaster Control Research Center, Japan), September 2001 YALCINER A.C., and Kuran, U, Durmusoglu, O. and Imamura, (1999) "An Integrated Model of Tsunami Generation and Propagation in the Aegean Sea", TUBITAKYDABÇAG-60 Project Interim Report (in Turkish) TUBITAK-YDABCAG-60; Oct., 1994-2001 Yalçıner, A.C., Imamura F., Kuran, U., Çakıroğlu Y, Özbay İ., Erdinç E., Durmuşoğlu Ö., Altınok Y., Alpar B., (2001),"An Integrated Model on the Generation and Propagation of Tsunamis in the Surrounding Seas Around Anatolia" Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet 21 Yalçıner (Project Director), Geophysicist Ugur Kuran (Ministry of Settlement and Construction, General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, Prof. Dr. Adnan Akyarlı (Dokuz Eylül University, Inst. of Marine Sciences and Technology, Prof. Dr. Fumihiko Imamura (Tohoku University, Disaster Control Research Center, Japan)November, 2001 YALCINER, A.C., and Kuran, U, Durmusoglu, O. and Imamura, (1999a) "Field Investigations on the Historical Earthquakes and Associated Tsunamis in the Aegean Sea", TUBITAK-INTAG-827 Project Interim Report (in Turkish) TUBITAK-DEBAG-38; Oct., 1992- 1994 "Generation and Propagation of Tsunamis in the Aegean Sea" Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner (Project Director), Geophysicist Ugur Kuran (Ministry of Settlement and Construction, General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, Prof. Dr. Adnan Akyarlı (Dokuz Eylül University, Inst. of Marine Sciences and Technology, Dr. Fumihiko Imamura (Tohoku University, Disaster Control Research Center, Japan) TUBITAK-MAG-708, Jan., 1987-Jun., 1987 "Measurements of Wave Set-up and Wave Characterististics at the Breaking Zone" Prof. Dr. Erdal Özhan and Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner Applied Researches and Research Reports 15, June 1998-30, Oct., 1999 AGUDOS-98-03-03-02-02 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner, Project Director. “Model Studies on Wave Agitaton and Pollution of Datca Marina" METU Coastal and Harbor Engg. Res. Cent. Report No 60 Dec.., 1994. (in Turkish) 1, June 1998-30, Sept. 1998 AGUDOS-98-03-03-02-01 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner, Researcher “3-D Experimental Study of Erdemir Coastal Protection Structures" 22 METU Coastal and Harbor Engg. Res. Cent. Report No 59 Sept., 1998. (in Turkish) ÖZHAN, E., ERGİN, A., YALÇINER A. C. and YÖNEY, O., (1994), "Research on Mersin Yacht Harbor", METU Coastal and Harbor Engg. Res. Cent. Report No 58 Aug., 1994. (in Turkish) ÖZHAN, E. and YALÇINER, A. C.,, (1993), "Research on Antalya Kaleiçi Yacht Harbor", METU Coastal and Harbor Engg. Res. Cent. Report No 56 Dec., 1993. (in Turkish) YALÇINER, A. Cevdet, (1993), "Research on the Dredged Volume Around Van Pier", METU Coastal and Harbor Engg. Res. Cent. Report No 50 Mar., 1993. (in Turkish) ERGİN Ayşen (Prof. Dr.), ÖZHAN Erdal (Prof. Dr.), YALÇINER, Ahmet Cevdet (Assist. Prof. Dr.), ÖZEL Tansel, YALÇINDAª Kaan, (1991), "Model Studies of Marmara Island Marina" METU Coastal and Harbor Engg. Res. Cent. Report No 49 Dec., 1991. (in Turkish) ÖZHAN Erdal (Prof. Dr.), ERGİN Ayşen (Prof. Dr.), YALÇINER, Ahmet Cevdet (Assist. Prof. Dr.), BALAS Can, YALÇINDAG Kaan, (1991), "Model Studies of Finike Marina" METU Coastal and Harbor Engg. Res. Cent. Report No 48 Dec., 1991. (in Turkish) ÖZHAN, E., ERGİN, A. and YALÇINER, A. C., (1990), . " Model Studies of New Erdemir Port" METU Coastal and Harbor Engg. Res. Cent. Report No 45 July, 1990. (in Turkish) ÖZHAN, E., GÜNYAKTI, A., AYDIN, İ. and YALÇINER A.C., (1989), "Research on Alpet Harbor" METU Coastal and Harbor Engineering Research Center Report No:44, Aug. 1989, 57 pages (in Turkish) ÖZHAN, E. and YALÇINER, A. C. , (1989), "Kefken Gunboat Pier Project" 23 METU Coastal and Harbor Engg. Res. Center Report No:41, April 1989, 62 pages. (in English) ÖZHAN, E. and YALÇINER A. C. , (1989), "Feasibility Studies for Akliman (Sinop) Pier" METU Coastal and Harbor Res. Center Report No:41, April 1989, 62 pages. ( in English and in Turkish) ÖZKAN, Y., ORDEMİR, İ., YALÇINER, A.C, (1987), " Stability of Quay Structures of BOTAŞ Yumurtalık Port" METU Civil Engg. Dept. Technical Report May, 1987, 40 pages (Turkish) YALÇINER, A.C. , (1984), "Tidal Inlet Hydraulics" Coastal and Harbor Engg, Res. Cent., METU, June 1984, Unpublished report, 12 pages. (in English) ÖZHAN, E., ERGİN, A., GÜNBAK, A.R., YALÇINER, A.C., ACAR, O., (1982), "Wave Measurements and Statistics of Ordu City" METU Coastal and Harbor Engineering Research Center Research Report, Aug., 1982, 67 pages (in Turkish) Research fund projects and Research Reports Yıldız University Research Fund AFP: 99-05-01-01 Project Yüksel, Y., YALCINER, A.C., Alpar, B., Cevik E., Celikoglu, Y., Ozmen, H., Ozguven, O., Bostan T., Gurer, S. , (2000), “The Effects of August, 17, Eastern Marmara Earthquake, on the Coastal Structures”, Yıldız Technical University, Resarch Fund, AFP: 99-05-01-01 Project Report I., 204 pages, (in Turkish) Istanbul University AFP. 1268/050599 Altinok, Y., Ersoy, S. and YALCINER, A.C. (1999) “Turkey and Its Vicinity, Tsunami Catalogue, Basic Research Project, University of Istanbul Research Fund, Project No:. 1268/050599. Interim Report (in Turkish) AFP 99-03-03-08; May., 1999-May., 2000 24 "Experimental Study on the Transmission of Waves through Breakwaters Constructed with Geotextile Tubes” Prof. Dr. Ayşen Ergin and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner Ergin A., YALCINER A.C., Pamukcu S., Derun B. A. (2000), "Experimental Study on the Transmission of Waves through Breakwaters Constructed with Geotextile Tubes” METU Research Fund, AFP, 99-03-03-08 Research report (84 pages) AFP 97-03-03-10; May., 1997-Dec, 1998 "Investigation on the Traces of Historical Tsunamis Along Aegean Coasts ” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner, Project Director YALCINER A.C., (2000) "Investigation on Traces of Historical Tsunamis Along Aegean Coasts” METU Research Fund, AFP, 97-03-02-10 Research report (24 pages) AFP 97-03-03-11, 1, May, 1997-30, Apr. 1998 "3 D Experimental Study on the Breakwater Stability Constructed by Antifer Units” Prof. Dr. Ayşen Ergin and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner Ergin A., YALCINER A.C., Kahyaoğlu C., Yuncu H., (1998), "Experimental Study on the Breakwtaer Stability Constructed by Antifer Units” METU Research Fund, AFP, 97-03-0311 Research Report (94 pages) AFP 92-03-03-06; May., 1992-May., 1993 "Development of Hardware and Software Facilities of the Civil. Engg. Dept" Prof. Dr. Doğan Altınbilek and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner AFP 91-03-03-02; May., 1991-May., 1992 "Development of Hardware and Software Facilities of the Civil. Engg. Dept" Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner AFP 90-03-03-08; May., 1990-May., 1991 "Establishment of Multiuser Computer Environment at the Civil Engineering Dept." Prof. Dr. Ayşen Ergin and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner 25 AFP 89-03-03-06; Dec., 1989-Dec., 1990 "Transmission of Solitary Wave through porous Structures" Prof. Dr. Erdal Özhan and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner 1. GÜNBAK, A.R., ŞERBETÇİOĞLU, C., YALÇINER, A.C. (1981), "Wave Disturbance in Hardarpasa Port" METU Coastal and Harbor Engineering Research Center, Basic Research Report, Oct., 1981, 16 pages (in Turkish) 3.2.3 EXPERT REPORT Published expert report prepared for a national organization (other than courts) 3.2.4 CONSULTANCY Consultancy 1, Jan. 1997-31, Jan. 1997 AGUDOS: 97-03-03-02-01 Project Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner "Consultancy on Karabiga Harbor Development" Consultancy Project ERGİN, A., YALÇINER, A.C, GÜLER, I., (1997), "On the Developments of the Berthing Facilities at Karabiga Port for SABA Mining Industry and Trade Co.", Danışmanlık Proje Sonuç Raporu, ODTÜ, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, Kıyı ve Liman Mühendisliği Araştiıma Merkezi, Ocak, 1997 June. 2000-Dec. 2000 AGUDOS: 00-03-03-1-02-01 ”Consultancy on Kas Yacht Harbor Design for DOLFEN Engineering Co.” Project Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner 4. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES 4.0.1 THESIS SUPERVISION COMPLETED Ph.D. THESIS Sole supervisor Principal supervisor Co-supervisor 26 COMPLETED M.Sc./M.A./M.Arch. THESIS Sole supervisor Principal supervisor Aykut Özagaç, (1993), "Transmission of Solitary Wave Through Porous Structures with Impervious Core Yöney Okan, (1994), "Effect of Meteo-oceanographic Characteristics on the design of sea outfall systems" Çakıroğlu Yeşim, (1997), "Determination of Resonance Period of the Basins for the Earthquake Generated Waves” Can Doganay, (1998), "Tsunami Height Attenuation in the Basins" Ozcan Durmusoglu, (1999), "Integrated Model for the Simulation of Tsunamis in the Vicinity of Anatolia" Karatoprak Can, (2000), “Resonance of the Basins by Long Period Waves” Ilknur Ozbay, (Aralık 2000) , “Modeling of Tsunami Generation Mechanisms in the sea of Marmara ” Erdinç Esra, (Eylül, 2001), “Modeling of Tsunami Propagation and Coastal Amplifications in the sea of Marmara ” Demrbaş Ertan, (in Progress), “Modeling of 1956 Soyuthern Aegean Tsunami Source Mechanismi“ Habiboğlu Barış, (in Progress), “Tsunami Generation by Underwater Landslides” Co-supervisor 27 Karaaslan, Serhan , (1993), ."A Computer Model for a General Cargo Terminal." (Co-supervised by Prof. Aysen Ergin) Bakalım, Taner. (1993) ."A Computer Model for a Container Terminal." (Co-supervised by Prof. Aysen Ergin) Balas, Can Elmar., (1994) "Management of Construction of Port Structures", July, 1992; (Co-supervised by Prof. Aysen Ergin Bayraktaroglu, Ali., (1994) "Computer Modeling of Nearshore Transformation of Irregular Waves." 1993 (Co-supervised by Prof. Aysen Ergin) Piroglu, Hasan., (1993), "Planning of Cargo Handling Equipment at the Ports" 1993. (Co-supervised by Prof. Ayşen Ergin) . Yalcindag, Kaan. (1993) "Economic Analysis of the Parameters Effecting Port Management" (Co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Ayşen Ergin), Özyurt Utku Cengiz, (1994) "Stability of toe Protection of Vertical Wall Breakwaters" (Co-supervised by Prof. Ayşen Ergin) Numanoglu Aslı, (1995), "Stability of mound structures with cube block type armor units under breaking condition” (Co-supervised by Prof. Ayşen Ergin) Öztunalı Bergüzar, "Stability of mound structures with cube block type armor units under non-breaking condition” (Co-supervised by Prof. Ayşen Ergin) Katayoun Ravakhah (1995), "On the Damage Coefficient of Hudson Equation" (Co-supervised by Prof. Ayşen Ergin) 28 Yüncü Hakan, (1998), "Stability of trunk and head sections of mound structures with antifer blocks under breaking and breaking condition of irregular waves” (Co-supervised by Prof. Ayşen Ergin) Kahyaoğlu, Caglar, (1998), "Stability of trunk and head sections of mound structures with antifer blocks under breaking and non-breaking condition of irregular waves” (Co-supervised by Prof. Ayşen Ergin) Armağan Cenk, (19968, "Stability of head sections of mound structures with cube block type armor units under breaking and non-breaking condition of irregular” (Co-supervised by Prof. Ayşen Ergin) Derun Bariş Aşur, (1999), “Experimental Study of the Transmission of Waves from the Structures Constructed with Geotextile Tubes” Pamukçu Salim, (1999), “Transmission of Waves from the Structures Constructed with Saussage Type Geotextile Tubes” 4.0.2 COURSE LOAD COURSE LOAD Each credit course given in a year in addition to a 4-course normal work CE372, "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics". Feb.-June, 1988 CE374, "Fluid Mechanics". Feb.-June, 1998 CE306, "Computer Applications in Civil Engineering". Sept., 1988-June, 1992 CE398, "Introduction to Coastal and Harbor Engineering". Sept., 1989- March 1996 CE594, "Modeling of Coastal Engineering Problems". since Feb., 1990 29 CE497, "Coastal Hydraulics"; Sept., 1992- Sept, 1993 CE495, "Introduction to Ocean Engineering and Underwater Operations". since Sept., 1989 CE494, "Port Planning and Design", since March, 1993 CE496, "Marinas", since March, 1995 CE598, "Design of Coastal Structures", since March, 1996 CE492 “Cosatl Engineering II. “ since September 2000 4.0.3 DEVELOPMENT COURSE Development of a totally new course CE495, "Introduction to Ocean Engineering and Underwater Operations". since Sept., 1989 (Development with Dr. Erdal Özhan) COURSE WITH LABORATORY Development of a totally new course and its lab experiments PROGRAM, CENTER OR LABORATORY Development of a graduate, undergraduate, special minor program, center or laboratory in METU 4.0.4 STUDENT EVALUATION STUDENT EVALUATION Being among the top 10% (20 points) or next 15% (10 points) in the cummulative ranking within the Faculty 5 MEMBERSHIPS & AWARDS 30 5,1 INTERNATIONAL 5.1.1 AWARDS Prize won in the related field in a regular award competition 5.1.2 MEMBERSHIP Member of an editorial or evaluation board or an award jury 5,2 NATIONAL 5.2.1 AWARDS Prize won in the related field in a regular award competition 5.2.2 MEMBERSHIP Member of an editorial or evaluation board or an award jury Jury Member of the Photography Contest on Technics Organized by Science and Technics Magazine of TUBITAK (1995, 1996, 1997 3 years) Jury Member of the Underwtaer Photography Contest on the Marmara Underwater Environmet Organized by Caddebostan Diving Club Istanbul, 1993 6 OTHER ACTIVITIES 6.0.1 ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES POSITIONS & DUTIES IN METU Official positions or membership in administrative boards or university commissions POSITIONS & DUTIES IN OTHER INSTITUTIONS Positions or duties in national or international organizations 6.0.2 CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION 6.1.2 INTERNATIONAL Conference organizer 6.2.2 NATIONAL Conference organizer 6.0.3 SEMINARS CONTINUING EDUCATION SEMINARS Continuing education seminars 31 THESIS YALÇINER, A. C., (1989), "Transmission and Reflection of Solitary Waves from Vertical Porous Structures" Ph.D. Thesis in Civil Eng. Dept. METU, June 1989, 74 pages (in English ) YALÇINER, A. C., (1981), "Overtopping of Solitary Waves at Model Sea Dikes" Master Thesis in Civil Eng. at Middle East Technical University, October 1981, 86 pages (in English) ARTICLES IN TECHNICAL AND POPULAR NATIONAL MAGAZINES BETWEEN OCTOBER 1998-JULY 2000 YALCINER, A. C. (1999a), “August, 17, 1999, Izmit Tsunami”, Science and Techniques, Popular Science Magazine of Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council, October, 1999 (in Turkish) YALCINER, A. C. (1999b), “August, 17, 1999, Earthquake and Tsunami”, Underwater World Magazine, October, 1999 , (in Turkish) YALCINER, A. C. (1999c), “Tsunami in Izmit Bay”, Bulletin of Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, Ankara Branch, October, 1999, (in Turkish) YALCINER, A. C. (1999d), “Aegean Tsunamis”, ATLAS Magazine, Turkey, November, 1999, pp:150-154, (in Turkish) . 32