Name Writing Assessment Holistic Scoring Guide Focus Demonstrates an awareness of audience and task. Establishes and maintains a clear purpose. Sustains single point of view. Exhibits clarity of ideas. Content Information and details are specific to topic. Information and details are relevant to focus. Ideas are fully developed. Organization Logical order of sequence is maintained. Paragraphs deal with one subject. Logical transitions are made within sentences between and paragraphs. Introduction and conclusion are evident. Style Precise language. Effective word choice. Voice, tone originality of language. Variety of sentence structures, types and lengths. Conventions Mechanics: spelling, capitalization, punctuation. Usage (e.g. pronoun references, subject-verb agreement). Sentence completeness 6: clear and consistent 5: reasonably consistent mastery mastery Essay has a sharp, distinct focus, and effectively and insightfully develops a point of view, on the issue while demonstrating outstanding critical thinking Date 4: adequate mastery 3: developing mastery 2: little mastery 1: little or no mastery Essay has a clear focus and effectively develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates strong critical thinking Essay has adequate focus that develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates competent critical thinking Essay has a vague focus that develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates some critical thinking Essay has a confused focus that develops a point of view on the issue that is seriously limited, and reflects weak critical thinking Essay has a complete absence of focus that develops no viable point of view on the issue and demonstrates no critical thinking Essay uses substantive, specific and illustrative content, clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other sophisticated ideas that are particularly well developed to support its position Essay has specific and illustrative content that generally uses appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position Essay has sufficient content that uses adequate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position Essay has limited or repetitive content, inconsistent or inadequate examples, reasons, or other evidence to support its position. Essay has superficial content providing inappropriate or insufficient examples, reasons, or other evidence to support its position Essay has irrelevant content and provides little or no evidence to support its position Essay demonstrates obvious control, clear coherence, and a smooth progression of ideas with sophisticated and subtle transition between ideas. Essay is logically and appropriately organized and demonstrates a clear coherence and a true focused progression of ideas Essay is appropriately organization and demonstrates some coherence and mostly focused progression of ideas Essay is inconsistently organized and demonstrates a limited focus and lapses in coherence and a faulty progression of ideas Essay is poorly organized and demonstrates serious problems with coherence , focus, and a faulty progression of ideas Essay has an absence of organization and an unfocused, disjointed and/or incoherent progression of ideas Exhibits skillful use of language (word choice) and meaningful variety in sentence structure, while using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary that effectively conveys the writer’s tone Exhibits precision and variety in sentence structure and word choice, while using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary that clearly conveys the writer’s tone Exhibits adequate but inconsistent facility in the use of language, some precision and variety in sentence structure and word choice Exhibits weak vocabulary and inappropriate and inconsistent word choice , limited sentence variety and problematic sentence structure Exhibits very little use of language, uses very limited vocabulary and has incorrect word choice with frequent problems in sentence structure Exhibits no apparent control over sentence structure and word choice; displays fundamental errors in vocabulary Essay is generally free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics Mechanical and usage errors not severe enough to interfere significantly with the writer’s purpose Repeated Weaknesses resulting in an accumulation of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics Mechanical and usage errors that seriously interfere with the writer’s purpose Mechanical and usage error so severe that writer’s ideas are difficult, if not impossible, to understand Essay is free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics Nonscorable: An essay can and will be deemed nonscorable for any the following reasons: is illegible i.e.; includes so many undecipherable words, is incoherent, i.e.: words are legible but syntax is garbled. Assignment: Using MLA format, answer the following questions in 2-4 word processed/typed pages. (75 pts) This essay is due March 13 th. Nearly 75 years after Brave New World was published many of Huxley’s warnings have come true. Select either his warning about science and technology, genetics, overpopulation, government, or psychology and defend its “truism” in present society. Make certain to also show Bradbury’s shared concern for the warning as presented in the novel Fahrenheit 451. You must use only 3 quotes, no block quotes. Name Assignment: Writing Assessment Holistic Scoring Guide Date Using MLA format, answer the following questions in 2-4 word processed/typed pages. (75 pts) This essay is due March 13 th. Nearly 75 years after Brave New World was published many of Huxley’s warnings have come true. Select either his warning about science and technology, genetics, overpopulation, government, or psychology and defend its “truism” in present society. Make certain to also show Bradbury’s shared concern for the warning as presented in the novel Fahrenheit 451. You must use only 3 quotes, no block quotes.