Name __________________________________ Class _________________ Date ___________ Section 16-3 Summary Risks of Tobacco Use (pp. 410–416) Objectives • Describe the long-term health risks of tobacco use. • Identify the long-term risks of exposure to secondhand smoke. • Examine how smoking by a pregnant woman can affect her baby. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Tobacco use increases a person’s risk of developing respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease, and several different forms of cancer. It is estimated that more than 6 million children living today will die early because they start to smoke during their teen years. If a person continues to smoke over a long period of time, the damage that occurs to the respiratory system becomes permanent. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease that results in a gradual loss of lung function. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are two types of COPD. Chronic bronchitis is a condition in which the airways are constantly inflamed. Chronic bronchitis causes an increase in the production of mucus, which constricts airways and makes breathing difficult. Emphysema is a disorder in which the alveoli of the lungs can no longer function properly. The alveoli lose shape and elasticity and start to break down. Cigarette smoking increases a person’s risk for heart attack, stroke, and circulation problems. The combined effects of nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide force the cardiovascular system to work harder to deliver oxygen throughout the body. Tobacco use also increases blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels, and promotes atherosclerosis. In addition, nicotine increases the blood’s tendency to form clots. Tobacco use is a major factor in the development of lung cancer, oral cancers, and several other cancers. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both women and men. Most deaths caused by lung cancer are related to smoking. Tobacco users may develop white patches called leukoplakia (look oh PLAY kee uh) on their tongues or the lining of their mouths. These patches should be monitored by a doctor because they may become cancerous. Mainstream smoke is exhaled from a smoker’s lungs. Sidestream smoke goes directly into the air from a cigarette. Secondhand smoke is a combination of mainstream and sidestream smoke. Long-term exposure to secondhand smoke can cause cardiovascular disease, many respiratory problems, and cancer. Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home develop frequent respiratory infections and are more likely to develop asthma and allergies. Pregnant women who smoke put their babies at risk for many health problems. Babies born to mothers who smoke are more likely to have low birth-weights. This is a risk factor for cerebral palsy, sight impairment, hearing problems, and learning difficulties. Pregnant women who smoke increase their risk of miscarriages, premature births, and stillbirths. Name __________________________________ Class _________________ Date ___________ Section 16-3 Note Taking Guide Risks of Tobacco Use (pp. 410–416) Long-Term Risks 1. What three serious health problems are associated with long-term use of tobacco? a. _____________________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________________ c. _____________________________________________________________________ Respiratory Diseases 2. Complete the graphic organizer about the effects of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Name __________________________________ Class _________________ Date ___________ Section 16-3: Note Taking Guide (continued) Cardiovascular Disease 3. Complete the table about increased risks of cardiovascular disease to smokers compared to nonsmokers. Type of Cardiovascular Disease Increased Risk to Smokers a. __________________________________ two to three times b. __________________________________ two times c. __________________________________ ten times Cancer 4. Complete the graphic organizer about cancers linked to tobacco. Name __________________________________ Class _________________ Date ___________ Section 16-3: Note Taking Guide (continued) Secondhand Smoke 5. Classify each example as mainstream smoke, sidestream smoke, or secondhand smoke. a. Rises directly from cigarette ____________________________________________________________________ b. Exhaled from smoker’s lungs ____________________________________________________________________ c. Long-term exposure can cause serious diseases ____________________________________________________________________ d. Some tar and nicotine is trapped ____________________________________________________________________ e. Contains twice as much tar and nicotine ____________________________________________________________________ f. Especially harmful to children ____________________________________________________________________ Tobacco Use and Pregnancy 6. Complete the graphic organizer about tobacco use and pregnancy.