ORBITAL ASSESMENT FOR THE OPERATION OF AN ELECTRONICALLY STEERABLE PHASED-ARRAY MODULE (ESPAM) ON A SOLAR POWER SATELLITE (SPS) Cadet Matthew S. Wilcoxen United States Air Force Academy, Department of Astronautics Colorado Springs, Colorado ABSTRACT Transmitting wireless power at high levels of efficiency is essential to the feasibility of the SPS Program. Existing SPS designs fulfill this constraint by means of modern microwave technology that can take the D.C. power produced by the massive solar array, convert it to microwave energy, and then beam it to a rectenna on Earth. While the microwave energy is being received, a separate system can then convert the energy back into D.C. power. Such a process requires a high level of accuracy for political and efficiency reasons. This level of accuracy can be attained through the integration of several systems. The first system combines a microwave magnetron with a ferrite circulator to deliver the necessary gain while remaining phase locked. When this system is then incorporated with a slotted waveguide array, you have an electronically steerable phased array module, also known as an electronically steerable phased-array module (ESPAM), to transmit the microwave energy in a focused beam to Earth. While the use of an ESPAM has proven successful in ground research, the problems that would be encountered in space require stricter guidelines to be met in order for the system to remain practical. This study was conducted to assess what orbit altitude would best suit the overall objective of a SPS program using an ESPAM to direct the energy to Earth. 1 Nomenclature a Semi Major Axis km m/CdA Ballistic Coefficient kg/m2 BW required Required Beamwidth deg Change in Velocity m/s ΔV e Eccentricity -- Receiving Array Diameter km H Altitude km ί Inclination deg Dreciever μ Gravitational Parameter P Orbital Period years ρ Atmospheric Density kg/m3 v Orbital Velocity km3/sec2 km/s INTRODUCTION Background When the SPS program was first presented to Congress in 1976 as a solution to the energy crisis, it faced enormous technical and feasibility requirements that Congress deemed insurmountable in order for such a system to remain economically practical. The rationale for such a program back then still remains the same today: man will eventually be forced to find an alternative energy source when fossil fuels become depleted and other sources such as coal would create too great of an environmental threat in order to produce the level of energy needed. The amount of energy consumption across the world has more than quadrupled since the 1950s 2 with nearly 90% of that demand being met by the combustion of fossil fuels1 . Increasing energy consumption, specifically by those countries with high energy demand and those still developing, will be obligated to search for additional sources that meet consumer specifications of clean, renewable and reliable standards. These factors have stimulated growth in alternative energy technology, including the solar power industry and the development of the SPS. Evaluation of the SPS system shows that its ability to take the inexhaustible, unobstructed energy from the sun, convert it into a usable source, and then redirect it to Earth makes it a marketable application as an energy source of the future when comparing technical, economic, environmental, and political issues and limitations. The most widespread method of redirecting the DC power produced by the solar arrays is to convert the energy into radio frequency (RF) energy. This paper’s analysis uses a MDA with a microwave tube as the source of the RF because of its ability to operate at efficiency levels approaching 80% and its ability to operate at nearly twice the temperature of other RF sources2. When this MDA is configured with a simple slotted waveguide array, the RF frequency then becomes steerable. Objectives Altitude Determination The objective of the altitude determination study was to investigate how varying altitudes would affect the ESPAM operating requirements. Looking at the results of that study, further objectives were set to determining factors such as ΔV to remain at varying altitude, ΔV to get to established 3 altitudes and affects of orbital period. While this study may not determine one orbital altitude as the primary preferred altitude, it will help in determining which altitudes are impractical and which altitudes can serve as the better option for accomplishing certain SPS goals. Results And Discussion Altitude Determination Determining an operating altitude is needed in order to establish the design of the SPS. A SPS operation at a higher altitude will need a greater number of ESPAM units in order to get a required beamwidth than a lower orbiting SPS would need in order to fill a receiving ground station array. A higher orbit would also put the SPS in the shadow of Earth for decreased extent of time. For the purpose of this study, it is assumed that an earth-centered orbit is being used rather than a sun-centered orbit. Using D BW required 2 tan 1 reciever 2H (1) while keeping Dreciever constant, the relationship between BW required and H is shown in figure 1. 4 4 Beamwidth (deg) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 Orbital Altitude (km) Figure 1. Beamwidth to fill a 10 km Receiving Array It was expected that as the orbital altitude increases, the beamwidth would decrease, but from this graph, we can see that at around an H of 5000 km, the change in BW required becomes minimal over a significant increase in H. It is important to note that figure 1 only represents when the SPS is perpendicular to the receiving array. If it is not directly overhead, the beam becomes distorted as it hits the ground, changing the size of the receiving array if the same amount if power needed to be collected Determining the amount of ΔV needed on a yearly basis in order to maintain altitude can help us to determine a minimum H below which point station keeping would become too costly and rigorous. Using C A V D rv / P m (2). 5 Where the ballistic coefficient is assumed to be 50 kg/m2 , we find the results presented in figure 2. 4000 Delta V ((m/s)/yr) 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Orbit Altitude (km) . Figure 2. Delta V required for orbital maintenance. From this data, we can conclude that any orbit below 400 km would require so much station keeping that it would be impracticable. At orbits about 1000 km, the ΔV requirement is nearly zero. Station keeping ΔV is not the only requirement though. ΔV to first get the satellite into orbit must also be taken into consideration. This ΔV requirement can be seen by using Vtotal Vorbit Vlaunch (3) where 6 Vlaunch Vtransfer earth Vearth Vlosses Vlosses 1000m / s (4) Vearth 465.1m / s and Vorbit Vorbit Vtransfer Vtransfer Vorbit orbit orbit transfer 2 R orbit (5) Rorbit 14 Delta V (km/s) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 orbital altitude (km) Figure 3. ΔV required to Establish Orbit From this data we can see that the increase in the amount ΔV needed between launching to a low orbit as compared to a high orbit is nearly 50% greater. 7 Orbital period will not only affect the SPS’s ability to track a ground station, but also the extent of time that a SPS would be within sight of the sun in order to collect energy. The altitude directly affects the orbital period and can be calculated with P 2 a3 (6). Using the period, we can calculate the angular rate as the satellite moves in orbit. When we compare this to the angular rate of Earth, we can determine a reasonable number at which a SPS can track a ground station and steer the RF towards that point even when the receiving array is difference in rotational speed (deg/min) not directly below. This data is represented in figure 4 below. 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 Orbital Altitude (km) Figure 4. Relative angular velocity of a SPS to Earth for Varying Altitudes 8 While we may not know the rotational capabilities of a SPS in tracking a ground station, we can assume that in order to minimize the amount if ESPAM steering needed, which would increase efficiency, the satellite itself will need to perform some orbital rotations itself. To minimize the power needed to do so, a higher altitude is required. The amount of time the SPS will be in the shadow of earth and therefore cannot collect solar energy can be calculated by TE 2 P 360 deg (7). This TE measurement only give the eclipse time per orbit though, so to find the total amount of time per day, the number must be multiplied by the number of revolutions in one day. This data is shown in figure 5. To further demonstrate these affects, the percent of time that a satellite would be available to collect energy for a given orbit is shown in figure 6. Eclipse Time (min/day) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Orbital Altitude (km) Figure 5. Maximum eclipse time per day 9 35000 40000 % of daily availability 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 Orbital Altitude (km) Figure 6. Percent availability to solar energy With a MDA operating at a frequency of 2.45 Hz, the atmospheric attenuation can be calculated with Sr PA Pr t2 t2 (1 La ) Ar R (8). If the assumption is made that the power transmitted needs to be at least that which could normally be collected on the ground without the use of a SPS, we can work backwards to determine the amount of power the SPS needs to produce. With current ground solar arrays having efficiencies around 30% and being able to collect sunlight for half the day at a rate of 1000 W/m2we find that the SPS must produce 150 W/m2 to be economically viable. Using equation 7, the total amount of power that must be produced on the ground is 16.83 GW. If we now take into account that the conversion is currently 70% efficient and the losses due to the 10 atmosphere are minimal, the total power transmitted must be 24.04 GW. Assuming each ESPAM in the transmitting array produces the same amount of power, we can now determine the Power per ESPAM (kW) number of ESPAMs needed to produce the necessary amount of power.3 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 1,800,000 2,000,000 2,200,000 Total number of ESPAM elements Figure 7. ESPAM elements needed to produce needed power From the above data collection, a comparison of three orbits was done as shown in table 1. 11 Table 1. Comparison of three orbits for possible SPS design Orbit 1 Orbit 2 Orbit altitude (km) 300 1000 1.9096825 0.572953 Beamwidth (deg) Number of ESPAM ~25 (5 x 5) 225 (15 x 15) units needed for beamwidth 3.72703869 3.17470155 Angular tracking rate needed (deg/min) 8.632195 9.005282 ΔV to establish orbit (km/s) 90.52 105.12 Orbital Period (min) 582.09 478.57 Maximum eclipse Time per day (min) 747 0.151 ΔV for station keeping (m/s/yr) Power per ESPAM for 962 MW 107 MW required power production on the ground Orbit 3 35,768 0.0160187 ~284089 (533 x 533) 0.0008454 12.45286 1 day 69.4 ~0 84.7 kW Orbit 1 was picked as a low Earth orbit, orbit 2 as a medium range orbit that would not require the advancement of heavy lift launch capability (HLLC) technology, and orbit 3 as a geostationary orbit that would require HLLC. Recommendations Three orbital design recommendations were made as a result of the orbital altitude investigation: While a low Earth orbit would reduce the number of ESPAM units needed and reduce the ΔV needed to establish orbit, the amount of ΔV needed for station keeping, the decrease in amount of time available to collect solar energy, and the limitations of a SPS’s ability to track and send RF to a ground station from such an altitude make such an orbit impractical for commercial use. An orbit below 400 km should only be used for research and experimentation of the ESPAM design and not used for full scale production 12 A geosynchronous orbit should be utilized as the first placement for a SPS. Such an orbit would require minimal station keeping, decreases tracking capabilities, and make the collection of solar energy nearly continuous. Heavy Lift Launch Capability is a necessity in order to get a system as large as a SPS into a geosynchronous orbit. Technological advancement in this area must take place in parallel with research in the SPS program. Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Lt Col Michael Hatfield, Astronautics Professor. Only through his work was I able to focus this paper enough on one aspect of the SPS program for the purpose of this paper. I was able to use the process he used and the data he collected to verify my own data. He has worked closely with me to ensure I’m headed in the right direction throughout my future study of the SPS program. 13 REFERENCES 1. Glaser, P.E., F.P. Davidson, K.I. Csigi, Solar Power Satellites, 1st Ed, 1998, Praxis Publishing Ltd. 2. Brown, W.C., Solar Power System (SPS) Magnetron Tube Assessment Study, Raytheon Company, July 1988, Prepared for NASA under contract NASA 8-33157. 3. Hatfield, M.C. Characterization and Optimization of the Magnetron Directional Amplifier, Doctoral Thesis. University of Alaska Fairbanks: Fairbanks, 1999. General References Wertz, James R. and Wiley J Larson (editors). Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd Ed, 1999, Microcosm Press. Sellers, J.J., Understanding Space: An Introduction to Astronautics, 1st Ed (Revised), 1994, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 14