2-14-06 Work Session

Anaconda-Deer Lodge County
Work Session 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Courthouse Courtroom
Presentation on the Silver Bow Creek Mediation/Rerouting Highway 10A by Shellie
Haaland of the Department of Environmental Quality.
Mrs. Shellie Haaland of the Department of Environmental Quality introduced herself and
Mr. Joel Chavez. Mrs. Haaland explained that DEQ has been working at the Silver Bow Creek
Area east of Anaconda and they have looked into the design of a portion of Highway 10A there.
She stated that there has been some high levels of arsenic have been located between the County
road and the railroad tracks. This area will entail heavy equipment and closure of this road for
two weeks for removal of the contaminated area. Once the contamination is removed, DEQ
would rebuild the County Road, at their cost, to County Specifications to include a clean line of
site and a much safer road.
Commission Ternes then turned the discussion to the dust problem at the Opportunity
Ponds. Mr. Joel Chavez stated that DEQ has received many letter from concerned citizens about
this issue and has spoke Atlantic Richfield within the past couple of days. Mr. Chavez then went
into the explanation of their discussion with ARCO on the dust issue. Mr. Chavez stated that he
has talked with EPA on this as well and he suggested that people start calling Mr. Charlie
Coleman of the EPA if there is a noticeable amount of dust coming off the ponds. Mr. Chavez
stated that Mr. Coleman will not just let it go. Chief Executive Becky Guay stated that she has
talked with Charlie Coleman to do more monitoring of the Opportunity site.
Planning Director Linda Bouck stated for clarification that the County did relocated a
County road earlier this year and the County had to go through a formal state process. She stated
that this would not have to occur with the relocation of this road because they are staying with
the County road right-of-way. This is why the County is not following the same procedure as
Commissioner Ternes stated that in looking at the notifications to also notify Emergency
Services also.
2nd Public Hearing of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Goosetown
Housing Coalition.
Chairman Bilodeau opened the meeting for the 2nd Public Hearing of the Goosetown
Housing Coalition. Mr. Jim Davison of the Local Development Corporation addressed the
Commission. He reported that the Goosetown Housing Coalition is looking for public input on
the housing conditions in the Goosetown area. There has been a lot of concern about the blight
areas in Goosetown and the potential tax deed properties. This is the second year of this grant to
pull neighborhood groups together to address these problems in the community. There are 116
empty houses in the Goosetown area as of the end of July. Goosetown is from Cherry Street east.
There are empty lots and deterioration in this area and 60% of the residents in the Goosetown
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area are low to moderate-income individuals. This is the criteria that is needed for the potential
Community Development Block Grant. He stated that they have tried to pull Real Estate people,
Bank people, Habitat people and Human Resource people to attend the meetings to look at these
ideas. There are three potential funding timetables in March and April timeframe; the CDBG
Planning Grant which needs $20,000 matching funds but HUD Grant money could be used, the
HUD Go Around which is restricted to non-profit organizations, the Home Pilot Project. The
HUD Go Around can be used to acquire properties and rehabilitate and the Home Pilot Project
can be used for residents to fix up outside of their houses such as adding siding and installing
new roofs. Mr. Davison stated that the entrance to the community has hurt us in attracting
businesses into the community. The third go around for funding will occur next fall and there
will need to be another public hearing for that. This is for 2 CDBG implementation of grants to
look at specific neighborhoods for removing blight or fixing up buildings or rehabilitating
properties. Mr. Davison informed the Commission and audience that there will be series of
neighborhood meetings they will continue to work with the County to look at the tax deed
properties to get them back into ownership. Mr. Davison explained that they will still continue to
look for innovative partnerships in trying to develop more basic jobs to afford housing. This is
the justification of the HUD Project plus wrapping in the Housing Plan. Commission Sather
reported that there will be a neighborhood meeting on February 20, 2006 at 6 p.m. at the Croatian
Hall. Commissioner Daniels stated that the Banks are involved in the community reinvestment
act as a viable partner in helping with this project. Mr. Davison stated that the banks are willing
to lend money in those areas once they have met the lending criteria. Commissioner Ternes
stated that in part of the cleanup stuff, there were yard cleanups but asked if there was anything
heard on dust contaminants inside the houses? Mr. Davison stated that there is a concern of attic
With nothing further, Chairman Bilodeau closed the Public Hearing for public comments.
Discussion – Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
Mr. William Converse explained that the Community Wildfire Protection Plan is an
extension of the mitigation plan that has been approved by the State Disaster and Emergency
Services and FEMA. He stated that the Protection Plan has been done by “Fox Logic”. This
project was funded through Headwaters RC&D and Bureau of Land Management. The total
contract for all counties was $62,000 and Anaconda-Deer Lodge County’s portion was
$12,234.00 but our County contributed $214.00 plus in-kind contributions through meetings.
Mr. Converse then listed the members who have attended these meetings. He stated that DNRC
had a problem with the fuel types that were laid out in this plan and through communications
with “Fox Logic”, the DNRC has now recommends that the Commission approve this plan.
Planning Director Linda Bouck asked if this plan is just guidelines or if there were any
regulatory stuff within the plan. Mr. Converse stated that this plan is mainly guidelines for
Subdivisions and developers to follow. Mr. Converse stated that by having this plan, and should
we have a disaster, this enables us to go back to FEMA and request funding for expenses
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Commissioner Ternes asked if there are regulations established within Subdivisions to
have a “fuel reduction plan” somewhat like the “weed plan”? Ms. Bouck explained that there is
a requirement for developers to contact DNRC and FWP to get a sign off and DNRC and FWP
will comment back on fuel reductions but there is no way for the County to require that. Mr.
Converse stated that by having this plan, this will allow the County the opportunity to apply for
fuel reductions in different areas.
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission
Discussion – Main Street Project Grant Application.
Mrs. Rose Nyman addressed the Commission. She explained that the request is to fund
the Main Street Project through the Revolving Loan Fund in the amount of $15,000 the first year
and $15,000 the second year. She stated that there are ample funds in the Community Service
Account and the application will be a mute issue if this cannot be funded. Mrs. Nyman stated
that she would like to have a “letter of commitment” by the County contingent upon the group
and downtown businesses contribute financially to this project as well. Commissioner Sather
asked how the group is doing on the funding of this project and if the local businesses have been
cooperative. Mrs. Nyman stated that Tom Blaz, Jr. has taken on this part but believed that
several businesses have agreed to help out. Commissioner Daniels asked in terms of the CDBG
and before the Commission can commit, is everything done in terms of accessing these funds for
this project. Mrs. Nyman stated that Mr. Jim Davison was to speak with the Department of
Commerce. Mr. Davison stated that he did speak with the Department of Commerce and
because the majority of the businesses are small businesses, under 10 employees, they are
considered held harmless and that could be considered through the retention effort. The authority
and ability to fund that is based on the management plan and the administrative plan, which
comes back to the budget.
Commissioner Kurtz stated that the deadline for submitting this application is March 2,
2006. Ms. Nyman stated that she expected a much more detailed plan for the Commission to
review and she did apologize for not having this. Commissioner Ternes stated that with the
scheduling of the meeting he suggested placing this on the agenda and hoped for more
information prior to the next meeting.
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission
Discussion – Montana Aeronautics Division Airport and Facility Loan and Grant Program.
Planning Director Linda Bouck explained that the Montana Aeronautics Grant, the FAA
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Grant and the contract with Morrison & Maeirle are all one big project. She stated that Mr. Steve
Engebrecht with Morrison & Maeirle is here to provide the Commission with additional
information to the Airport Improvements as well as refigured dollar amounts. Ms. Bouck stated
that if the Commission does agree to move forward the County would be committing dollars
from the General Fund. This would also fall into next fiscal year’s budget cycle. Mr. Steve
Engebrecht addressed the Commission. He explained that this project would be a pavement
maintenance project at the Airport. Under this project they would seal cracks in the pavement,
routing cleaning and rubberized sealant to the cracks, applying a fog seal to the pavement and
repaint the surfaces. Right now FAA funding program is a 95/5% split with FAA paying 95%.
This project would be eligible for this funding from FAA. In addition to that, we have applied to
State Aeronautics for a grant and Aeronautics will grant ½ of the County’s 5% of the FAA grant
and the County has been awarded that Grant. Basically the county’s share of this project would
be 2½ % rather than 5%. The first step in obtaining the FAA money is to complete the pre
application and submit to FAA. The dollar amount in the pre application is higher than what Mr.
Engebrecht believes it would be. In speaking with Planning Director Linda and CEO Becky, he
has estimated the cost at $125,000 versus the $178,000 shown in the pre application. Mr.
Engebrecht stated that he does not have a handle on the number of feet of cracks to be sealed and
he is trying to stay on the conservative side. FAA has requested that the pre application be to
them by the end of February. If the Commission should chose to go ahead with this project, the
process would be to get the project bid because FAA awards their bids based on bid prices. Mr.
Engebrecht stated that the Montana Aeronautics does a pavement condition index survey of all of
the small airports. You will see that the project done in 2001 has changed the survey numbers to
the positive dramatically. Mr. Engebrecht reported that the President’s new budget proposed cuts
in Airport program funding for next fiscal year, which begins 10/1/06. If the Commission agrees
to go forward, the Airport funding bill would not affect the County’s requirement to pay only 2½
%. Mr. Engebrecht went through the numbers of each of the Grant funds. He stated that his
latest estimate is that the entire project would cost $124,823.00. FAA would pay approximately
$118,581.00 and the Montana Aeronautics and County’s share would be $3,121.00 each. The
County is looking at $2,500 to $3,100 to do this project. It was then explained that the County
also has the option to apply for a loan to pay the entire 5% and the process would delay the
application until November. Commissioner Ternes then asked if there were to be adjustments in
total costs for the Engineering. Mr. Engebrecht stated that there will be adjustments to the
Engineering costs and those costs will be split out between runways, taxiway and aprons. He
stated that he will provide the Commission with the outlines of the costs.
Planning Director Linda Bouck stated that the Airport Board discussed this issue and they
think they will have money left over in their budget at the end of the fiscal year and even though
the General Fund dollars does not roll over, is there anyway the Commission would consider
them taking ½ the funding from this year’s budget and set aside into another account so that they
would only have to come up with half the funding from next fiscal year.
Gene Vuckovich addressed the Commission. He stated that he does not know where the
County could get a better bang for their buck. He suggested looking at one of the Enterprise
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funds and borrowing from them at a 2-3% interest rather than borrowing it at a 5% interest. Mr.
Engebrecht stated that if the County does have airport funds this year, we would not incur any
construction costs until after July 1st however there will be bids and design and engineering costs.
The FAA money will be available in May and the County could then use the airport funds for
administrative costs.
CEO Guay asked what would happen if the County had to post pone this work until next
fiscal year and is the condition of the runway such that the County would have to tend to this
immediately. Mr. Engebrecht stated that nothing is going to fall apart but it does have some age
on the runway.
Commissioner Ternes stated that in the Airport revenues, we have $2,700. Is there any
way to bring in any extra income in rather than just the hanger leases? Ms. Bouck stated that the
Hanger fees have been increased, the County does get a small share for the fuel, and there is now
the lightening monitoring but she is not sure what else can be done to capitalize on this area. Ms.
Bouck stated that the Airport Board is one of the most aggressive boards in trying to seek funds.
They do their own fundraising and they do have some funds from the pilot shack. Commissioner
Ternes stated that the County has this tremendous source and wants to know if this Airport can
be used for other things in on-going money.
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission
meeting along with the FAA Application and the contract agreement with Morrison & Maeirle.
Discussion – Resolution No. 06-10, A Resolution amending the WIC budget for Fiscal Year
CEO Guay explained that this is a simple budget request to increase the amount of
revenue that they are receiving by approximately $26,000. This is just reflecting the new revenue
picture and expenditure items. Commissioner Daniels stated that this is reflecting grant money
coming in to the Public Health program.
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission
Discussion – Resolution No. 06-11, A Resolution amending the MIAMI budget for Fiscal
Year 2005-2006.
CEO Guay explained that this is the same situation as the WIC budget and this would
increase the appropriations by $15,000.
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission
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Discussion – Resolution No. 06-12, A Resolution amending the Bio-terrorism budget for
Fiscal year 2005-2006.
CEO Guay stated that this is the same thing and the estimated revenues would be
increased by $54,152.00 from an original revenue of $50,000.
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission
Discussion – Various Board appointments (Hearst Free Library-Planning-Airport Board–
Greenway Service-Health Board-Mosquito Control Board-Public Housing).
Commissioner Ternes stated that the Commission has received a list request for
resignations and for re-appointments. The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda
for the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Ternes stated that there is a concern of the
number of members on the Planning Board and the ability to have a quorum with the present
number of members. Commissioner Ternes asked if there has been project held up because of a
lack of quorum or does the Planning Board move forward with recommendations? CEO Guay
stated that she will check to see if there is a legal requirement that the Planning Board does take
action of items. Ms. Bouck stated that the Planning Board does have a legal requirement that
issues do go to the Planning Board but the three items on the Commission Work Session agenda
the Planning Board has made recommendations but no official motion was made. Ms. Bouck
stated that the Board does have statutory deadlines that they have to hit. A consensus has been
made in order to move the three items forward. She stated that her Department is considering
changing the number of members to nine (9) people rather than (15). Commissioner Sather
recommended that the Commission also review every board because some of the existing Board
need to be abolished. She suggested going through this very soon. Commissioner Kurtz asked
that a letter be sent and signed from Mr. Dick Verstraete stating that he does have an interest in
serving on the Library Board rather than the request coming from the Librarian.
Discussion – Preliminary Plat approval – Amended Tract F, North Cable Road
Planning Director Linda Bouck explained that this is a two (2) lot subdivision of 32 acres.
John Clark is the developer and he is dividing off one (1) lot that is 5 acres and because this was
a previous subdivision this does not fall into a family transfer but essentially that is what this is.
Ms. Bouck stated that there is a request for a variance to stay out of the floodplain and still
accommodate the new pivot line. He will have an individual septic and there is a road approach
in the Road Supervisor. This has gone through the Planning Board level and there is a consensus
to approve this Subdivision with the 14 conditions as set for by the Planning Board. This
subdivision they do not see any impact to services.
This item will be placed on hold until further information is obtained by Ms. Bouck.
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Discussion – Final Plat approval, Powell Vista Subdivision.
Planning Director Linda Bouck explained that this is a final plat approval request. There
were sixteen (16) conditions place on the Preliminary Plat and Mr. Tom Rue has met all of the
conditions or covered them under the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. Staff recommends
approval and the Planning Board had a consensus to approve.
Commissioner Daniels asked the developer, Mr. Tom Rue, if there were any difficulties
meeting the 16 conditions. Mr. Rue explained that it took awhile to meet all of the conditions
but everything is fine and with the Subdivision Improvement Agreement, he is looking at a pretty
aggressive build out time to get this finished this summer and there is also an aggressive weed
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission
Discussion – Final Plat approval, Georgetown Commons.
Planning Director Linda Bouck explained that this is a subdivision parcel located on
Pennsylvania street. The conditions have been met or covered under a Subdivision Improvement
Agreement. There was a consensus by the Planning Board to approve this final plat.
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission
Discussion – MOU Agreement with Missoula County and ADLC.
Commissioner Daniels explained that this MOU needs to be reviewed by the County
Attorney but it seems fine to her. She stated that there is one statement within this MOU (page 3,
the last “WHEREAS” paragraph) that says Missoula County will be looking at additional funds
from the Upper Clark Fork River Restoration fund for a portion of the Bonner bridge
replacement. Commissioner Daniels stated that she believes Anaconda-Deer Lodge County will
be looking at additional funds to match the Special Appropriations so it should be uniform right
there. Ms. Bouck reported that this MOU has also been reviewed and approved by the Missoula
County Commissioners. CEO Guay thanked Missoula County and their Planning Director and
Linda for developing this MOU and it does look very good.
The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission
Discussion – Request for Road maintenance by Terri and Mike VanMeel.
Planning Director Linda Bouck explained that Mr. & Mrs. VanMeel live at Aspen
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Hills/Clear Creek. They have contacted the School District and it sounds like the School District
will allow the bus to pick up children out there if the turn around at the bottom of Aspen Hills is
plowed. Ms. Bouck stated that this does need to go through Larry Sturm, Road Supervisor, on a
cost to the County to plow this. The County does not own this road nor do we plow this right
now. They want an area just off of Mill Creek Highway. Commissioner Kurtz suggested that the
Homeowner’s Association should be responsible for this work.
The Commission agreed that this item should be placed on the agenda for the next Work
Session and Ms. Bouck will ask Larry Sturm for some information.
Federal Sale of Forest Service Land.
Commissioner Kurtz reported that there was an article in Saturday’s Montana Standard
that discussed the sale of Forest Service Land. This includes a chunk of land at Georgetown
Lake and a small piece at Silver Lake and new and improved land at the Big Horn Range by the
Lime Quarry road. As a County representative, he suggested that the County be award of what
transpires with this and how it will affect our County.
Commissioner Ternes stated that it worries him is that the continued funding of rural
money of timber sale and that keeps getting played with every year. He stated that the
Commission and residents of ADLC need to pay attention to this.
Dust Problem
Commissioner Ternes reported that the dust problem at the Opportunity Ponds is
extremely bad and he is concerned about the “kids fishing pond’ located within the area of the
Opportunity Ponds and he has noticed that the ice is yellow because of the dust that is on it. He
stated that his concern is, if they are not testing the dust or performing Air Monitoring, how
much is going into that little pond. What worries him is that fish is transplanted every year into
this pond and we allow our children to fish, swim and consume the fish that is coming from that
Library Board
Commissioner Ternes noted that the letter referring to Mr. Verstraete wanting to serve of
the Library Board was dated 11/30/95. This letter came from the Librarian and the request letter
should come from the individual.
Public Lands
Commissioner Ternes stated that Mr. Marchion who is the Montana Wildlife President
will be meeting with the Chamber to bring in a speaker to discuss Public Lands. Commissioner
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Ternes stated that people from the community needs to attend this meeting.
Tri-County Meeting
Commissioner Daniels stated that the Commission needs to establish a date for us to host
the Tri-County meeting. She explained the Tri-County Commission meeting for the CEO. She
suggested that the RAC should be placed on the agenda. Commissioner Daniels suggested
speaking with Mike Kahoe to devise an agenda for this meeting.
Attic Dust
Commissioner Daniels stated suggested that the County talk with the EPA and then do
some type of protocol on how to handle and deal with this. EPA needs to help us out with some
funding to get this put together. Butte-Silver Bow is funded for through their Health Department.
Greenway Service
Commissioner Daniels explained that there has been some discussion regarding the next
go around for NRD Grants. She stated that in lieu of the Baucus Special Appropriations and
those dollars available for beautification enhancement, park project and the trail development,
Greenway is going to expedite a Grant Applications to help match some of these funds to
expedite some of these projects and to look at the Trail Head Development in Opportunity. She
stated that there are several hurdles that need to be overcome in the community on the park
project however there are a number of resources to help us and how to tie this into the Greenway
Trail System. Commissioner Daniels noted that the work done so far on the Greenway is
fabulous but it would be nice to see some work in Deer Lodge County such as the Rest Area.
Opportunity Group
Commissioner Daniels reported that the Opportunity Group will be having a meeting on
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. and there will be a guest speaking talking about
health related issues. Commissioner Ternes stated that the guest speaker is someone who helped
push Superfund Law.
Heritage Area Meeting
Commissioner Daniels reported that there will be a Heritage Area Meeting on February
22, 2006 in Butte. If you are a Montana Preservation Alliance Member the cost to attend this
meeting is $15.00 all others will be $25.00. This is to look into doing a Heritage Area
Designation for Southwest Montana.
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DEQ Agreement/Superfund Coordinator
CEO Becky Guay stated that the Commission requested that she check into the status of
the agreement with Jim Kuipers. She explained that the DEQ is requesting that the County
certify to certain things prior to them approving the contract with Mr. Kuipers. She stated that
she and the County Attorney are looking to see if the County has already certified in signing the
DEQ Agreement. CEO Guay has relayed this information to Vic Anderson of DEQ and we are
waiting for his reply.
NRD Application
Planning Director Linda Bouck stated that the NRD Application is coming up for our
Waterline Project. The project was to be East 6th, all of 7th and East 8th Streets and we did get
funding for all of that, however, Morrison 7 Maeirle is doing the Engineering for that. Alden
Beard is our Grant writer. After looking at the funding available in the Water Department and
what we need to have set aside to meet the Bond requirements, we have decided to only do
schedule one, which is half of the project. This allows us to retain our match a little longer so
that we are not violating our Bond requirements for the Water Department. We have set up a
separate fund which is suppose to have $10,000 set aside each month specifically for NRD
projects. Hopefully within a couple of years we will be able to start contributing a significant
match to our NRD funds.
This brings us to the NRD Application. It has been decided to do South Birch from 8th
Street up and then East 3rd Street as many blocks as possible. Ms. Bouck reported that the
County does not have any cash match to make this year so our application is going in with the
3% match which is in-kind services only. With that there is a chance that the County will not get
the NRD Grant this year. This application needs to be placed on the agenda for the next
Commission meeting and this is the application for the 2006 for 2007 projects.
CEO Guay stated that even if the County is not successful in obtaining this Grant, the
County will still have a projects on the ground because it will be split the current project into this
year and next year. Morrison & Maierle believed that it may be cheaper splitting them like this
because the Contractor would not need to have two crews. Ms. Bouck stated that the application
may not be available for the Commission until the evening of the meeting. CEO Guay stated that
this had come to light due to the auditors work.
The Commission agreed to place this on the agenda for the next Commission meeting.
Street Lights
Commissioner Bilodeau asked Ms. Bouck if the West 3rd and West 4th Street lights would
working very soon. Ms. Bouck stated that the County Electrician is waiting for parts that are
being made by Mike Kovacich in the Shop. He is hoping to have parts finished this week.
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NRD Applications
Mr. Gene Vuckovich addressed the Commission. He suggested that the Commissioners,
CEO and Planning Director attend meetings of the NRD Applications and “poor mouth” them to
death and tell them about the situation we are in. If anyone has any influence of the Governor, he
will override any decision made by the Advisory Board.
National Laborer History Landmark Designation
Mrs. Rose Nyman addressed the Commission and stated that apparently Paul Babb and
our CEO have to do a joint letter to the congressional delegation to invite the Secretary of the
Interior, Gale Norton she believed, to Butte and Anaconda in May. Allen Crane and Rose have
decided to do a joint reception and they will need to come up with resources to promote this.
Rarus Railway Museum
Mrs. Rose Nyman stated that Rarus Railroad is working to obtain a 501 (c) 3 and to
incorporate. She stated that they have the opportunity to purchase their building and have two
floors of Museum and they are applying for 2 large grants. The first run of the Copper King
Express will be held on Memorial Day and they have planed a rather ambitious celebration for
Memorial Day. The 1st run will be for dignitaries. Mrs. Nyman then went into the cleanup and
repairs of the Museum itself. She stated that there is also going to be a once in a lifetime tour of
the Roundhouse and the Turntable during the Memorial Day weekend. She is working to obtain
a $9,000 Special Event Grant and ½ of this would go for advertising.
She stated that there is still an unresolved issue with the current Museum and she has
followed up with the Secretary of State’s Office and has found out that they have been
involuntarily dissolved and there is no 501 (c) 3 status. Copper village Art Museum does have
many displays that will be on loan to the Rarus Museum. She stated that they are hoping to have
cultural displays and not just mining. She stated that many Railroad buffs will be attending the
festivities and this looks like it will be a big weekend.
Commissioner Ternes stated that it is his understanding from the secretary of the Copper
Village Art Museum that they do have their 501 (c) 3 status and they have not been dissolved.
Ms. Nyman stated that the information that she received from the Secretary of State’s Office in
incorrect then. Commissioner Ternes stated that he is only relaying what he has been told.
Commissioner Ternes then thanked Mrs. Nyman for her dedication and hard work. He stated
that he is very excited for Memorial Day weekend and the festivities.
With nothing further being discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
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Respectfully submitted,
Heather J. Edwards
Clerk of the Commission
_____________ ____________________
Russ Bilodeau, Chairman
Linda Sather, Vice-Chairman
Connie T. Daniels, Commissioner
Peter Kurtz, Commissioner
Wayne Ternes, Commissioner