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Environment Levy Acquisition Program
Doonan Creek Environmental Reserve
219 Doonan Bridge Road, Verrierdale
Size: 252 hectares
1 August 2013
The property is
situated west of
Peregian Springs
with existing road
access via Doonan
Bridge Road.
Key Values
The acquisition of this property
enhances the Doonan Creek Bushland Conservation Reserve, Noosa National Park
and the nearby Doonan Wetland Nature Refuge
further protects one of the most important coastal habitat areas on the Sunshine Coast
known as the Noosa Maroochy wallum corridor
conserves endangered Coastal Lowland Subtropical Rainforest vegetation
may provide essential habitat for threatened frog species, koalas and ground parrot.
provides long term protection of site’s plants and animals
offers potential for rehabilitation and offset projects
presents recreational and ecotourism initiatives
provides low conflict flying fox habitat
Conservation estate
The property is mapped as a Core Habitat
Area in council’s Sunshine Coast
Biodiversity Strategy 2010-20 and forms
part of the National Estate’s NoosaMaroochy wallum corridor.
The acquisition of this property achieves a
strategic outcome for biodiversity on the
Sunshine Coast. It increases the region’s
conservation estate through consolidation
The site contains approximately 190
hectares of remnant (native) and nonremnant vegetation. The remnant
vegetation includes endangered and of
concern regional ecosystems which
comprise of melaleuca and rainforest
council’s Doonan Creek Bushland
Conservation Reserve
Noosa National Park
Doonan Wetland Nature Refuge.
This rainforest vegetation is poorly
conserved on the Sunshine Coast. It is
identified by the Commonwealth
Government as a critically endangered
Coastal Lowland Rainforest of Subtropical
Australia ecological community.
Flora and fauna
It is likely the property has important flora
and fauna species which are listed under
State (Nature Conservation Act 1992) and
Commonwealth (Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation Act)
legislation. These include
near-threatened small tree Hairy
Hazelwood (Symplocos harroldii)
endangered shrub Blackall Range
Myrtle (Lenwebbia sp. Blackall Range.
The acquired property (red outline) and adjacent
conservation reserves to the north and the Noosa National
Park to the south.
As part of the Doonan Creek wetland
system, the site’s vegetation contributes to
what may be the largest example of the
highly restricted and rare vegetation type
of Paperbark forest with rainforest
Current as at August 2013
The endangered Blackall Range Myrtle.