On the evening of June 13th our dragon boat bother, Bruce

On the evening of June 13th our dragon boat bother, Bruce Anderson, was taken from us.
When I heard how Bruce had passed I was deeply saddened and couldn’t even imagine
how terrified he must’ve been taking his last breath laying on a concrete pavement, silent
and alone.
What is even more heartbreaking is hearing that none of Bruce’s relatives have come
forward to claim his body leaving the funeral procedures in the care his team the KP
Dragon Healers.
I never really knew Bruce but I knew of him. During race days whenever I would make
my way down to the docks, to take photos, the one person I would consistently see
volunteering was Bruce.
I take great pride in the CDBA being an all volunteer organization and seize every
opportunity to photograph our “heart & soul” hard at work
I’m proud to place their images on our website displaying to the world dragon boat
community our commitment, determination and our love to the growth of dragon boating
in the Bay Area.
On several occasions I had attempted to take photos of Bruce but his reaction would
always be the same. Bruce would look down with his hand over his face, shake his head
side to side, turn away and continue working.
Although Bruce appeared simple in nature his eyes told a very different story of a
complicated person, a person deep in thought, a person holding in a great deal, someone
who was very cautious of who he let in.
After hearing of Bruce’s passing I spoke to his close friend and teammate, Kathy Britt,
who had revealed to me details about Bruce, confirming my observations of very
reserved and lonely person.
Although details of Bruce’s ending were dark, Kathy brought to light things about
Bruce’s last few chapters that were very heartwarming and inspiring. A story best told by
the people closest to Bruce. An amazing story of how dragon boating has given a man a
passion, a purpose, a place in this world and a family.
Even though his heart had failed him I hope that Bruce’s example will further strengthen
our hearts and commitment in the sport we love that Bruce loved and will continue to
love in spirit.
On behalf of the CDBA and myself, Bruce Anderson, may our lord welcome you onto
heaven’s waters.
Bruce Anderson – Dragon Boating – A Life Transformed
Henry Young
San Francisco Dragon Warriors
CDBA Web Administrator