Parenting and Family Support Steering Group Summary Notes of meeting held on 11th February 2014 ITEM 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Sandra Holmes and Francesca Harris, Early Relationships Health Visitors at the meeting to give more information about their service. Sandra and Francesca are employed by NBT NHS and have been in post since January. The service is being piloted in Bristol East Central from January until April 2014 before being rolled out to other areas of Bristol. There is a commitment from NBT to train more Health Visitors to support this expansion. The Early Relationships Health Visiting Service offers therapeutic early intervention to parents with young children who are affected by mental health issues. The aim of the service is to promote positive health and wellbeing for the parent, child and family. The Health Visitors work with parents weekly for 6 weeks, and are based at the Fishponds Family Practice. The Early Relationship Health Visitors will do joint visits with the family’s Health Visitor to assess the level of need in relation to parental mental health and infant/child behaviour Because the service is in the piloting stage, referrals are being received only through Health Visitors. If early years practitioners have a concern they can contact Sandra or Francesca for advice via e-mail (their e-mail addresses are : and Partnership Links The following were suggested as useful links for the service : Bluebell - a charity based in Bristol which provides a support service for mothers with post natal depression both through group work and 1:1 support. Further information is available at Rock- a –Bye – a programme providing targeted support for mothers experiencing attachment issues with their babies. This programme is currently being delivered for parents at Brentry and Henbury Children’s Centre, Bannerman Road Children’s Centre, St Pauls Children’s Centre and Illminster Avenue Children’s Centre. This programme is being funded through the Early Years Family Support Budget. Please contact Lucy Livingstone, for further information about Page 1 of 6 ITEM training opportunities for staff and for information about staff already trained to deliver the programme. Early Help: it was suggested that the Early Relationship Health Visitors could make links with East Central Early Help Manger, Lindsey Dowdell, , for more information about multi-agency partnership working in the East Central area of Bristol. 2. Work with Parents Training Update 5 organisations had been invited to submit bids to deliver the Work with Parents L3 Award. The closing date for submissions is 11th February and it was anticipated that the contract would be awarded by the 7th March. The outcome of the service is for 32 learners (a mix of people from different services) to achieve the Level 3 Award with an opportunity for 2 practitioners to co-deliver the training and for 3 additional practitioners to shadow the trainers with a view to cofacilitation in the future. An update will be provided at the next meeting of the PFSSG . 3. Children’s Centre Staff Training Audit A training audit has been completed which gives information about staff at Children’s Centres trained to deliver parenting programmes. This audit was carried out last summer in relation to the Core Menu of 12 parenting programmes endorsed by the PFSSG. Information on data collected from this Audit is available on request from Shamim Baloo ( the following categories: 4 Name of training programme Name of staff trained Role of staff Date when training completed Date when programme last delivered Name of Children's Centre/Nursery School Area where Children’s Centre is located Notes of meeting held 27th November 2013 and Matters Arising Agenda Item 2 : Kids Company Page 2 of 6 ITEM There has been no contact with Rachel Williams from Kids Company regarding links with Children’s Centres to date. It was agreed that links could be improved and that we need to work closely with family support agencies to avoid duplication, maximise resources and most importantly offer an accessible service to families and young people Agenda Item 3: Family Nurse Partnership Francesca Harris corrected the minutes. In the first wave there will be two FNP teams one to cover South Gloucestershire and the other to cover North Bristol. Each team will have 4 nurses. The second wave will cover North Somerset and South Bristol. Referrals will be mainly through midwives. The initiative is based on an American model with weekly visits to deliver “strength based” intervention for pregnant young women under the age of 19. Pregnancy is a key time for women to have the information and support to make healthy choices and changes (e.g. in relation to obesity and smoking). Francesca suggested contacting Nicola Lawrence at NBT to give an update on progress at a future PFSSG meeting. Agenda Item 4: Partnership working with Housing List of Area Managers and Customer Service Points have been sent to all members of the PFSSG. 5 Information Share Jane Crane (Brentry and Henbury Children’s Centre )/Michaela Willcox (St Pauls Nursery and Children’s Centre) : The 3 Specialist Leaders in Education (SLE) for Family Support have now established Area Family Support forums to share area based information and practice for family support workers and partners working in the areas . Please contact Sharyn Ayres ( for information about the South Area Forum, Michaela Willcox for the forum in East Central and Jane Crane for the Forum in Bristol North The East Central and North Forums meet as part of the wider Multi Agency Network meetings in those areas Rachel Williams (Early Years) Rachel also reported that shortened versions of Children’s Centre Registration forms for parents to complete are now available from the Early Years Service . Please contact Rachel ( if you are able to distribute these Page 3 of 6 ITEM registration forms to parents who have children under 5. Increasing the numbers of children registered at Children’s Centres is a high priority as the number of children reached by Children’s Centres has a direct effect on the Children’s Centre OFSTED judgement. Linda Vousden (Specialist HV with Gypsies and Travellers/Heather Mundy (Joint Commissioning Team): Linda highlighted the continuing challenges for families on the transit site at Lawrence Weston where there is a requirement to move after a maximum 12 week period. This affects the majority of families she is working with. Linda and Heather highlighted the importance of providing families with an integrated service with close partnership working between Health and education colleagues, site managers and the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community and their support networks. The Forest School Project at Compass point attracted children from a range of ages from 2 to 14. Partnership work with Four Villages Children’s Centre Longcross is currently being planned. For further information about support for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller families please contact Linda Vousden ( In the first instance and Linda will signpost you as appropriate. In the meantime , Shamim will forward Linda’s contact information to Jane Crane, Sharyn Ayres and Michaela Willcox so that she can be notified of meetings of the Family Support Area Forums (se above) Simon Bird, (CAMHS NBT) and Hannah Russell (Emotional Health and Wellbeing, BCC) Simon reported that NBT has been awarded funding for Incredible Years, and evidence based parenting programmes for the 8-9 year age group. There was discussion about clarifying pathways into the CAMHS service and how the CAMHS service can be better integrated with the offer of other parent support services. Simon suggested the mapping of services, and how these are connected, with clearer communication about referrals so that professionals can increase their knowledge and awareness. He would also welcome opportunities for the sharing of expertise to improve outcomes for families. There is a meeting planned between Health colleagues and managers of the Troubled Families Programme to look at joining up the offer of support to families. Morgan Daly : Healthwatch Morgan reported that the service in Bristol was coming to the end of Page 4 of 6 ITEM its first financial year. Healthwatch aims to make health and social care services accessible to patients and the public by giving them a voice to shape and influence these services. Healthwatch can offer services advice on how they can get a better understanding of what communities want and need. Please contact Morgan for further information ( ) 6 Any Other Business Rachel reported that the Early Years Service has been instructed to reduce the funding for the Family Information Service which provides information to families with children and young people from pre –birth to 25. The Service is therefore under review and some posts are at risk. Until this review has been finalised it will be business as usual, with the current service proposed to be closed at the end of March 2014. Summary by Asma Ahmad Page 5 of 6 Page 6 of 6