CYCLIC ARRANGEMENTS of ANGLES: Dihedral angle = 90 – C5 Hip Kernel: Standard arrangement of Angles R1 DD T1 SS T2 Dihedral angle = 90 – C5 Dihedral angle = SS DD 90 – P2 90 – P2 P2 90 – R1 90 – SS R1 90 – C5 90 – DD Transformation 1: Transformation 2: This is the equivalent of interchanging “Miter” and “Bevel”, with their corresponding Dihedral angles. The angle on the “Compound face” (90 – P2) maintains its original location. There is no fundamental change or transformation; the entire kernel is positioned so that the face containing angle SS lies on the deck. This grouping relates the complements of the constituent angles. TABLE of ANGLE ARRANGEMENTS: Since the transformations could each be independently applied to the original kernel, the process may be continued with successive kernels. For example, it is possible to apply T1 first, then T2; or, T2, then T1, T2, T1…etc., each application producing a different grouping. The cycle returns to the initial arrangement upon the tenth operation. All kernels thus transformed, and the equations relating their angles, are equivalent. It is important to observe that this method differs from the technique used to create the formulas in “Hierarchy of Developed Kernels”, especially the Group 1 angles. Both sets of kernels use the same angular values as starting points for their respective developments, but the orientations of the triangles substituted in the locations of DD and SS are completely different in each case. Thus, the “Hierarchy …” kernels generate distinct types and values of angles. Different angle groupings can occur “naturally”, a kernel extracted from another kernel may possess a different ordering of angles than a kernel extracted from the stick. One pattern matches a kernel extracted directly from the stick at a compound joint, and is used as a basis for worksheet programs to generate values for this type of joint. This process is not restricted to the kernel of Common rafter angles; it may be applied to any kernel. The table below lists the cyclic permutations, beginning with the Standard position, and applying, in order, T2, then T1, followed by T2, T1, … etc. DD 90 – SS P2 C5 R1 DD 90 – SS P2 C5 R1 Table of Cyclic Arrangements of Angles SS R1 P2 90 – DD P2 R1 90 – C5 90 – SS R1 90 – P2 90 – SS R1 90 – DD 90 – SS C5 90 – R1 90 – SS C5 90 – P2 DD C5 SS C5 DD 90 – R1 P2 DD 90 – C5 DD P2 C5 C5 DD DD P2 P2 R1 R1 90 – SS 90 – SS