Supporting Information Appendix S1 The literature list from which SOC data were extracted. Table S1 Site information and the related SOC density (carbon amount per area) obtained from 272 studies published during the 2000s. Fig. S1 Relationships between SOC changes and climatic variables across coniferous forests (a-b), coniferous/broadleaved mixed forests (c-d), and broadleaved forests (e-f). SOC density (carbon amount per area) during one period related to those actual measurements during the other period was predicted on the basis of an updated ANN model where both MAT and MAP were excluded as input variables. MAT: mean annual temperature, and MAP: mean annual precipitation. The thick line is the regression line, and the thin lines are the 95% confidence interval, with linear function, goodness of fit and P values described above the line. 1 Appendix S1 The literature list from which SOC data were extracted. 1) Bu XL, Ding JM, Wang LM et al. 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Site Number Longitude (o) Latitude (o) SOC density (kg m-2) References 1 133.52 47.58 3.295 70 2 130.21 43.35 6.213 192, 193, 194 3 129.18 48.09 5.083 186 4 129.15 48.08 7.309 186 5 129.12 48.10 5.648 186 6 129.11 48.12 1.466 205 7 128.88 47.17 5.005 234 8 128.83 47.12 4.396 68 9 128.68 42.67 5.977 246 10 128.47 42.40 4.502 8, 129, 164 11 128.47 47.40 5.166 38 12 128.13 42.15 5.068 70 13 128.11 42.43 3.649 238 14 128.10 42.70 2.573 13 15 128.10 42.40 7.115 45, 70, 208, 238 16 128.08 42.06 5.036 59 17 128.07 42.04 5.167 59 18 128.07 42.08 5.599 70 19 128.07 42.05 6.250 70 20 127.98 42.27 4.923 136 21 127.98 41.88 5.055 175, 176, 177 22 127.90 41.93 4.135 34 23 127.63 41.70 5.582 58 24 127.57 45.33 3.720 19, 44, 76 25 127.55 45.42 1.353 95 26 127.54 45.41 5.044 159, 270 27 127.53 45.38 6.029 15 28 124.99 41.84 3.237 214 29 124.17 41.19 3.053 173 30 124.03 40.57 7.095 87 31 123.40 41.80 2.555 68 32 122.37 42.72 4.880 4 33 122.23 42.78 2.187 4, 63, 77 34 121.79 29.80 4.125 133 35 121.79 29.79 5.902 133 36 121.53 31.65 1.816 225 37 121.51 50.83 5.076 117, 272 38 121.49 50.94 7.506 232 22 39 121.47 38.85 4.195 87 40 121.38 38.95 6.525 87 41 120.83 32.87 1.299 214 42 120.79 48.00 3.164 50 43 120.43 29.85 5.899 123 44 120.17 30.52 4.324 123 45 120.13 47.36 2.249 46 46 119.98 30.08 3.174 157, 167 47 119.90 30.92 2.479 267 48 119.83 30.65 1.754 230 49 119.83 30.33 2.770 266 50 119.70 30.23 2.256 49, 130, 231, 267, 268 51 119.69 27.68 6.945 213 52 118.79 31.93 3.382 136 53 118.50 41.19 4.147 168 54 118.30 27.73 2.399 63, 195 55 118.21 25.68 3.904 94 56 118.17 26.67 2.255 98, 144 57 118.15 27.05 2.619 60, 68, 143, 249, 272 58 118.13 26.59 1.722 216 59 118.08 27.41 2.796 185 60 118.03 27.38 3.317 93 61 117.95 26.47 2.251 84, 143, 264, 265 62 117.85 36.58 4.821 68 63 117.78 26.41 2.469 11, 12 64 117.72 26.51 2.564 180 65 117.65 27.73 5.142 1, 54, 119, 120, 233 66 117.52 40.63 4.184 113 67 117.43 26.19 2.143 60, 116, 209, 215 68 117.43 26.18 2.575 143 69 117.42 27.98 2.720 68 70 117.36 25.88 3.130 185 71 117.30 34.30 1.478 244 72 117.14 28.55 3.150 177 73 117.10 40.67 4.954 204 74 117.03 35.60 2.990 68 75 116.93 28.26 1.935 7 76 116.92 28.34 3.150 136, 176 77 116.88 42.13 3.090 109, 255 78 116.80 40.54 2.709 113 79 116.68 28.07 3.180 58 80 116.58 40.65 2.408 79 81 116.48 40.92 2.798 42, 202 82 116.47 39.90 1.731 187 23 83 116.47 39.57 4.496 198 84 116.41 25.68 2.179 127, 128 85 116.23 40.01 2.250 113 86 116.21 24.20 2.678 149 87 116.10 40.06 1.540 147 88 116.09 24.75 3.145 261 89 116.08 24.25 2.491 150 90 116.03 27.28 2.726 217 91 116.02 28.67 1.580 3 92 116.00 29.56 3.403 97 93 115.92 40.28 4.251 204 94 115.82 40.49 4.976 113 95 115.68 31.25 3.677 257 96 115.58 39.84 2.850 113 97 115.57 39.85 5.300 198 98 115.47 40.03 3.988 251 99 115.43 26.38 1.441 88 100 115.43 39.97 3.842 73, 100 101 115.42 39.95 4.531 52 102 115.07 26.73 1.774 20, 260 103 115.06 26.74 1.800 43, 180, 250 104 114.78 27.60 1.842 96 105 114.63 27.67 2.524 139, 191, 212, 217 106 114.18 23.70 4.042 200 107 114.05 31.82 3.753 256 108 113.91 33.35 1.889 239 109 113.81 22.88 2.386 2 110 113.60 24.78 3.390 64 111 113.50 23.33 2.053 26 112 113.50 23.18 2.318 258 113 113.43 25.79 2.811 165 114 113.31 28.41 2.572 160 115 113.29 22.34 2.033 259 116 113.08 28.95 2.061 235 117 113.07 28.27 2.553 110 118 113.04 28.11 2.038 138 119 113.03 28.11 2.858 37, 165, 193, 194 120 113.02 28.10 1.987 121 121 112.92 27.83 2.080 105 122 112.90 22.68 2.333 123 112.88 23.10 2.472 14 124 112.83 22.57 1.907 48 125 112.73 27.71 2.559 165 24 22, 23, 35, 53, 134, 145, 146, 153, 250 126 112.58 23.13 3.104 243 127 112.57 23.17 3.050 9, 33, 155 128 112.55 23.17 2.228 90, 106, 107 129 112.54 23.17 2.522 130 112.53 23.17 3.933 5 131 112.17 23.17 2.536 6, 27, 28, 32 132 112.15 36.69 2.304 182 133 112.13 36.62 2.651 181 134 111.93 33.47 3.764 29, 30, 80 135 111.22 29.43 4.242 18 136 110.91 21.46 1.957 114 137 110.66 30.91 4.109 112 138 110.51 31.50 3.899 52 139 110.13 27.15 2.690 201, 253, 254 140 109.92 29.55 3.260 165 141 109.89 26.88 2.990 165 142 109.88 27.05 3.354 226, 227 143 109.78 26.91 2.439 41, 72 144 109.75 26.83 2.355 37, 102, 104, 132, 229, 262 145 109.67 23.75 4.133 103 146 109.52 19.07 0.919 68 147 109.50 26.80 2.896 41, 226, 227 148 109.45 30.79 2.256 199 149 109.44 28.40 2.010 235 150 109.36 37.21 0.866 118 151 109.24 30.41 3.077 199 152 109.17 26.33 2.407 34, 58 153 109.15 30.35 2.237 199 154 109.12 36.10 1.734 24 155 109.11 30.21 2.359 199 156 109.07 30.63 2.153 236 157 109.07 31.13 3.091 236 158 109.07 26.13 2.255 136, 175, 236, 237 159 109.05 30.51 3.089 199 160 109.04 19.11 3.289 162 161 109.03 30.41 3.330 199 162 108.91 30.68 2.670 199 163 108.90 18.63 1.436 218 164 108.86 25.07 1.866 190 165 108.83 30.42 2.148 199 166 108.80 30.38 3.058 199 167 108.73 35.83 2.753 25, 27 168 108.65 35.83 3.503 206, 148, 192, 240, 271 25 10, 16, 17, 36, 61, 66, 86, 170, 178, 219, 269 169 108.53 35.37 3.671 207 170 108.50 36.08 2.817 263 171 108.49 33.38 1.735 131, 154 172 108.42 30.34 2.555 85 173 108.35 22.97 1.737 172, 188 174 108.08 30.20 2.361 199 175 108.05 25.23 6.390 156 176 108.05 25.27 4.905 156 177 108.03 25.25 4.124 156 178 108.00 25.13 5.736 75 179 107.96 25.38 12.019 152 180 107.94 25.29 4.955 142 181 107.92 24.83 6.114 75 182 107.04 25.27 5.803 74 183 106.98 26.97 3.032 92 184 106.83 22.17 3.275 40, 196 185 106.83 22.14 2.772 151 186 106.39 28.62 4.364 137 187 106.35 29.78 0.964 83 188 105.37 31.30 2.049 223 189 104.83 26.43 5.001 91 190 104.33 32.18 5.920 161 191 104.32 32.18 5.317 31 192 104.32 32.20 7.539 161 193 104.04 32.93 3.911 183 194 103.92 31.69 3.896 111 195 103.88 31.68 5.417 62 196 103.87 31.70 3.143 51 197 103.80 28.69 6.335 184 198 103.72 31.06 2.453 140 199 103.71 31.06 3.050 140 200 103.61 31.01 2.013 140 201 103.61 31.02 4.868 140 202 103.58 31.02 1.837 141 203 103.55 31.84 4.439 242 204 103.45 31.55 2.428 82 205 103.44 31.54 3.105 211 206 103.39 31.04 5.409 140 207 103.35 31.07 3.208 140 208 103.30 31.10 3.270 140 209 103.22 31.53 4.682 99, 241 210 103.18 29.70 2.627 125, 224 211 103.17 31.04 5.472 140 212 103.14 31.08 4.225 135 26 213 103.14 31.04 6.792 140 214 103.14 29.68 5.370 158 215 103.11 31.05 3.459 140 216 103.01 29.95 1.638 65, 163 217 102.97 30.85 5.409 140 218 102.93 30.42 3.254 126 219 102.81 31.66 0.375 174 220 102.70 31.78 4.952 89 221 102.58 31.58 3.478 55, 247 222 101.86 25.67 0.679 189 223 101.26 21.92 2.073 57 224 101.24 21.88 2.940 171 225 101.38 21.72 0.641 71 226 101.30 21.88 2.030 47 227 101.28 21.90 1.325 47, 208 228 101.27 21.92 5.663 171 229 101.27 21.91 2.879 71 230 101.27 21.90 2.329 56 231 101.25 21.93 2.044 101 232 101.25 21.70 3.045 57 233 101.20 21.95 2.293 47 234 101.20 21.96 2.325 101 235 100.63 22.18 4.392 115 236 100.30 38.54 3.870 122 237 100.29 38.58 3.370 122 238 100.29 38.57 3.360 122 239 100.29 38.55 3.530 122 240 100.28 30.18 3.646 124 241 100.08 41.34 0.468 136, 175 242 99.83 38.50 5.527 58 243 99.78 38.64 5.041 136, 175 244 99.63 38.75 5.647 59 245 99.41 38.76 5.842 59 246 98.26 38.00 5.986 221 247 98.25 38.00 6.582 81, 222 248 85.02 45.44 0.679 166 249 84.91 45.48 0.780 69 250 84.90 45.48 0.745 69 251 84.86 45.40 0.790 69 252 81.15 43.75 1.670 67 27 Fig. S1 28