Dance and Mime Production At Sherington to raise funds for a

Framework for Recording Governor Visits
Governor’s name: Margaret Broadhurst – Foundation Governor
Location of visit: Sherington School
Date of visit: 23.10.15
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Purpose of visit
Previously agreed by the governing body or Curriculum Committee with the Headteacher
To observe the whole school dance and mime production which raised money towards
rebuilding a school in the Philippines destroyed by cyclone Haiyan.
This event was in collaboration with local Rotarians.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Links with the School Improvement Plan
How does the visit relate to a priority in the SDP (School Development Plan)
The schools aim to give the children a wide and varied curriculum that supports their Social
Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development.
Governor observations and comments
e.g. What does the focus of your visit look like in the classroom? What did you see? What did you learn? How long was the visit?
In discussion with the class teacher after the visit – What would you like clarified? What impact is the focus of your visit
having? What improvements does the class teacher find? What difficulties have arisen?
Families gathered in the large classroom from 2.30pm on Friday afternoon. Seated in a
square they kept the central area clear for the children’s performance. Mr Borner, one of the
Rotarians involved in raising money to rebuild a school in the Philippines devastated by
cyclone Haiyan, was also present and he introduced us to the project with a video. Since the
school was devastated 2400 pupils are currently learning in tents until the new building is
completed and equipped.
The children’s performance began with an underwater scene. It reminded the children how
important the sea is to the coastal town where the school was destroyed. The children kept
time to the music and followed the choreography for their different parts – big and little fish,
seaweed and sand, star fish and octopus. This involved the youngest children.
The older children then danced a traditional dance beginning with two parallel lines with a
space between.
Afterwards all the children performed a mime. We listened to the sound of wind, rain and
waves on the sound track as a voice told the story of the storm and the children acted it out.
They began as the people responding to emergency announcements on the radio and
television hurrying to find friends and family and a safe place to shelter. Becoming the wind,
the sea and the rain the children explored the storm subsiding.
The children showed great pleasure in this performance and considerable mastery of their
dances and mime.
Governor observations and comments on Christian values and ethos
e.g. What Christian values did you see demonstrated in the school during your visit?
You may like to think of these as social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects.
My comments on the opportunities this event afforded the children for SMSC development:
Social – Dancing together and performing for an audience are social events. They help the
children gain confidence in working together and presenting their work to an audience.
Moral – Raising money to help children (and their community) after the disastrous cyclone
Haiyan is a moral response to the needs of people who are suffering. It engages the
children in practical actions that mirror Christian Teaching.
Spiritual – In learning about this disaster through their mime and the work of Rotary the
children develop empathy – that ability to put themselves in another’s place. They are
helped to understand loss, danger and sadness as well as resilience to rebuild lives. They
use their imaginations and creativity in the under the sea dance and the mime. They
experience enjoyment in dancing (lots of smiles and laughter), satisfaction in their abilities
and pleasure in pleasing others with their performance.
Cultural – Dance and drama are part of the art scene in Britain, an important part of British
culture. Through Mr Borner the children were involved with Rotary, a national (and
international) charity. Helping others through charitable organisations is a British tradition.
The children learned about another culture - an island culture dependent on the sea and
prone to seasonal, strong and often destructive storms. Through this they developed
respect for people in another country with a different way of life and different challenges.
Any key issues arising for the governing body
e.g. the way resources are allocated, the way the school communicates, progress in implementing a key policy
In the face of pressure to concentrate more and more on those subjects which are tested,
Governors acknowledge the value of events of this kind in development of the children as
whole people and the contribution to the broad curriculum we uphold at our schools.
We thank staff for the considerable time and preparation that has made this event so
successful and enjoyable for the children and their families. We ask Mrs Borner to thank Mr
Borner for his involvement and encouragement.
On my next visit I would like to focus on:
Discuss at next Curriculum Meeting
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Action following governing body meeting
Record any action agreed by the governing body with regard to this visit.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After the Visit
Write up record of your visit and send a copy to the Headteacher. Discuss the record with the Headteacher and then distribute
to Governors and give one to the school to keep on file.
Thank you
I would like to thank the children and staff at Sherington school for their performance and for
the families who watched the performance and sponsored the children. It was a most
enjoyable performance from which we all learned about cyclone Haiyan and the work of
Rotary in rebuilding a school in a Philippines coastal town.