Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Guide to the Functions of and Records held by the Department Section 15 Reference Book December 2007 1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 4 1.1 Routinely Available Information ................................................................. 5 2. Overview of the Department ............................................................ 7 2.1 Description and Functions: ........................................................................ 7 2.2 Mission and Mandate................................................................................. 7 3. 4. Structure and Organisation .............................................................. 8 Environment Division ....................................................................... 9 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5. Heritage & Planning Division .......................................................... 22 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6. Structure of the Division ............................................................................. 9 Environment Policy Section ..................................................................... 10 Environment International and Sustainable Development ....................... 12 Air Quality & Climate Change .................................................................. 13 Waste Infrastructure & Regulation ........................................................... 15 Waste Prevention & Recovery Unit .......................................................... 16 Environmental Radiation Policy ............................................................... 18 Environment & Heritage Awareness ........................................................ 19 Environment Inspectorate ........................................................................ 21 Structure of the Division ........................................................................... 22 Building Standards & Environmental Assessment ................................... 22 Planning................................................................................................... 27 Spatial Policy ........................................................................................... 28 Urban & Village Development .................................................................. 32 Heritage Policy & Architectural Protection ............................................... 34 National Monuments Service ................................................................... 38 Housing Division ............................................................................ 41 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Structure of the Division ........................................................................... 41 Housing Policy & Supply .......................................................................... 47 Social Inclusion Unit ................................................................................ 48 Affordable Housing Section ..................................................................... 49 Social Housing (Procurement and Construction) ..................................... 50 Voluntary & cooperative Housing, Housing Grants & Traveller Accommodation ....................................................................................... 51 6.7 Social Housing Management ................................................................... 52 6.8 Private Housing Sector ............................................................................ 53 6.9 Inspectorate (Housing & Construction) .................................................... 55 7. Local Government Division ............................................................ 56 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Structure of the Division ........................................................................... 56 Fire Services and Emergency Planning Section ...................................... 56 Franchise ................................................................................................. 59 Local Government Personnel Section ..................................................... 61 Local Government Project Development Section .................................... 63 Local Government Policy Section ............................................................ 65 2 7.7 Vehicle Registration Unit (VRU) / Vehicle Licensing (Motor Tax) ............ 69 7.8 Local Government Finance Section ......................................................... 71 7.9 Roads and Local Services [including Roads Advisors] ............................ 73 8. Water and Natural Heritage Division .............................................. 78 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9. Structure of Division ................................................................................. 78 National Parks and Wildlife Service ......................................................... 80 Habitats and Biodiversity Section ............................................................ 80 National Parks and Research Section ..................................................... 83 Regional Management ............................................................................. 84 Water Services Policy .............................................................................. 91 Water Services Investment Programme Unit ........................................... 92 Water Quality ........................................................................................... 94 Water advisors ......................................................................................... 96 Corporate Services Division ........................................................... 97 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Structure of the Division ........................................................................... 97 Departmental Finance & Accounts .......................................................... 97 Corporate Development ........................................................................... 99 Personnel .............................................................................................. 100 FOI/Organisation & ICT ......................................................................... 101 PPP, Construction Policy & NDP Co-ordination .................................... 102 10. How to make a request for information......................................... 103 11. List of Bodies under the aegis of the Department ......................... 104 12. Glossary of Terms........................................................................ 108 3 1. Introduction The Freedom of Information Act 1997 commenced on 21 April 1998 for Government Departments and Offices and certain other Government bodies and on 21 October 1998 for local authorities and health boards. The Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act 2003 came into force on 11 April 2003. This Act introduced a number of important amendments to the 1997 Act notably in relation to Section 19 (Government Records), Section 20 (Deliberations of Public Bodies), Section 24 (Security, Defence and International Relations) and Section 47 (Fees). The act asserts the right of members of the public to obtain access to official information to the greatest extent possible consistent with the public interest and the right to privacy of individuals. In particular, the Act established three new statutory rights: A legal right for each person to access information held by public bodies; A legal right for each person to have official information relating to him/herself amended where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading; A legal right to obtain reasons for decisions affecting oneself; This reference book has been prepared and published in accordance with the requirements of section 15 of the Act. Its purpose is to facilitate access to official information held by this Department. It does this by outlining the structure and functions of the Department; the services provided and how they may be availed of; the classes of records held; and how a request to the Department under the FOI, Act 1997 can be made. 4 1.1 Routinely Available Information At present the Department of the Environment, Heritage and local Government (DOEHLG) makes a range of information available to the public in relation to its functions, activities and schemes. Such information will continue to be made available without the need to use the FOI Act. This reference book highlights, in relation to each of the Department's activities, where information of this nature is available. In general, information is available on the Departments website and in leaflets available free of charge from any of the Department’s offices, while reports, guides, and documents on programmes generally may be purchased from the Government Publications Sales Office, Molesworth Street Dublin 2 (Telephone 016613111) or can usually be accessed through the public library service. Environmental information is available from ENFO - the environmental information service of the Department. Information leaflets on a range of environmental subjects, including leaflets for children, are available from ENFO and in public libraries and local authority offices countrywide. There is also an extensive database of references available in the ENFO library. ENFO’s Website at contains information on ENFO’s services, and provides access to the full text of the leaflets and the reference database. ENFO is located at 17 St. Andrew St., Dublin 2 and is open to the public from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Saturday, excluding public holidays: (telephone: 018882001; Fax: (01) 8883946; e-mail: ENFO services are provided free of charge. ENFO publications are listed in Appendix I. The Department also makes information available under the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 133 of 2007). Under these regulations, requests for information can be made to a public authority for access to information on the environment, other than information held in connection with, or for the purposes of, any judicial or legislative function. The regulations do not apply to information, which must be made available for inspection under other statutes. Requests for information under the Access to Information on the Environment Regulations must be made in writing to the relevant public authority, stating in as specific terms as possible the information required. Further information on these regulations is available from the Freedom of Information Unit, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin 1 (telephone 01-8882071 or email The Freedom of Information Act is designed to allow public access to information held by public bodies, which is NOT routinely available through other sources. Access to information under the Act is subject to certain exemptions and involves specific procedures and time limits. 5 Information on making a request under this Act is set out in chapter 10. 6 2. Overview of the Department 2.1 Description and Functions: The work of the Department is carried out through six Divisions – Environment; Water & Natural Heritage; Built Heritage & Planning; Local Government; Housing and Corporate Services. In addition, Met Éireann and the Local Government Audit Service also form part of the Department. Following the formation of the new Government in June 2007, responsibilities in relation to non-national roads and the National Vehicle and Driver File (NVDF) transferred to the Department of Transport. New functions in relation to marine foreshores have transferred from the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. The Department has lead responsibility for ensuring the implementation of a number of key national strategies, in particular, a renewed National Sustainable Development Strategy and National Biodiversity Plan, the National Climate Change Strategy 20072012, the National Spatial Strategy 2002-2020 and the housing policy statement Delivering Homes, Sustaining Communities. Each of these strategies underpins our mandate. 2.2 Mission and Mandate: The Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Mission is to pursue sustainable development In pursuing this mission our mandate is to: achieve a high quality environment with effective environmental protection; address climate change; achieve effective conservation of our natural heritage and biodiversity; achieve effective conservation of our built heritage; protect and improve water resources and the quality of drinking water; ensure that our regions and communities are planned and built to respect sustainable and balanced regional development; ensure good quality housing in sustainable communities; monitor, analyse and predict Ireland’s weather and climate; support and enable democratic and responsive local government. 7 3. Structure and Organisation The DOEHLG employs almost 2,500 spread throughout six divisions dealing with a wide variety of issues. Offices are located mainly at Dublin, Ballina and Wexford. There are also regional offices in Killarney, Glenveagh, Galway and Cork. There are conservation staff present in every county. The Department also has responsibility for Local Government Audit Services and Met Éireann. 8 4. Environment Division 4.1 Structure of the Division Environment Division is made up of 8 sections and also has responsibility for the Departments’ permanent representative in Brussels. 9 4.2 Environment Policy Section Environment Policy Section is concerned with the transposition and implementation of the Environmental Liability Directive, and the ‘Aarhus’ suite of Directives on access to environmental information and public participation. The Section also deals with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) corpus of legislation, including the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) system. Other policy/legislative aspects dealt with are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), Registration Evaluation Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH), the Environmental Technology Action Plan (ETAP), the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (SSTI) and the implementation of the Litter Action Plan. 4.2.1 Information available A list of publications is included at 4.2.3 4.2.2 Classes of Records Personal Information Environmental Protection Agency administrative matters. Policy and Legislation Environmental Protection Agency, legislative & administrative files; Operational Programme for Environmental Services; Promotion of environmental matters across departments; Access to Information on the Environment; Public Participation Directive (currently being transposed); Integrated pollution control matters; European Union and international environmental matters; European Environment Agency matters; Genetically Modified Organisms directives; Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 and associated regulations; Litter Pollution Acts 1997-2003; Litter Action Plan - policy and implementation papers. Administration EPA accounts/ estimates; Environment Fund accounts/estimates (anti-litter initiatives); Procedural files, financial records, statistics, miscellaneous correspondence; Internal administration files; Records of financial payments under international agreements/conditions/protocols. 10 4.2.3 List of publications Publication Name Access to Information on the Environment Regulations 2007 – Guidance notes and regulations. “Taking Pride in Our Environment” A National Anti-Litter Strategy. The Report of the Anti Litter Forum 2000. The National Litter Action Plan 2001. Litter Enforcement Statistics 1997 - 2006 Results of the National Litter pollution Monitoring System 1999 – 2006. Ireland’s National Roadmap for the Implementation of the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) Available from DEHLG Website Cost (if any) Free DEHLG DEHLG Oireachtas Library DEHLG DEHLG DEHLG Website Free 11 4.3 Environment International and Sustainable Development Environment International and Sustainable Development Section has responsibility for coordinating preparation for the participation of the Minister in the EU Environment Council, the Department’s responsibilities under the European Union (Scrutiny) Act including submission to the Oireachtas of proposals for environmental legislation, correspondence and reports relating to complaints about infringements of EU environmental legislation, matters relating to North/South and British-Irish cooperation in the environmental area following on the Good Friday (1998) and the St. Andrews (2006) Agreements. The section is coordinating the publication of a renewed National Sustainable Development Strategy (2007) and coordinates the national input to the EU Sustainable Development Strategy and to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. The Section also has overview responsibilities in relation to Comhar, the National Sustainable Development Council. 4.3.1 Information available A list of publications is included at 4.3.3. 4.3.2 Classes of Records Personal information Correspondence from the public Policy & legislation N/A Administration The Section holds procedural files, financial records (including Environment Fund accounts/ estimates), miscellaneous correspondence; internal administration files; records of financial payments under international agreements/conditions/protocols. 4.3.3 List of publications Publication Name Sustainable Development – A Strategy for Ireland (1997) Making Ireland’s Development Sustainable – Review, Assessment and Future Action (2002) Available from DEHLG Website Cost (if any) Free to download DEHLG Website Free to download 12 4.4 Air Quality & Climate Change The key areas of activity for Air Quality and Climate Change Section are national policy and legislation and the coordination and leading of Irish representation at related EU and wider international meetings and events, in relation to: Climate change (National Climate Change Strategy, Kyoto Protocol, International and EU Climate Change Policy, EU Emissions Trading Scheme and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases) Air quality (air quality standards/monitoring, Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, fuel standards, bituminous coal bans and control of persistent organic compounds and volatile organic compounds) Control of ozone depleting substances (limitation and reduction of the production and consumption of certain ozone-depleting substances) Noise (control of environmental noise, noise nuisance) 4.4.1 Information available A list of leaflets and publications is included below. 4.4.2 Classes of Records Personal information Correspondence from the public Policy & legislation Policy and legislation relating to the four areas outlined at 1.1 Primary legislation Secondary legislation Consultation and strategy documents Public information Local authority circulars Administration The section holds files on a range of administrative issues including files on financial matters, statistics, briefing material, miscellaneous correspondence and internal administration files. 4.4.3 List of publications Publication Name Available from Agreement between the Solid Fuel Trade DEHLG Website Group and the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (April 2006) Agreement between the Solid Fuel Trade DEHLG Website Group and the Minister for the Environment (June 2002) Cost (if any) Free Free 13 Publication Name Consultation Document on the Proposal on the Use of Bitminous Coal; and Petcoke National Programme on Transboundary Air Pollutants Discussion paper on Strategy to Reduce Emissions on Transboundary Air Pollution by 2010 Ireland: National Climate Change Strategy 2007-2012 Ireland: National Climate Change Strategy 2007-2012 Main Points Ireland’s Pathway to Kyoto ComplianceReview of the National Climate Change Strategy Determining the Share of National Greenhouse Emissions for Emissions Trading in Ireland 2008-2012 - Final Report Available from DEHLG Website Cost (if any) Free DEHLG Website Free DEHLG Website Free DEHLG Website Hard copy on request DEHLG Website Hard copy on request DEHLG Website Free DEHLG Website Free Free Free 14 4.5 Waste Infrastructure & Regulation Recycling Infrastructure Capital Grants Scheme Grants to Local Authorities of up to 75% of eligible capital expenditure are provided under this scheme for the development of recycling infrastructure by local authorities. This grant scheme is not available to the private sector or individuals. Landfill Remediation Capital Grants Scheme Grants to Local Authorities of up to 75% of eligible capital expenditure are provided under this scheme for the remediation of closed licenced landfills. This grant scheme is not available to the private sector or individuals. Subvention of Recycling Costs Grants to Local Authorities to assist in offsetting the operational costs associated with “Bring Banks” and civic amenity sites. Enforcement Grants Grants to Local Authorities to support a five-year programme of law enforcement relating to waste activities. Funding for the first three years of the programme at a 100% rate, with a sliding scale of 75% and 50% funding applying to years 4 and 5 of the programme. 4.5.1 Information available 4.5.2 Classes of Records Personal information Correspondence from the Public Policy & legislation Waste Management Act (1996) and associated regulations Waste Management – Changing our Ways (1998) Waste Management - Taking Stock and Moving Forward (2004) National Overview of Waste Management Plans (2004) The National Strategy on Biodegradable Waste (2006) Annual Finance Act Administration The Section holds a number of administrative files e.g., miscellaneous correspondence and internal administration files e.g. financial and statistical records, instructions and guidance to staff. 4.5.3 List of publications Copies of the Waste Management Act, associated regulations and Policy documents outlined above can be purchased directly from Government Publications Sale Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 or by mail order from Government Publications, Postal Trade Section, 4-5 Harcourt Road Dublin 2. 15 4.6 Waste Prevention & Recovery Unit Waste Prevention and Recovery Section is primarily responsible for the implementation and co-ordination of environmental policies, while responsibility for the implementation of these policies rests mainly with the local authorities and the Environmental Protection Agency. The following services are provided directly by the Section: Management of the Environment Fund, financed by receipts from the Plastic Bag Levy and the Landfill Levy. Launch and roll out National Biodegradable Waste Strategy Establishing the Recycling Consultative Forum. Development in partnership of other partners a National Market Development Programme Promote Producer Responsibility Initiatives for areas not currently legislated for such as newsprint, tyres, farm plastics, construction and demolition waste and batteries. Work through the North / South institutions on common waste policies and initiatives. 4.6.1 Information available Best Practice Guidelines on the Preparation of Waste Management plans for Construction and Demolition Projects, 2006, DOEHLG. National Strategy on biodegradable Waste, 2006, DOEHLG. National Strategy on Biodegradable Waste – a Short Guide, 2006, DOEHLG. WEEE, the Environment and the Consumer brochure, reprinted 2006, DOEHLG. Environment Fund Annual Accounts and Controller and Auditor General Report. Delivering Change, Preventing and Recycling Waste, a policy Statement, 2002, the Stationery Office. Further information on any of the services of this Section may be requested from: 01 8882027 16 4.6.2 Classes of Records Personal information Correspondence from the public Policy & legislation Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations. Waste Management (restriction of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment) Regulations. End of Life Vehicle Regulations. Packaging Regulations. Plastic Bag Regulations. Administration The Section holds a number of administrative files e.g., miscellaneous correspondence and internal administration files e.g. financial and statistical records, instructions and guidance to staff 4.6.3 List of publications Publication name Best Practice Guidelines on the Preparation of Waste Management plans for Construction and Demolition Projects National Strategy on biodegradable Waste Environment Fund Annual Accounts and Comptroller and Auditor General Report Delivering Change, Preventing and Recycling Waste, a policy Statement Available from Government Publications Cost (if any) None Government Publications Government Publications None Government Publications None None 17 4.7 Environmental Radiation Policy Environmental Radiation Policy is responsible for the implementation of all aspects of Government policy and the serving of the democratic process in relation to nuclear safety and radiological protection. This incorporates, in consultation with the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII), the regulation and control of all man made nuclear sources and the measurement and assessment of both natural and man made radioactivity in the environment with the primary objective of securing the health and safety of Irish citizens from radioactive sources. Emergency Planning for the occurrence of a major nuclear incident represents a significant part of this brief. Environmental Radiation Policy is also responsible for the representation of Irish Government nuclear policy at EU and other international fora and consistent with Government policy objectives set out in the Programme for Government. It is also responsible for the implementation of policy in relation to the Sellafield nuclear facility. 4.7.1 Information available The publications available from this section are detailed in Section 1.3 below. 4.7.2 Classes of Records Personal information Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) Administrative Matters. Information relating to the members of the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland. Policy & legislation EU and national nuclear safety and radiological protection policy; Radiological Protection Act, 1991 and associated regulations Containment of Nuclear Weapons Act, 2003 and associated regulations Nuclear Emergency Planning Radon Awareness Non-ionising radiation and electromagnetic fields. Administration Records of financial payments under international agreements /conditions / protocols. Procedural files, financial records, statistics, miscellaneous correspondence; accounts/ estimates and internal administration files. 18 4.7.3 List of publications Publication name National Emergency Plan for Nuclear Accidents. Report of the INEX-3 exercise Safeguarding Ireland from Nuclear Accidents - Information Leaflet. Radon in Existing Buildings - Corrective Options. Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Available from DEHLG website Cost (if any) Free to download DEHLG website Free to download DEHLG website Free to download DEHLG website Free to download DEHLG website Free to download Material relating to Radon and environmental monitoring is available from the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland. 4.8 Environment & Heritage Awareness Environment and Heritage Awareness Section is responsible for monitoring of Public Awareness of Environmental and Heritage issues; Environmental/Heritage Awareness Campaigns; Environment Awareness Funding; Funding for Environmental NGOs; Environment Partnership Fund. EENGO Core Funding: Environment and Heritage Awareness provides annual core funding to environmental NGOs through the Environmental, Ecological NGOs Core Funding Ltd., 10a Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2. Regular meetings with EENGO Core Funding Ltd also provide a formal avenue of communication between the Department and NGOs with environmental interests. Environment awareness funding: The Department also provides funding to nongovernmental organisations (NGO’s) for assistance with conferences, surveys, educational material, publications etc. to heighten environmental awareness. Environmental Partnership Fund: This fund assists environmental awareness projects at local level involving partnership arrangements between local authorities and NGO’s or local community groups. Each year the Department publishes a notice calling for proposals, at which stage application forms may be requested. The Department’s major public environmental awareness campaign, the Race Against Waste, is now in the post-campaign phase and preparations are now being made by Environment and Heritage Awareness Section for the next major public 19 awareness campaign. Related to awareness campaigns the section also carries out occasional surveys of public attitudes and actions in relation to environmental issues. 4.8.1 Information available As below 4.8.2 Classes of Records Personal information Representations from the public Policy & legislation N/A Administration The Section holds administrative files: correspondence and financial records relating to the work of the section i.e. awareness campaigns, attitudes and action surveys, LA21 Partnership Fund. 4.8.3 List of publications Race Against Waste public awareness materials. All RAW publications can be downloaded from Publication name Ireland’s Progress Towards Environmental Sustainability (2007) National Climate Change Strategy Summary leaflet Available from DEHLG website Cost (if any) Free to download DEHLG website Free to download 20 4.9 Environment Inspectorate The Environment Inspectorate provides technical and scientific advice in support of the goals set out in the Department’s Statement of Strategy 2005-2007. The Inspectorate work priorities are designed to support the achievement of the objectives of the administrative Business Units of the Environment Division – Air & Climate Change, Environment Policy, Environment International & Awareness, Waste Infrastructure & Regulation and Waste Prevention & Recovery Sections. The Inspectorate provides technical support to the EPA and local authorities in facilitating the implementation and enforcement of environmental legislation and also provides technical support for liaison with Government Departments, Agencies and relevant stakeholders in support of the strategic objectives of the Department as they pertain to the environment. 21 5. Heritage & Planning Division 5.1 Structure of the Division The primary objective for the Built Heritage and Planning Division is to protect and promote appreciation of the built heritage and to provide a policy and legislative framework which facilitates and encourages development patterns consistent with the principals of proper planning and sustainable development, balanced regional development, conservation of the natural and built environment, quality in construction and urban and village regeneration. 5.2 Building Standards & Environmental Assessment Building Regulations 1997 - 2006 The Building Control Act 1990 provides for the making of national Building Regulations. The Regulations detail the minimum legal requirements to be complied with in the design and construction of buildings, extensions to and material alterations of existing buildings, and to certain changes of use of buildings. While the primary purpose of the Building Regulations is to provide for the health, safety and welfare of people in and around buildings, they also provide for conservations of Fuel and Energy, Fire Safety and Access for People with Disabilities. The Regulations first came into force on 1 July 1992 and were superseded by the 1997 Regulations with effect from 1 July, 1998. The second schedule to the Regulations lists the various parts (A to M) of the Regulations. Technical Guidance Documents are published to provide guidance relevant to each part. Building Standards/Environmental Assessment section is also responsible for: The implementation of Building Regulations Transposition/Implementation of the Energy Performance of Building Directive (2002/91/EC) Transposition/Implementation of the Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC) Transposition/Implementation of the EU Directive on the Mutual Recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications in architecture, including measures to facilitate the effective exercise of the right of establishment and freedom to provide services .985/384/EEC) Transposition/Implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive (85/337/EEC) Transposition/Implementation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive (2001/42/EC) Part Transposition/Implementation of the Seveso11 directive (96/82/EC) Part Transposition/Implementation of the Seveso11 directive (96/82/EC) Part Transposition/Implementation of the Public Participation Directive (2003/35/EC) Part Transposition/Implementation of the EU Directive on Recognition of Professional Qualifications (2005/36/EC) 22 Delivery of Service Responsibility for monitoring and enforcement of the Building Regulations is the function of the 37 local Building Control Authorities, who are empowered to inspect buildings, serve enforcement notices and initiate proceedings for non-compliance with Regulations In relation to Environmental Assessment most service provision is undertaken by Local Authorities, An Bord Pleanala and the Environmental Protection Agency in relation to Environmental Assessments in the context of the Irish planning system Classes of Records General Files in connection with assessment process for a proposed amendment to the EU Architects Directive (84/384/EEC) Correspondence with members of the public and elected representatives. Legislation Building Control Act 1990 (No. 3 of 1990) Building Control Act 2007 (No. 41 of 2007) With regard to Environmental Assessment there is a large volume of legislative and policy reports held in the Section. These files would primarily comprise issues concerning sections of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), dealings with Local Authorities, An Bord Pleanala, and the EPA. Building Standards holds a large volume of files on legislative proposals/briefing for the Building Control Acts 1990 and 2007. There are also files on amendments to the Building Regulations. There are reports of meetings of the Building Regulations Advisory Body, together with building control statistical returns from 37 Building Control authorities. The section is also in procession of policy and legislative files primarily concerned with the transposition and implementation of the various EU Directives and associated International Agreements. Administration The Section also holds a number of administrative files relating to its work and internal administration i.e. estimates and other financial records, correspondence, briefing and general co-ordination 23 List of Publications Publication name Available from Cost (if any) Building Regulations:SI 666 of 2006 European Communities (Energy Performance of Buildings) Regulations Government Publications Office €3.81 €0.76 SI 115 of 2006 (Part B) €0.76 SI 872 of 2005 European Communities (Energy Performance of Buildings) Regulations €0.76 SI 873 of 2005 (Part L) €1.27 SI 284 of 2002 (Part L) €0.76 SI 581 of 2002 (Part F) €0.60 SI 441 of 2000 ( Class 9 exemption extension) SI 249 of 2000 (Part D) €0.60 SI 179 of 2000 (Part M) €1.60 SI 497 of 1997 €6.09 Building Control Regulations:S.I. No. 496 of 1997, S.I. No. 10 of 2000 S.I. No. 85 of 2004 Technical Guidance Documents (A to M) of Building Regulations :TGD A – Structure Government Publications Office. €7.62 €1.27 €1.27 Government Publications Office. €6.35 TGD D – Fire Safety €13.00 TGD C – Site Preparation and Resistance to Moisture €7.00 24 TGD D – Materials Workmanship €2.54 and TGD E – Sound €6.35 TGD F – Ventilation €7.00 TGD G – Hygiene €2.54 TGD H – Drainage & Waste Water Disposal €6.35 €6.35 TGD J – Heat Producing Appliances €3.81 TGD K – Stairs, Ladders, Ramps and Guards TGD L – Conservation of Fuel and Energy TGD M – Access Disabled People €3.81 for A boxed set of the Technical Guidance Documents, (price €74.14 including postage) is available from Government Publications Office. Site Development Works Manual Government Publications Office €10.00 Attic Insulation Leaflet Free Radon Remediation Works in Existing Buildings- Corrective Options €5.00 Protection of New Buildings and Occupants from Landfill Gas Environmental Assessment:European Communities €3.81 Government Publications Office €1.27 25 (Environmental Impact Assessment) Amendment Regulations (SI 659 of 2006) European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations 2004 (SI 435 of2004) €3.05 Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations (SI 436 of 2004) €4.27 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Guidelines, 2004 €3.50 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Guidance for Consent Authorities regarding Sub-threshold Development, 2003 €1.27 Note: Other relevant publications are detailed under Planning Section The Building Regulations/Environmental Assessment may be accessed and downloaded from the Department’s Website at 26 5.3 Planning The primary role is to provide the essential legislative framework and policy guidance to local planning authorities and An Bord Pleanala while also seeking to minimise the regulatory burden and cost of the system. The Section seeks to add value, by: Maintaining an up-to-date legislative and policy framework that facilitates an efficient, effective, balanced and quality planning system that is transparent, accessible and customer orientated in its operation and which promotes the principles of proper planning and sustainable development. Supporting the Minister through the provision of quality advice and briefing. Ensuring an effective development consent system to facilitate the timely provision of infrastructure. Providing and supporting mechanisms for better policy coordination and cohesion across the planning system, and other Government Departments. Developing the capacity to identify emerging trends and issues in the planning policy area and proposing new initiatives and responses. 5.3.1 Information available 5.3.2 Classes of Records Personal information Policy & legislation Administration 5.3.3 List of publications 27 5.4 Spatial Policy The main area of responsibility for the Section is implementation of the National Spatial Strategy (NSS) 2002-2020, a national strategic planning framework. The aim is to achieve a better balance of social, economic and physical development, across Ireland, supported by more effective planning. The NSS promotes a better spread of job opportunities, a better quality of life and better places in which to live. The approach being taken is to consolidate the development of the Greater Dublin Area, while promoting places in the regions with sufficient scale and critical mass to attract significant investment and job opportunities. It is the policy driver for more balanced regional development and many aspects of sustainable development to support good spatial planning. Good spatial planning involves creating and maintaining appropriate policy frameworks to guide the planning system as a whole. This Section identifies and responds to the need for guidance in many areas e.g. improved quality in development plans and retail planning. The Section promotes and supports a policy framework for the planning system which seeks to achieve good spatial planning, through: strategic regional planning; clearly focused development planning at city, county and town level; better local area planning; retail planning; sustainable rural housing; and residential development policies that support sustainable communities. The Section gives guidance to planning authorities on these matters. Also, all draft city and county development plans and key local area plans are examined by the Section and the Planning Inspectorate and, where relevant, comments are given to the planning authorities on the consistency of the draft plans with proper planning, sustainable development, balanced regional development and other relevant national policies. This policy framework complements the implementation of the NSS. 5.4.1 Information available Further information is available on both the Department’s website and the dedicated spatial policy website: 28 Written correspondence, email or telephone contact can also be made directly with the Section as follows: Spatial Policy Section, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin 1. Telephone: 01 888 2715 Email: See section 5.4.3 below for list of publications. 5.4.2 Classes of Records Personal information Correspondence with members of the public and elected representatives. Information provided by the public in the course of public consultations Information provided to the department by tendering parties in the course of research procurement etc. Policy & legislation Extensive range of policy files held in the section, primarily concerning development and implementation of the National Spatial Strategy and related guidelines viz. on Development Plans, Retail Planning, Implementing Regional Planning Guidelines, Sustainable Rural Housing, Regional Planning, Retail Planning, Residential Density as well as the relevant Planning legislation. Correspondence with local authorities on County, City and Local Area Development Plans regarding consistency with the objectives of the National Spatial Strategy. Official circulars Administration Internal administrative files e.g. estimates, business planning. 29 5.4.3 List of publications The publications listed below are also available to download for the websites. Publication name Development Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities (June 2007). Available from Spatial Policy Section Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for Apartments – Consultation Draft Guidelines for Planning authorities (January 2007). Spatial Policy Section Atlantic Gateways Initiative - achieving critical mass (September 2006) Spatial Policy Section Implementing the NSS: Gateways Investment Priorities (August 2006) Spatial Policy Section Development Plans – Public Consultation Draft Guidelines for Planning Authorities (April 2006) Spatial Policy Section Sustainable Rural Housing - Guidelines for Planning Authorities (April 2005) Government Publications Sales Office Implementing Regional Planning Guidelines Best Practice Guidance (February 2005) Spatial Policy Section Cost (if any) Cost: €4 Cost €20 Cost: €2.54 Retail Planning Government Guidelines for Planning Publications Sales Authorities (January 2005) Office 30 Implementing the National Spatial Policy Section Spatial Strategy: Preparing Regional Planning Guidelines – Guidance Notes (February 2003) The National Spatial Strategy 2002-2020 People, Places and Potential (November 2002) Government Publications Sales Office Landscape and Landscape Assessment – consultation Draft of Guidelines for Planning authorities (June 2000) Spatial Policy Section Residential Density Guidelines – Guidelines for Planning Authorities (1999) Government Publications Sales Office 31 5.5 Urban & Village Development The Urban and Village Development Unit is responsible for policy concerning urban development, the initiation and ongoing monitoring of tax incentive based renewal schemes; the management and disbursement of EU and national funding under the Urban Regeneration and the Peace III Programmes, compulsory land acquisition legislation, the administration of the Tidy Towns and related competitions, servicing the Planning Tribunal, especially regarding payments, input to EU work programmes on urban development/urban environment and to UN work programmes on human settlements 5.5.1 Information available Publications and leaflets relevant to this Section are included beneath. Further information is available on the Department's web-site and at 5.5.2 Classes of Records The classes of records held by the section are as follows: Personal information Correspondence from the public. Council & Board appointments to Dublin Docklands Development Authority (DDDA) Policy & legislation Tribunal of Inquiry into certain planning matters and payments. Urban Renewal Scheme, 1998 Act and guidelines Town Renewal Scheme, 2000 Act and guidelines Living Over the Shop Scheme and guidelines Urban Regeneration Programme EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation (Peace III) 2007-2013 Derelict Sites Act, 1990 Development of Dublin Docklands, DDDA Act, 1997, Master Plan and various Planning Schemes CPO legislation (various) EU and other international aspects of urban policy; Tidy Towns and related initiatives Administration Internal administrative files e.g. estimates, planning, etc. 32 5.5.3 List of publications Publication name Tidy Towns Brochure, Handbook and Results Books Urban and Town Renewal Scheme Guidelines Available from Free Cost (if any) DEHLG Free DEHLG 33 5.6 Heritage Policy & Architectural Protection The key areas of responsibility of the Business Unit are to develop, coordinate, promote, implement and oversee implementation of policies for the protection of architectural heritage particularly and coordination of heritage policy generally, and the promotion of best practice in modern architecture. This is undertaken through the development of the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage, the provision of an architectural heritage advisory unit, advancing the centrality of built heritage in local authorities and other agencies, administration of capital payments and grants directly and through agents such as the Heritage Council, the Irish Heritage Trust and the OPW, administration of conservation grants through the planning authorities, direct participation in the planning process to promote conservation of architectural heritage, undertaking the Minister’s functions in relation to architectural heritage under the planning acts and national monuments legislation, support of a conservation officer network at local authority level, publication of advice and guidance on best practice in architectural conservation, review of the government policy on architecture – ‘Action on Architecture 2002-2005’, formulation of a new government policy on architecture and oversight of World Heritage Sites. The Heritage Council is funded from this division. It is also responsible for the Irish Heritage Trust which was established in 2006 with a mandate to acquire for public access major important heritage properties where the State does not wish to acquire them directly and where there is imminent risk to their heritage value through neglect or where an appropriate use cannot be brought forward through sale to a private sector investor. All Development Applications, which are referred to the Minister for consideration, are examined by the professional staff (Architects and Archaeologists) in this Division. 5.6.1 Delivery of Service Built Heritage Capital Programme The funding allocation for this programme supports conserving the built heritage and in particular is intended to achieve the following: Fund a programme of conservation works and visitor facility upgrades for heritage sites in State care. The site must be in State ownership and of heritage significance. Support the conservation of properties of major heritage value not in State care. Fund a scheme of grants for the conservation of protected buildings, which is administered by the local authorities. It is a matter for each individual local authority to assess and prioritise applications and approve funding. The scheme is aimed at assisting owners and occupiers to carry out conservation works on structures of architectural significance in the Record of Protected Structures, which the Local Authority has listed under the Planning and Development Act 2000. Enquiries about this scheme should be made direct to the relevant local authority. Fund a Civic Structures Conservation grants scheme for the restoration and conservation of buildings of significant architectural heritage merit and which are 34 in public ownership or open to the public generally. Details are on the Department’s website An independent advisory panel considers all applications. Determinations Section 482 of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 provides for tax relief to the owner/occupier in respect of expenditure on the repair, maintenance or restoration of buildings / gardens which are determined by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to be of intrinsically of significant architectural, historical, horticultural, scientific, or aesthetic interest and where The Revenue Commissioners are satisfied reasonable access is afforded to the public. Failte Ireland publicises the opening hours of the approved properties in an annual illustrated booklet. The public may apply to Heritage Policy and Architectural Protection Section for details and application forms. National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) The NIAH identifies, evaluates and records the architectural heritage of Ireland in a systematic and consistent manner so that: A source of guidance can be provided for the selection of structures for protection Data can be supplied to Local Authorities which can allow them to make informed judgements on the significance of building stock in their functional area. Greater knowledge and appreciation of architectural heritage can be fostered Public awareness of the Ireland’s built heritage can be heightened Research and survey work of structures is carried out throughout the country involving paper research and field studies. Results and assessments are entered in the NIAH which is a computerised record. The service is delivered through head office using contractors who survey the area. The Architectural Heritage Advisory Unit (AHAU) The advisory service is principally available to planning authorities. It also provides advice on architectural conservation matters to other government departments and agencies, to developers and other building owners and their advisers. The AHAU discharges the functions of the Minister as a prescribed body under the Planning Acts in relation to development plans and developments impacting upon the architectural heritage. The Unit also responds to notices received under the National Monuments Acts regarding proposed works to recorded and national monuments where such monuments form part of the architectural heritage. The AHAU is in the process of publishing a series of guidance booklets for owners on good practice in building repair and maintenance. The Unit is also responsible for the formulation of the government policy on architecture. The service is delivered through Head Office. 35 5.6.2 Information available Application for Civic Structures Conservation Grants scheme 2007. Guide to Civic Structures Conservation Grants scheme 2007 Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2004), statutory guidance issued under S. 28 and S. 52 of the Planning and Development Act 2000. Available as a book or to download from the website. Website – booklets on Conservation Guidelines Circ PD5/99 regarding Conservation Grants scheme administered by the Local Authorities NIAH To date 20 town surveys have been published. Data available on computer at Head Office and in Copyright Libraries. 18 County & City Surveys have been published – 16 available on the website The remaining 2 to be added to this website. 5.6.3 Classes of Records Personal information Routine correspondence and representations from individuals regarding heritage and conservation matters. The grant schemes in place refer to structures in civic ownership, therefore applications are made on behalf of groups and civic bodies rather than individuals. Policy & legislation General policy files on grants schemes. Policy files on World Heritage sites. Inputs into related legislation. Administrative NIAH Internal administration (files setting out work programme, dealing with recruitment of contractors, other general issues). NIAH Manual offers guidelines for preparation of field records (this will be made available to each contractor. Also available in the internet at ). The NIAH records – on a computer database. Published on the website Paper survey forms, photographic slides and digital images used for preparation of each record. 36 AHAU Records relating to advice given on individual structures and sites outside of the planning process Records on general matters relating to architectural conservation on which the advice of the AHAU was sought. Internal administration files relating to guidance publications and other general issues 5.6.4 List of publications Publication name Civic Structures Conservation Grant scheme Brú na Boínne World Management Plan Skellig Micheal draft Management Plan Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2004) Forthcoming in 2007: Maintenance, a guide to the care of older buildings Windows, a guide to the repair of historic windows Thatch, a guide to the repair of thatched roofs Available from Department website, Cost (if any) Nil Website only nil In preparation Book form Website €10 nil Book form Website Book form Website Book form Website Price to be finalised Nil Price to be finalised Nil Price to be finalised Nil 37 5.7 National Monuments Service The National Monuments Service (NMS) is responsible for: The identification and designation of sites through the Archaeological Survey of Ireland, which is an integral part of the NMS. Assisting OPW in the archaeological care of over 750 properties in state care; Implementation of protective and regulatory controls (incl Licensing of excavations) under the National Monuments Acts; The provision of input and advice to planning and other authorities in respect of individual planning and other development applications, projects and plans. Protecting our Archaeological Heritage There are a number of categories of monuments under the National Monuments Acts: National monuments in the ownership or guardianship of the Minister or a local authority or national monuments which are subject to a preservation order; Monuments or places included in the Record of Monuments and Places; Historic monuments or areas included in the Register of Historic Monuments. Archaeology and the Planning Process The Planning and Development Act 2000 recognises that proper planning and sustainable development includes the protection of the archaeological heritage. Development plans may include such objectives and conditions relating to archaeology may be attached to individual planning permissions. A planning authority must refer all planning applications, which might affect or be unduly close to any archaeological site, monument or feature, to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Development Applications Unit of the NMS co-ordinates the Department's evaluation of all relevant proposals for development referred by Local Authorities. The planning application is examined with reference to known archaeological sources and an appraisal is made as to whether the development is likely to affect archaeology and to what degree. On the basis of this appraisal the Department may respond to the planning authority by requesting an archaeological assessment or by making a recommendation for the inclusion of planning conditions. In cases where serious damage may not be mitigated the Department may recommend that planning permission not be granted. Development Applications Unit may also recommend that an archaeological excavation be carried out in appropriate cases. Licensing of Excavations The licensing system is the means by which the Department controls archaeological excavations in the State consistent with the safeguarding of the archaeological heritage. 38 Excavations for archaeological purposes may be carried out by suitably qualified archaeologists acting under a licence issued by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. National Monuments section compiles a list of archaeologists eligible to apply for excavation licences. 5.7.1 Information available A list of leaflets and publications is included at 5.7.4. 5.7.2 Classes of Records Personal information Files on individual applications to hold licences under section Policy & legislation Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) including the shipwreck inventory, Ministerial Consents and Directions Monuments files Planning referrals files Files related to developing awareness of archaeological sites Enforcement of monuments protection Administration Office management files 5.7.3 List of publications Publication Name Available From Code of Practice - Railway Procurement Agency English / Gaeilge Code of Practice – Coillte English / Gaeilge Code of Practice - Bord Gais Éireann English:| Gaeilge Code of Practice - National Roads Authority English / Gaeilge Code of Practice - Irish Concrete Foundation English / Gaeilge Code of Practice - ESB Guidelines for Authors of Reports on Archaeological Excavations The Care and Conservation of Graveyards Cost (If Any) 39 Publication Name Irish Field Monuments: | Séadchomharthaí na Tuaithe: Earthen Banks and Broken WallsOur Legacy of Ancient Monuments A Guide to Protected Buildings Policy and Guidelines on Archaeological Excavation Framework and Principles for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage: National Monuments Acts 1930 2004: National Monuments Act 1930: National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1954: National Monuments Amendment Act 1987: National Monuments Amendment Act 1994: National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004: (No 22 of 2004) S.I. 229 of 2005 National Monument's Act 1930 (Section 14B) Regulations, 2005: Available From Cost (If Any) 40 6. Housing Division The overall aim of housing policy is to “enable every household to have available an affordable dwelling of good quality, suited to its needs, in a good environment and as far as possible at the tenure of its choice”. The Division pursues this aim through five broad strategies: overseeing and maintaining a national housing programme appropriate to requirements, facilitating home ownership for the greatest number of households who desire and can afford it, developing and supporting a responsive social housing sector for those who cannot afford suitable accommodation from their own resources, developing and maintaining a framework for an efficient private rented sector, and developing and maintaining appropriate measures to secure conservation and improvement of the housing stock, with particular emphasis on the needs of low-income households. The Division’s functions include formulation of policy, preparation of legislation, planning of national social housing programmes, provision and disbursement of the necessary capital funding for these programmes and overseeing the implementation of policies by the local authorities. 6.1 Structure of the Division The Division is led by an Assistant Secretary and the work is divided among six sections each headed by a Principal Officer (see across). The Housing Supply Unit, also headed by a Principal Officer, is a crosscutting unit, reporting directly to the Secretary General. The Inspectorate is headed by a Principal Adviser. 6.1.1 Delivery of service Most housing services for which the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government is responsible are delivered to the public through local authorities. These services, for which the Department provides the legislative basis and, as appropriate, financial support, include: provision, maintenance, management and disposal of local authority housing and traveller accommodation, delivery of accommodation services for homeless people, support for the provision of social housing projects by voluntary housing bodies under the Capital Assistance and Rental Subsidy schemes, improvement works to privately owned houses in lieu of local authority housing, shared ownership scheme, affordable housing scheme, loans for house purchase and improvement, low cost housing sites, sale of local authority dwellings to tenants 41 mortgage allowance scheme for tenants surrendering local authority or rental subsidy accommodation and purchasing or building a house for their own occupation, enforcement of rent books, standards and registration of rented houses regulations, disabled persons grants, and essential repairs grants The Division provides a limited range of services directly to the public, mainly in relation to private housing as follows: grants towards the renovation and repair of thatched roofs, certification of floor area for the purpose of stamp duty exemption and certification for the purposes of the urban renewal scheme (residential). Applications and, where appropriate, payments under the foregoing schemes are processed by Housing Grants Section at the Department’s offices in Ballina. The Division also provides grant assistance to non-profit /voluntary organisations for their general expenses. 6.1.2 Information available A list of publications and leaflets relevant to this Division are included in Appendix I. Further information on any of the services of this Division can be requested from: Press and Information Office, Custom House: Telephone (01) 8882393 Housing Grants Section, Government Offices, Ballina: Telephone (096) 24200 Housing Rents and Tenure Section, Custom House: Telephone (01) 8882123 Housing Construction Section, Custom House: Telephone (01) 8882561 Housing Policy and Finance Section, Custom House: Telephone (01) 8882099 Affordable Housing Section, Custom House: Telephone (01) 8882567 Traveller Accommodation Unit, Custom House: Telephone (01) 8882121 Voluntary Housing Unit, Ballina: Telephone (096) 24200 Rent Assistance Unit, Custom House: Telephone (01) 8882051 The Department’s FOI Section 16 Reference Book contains information on the rules and practices governing new house grants, thatching grants, certification for the purpose of stamp duty exemption and certification for the purpose of the urban renewal scheme, grants to non-profit/voluntary organisations for their general administrative expenses, all of which are dealt with by this Division. 42 6.1.3 Classes of records The classes of records held by Housing Division are as follows: Personal Information Individual files on housing grants schemes previously and currently administered by the Department; Recoupement claims submitted by local authorities under various schemes including Disabled Persons and Essential Repairs Grants, rent subsidy (Shared Ownership Scheme) and subsidy under the Rental Subsidy Scheme; Recoupment claims submitted by lending agencies under the Mortgage Allowance scheme; Applications for certification for the purposes of the Urban Renewal schemes; Correspondence from the public. Policy and Legislation Housing policy, legislation and finance, Primary legislation including the Housing Acts, 1966 to 1998; Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) Acts, 1982 and 1983; Housing Finance Agency Acts, 1981 to 1992; National Building Agency Acts 1963 to 1974; Secondary housing legislation; Standards and procedures which apply to the provision, management and disposal of rented housing by local authorities; Conditions under which local authorities assist and promote social housing by voluntary housing bodies; Assistance towards the provision and improvement of owner occupied housing; Matters relating to homelessness; Traveller accommodation matters; Certain aspects of the private rented sector; European and international housing matters; Housing statistics; Legislative framework for building societies (Building Society Acts, 1989 and 1992); Legislation relating to the National Building Agency and the Housing Finance Agency; Review and development of policy across all housing sectors. Administration The Division holds files on a range of administrative issues including files on financial matters, statistics, queries relating to schemes, briefing material, miscellaneous correspondence and internal Administration files including instructions and guidance to staff. HOUSING DIVISION DOELG CH, Telephone (01) 8882099 43 6.1.4 List of publications Publication Name Available From Housing Statistics Bulletin £2.20 (€2.79) (Quarterly) Housing Statistics (Annual) £3.10 (€3.94) Action on House Prices Free (1998) Action on the Housing Free Market (1999) Action on Housing (2000) Free A Plan for Social Housing (1991) Memorandum on the Preparation of a Statement of Policy on Housing Management (1993) Housing Management Group – First Report (1996) Housing Management Group – Second Report (1998) Recommendations for Site Development Work for Housing Areas (1994)(Out of Print – Photocopies available) UNECE Study Tour of Ireland and the UK (Northern Ireland) 1994. Human Settlements Trends in Ireland (1994) Private Housebuilding in Ireland 1976 – 1993 (1995) Private Housebuilding in Ireland 1994 (1995) Social Housing - The Way Ahead (1995) Social Housing - The Way Ahead, Summary (1995) Social Housing Guidelines – Site Selection (1997) Social Housing Guidelines – Improvement Works in Lieu Scheme (1998) Social Housing Design Guidelines (1999) Free Cost (If Any) GPSO GPSO DOELG DOELG DOELG DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG £5 (€6.35) DOELG Free DOELG £10 (€12.70) GPSO £5 (€6.35) DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG £10 (€12.70) GPSO 44 Administration of Rent and Mortgage Interest Assistance (1999) Homelessness – An Integrated Strategy (2000) Good Practice in Housing Management – Repair and Maintenance of Dwellings (2000) Good Practice in Housing Management – Rent Assessment, Collection, Accounting and Arrears Control (2000) Report of the Commission on the Private Rented Residential Sector (2000) Extract from the Report of the Commission on the Private Rented Residential Sector (2000) Guidelines for Planning Authorities – Part V of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 A Model Housing Strategy and Step-by-step Guide to Part V of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 £10 (€12.70) GPSO £3 (€3.80) GPSO £10 (€12.70) DOELG £10 (€12.70) DOELG £12 (€15.24) GPSO £2 (€2.54) GPSO £4 (€5.08) GPSO £4 (€5.08) GPSO Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Leaflets Accommodation Options for Homeless Persons (2001) Accommodation Options for Travellers (2000) Affordable Housing Scheme (2001) Charter for Rented Housing (2001) Disabled Persons Grant Scheme (2001) Improvement Works in Lieu of Local Authority Housing (2001) Local Authority Housing (2001) 45 Local Authority Loans for House Purchase and Improvement (2001) Low Cost Housing Sites (2001) Mortgage Allowance Scheme (2001) Shared Ownership Scheme(2001) Tenant Purchase Scheme (2001) Voluntary Housing Schemes (2001) Your Housing Options (2001) Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG Free DOELG 46 6.2 Housing Policy & Supply Housing Policy and Finance Section has a lead role in ensuring coherent housing policy across all Business Units in the Division and works with other sections on formulating and developing policy relating to housing in Ireland across all tenures, particularly from a co-ordination perspective. An ongoing challenge in light of strong demand for housing in recent years is to ensure that policy is effective in meeting the broad spectrum of housing needs and is delivered in a manner which ensures optimum value for money and builds sustainable communities. 6.2.1 Information available 6.2.2 Classes of Records Personal information Policy & legislation Administration 6.2.3 List of publications 47 6.3 Social Inclusion Unit The Social Inclusion Unit oversees the ongoing development and implementation of policies and programmes to address the special housing needs of vulnerable groups such as older people, people with disabilities and homeless people. This entails working on the development of effective inter-agency responses, where there is a care dimension to the supports required, under the overall framework of Delivering Homes, Sustaining Communities. In this context, the main work of the section for the current year will be the publication and ongoing implementation of a revised Government Strategy on Homelessness, including the establishment of a new National Homeless Consultative Committee; the introduction of revised DPG/ERG schemes, and the development of inter-agency protocols to deal with cooperation particularly between the HSE and housing authorities in meeting the special housing needs of older people, people with disabilities and homeless people. 6.3.1 Information available 6.3.2 Classes of Records Personal information Policy & legislation Administration 6.3.3 List of publications 48 6.4 Affordable Housing Section The Affordable Housing Section has responsibility for a range of functions related to assisting home ownership through a number of targeted schemes i.e. Shared Ownership and 1999 Affordable Housing Schemes. The section is also responsible for the implementation of Part V of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 - 2006 and for implementation of the Affordable Housing Initiative contained in Sustaining Progress. It also liaises with the Affordable Homes Partnership in relation to the delivery of affordable housing in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA). The schemes administered by the section along with a brief description of the conditions and qualifications etc follow: 1. 2. 3. 4. Shared Ownership scheme, Affordable Housing scheme, Part V Affordable Housing. Affordable Housing Initiative Eligibility for 1 and 2 above is based on the following – An applicant must be in need of housing and satisfy an income test or, be registered on a housing waiting list with a local authority, or, is a local authority tenant or a tenant purchaser who wishes to buy a private house and return their present house to the local authority. For 3 and 4 above, along with being in need of housing, the cost of servicing a mortgage on a house in the area that they are applying for would exceed 35% of their net disposable income on a market value house in that area appropriate to their need. 6.4.1 Information available Further information is available on the Department’s website or from the Affordable Housing Section at 8882567/2040. 6.4.2 Classes of Records Personal information Correspondence with members of the public and elected representatives. Policy & legislation Files and reports relating to affordable housing, housing policy and other legislation held in the section. Administration Procedural files, financial records, statistics, miscellaneous correspondence; Internal administration files; Files recording financial payments made under the Site Subsidy Scheme. 6.4.3 List of publications None 49 6.5 Social Housing (Procurement and Construction) Set against the background of the Housing Statement: Delivering Houses, Sustaining Communities, the main objective for Social Housing [Construction and Procurement] Section is to manage in an efficient manner an integrated and multi-annual investment programme for social housing that is able to provide good quality accommodation and associated services for those in housing need. A key responsibility is to link the output targets set out by individual local authorities in their Housing Action Plans with those in the NDP and T16 and to ensure consistency with other national policies. This is broken down under four main headings: Social Housing Demands, Needs and Allocations Social Housing Supply Social Housing Improvements & Regeneration Programmes Arrangements for Monitoring and Control of Expenditure 6.5.1 Information available 6.5.2 Classes of Records Personal information Policy & legislation Administration 6.5.3 List of publications 50 6.6 Voluntary & cooperative Accommodation Housing, Housing Grants & Traveller The section is responsible for the administration of the Capital Assistance Scheme, Capital Loan & Subsidy Scheme, Rental Subsidy Scheme, Traveller Accommodation, Thatching Grants, and Floor Area Certification. Recoupment to local authorities in respect of shared ownership rent subsidies, Disabled Persons and Essential Repairs Grants. Mortgage Allowance Special Housing Aid for the Elderly. Certification for Urban and Rural Renewal Schemes. Homebond (applications received pre 1/1/04) 6.6.1 Information available Voluntary Housing Unit, Ballina: Telephone (096) 24200 6.6.2 Classes of Records Personal information Individual files on housing grants schemes previously and currently administered by the Department; Recoupment claims submitted by local authorities under various schemes including Disabled Persons and Essential Repairs Grants, rent subsidy (Shared Ownership Scheme) and subsidy under the Rental Subsidy Scheme; Recoupment claims submitted by lending agencies under the Mortgage Allowance scheme; Applications for certification for the purposes of the Urban Renewal schemes; Correspondence from the public. Policy & legislation Housing policy, legislation and finance, Primary legislation including the Housing Acts, 1966 to 1998; Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) Acts, 1982 and 1983; Secondary housing legislation; Conditions under which local authorities assist and promote social housing by voluntary housing bodies; Assistance towards the provision and improvement of owner occupied housing; Traveller accommodation matters; Certain aspects of the private rented sector; Housing statistics Administration The Division holds files on a range of administrative issues including files on financial matters, statistics, queries relating to schemes, briefing material, miscellaneous correspondence and internal Administration files including instructions and guidance to staff. 6.6.3 List of publications 51 6.7 Social Housing Management Social Housing Management Section is responsible for policy development in relation to the management of social housing. In this context the section seeks to develop and articulate national policy, structure the statutory and regulatory framework and provide direction, guidance and support, as appropriate, to housing authorities on the implementation of policy. This includes the tenant purchase of local authority dwellings and letting scheme matters. The Section is also responsible for guiding the Housing Action Plan Process which is a key mechanism for managing the planning and delivery of local authority social and affordable housing programmes. The Section also reviews and monitors the implementation of these plans. 6.7.1 Information available 6.7.2 Classes of Records Personal information Policy & legislation Administration 6.7.3 List of publications 52 6.8 Private Housing Sector The main function of the Private Housing Sector Section is to promote the efficient and balanced operation and development of the private housing market, both owneroccupied and private rental sectors, through overview and assessment of developments and issues and relevant input to development of policy and legislation and support for and liaison with associated State agencies (PRTB and Rent Tribunal), local authorities and other relevant stakeholders. This includes promoting the effectiveness of the private rented sector, particularly through implementation of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004; input to the new Statement of Housing Policy and action to address specific issues relating to private housing, including input to or promotion of action by other relevant Departments or agencies and local authorities and engagement with market stakeholders. The work of the Section contributes to fulfilling its function by helping to maximise the role and effectiveness of the private housing sector in meeting housing needs particularly by contributing to the framework of policy and legislation. This primarily involves: Maintaining effective overview and assessment of developments and issues in the private housing sector; Provision of relevant input to development of policy and legislation in relation to the sector, (including development of the private rental sector) and ongoing review of the impact of measures; Promoting and supporting effectiveness in the services provided by relevant agencies (PRTB and Rent Tribunal) and in local authority performance. Promoting action to address issues, through engagement with construction industry and input to other relevant agencies. In addition to undertaking the work of the Section, staff members also provide input to other bodies such as the Private Residential Tenancies Board and the Rent Tribunal. 6.8.1 Information available The Private Housing Sector does not publish any leaflets or publications. Further information on any services provided by the Section can be requested from: Private Housing Sector, Room 123, Custom House, Dublin 1. Telephone: (01) 888 2309 53 6.8.2 Classes of Records Personal Information Correspondence with members of the public and elected representatives. Policy and Legislation There are files and reports relating to housing policy and legislation held in the section. Administration The Private Housing Sector holds a number of administrative files relating to its work e.g. Estimates, other correspondence and general coordination. 54 6.9 Inspectorate (Housing & Construction) The role of the Inspectorate is to advance the quality in design, construction and building standards of housing that is sustainable, affordable, energy efficient, architecturally appropriate, technically durable and adaptable to changing lifetime needs, within the context of the Housing Policy framework of Building Sustainable Communities. 6.9.1 Information available 6.9.2 Classes of Records Personal information Policy & legislation Administration 6.9.3 List of publications 55 7. Local Government Division 7.1 Structure of the Division Local Government Division is made up of 8 separate sections 7.2 Fire Services and Emergency Planning Section supporting fire authorities in the development and maintenance of a quality fire-fighting and rescue service supporting fire authorities in their emergency management role and in their fire safety programmes 7.2.1 Delivery of Service Fire Services and Emergency Planning Section: The Department’s role in this area is to assist and support local authorities, in their role of ensuring that people, property and local infrastructure are protected in fire and other emergency situations. The section provides capital funding to local authorities for the construction of fire stations, the provision of fire appliances and fire fighting equipment for the fire service. It maintains the legislative framework for fire and emergency services. It develops fire safety and fire services strategies and major emergency management policies. It provides staffing and funding support for a central training programme for fire service personnel, which is administered by the Fire Services Council and which supplements the fire authorities own training programmes. The section is responsible for fire safety promotion on a national level. The section also has a lead role at national level to work with the European Union to develop international support mechanisms in emergency planning, including the development of a European Community Civil Protection Mechanism to facilitate reinforced co-operation in civil protection assistance interventions. In addition to undertaking the work of the Section, staff members are also committed to providing input to other bodies such as the Fire Services Council, The Building Regulations Advisory Body, Building Standards Section and the National Standards Authority of Ireland. 56 7.2.2 Information available A list of leaflets and publications is included at 7.2.4. 7.2.3 Classes of Records Personal information Fire Services Council – Administrative Matters Correspondence from the public Policy & legislation Fire Services Legislation; Licensing of Indoor Events Legislation; Guidance/Codes of practice on Fire Safety; Major Emergency Management; European and International fire and emergency planning Administrative The Division holds a number of internal administrative files e.g. instructions and guidance to staff; financial and statistical records; and miscellaneous records and correspondence 7.2.4 List of publications Publication name A Guide to Preparing a Major Emergency Plan (Working Draft) A Guide to Risk Assessment in Major Emergency Management (Working Draft) A Guide to Managing Evacuation (Working Draft) A Guide to Planning and Staging Exercises (Working Draft) A Guide to Undertaking an Appraisal (Working Draft) A Guide to Working with VES (Working Draft) Annual Fire Statistics, Code of Practice for the Management of Fire Safety in Places of Assembly Code of Practice for Fire Safety of Furnishings and Fittings in Places of Assembly Fire Safety in Hostels A Guide to Fire Safety in Existing Nursing Homes and Similar Type premises Fire Safety in Pre-Schools Available from Cost (if any) DEHLG Website Free DEHLG Website Free DEHLG Website Free DEHLG Website Free DEHLG Website Free DEHLG Website DEHLG Website GPSO DEHLG Website Free Free €2.79 Free GPSO DEHLG Website GPSO DEHLG Website GPSO DEHLG Website GPSO DEHLG Website €2.79 Free €5.00 Free €5.00 Free €5.00 Free 57 Framework for Major Emergency Management DEHLG Guide to Fire Precautions in Existing GPSO Hotels, Guesthouses and Similar Premises DEHLG Website Guide to Fire Safety in Flats, Bedsitters and GPSO Apartments (1994), DEHLG Website Guide to Fire Safety in Guest GPSO Accommodation DEHLG Website Review of Fire Safety and Fire Services in GPSO Ireland DEHLG Website The Use of Breathing Apparatus in the Fire GPSO Service (1995) The Use of Breathing Apparatus in the Fire Service (2007) DEHLG Website National Incident Command System DEHLG Website Fire Service Ancillary Safety Statement DEHLG Website Template Fire Safety in the Home - English, Irish, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian and Chinese DEHLG Website Smoke/Heat Alarms - English and Irish DEHLG Website Fire Safety for the Elderly – English and DEHLG Website Irish Fire Safety in Flats and Apartments – DEHLG Website English and Irish Fire Safety in Caravans - English and Irish DEHLG Website Fire Safety for your Home - English and DEHLG Website Irish Free €4.44 Free €5.00 Free €7.62 Free €20.00 Free €7.62 Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free 58 7.3 Franchise Franchise Section is not responsible for direct delivery of service. It is responsible for developing and overseeing a modern, efficient, accessible and fair electoral system. The key components of that system are registration and voting arrangements, voter information, vote counting and control of expenditure and donations for political purposes at national and local levels. Comprehensive legislative codes provide the framework within which the section exercises responsibility in these areas in conjunction with key partners (including registration authorities, returning officers and their staff, the Standards in Public Office Commission, Referendum Commissions, the Office of the Attorney General, the Department of Finance, the Oireachtas and the electorate). Ongoing review of the legislative framework and administrative practices, dissemination of information and advice, and use of information technology assist in the modernisation and improvement of the electoral system. 7.3.1 Information Available The following leaflets are available free of charge to the public and can be downloaded from the Department’s website at How the President is elected How the Dáil is elected How the Seanad is elected How Ireland’s Representatives in the European Parliament are Elected How Members of Local Authorities are Elected The Referendum in Ireland Information for Voters with Disabilities The Register of Electors 7.3.2 Classes of Records Personal Information Returning Officers/County Registrars, Elected Members of county/city councils, borough and town councils, correspondence from members of the public and elected representatives. Policy & Legislation There is a large volume of legislative and policy files and reports held in the section as well as limited number of constituency maps. The files would primarily comprise issues such as the Registration of Electors, Dáil Elections, Presidential Elections, European Parliament Elections, Referenda, Local Elections, Election Expenditure and Donation Regime, Electronic Voting and Vote Counting Administrative Arrangements for Polls, Statistics, Financial Records, Misc. records and correspondence. 59 7.3.3 List of Publications Publication Name Leaflets How the President is elected How the Dáil is elected How the Seanad is elected How Ireland’s Representatives in the European Parliament are Elected How Members of Local Authorities are Elected The Referendum in Ireland Information for Voters with Disabilities The Register of Electors Electoral Area Boundary Committee Report 1998 Dublin Electoral Area Boundary Committee Report 1998 Preparing and Maintaining the Register of Electors – Guidance for Registration Authorities - 2006 Preparing and Maintaining the Register of Electors – Guidance for Registration Authorities – Appendices - 2006 Results Publications Local Elections 2004 – Volume 1 Local Elections 2004 – Volume 2 Presidential Results Book 19381997 Referendum Results 1937-2004 European Parliament Election Results 2004 Available from Cost (if any) D/EHLG & Website D/EHLG & Website D/EHLG & Website D/EHLG & Website Free Free Free Free D/EHLG & Website Free D/EHLG & Website D/EHLG & Website Free Free D/EHLG & Website Not available (out of print) Free Not available (out of print) D/EHLG Free D/EHLG Free Website Government Sales Office Website Government Sales Office Website Government Sales Office Website Government Sales Office Website Free Publications €20 Free Publications €20 Free Publications €6.35 Free Publications €6.35 Free Department’s website (Elections) 60 7.4 Local Government Personnel Section The section has a general responsibility to oversee and provide guidance in relation to personnel practices and procedures in respect of over 33,000 local government employees. This includes all aspects of human resource and industrial relations matters, equality issues and participating in the preparation of national pay policy, including its implementation in the local authority sector and in the various semi-state and other bodies for which the Department has responsibility. The section is also responsible for implementation of Government policy in relation to the pensions of 90,000 staff in local authorities, Health Service Executive and other bodies. 7.4.1 Information available A list of publications and leaflets, relevant to this section is included in Appendix 1. Further information on any of the services of the section can be requested from: Local Government Personnel Section, Custom House, Dublin 1. Telephone (01) 8882353, 8882355 & 8882377. Superannuation Section, Government Buildings, Ballina, Co. Mayo. Telephone (096) 24200 (LoCall 1890 202021). 7.4.2 Classes of Records Personal information Local Authority voluntary redundancy and early retirement; Appointment of city/county managers in a temporary capacity; Awards under the performance related awards scheme for local authority managers, assistant managers and directors of service; Superannuation for local authority staff, including appeals and internal disputes resolution, applications for added years, abatement of pension and superannuation awards for local authority managers; Superannuation for Departmental staff and the bodies under its aegis. Policy & legislation Oversight of local authority human resource and industrial relations; Qualifications for certain local authority posts; Code of conduct for local authority employees; Local authority employees and membership of local authorities; Guidance on employment equality in local authorities; Local authority staffing, numbers and structures; Salary scales and pay rates for local authority employees; Career breaks, work-sharing and other atypical work arrangements; Secretary General reports to the Local Government Performance Verification Group; Annual grants to the Local Authority National Partnership Advisory Group (LANPAG); Oversight of local authority voluntary redundancy/early retirement scheme; Official circulars; Local authority Freedom of Information statistical returns; 61 Local authority employees superannuation schemes and regulations; Liaison with other government departments and bodies under the aegis of the Department relating to pensions policy and other pensions issues; Correspondence with the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman, the Pensions Board and with pension scheme institutions abroad. Administrative The section holds a number of administrative files e.g., miscellaneous correspondence and internal administration files 7.4.3 List of publications Publication name Code of Conduct for Local Authority Employees Available from DEHLG Cost (if any) Free of Charge 62 7.5 Local Government Project Development Section The Section’s role is to undertake and develop specific projects relating to local and central government issues; provide necessary input to the political and administrative system in this connection; be flexible to adapt to new project priorities; and maintain timely, high quality and efficient services to internal and external clients. The Section’s programme of work includes; Implementation of the Department’s Sectoral Plan under the Disability Act 2005. Management of the National Disability Strategy fund for local authorities and bodies under the aegis of the Department. Delivering the work programme of the Informal All-Party Parliamentary Group on Seanad Reform. The development of proposals concerning the regulation of lobbyists in line with the regulatory framework for standards in public life. Development of effective policy response options on issues such as Boundary Alteration applications, and, following policy decisions, the commencement of provisions of the Local Government Act 2001 at the appropriate time. Facilitate the transfer of regional harbours to local authorities. 7.5.1 Information available A list of publications is included in 7.5.3 7.5.2 Classes of Records Personal Information Correspondence with members of the public and elected representatives. Information provided by the public in the course of consultations concerning the Department’s Sectoral Plan. Details concerning regional harbour employees. Information provided to the Department by tendering parties in the course of research procurement. Miscellaneous information on files Policy & legislation Policy and legislative files primarily concern the National Disability Strategy, Seanad Reform, lobbyist regulation, local authority boundary alterations, regional harbours, and sections of the Local Government Act 2001. Reports relevant to these topics are also held by the Section. Administrative The Section holds a number of administrative files relating to it’s work i.e. estimates and other financial records, correspondence and general coordination. 63 7.5.3 List of publications Publication name Regulation of Lobbyists in Developed Countries (2004) Sect oral Plan under the Disability Act 2005 of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Available from D/EHLG and website. Cost (if any) Free. Government Publications and website €3 (printed copy) Free online version 64 7.6 Local Government Policy Section The main responsibilities of the Section working in partnership with local government are to – Maintain appropriate policy and legislation for local government, its structures and its operation Support and promote – o o o Local government-led local governance structures and the role of the elected member The role of local authorities in policy development, in the provision of quality customer service, in focussing on performance, and in social inclusion and community development. The maintenance of high ethical standards in local government. The Section’s work programme includes: The continued support and strengthening of County/City Development Boards (CDBs) to improve service delivery at local/community level. Co-ordination and support of the implementation of the RAPID programme. Overseeing and supporting the extension of the Social Inclusion Unit programme in local government. Managing and monitoring the Social & Community Facilities Capital Scheme. Overseeing and supporting the operation of the Community and Voluntary (C & V) Fora and provide support to the National C&V Forum. Development of customer service policy and initiatives in partnership with local authorities within the broader context of the public service-wide SMI customer services initiative and the local government modernisation programme. Maintaining an appropriate expenses system for Local Authority and Regional Authority members Supporting, monitoring and promoting – o SPC’s (including information and councillor support) o Training and Education for councillors o Joint Policing Committees o Regional Assemblies/Regional Authorities o EU committee of the Regions, Council of Europe and /EU local government matters Maintaining appropriate contacts and other arrangements with the Local Authority members associations. 7.6.1 Information available A list of publications is included below. Further information on any of the services provided by the section can be requested from: Local Government Policy Section, Custom House, Dublin 1. Telephone (01) 8882101, 8882102, 8882388, 8882700 or 8882700. 65 7.6.2 Classes of Records Personal Information Correspondence with members of the public and elected representatives. Policy & legislation There is a large volume of legislative and policy files and reports held in the section. These files would primarily comprise issues concerning sections of the Local Government Act 2001, dealings with Committee of the Regions, Local Government Associations, Regional Authorities/Assemblies, Council of Europe Correspondence with local authorities in relation to service indicators, onestop shops and initiatives funds. Correspondence with local authorities in relation to application for loan approval. Correspondence with local authorities in relation to the operation of the pilot Community Warden Scheme. Details of meetings of the Customer Service Group. Policy and legislative files primarily concerning the development of Customer Service Initiatives within the local government sector. Policy and legislative files primarily concerned with County/City Development Boards, Community & Voluntary Forum, Social Inclusion Units, Social & Community Capital Facilities Scheme and the RAPID Programme. Reports relevant to these topics (where applicable) are also held by the Section. Administrative This part of Local Government Policy Section also holds a number of administrative files relating to it’s work i.e. estimates and other financial records, correspondence and general coordination. 7.6.3 List of publications Publication name Guidelines for Local Authorities in the Preparation of Corporate Plans 2006 – 2009 Customer Complaints – Guidelines for Local Authorities Available from D/EHLG and website. Cost (if any) Free. D/EHLG and website. Free. Customer Consultation – Guidelines for Local Authorities D/EHLG and website Free. 66 Guidelines for Local Authorities in the preparation of Corporate plans 2004-2009 Local Government Act 2001 Local Government Bill 2003 Task Force Report (August 1998) Preparing the Ground for CDBs (April 1999) Leaflet: A Vision for our Counties & Cities Task Force Report on Social Inclusion Measures (April 2000) Appendix to Social Inclusion Measures (April 2000) A Shared Vision for County and City Development Boards (2001) Supplementary Guidelines on the Implementation of CDB Strategies Review of CDB Strategies (2003) Better Local Government – A programme for change Code of Conduct for Local Government Employees Code of Conduct for Councillors Local Government and the Elected Member Strategic Policy Committee Guidelines Guidelines for Local Authorities in the preparation of Corporate plans 2004-09 Local Government Act 2001 Local Government Bill 2003 D/EHLG and website Free GPSO €20.82 GPSO €1.27 CDB website Free CDB website Free CDB website Free CDB website Free CDB website Free CDB website Free CDB website Free D/EHLG and CDB Free website D/EHLG and website. €6.35 D/EHLG and website. Free. D/EHLG and website Free D/EHLG and website Free GPSO €2.54 D/EHLG and website Free GPSO €20.82 GPSO €1.27 67 Modernising Local Government D/EHLG and website Free 68 7.7 Vehicle Registration Unit (VRU) / Vehicle Licensing (Motor Tax) The primary responsibility of the vehicle registration unit (VRU) located in Shannon, Co. Clare is the management and technical support of the National Vehicle and Driver file (NVDF) the computer data base for all vehicles and licensed drivers in the State and its associated infrastructure, the recording of changes of vehicle ownership and administration of online services including the motor tax online facility. Motor Tax Policy Section, which is located in the Custom House, Dublin is responsible for the management, supervision and financial control of the motor tax system both at national and local levels. 7.7.1 Delivery of Service 7.7.2 The role of the VRU is primarily to facilitate the processing of all motor tax and driver licence business in motor tax offices around the country, including one-stop shops (57 locations with 900 users in total) as well as the recording of details in respect of vehicle ownership changes which takes place centrally at the VRU. Central to this work is the support and maintenance of the computerized national Vehicle & Driver File (NVDF) which is the focus for a range of customer oriented activities which feature in the Departments Customer Service Action Plan e.g. the issue of motor tax renewal/reminder notices, Vehicle Registration Certs etc. In addition to the above, the VRU manages and administers the internet based online motor tax payment and the issue of the tax discs which result from this. The Motor Tax Policy Section’s core responsibilities relate to keeping existing motor tax policy under review and formulating new policy; monitoring and ensuring implementation of policy; ensuring best practice in regard to motor tax customers; organizing and supplying motor tax discs and forms and certifying stock issues and returns and monitoring and examining motor tax office accounts. Information Available to the Public Trade Licence/Plate System Guide for Motor Traders Vehicle and Driver Statistics 7.7.3 Classes of Records Personal Information o Vehicle Ownership details o Driver Licence details o Correspondence from the public 69 Policy and Legislation o Files and reports on policy and legislation in relation to motor tax. Administration The Sections hold a number of records relating to the management and support of the NVDF systems as well as miscellaneous correspondence from motor tax offices and the general public as well as internal operating instructions for staff. 7.7.4 List of Publications The Irish Bulletin of Vehicle and Driver Statistics available from VRU, Shannon, free of charge. 70 7.8 Local Government Finance Section Maintain modern, flexible and relevant policy, legislative and regulatory framework for local authority finance function. Seek to ensure adequate central funding to local authorities via the Local Government Fund; Promote and facilitate efficiency/value for money in local authorities; Develop and foster best practice in financial planning and management in local authorities; Equitable distribution of general purpose grants to effect equalisation; Management of the Local Government Fund including investment of balances; Monitoring financial position of local authorities; Ensuring due account is taken of impact of government policies on local authority finances. 7.8.1 Information available The following publications are issued-Local Government Financial Outturns, Local Authority Budgets (format under review), Local Government Fund Accounts. The review of funding of local government by Indecon Economic Consultants and details of Local Government Fund general purpose grants to local authorities, local authority annual rates on valuation, net effective valuations, local authority commercial rates etc. are available on the Department’s website. 7.8.2 Classes of Records Personal information Nil Policy & legislation Files and reports on policy and legislation in relation to local authority finance. Administrative The Section holds administrative files including, miscellaneous correspondence from local authorities and other public bodies and the public on local authority finance and internal administration files e.g. financial and statistical records, instructions and guidance to staff. 7.8.3 List of publications Publication name Annual Local Authority Outturns Annual Local Authority Budgets Available from Govt Publication Sales Office Govt Publication Sales Office Cost (if any) €16 €12 71 Publication name Annual Local Government Fund Accounts Available from Govt Publication Sales Office Cost (if any) €3.60 72 7.9 Roads and Local Services [including Roads Advisors] Roads and Local Services [including Roads Advisors] Section of the Local Government Division is responsible for the management of the Non-National Roads Investment Programme, the Public Library Capital Programme and the management and support of a number of local services to the community (e.g. playgrounds and skateboard parks). 7.9.1 Delivery of Service Local authorities are the road authorities for their areas and responsibility for the initial selection and prioritisation of individual non-national road projects is a matter for local authorities. Through the Roads and Local Services [including Roads Advisors] Section, the Department provides funding and technical advice to local authorities to supplement their own resources expenditure and expertise on the maintenance and improvement of non-national roads. The Section implements, in co-operation with An Chomhairle Leabharlanna and library authorities, the investment programme for the development of the public library service and the recommendations of Branching Out- A New Public Library Service. It also oversees the introduction of a Public Lending Rights Scheme. The Section also promotes the Per Cent for Art Scheme, supports the development of local authority archives and processes applications from local authorities for the closure of burial grounds. This section is part of the advance decentralisation corps going to Wexford from June 2007. The Section also administers the schemes of grants for playgrounds and skateboard facilities, monitors the performance of local authorities on dog control, is involved in the implementation of the recommendations of the Working Group on the management of dog breeding establishments, and oversees the functioning and performance of Irish Water Safety. This section is part of the advance decentralisation corps going to Wexford from June 2007. 7.9.2 Information available A list of publications & leaflets relevant to these Sections is included in Appendix I. Further information on any of the services of these Sections may be requested from: Press and Information Office, Custom House, Dublin 1. Telephone (01) 888 2393 Roads & Local Services Section, Floor 2, Block 6, Irish Life Building, Dublin 1. 73 Telephone (01) 888 2000. The officers dealing with paragraphs 2 & 3 in the previous section [7.9.1] are part of the advance decentralisation corps going to Wexford from June 2007. 7.9.3 Classes of Records Personal information Correspondence from the public Policy & legislation Control of Dogs Acts 1986 and 1992. Aspects of Local Government Acts [relating to Local Improvement Schemes; Libraries; Burial Grounds] Administration: The Sections hold a range of administrative files relating to matters such as: Control of dogs Playground Grants Schemes Skateboard Facilities Grants Scheme Irish Water Safety Review of the Management of Dog Breeding Establishments Funfairs Non-national road grants scheme files in connection with Local authorities’ Restoration Programmes; Local authorities’ Low Cost Safety improvement grant applications; Local authorities’ Regional Traffic Management grant applications; Local authorities’ Specific Improvement Grant applications; Local authorities’ outputs under various grant categories; Local authorities’ own resources expenditure on non-national roads; Grant claims and payments. 7.9.4 List of Publications for this Division Publication name A Guide to Fire Safety in Existing Nursing Homes and Similar Type premises (1996) A Guide to Preparing a Major Emergency Plan A Guide to Risk Assessment in Major Emergency Management Annual Fire Statistics, Available from GPSO Cost (if any) €6.60 DEHLG DEHLG DEHLG 74 Publication name Code of Practice for Fire Safety of Furnishings and Fittings in Places of Assembly (1989) Code of Practice for Safety at Indoor Concerts (1998) Code of Practice for the Management of Fire Safety in Places of Assembly (1989) Fire Prevention Statistics Fire Safety in Hostels (1998) Fire Safety in Nursing Homes Fire Safety in Pre-Schools (1999) Fire Safety in the Home Framework for Major Emergency Management Guide to Fire Precautions in Existing Hotels, Guesthouses and Similar Premises (1989), Guide to Fire Safety in Existing Nursing Homes and Similar Type Premises (1996) Guide to Fire Safety in Flats, Bedsitters and Apartments (1994), Guide to Fire Safety in Guest Accommodation Review of Fire Safety and Fire Services in Ireland The Use of Breathing Apparatus in the Fire Service (1995) Dublin Electoral Area Boundary Committee Report 1998 Electoral Area Boundary Committee Report 1998 European Parliament Election Results 2004 How Ireland’s Representatives in the European Parliament are Elected How Members of Local Authorities are Elected How the Dáil is elected How the President is elected How the Seanad is elected Information for Voters with Disabilities Local Elections 2004 – Volume 1 Local Elections 2004 – Volume 2 Available from Cost (if any) GPSO €2.79 GPSO €12.70 GPSO DEHLG DEHLG DEHLG DEHLG DEHLG €5.00 €5.00 €5.00 DEHLG GPSO €4.44 GPSO GPSO €5.00 GPSO €7.62 GPSO GPSO €20.00 €7.62 Not available (out of print) Not available (out of print) Website Free D/EHLG & Website Free D/EHLG & Website Free D/EHLG & Website D/EHLG & Website D/EHLG & Website D/EHLG & Website GPSO Free Free Free Free €20 Website Free GPSO €20 Website Free 75 Publication name Presidential Results Book 1938-1997 Referendum Results 1937-2004 Report on Dáil Constituencies 2004 Report on European Parliament Constituencies 2003 The Referendum in Ireland The Register of Electors Code of Conduct for Local Authority Employees Regulation of Lobbyists in Developed Countries (2004) Sectoral Plan under the Disability Act 2005 of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (launched July 2006, publication is imminent). Guidelines for Local Authorities in the Preparation of Corporate Plans 2006 – 2009 Customer Complaints – Guidelines for Local Authorities Customer Consultation – Guidelines for Local Authorities Delivering Value for People – Service Indicators in Local Authorities Guidelines for Local Authorities in the preparation of Corporate plans 2004-2009 Local Government Act 2001 Local Government Bill 2003 Task Force Report (August 1998) Preparing the Ground for CDBs (April 1999) Leaflet: A Vision for our Counties & Cities Task Force Report on Social Inclusion Measures (April 2000) Available from GPSO Cost (if any) €6.35 Website Free GPSO €6.35 Website Free GPSO €20 GPSO Free D/EHLG & Website D/EHLG & Website DEHLG Free €5 D/EHLG and website. Free Free Free of Charge Free. D/EHLG and website. Free. D/EHLG and website. Free. D/EHLG and website. Free. D/EHLG and website Free. D/EHLG and website Free. D/EHLG and website Free GPSO GPSO CDB website CDB website €20.82 €1.27 Free Free CDB website CDB website Free Free 76 Publication name Appendix to Social Inclusion Measures (April 2000) A Shared Vision for County and City Development Boards (2001) Supplementary Guidelines on the Implementation of CDB Strategies Review of CDB Strategies (2003) Better Local Government – A programme for change Code of Conduct for Local Government Employees Code of Conduct for Councillors Local Government and the Elected Member Strategic Policy Committee Guidelines Guidelines for Local Authorities in the preparation of Corporate plans 2004-09 Local Government Act 2001 Local Government Bill 2003 Modernising Local Government The Irish Bulletin of Vehicle and Driver Statistics Available from CDB website Cost (if any) Free CDB website Free CDB website D/EHLG and CDB website D/EHLG and website. Free Free D/EHLG and website. D/EHLG and website D/EHLG and website Free. Free Free GPSO D/EHLG and website €2.54 Free GPSO GPSO D/EHLG and website VRU, Shannon €20.82 €1.27 Free Free. €6.35 77 8. Water and Natural Heritage Division 8.1 Structure of Division The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is a sub–division of the Water and Natural Heritage Division. An Assistant Secretary leads the Division. NPWS is divided into two Sections – Habitats and Biodiversity and National Parks and Research. Each Section is headed by a Director each responsible for a number of functional Units. In addition, the Director of National Parks and Research heads up the Research Unit, and is in charge of Regional Management. The role of NPWS is: To secure the conservation of a representative range of ecosystems and maintain and enhance populations of flora and fauna in Ireland, To implement the provisions of the Wildlife Acts, 1976 to 2000, the EU Habitats Directive, the EU Birds Directive, the EU Zoos Directive and the Natural Habitats Regulations 1997-2005, To designate and protect Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs), To implement the National Biodiversity Plan and to promote the making of Local Biodiversity Plans, To promote nature conservation through education and awareness programmes, To make the necessary arrangements for the implementation of EU legislation and policies and for the ratification and implementation of the range of international conventions and agreements relating to the natural heritage, To consider potential impacts on nature conservation due to development and or proposed development and to advise accordingly, and To manage, maintain and develop National Parks and Nature Reserves. 8.1.1 Information Available A range of publications and information leaflets relevant to the NPWS is included in below. Further information on any of the services of this Division can be requested from: Press and Information Office, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin 1. Telephone: 01-8882000/01-8882393. E-mail: Web-site: or 78 National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2. Telephone: 1890-321-421. E-mail: Web-site: In addition the gives access to a range of information, including reports and other published material. Information on Natural Heritage Areas and Natura 2000 sites {Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs)} is available on The website contains information on many aspects of nature conservation and biodiversity and the content is regularly reviewed and expanded. If one can't find the information required, NPWS can be contacted at National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 or 79 8.2 National Parks and Wildlife Service Both the Habitats and Biodiversity Section and the Parks and Research Section are divided into further sub-Units as outlined below. 8.3 Habitats and Biodiversity Section 8.3.1 Site Designation and Plans Unit Responsible for: Dissemination of information on NHA, SAC and SPA designations, Processing of objections to these designations, Procurement, including scientific research and surveys, Co-ordination of compliance with EU Nature Conservation Directives. 8.3.2 Site Protection Unit Responsible for: Compensation under the Cessation of Turf Cutting Scheme, Purchase of bogs for conservation purposes, Protection of designated Sites, including High Court injunctions and prosecutions, Examination of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) licence applications relating to designated areas (SACs, etc.) to ensure compliance with the EU Habitats Directive, Examination of forestry proposals relating to designated areas (Sacs, etc.) to ensure compliance with the EU Habitats Directive, Compensation for losses incurred due to restrictions imposed as a result of designation of areas for nature conservation under the Department’s Compensation Scheme, Implementation of commitments arising from the Farm Plan Scheme, Implementation of arbitration scheme arising from notifiable actions. 8.3.3 Species and Regulations Unit Responsible for: The issuing of licences under the Wildlife Act, 1976 and the Wildlife (Amendment) Act, 2000, The issuing of derogation licences under Regulation 25 of the European Communities (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1997-2005, Regulatory compliance with EU Birds and Habitats Directives, Inspection and licensing of zoos under the European Communities (Licensing and Inspection of Zoos) Regulations 2003, 80 Open Seasons Orders, Management of Ireland’s obligations under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), Policy on non-native invasive species and co-ordination with the Environment and Heritage Service, Northern Ireland, on invasive species policy and measures. 8.3.4 Biodiversity Policy Unit Responsible for: Ongoing implementation of the National Biodiversity Plan (NBP) which sets out Ireland’s national strategy on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, Integration of biodiversity into all sectors through co-ordination of the InterDepartmental Steering Group which oversees the ongoing implementation of the NBP, Working with the Biodiversity Forum which provides independent evaluation of progress in the ongoing implementation of the NBP and inputs into the development of Government Policy on biodiversity, Promoting public awareness on biodiversity, Contributing to the development of EU Biodiversity Policy, Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) policy and input into future policy including attendance where appropriate at international meetings, Developing North-South Co-operation on the protection of biodiversity on the island of Ireland including participating on the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Group, General administration on international conventions e.g. CBD, Bonn, AEWA, RAMSAR, Berne Convention, Eurobats, International Whaling Commission, OSPAR, ASCOBANS, IUCN and preparation of annual/biannual reports as required. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is a global agreement concerned with the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources, including species, habitats and genetic resources. A total of 188 countries, as well as the European Union are parties to the CBD and it was ratified by Ireland in 1996. 8.3.5 Classes of Records held - Habitats and Biodiversity Section Site Designation and Plans Unit o General files (court cases, EU Commission, NGO’s, etc), o Natural Heritage Area – Designations, o EU Complaints, o Procurement. 81 For NHA, SAC and SPA: o Site descriptions/qualifying interests; o Notifiable operations; o Aerial photography; o Survey data; o Geographical Information System (GIS); and o Objections. Site Protection Unit o Files on bog purchase schemes, o Compensation schemes, o Implementation of the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the European Communities (Natural Habitats) Regulations, 1997 (S.I. No. 94 of 1997), o databases on forestry applications, EPA licence applications, etc. Species and Regulations Unit o Database of applications by non-residents for shotgun licences under Section 29 (1), Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended), o Database of applications for deer hunting licences under Section 29 (2), Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended), o Database of applications for permits to shoot on the state owned foreshore under Section 30, Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended), o Database of applications for falconry under Section 41, Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended), o Spreadsheet of applications to control animals doing damage under Section 42, Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended), o Paper records and files in relation to applications under Sections 29(1), 29(2), 30,41 and 42, Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended), o Files on CITES, o Files on invasive species issues, o Files on derogation licence applications, o Files on zoos inspections and licences, o All other licences, o General files on casework, legal proceedings, etc. Biodiversity Policy Unit o Correspondence with other Government Departments, o General administration on international conventions e.g. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Bonn, AEWA, RAMSAR, etc., o Details of meetings of the CBD, o Correspondence in relation to EU policy and attendance at Working Parties on International Environmental Issues (WPIEI), o Contributions to International Conventions, o Consultancy contracts, i.e., public awareness. 82 8.4 National Parks and Research Section 8.4.1 Finance and Organisation Unit Responsible for: Financial management co-ordination across NPWS, Corporate governance across NPWS, Oversight of NPWS Regional Management structure. 8.4.2 Parks and Reserves Unit Responsible for: Central administration of 6 National Parks and 78 Nature Reserves, Acquisition of land to consolidate and expand the National Parks and Nature Reserves, Management of the capital programme at NPWS properties, for example new visitor facilities, path works, interpretation and signage, invasive species clearance and conservation management, Provision of visitor facilities, including facilities for those with disabilities, at National Parks and Nature Reserves, Provision of education programme at NPWS sites, NPWS property management issues, e.g. grazing licences, land title, Management of concessions at NPWS properties including boating, restaurants, pony trekking, etc., in NPWS properties, Permits/Licences – Determining and processing applications for permits and licences, e.g. film licences. Handling of personal injury and other claims made by the public. 8.4.3 Research Unit Responsible for: The scientific basis to the interpretation and implementation of legislation and policies, Specialist scientific information and advice, Ongoing programme of inventories, surveys, research and monitoring on habitats, species, ecological processes and designated sites, and supporting other State bodies and NGOs in carrying out such work, Collating, managing, interpreting and publishing scientific data, Providing scientific basis for the selection and delimitation of sites, and the identification of conservation objectives and management requirements, Producing site management and species action plans, Providing scientific advice to the pre-planning, planning, appeals and casework processes, and an extensive licensing function, Maintaining relevant expertise through attendance at workshops, seminars and conferences at home and abroad. 83 8.5 Regional Management Responsible for: The enforcement of the provisions of the Wildlife Acts, 1976 and 2000, and the EU Habitats Directive and EU Birds Directive in respect of protected sites and species, The enforcement of the Convention in International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), The participation in survey and census of habitats and species, The monitoring of all sites designated as Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs), Liaison with stakeholders and to provide information and advice regarding designations and their implications, Processing objections to designations, The implementation of Biodiversity Plans and promotion and advising on Biodiversity Plans, The assessment of potential impacts on nature conservation due to development and or proposed development and to recommend accordingly, The assessment of various licence applications including site inspections where required, The acquisition of property, Promotion of nature conservation through education and awareness programmes, Provision of information and advice on nature conservation issues, Day to day management of National Parks and Nature Reserves and any associated visitor facilities, On site monitoring of projects and contracts on NPWS properties. 8.5.1 Classes of records held National Parks and Research Section Finance and Organisation Unit o Files in relation to financial management, o Files in relation to the purchase of equipment, o Files on corporate enforcement issues, o Files on Regional Management /Organisation issues. Parks and Reserves Unit o Files relating to specific sites under the care of the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Most sites would have several files covering various matters relating to that site, o Property management files, o Work/projects files including public tender processes, o Accident files: papers relating to personal injury claims against the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, o Payments files. Research Unit o Paper archive on sites, habitats and species in the terrestrial, freshwater and marine, including intertidal, environments and maps, o Red Data books and Atlases on plants and animals, 84 o o o o o o o o o o Site Management Plans, Databases on: NATURA 2000 sites; Scientific Reports and publications; Monitoring and Surveillance programmes; Species, including biological records; Habitats; Notifiable Actions; Designated Sites Synopses and; Sites (GIS). Regional Management o Wildlife offences investigation files including copies of sworn information, warrants to search, summonses, court orders and court reports, o Survey and census field notes, o Designated site inspection reports, o Applications for Notifiable Actions, o Copies of Minister’s consents/refusals, o National Park management plans, o National Park permits, o Copies of licence applications, o Tender/procurement documents, o Health, Safety and Welfare at Work documents. 8.5.2 List of Publications A wide range of information leaflets and publications are available from ENFO – The Department’s public information centre on environmental matters or for purchase from the Government Publications Sale Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Telephone No. (01) 6793515. Other information leaflets and publications are available on request from the Division. These can be requested by writing to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ely Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2, by telephoning 01-8882000 and by e-mailing A number of these publications can also be downloaded from the Department’s website or the Division’s website Information leaflets are normally made available in the lobbies of the Department's or the Division’s main offices. Publication Name Available From Cost (If Any) National Biodiversity Plan 2002- GPSO, Sun Alliance House, €10.00 2006 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 85 Publication Name Available From Interim Review of the National Parks and Wildlife Implementation of the National Service, Department of the Biodiversity Plan 2002-2006 Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 Management Plan for Killarney National Park 2005-2009 Management Plan for Wicklow Mountains National Park 20052009 Living with Nature – The Designation of Nature Conservation Sites in Ireland. All Ireland Species Action Plans – Irish Lady’s-tresses, Pollan, Hare, Corncrake National Parks and Wildlife Service Conservation Plan for 2006-2011 – Owenduff/Nephin Complex cSAC and SPA – Site Codes 000534 and 004098 Co. Mayo Turloughs over 10ha – Vegetation Survey and Evaluation – Goodwillie, R. (1992) Cost (If Any) Printed version on request Electronic version available on Government Publications €5.00 Sale Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Free on Dublin 2 Government Publications €5.00 Sale Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Free on Dublin 2 National Parks and Wildlife Printed version Service, Department of the on request Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Free on Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 National Parks and Wildlife Printed version Service, Department of the on request Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Electronic version Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 available on National Parks and Wildlife Printed version Service, Department of the on request Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Electronic version Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 available on National Parks and Wildlife Printed version Service, Department of the on request Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Electronic version Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 available on As above As above National Survey of Native Woodland in Ireland – 2004 Interim Report – Higgins, G.T., Martin, J.R. and Perrin, P.M. (2004) National Survey of Native As above Woodland in Ireland – Second Phase Report – Perrin, P.M., Barron, S.J. and Martin J.R. (2004) As above 86 Publication Name Proceedings of the Irish Red Squirrel Conservation Symposium – 22nd April, 2005 National University of Ireland, Galway Report of International Bat Fieldcraft Workshop, Killarney National Park – September 2005 Invasive Species in Ireland Manual for Monitoring Irish Lake Stocks of White –Clawed Crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet) Irish Wildlife Manual Series No. 1, Reynolds, J.D. (1998) Conservation Management of the White-Clawed Crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes. Part 1 Available From As above Cost (If Any) As above As above As above As above As above As above As above National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 Printed versions on request No. 2, Good, J.A. (1998), The Potential Role of Ecological Corridors for Habitat Conservation in Ireland: A Review No. 3, Crawford, I., Bleasdale, A. and Conaghan J. (1998) Biomar Survey of Irish Machair Sites, 1996. Volume 1: Site Information No. 4, Crawford, I., Bleasdale, A. and Conaghan J. (1998) Biomar Survey of Irish Machair Sites, 1996. Volume 2: Plant Communities No. 5, Kurz, I. and Costello, M. J. (1999) An Outline of the Biology, Distribution and Conservation of Lampreys in Ireland No. 6, Costello, C. (1999) Changes Away from the Traditional Use of the Curragh of Kildare Since 1922 No. 7, Heffernan, M. L. (1999) A Review of the Ecological Implications of Mariculture and Intertidal Harvesting in Ireland As above Electronic versions available on As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above 87 Publication Name No. 8, Moorkens, E. A. (1999) Conservation Management of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Part 1: Biology of the species and its present situation in Ireland No. 9, Moorkens, E. A. (2000) Conservation Management of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Part 2: Water Quality Requirements No. 10, Beebee, T. J. C. (2002) The Natterjack Toad Bufo calamita in Ireland: Current status and conservation requirements No. 11, Cronin, M., Duck, C., O’Cadhla, O., Nairn, R., Strong, D. & O'Keeffe, C. (2003) Harbour Seal Population Assessment in the Republic of Ireland No. 12, Anonymous (2004) Margaritifera margaritifera: Stage 1 and Stage 2 Survey Guidelines No.13, Lyons, D. O. (2004) Summary of National Parks and Wildlife Service Surveys for Common (Harbour) Seals (Phoca vitulina) and Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus), 1978 to 2003 No.14, King, J. J. & Linnane, S. M. (2004) The Status and Distribution of Lamprey and Shad in the Slaney and Munster Blackwater SACs No. 15, O'Connor, W. (2004) A Survey of Juvenile Lamprey Populations in the Moy Catchment No. 16, Roche, C., Clarke, S. & O'Connor, B. (2005) Inventory of Irish Marine Wildlife Publications No. 17, Kelly, E. (Ed.) (2005) The Role of Kelp in the Marine Environment Available From As above Cost (If Any) As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above 88 Publication Name No. 18, Moorkens, E. & Killeen, I. (2005) A Survey of the Molluscan Fauna of a Mixed Farm in South County Cork, 2004 No. 19, Roche, N., Catto, C., Langton, S., Aughney, T. & Russ, J. (2005) Development of a Car Based Bat Monitoring Protocol for the Republic of Ireland No. 20, McAney, K., (2006) A Conservation Plan for Irish Vesper Bats No. 21, King, J. J., (2006) The Status and Distribution of Lamprey in the River Barrow SAC No. 22, O'Connor, W., (2006) A Baseline Survey of Juvenile Lamprey Populations in the River Feale Catchment No. 23, Bailey, M. & Rochford, J. (2006) Otter Survey of Ireland 2004/2005 No. 24, O’Connor, W. (2006) A Survey of Juvenile Lamprey Populations in the Boyne Catchment No. 25, Kelleher, C. & Marnell, F. (2006) Bat Mitigation Guidelines for Ireland General Information Leaflets Farm Plan Scheme for Designated Areas and Commonages – 2005 Available From As above Cost (If Any) As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above As above National Parks and Wildlife Free Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 Trail, As above €1.50 Derrylahan Nature Glenveagh National Park Glenveagh National Park Killarney National Park Glengarriff Woods Walking Trails Mammals of the Park, Wicklow Mountains National Park Reptiles Ross Island Mining Trail, Killarney National Park Wildflowers in the Park, Wicklow Mountains National Park As above As above As above As above Free Free 50c 50c As above As above 50c €1.50 As above 50c 89 Publication Name Available From Margaritifera margaritifera: Stage As above 1 and Stage 2 Survey Guidelines The Freshwater Pearl Mussel As above Ireland’s Cold-water Coral Reefs As above Leaflets on Special Areas of Conservation Ben Bullben - Special Area of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ely Court, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2 Tory Island Coast - Special Area As above of Conservation Gweedore Bay - Special Area of As above Conservation Kilkieran Bay - Special Area of As above Conservation Clew Bay - Special Area of As above Conservation Roaringwater Bay and Islands - As above Special Area of Conservation Mulroy Bay - Special Area of As above Conservation The Aran Islands - Special Areas As above of Conservation The Mullet Peninsula, As above Broadhaven and Blacksod Bays Special Areas of Conservation Galway Bay - Special Area of As above Conservation Valentia Island and Port Magee As above Channel - Special Areas of Conservation Kilkee Reefs - Special Area of As above Conservation Lough Hyne - Special Area of As above Conservation N. Inishowen - Special Area of As above Conservation Cost (If Any) Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free 90 8.6 Water Services Policy Water Services Policy Section was established to review and develop water services delivery generally, primarily through preparation of comprehensive modern water services legislation, and through refining and overseeing implementation of the Government’s water services pricing policy framework. The concept of managing “water/waste water in the pipe”, which is used to define the parameters of application of the Water Services Bill 2003, best captures the central focus of the Section. It has a close working relationship with the Water Services Investment Programme Section, the Water Inspectorate and Water Quality Section. 8.6.1 Information available 8.6.2 Classes of Records Personal information Policy & legislation Administration 8.6.3 List of publications 91 8.7 Water Services Investment Programme Unit 8.7.1 Delivery of Service The main objective of the Water Services Investment Section is to manage the capital provision for water services to support social and economic development and to preserve and protect environmental standards. The provision of water and sewerage services is the responsibility of the City and County Councils. Most development and service provision is undertaken by these authorities and, in the case of the rural water supplies, through the voluntary sector as well. Water Services Investment Programme The Programme lists the major public water and sewerage services projects approved for capital funding. The Programme is published as a three-year programme, showing approved schemes, their estimated cost and the current position in relation to their progression through various stages of planning and on to construction. The Programme is rolled forward annually and the schemes included generally reflect projects identified as priorities by the City and County Councils on foot of needs assessments that they undertake periodically in relation to the need for water services infrastructure in their areas. The Department recoups to City and County Councils their expenditure on the domestic element of approved projects included in the Programme. Rural Water Programme Responsibility for group and small water and sewerage schemes was devolved to County Councils in 1997. This allows County Councils to determine and carry out their own programme of works within the funding levels provided each year. The Department provides annual block grants to the County Councils to fund the Rural Water Programme. 8.7.2 Information available A range of publications relevant to the work of the section is included in Appendix…Further information on any of the services of the section can be requested from: Press and Information Office, Custom House: Telephone: (01) 888 2393 Water Services Section, Irish Life Building, Dublin 1. Telephone (01) 888 2160 Water Services Section, Government Buildings, Ballina, Co. Mayo. Telephone 1890 202021 8.7.3 Classes of Records Personal Information Correspondence from the public 92 Policy and Legislation Water and sewerage services investment funding Water and sewerage services procedures and circulars Rules and regulations regarding EU funding Construction and procurement matters Water conservation matters Processing public water and sewerage schemes Rural water programme Administration The Division holds a number of administrative files e.g., miscellaneous correspondence and internal administration files e.g. financial and statistical records, instructions and guidance to staff 8.7.4 List of publications Publication Name Water Services Investment Programme 2007 – 2009 Action Plans for Rural Drinking Quality 2003 and 2006 Towards Quality Water A review of the work of the National Water Monitoring Committee and Implementation of the Action Plan. Economic Evaluation of Water Supply and Wastewater projects – Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology Paper Final Report System for the assessment and review of the PPP’s within the water and wastewater sectors – Guidance Note Available from DEHLG Cost (if any) Free DEHLG Free DEHLG Free DEHLG Free DEHLG Free 93 8.8 Water Quality Delivery of Service Water Quality Section is responsible for: policy and legislation in relation to water quality issues including Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts and associated regulations; EU Directives covering: Water Framework Directive Bathing Waters; Dangerous Substances; Freshwater Fish; Shellfish Waters; Groundwaters; Framework Directive on Water Policy; Nitrates Directive; Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive timely transposition of EU and international environmental obligations and maintaining effective monitoring and enforcement systems through action by the Department, the Environmental Protections Agency, local authorities and other public bodies; promoting co-operation on North-South and East-West (British-Irish) environmental issues in the areas of water quality management. 8.8.1 Information available 8.8.2 Classes of Records This section holds files in relation to the following areas Personal information Correspondence in relation to water quality generally and water pollution incidents; Policy & legislation Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts, 1977 and 1990 and related regulations; General Water Pollution Matters; Bathing Water Quality; Coastal Zone Management; OSPAR Convention matters including Celtic Seas Quality Status Reports; UNECE Convention on Transboundary Watercourses and Internaional Lakes matters; 94 Ministerial Committee on Nuclear Safety; INTERREG – water quality projects; EU Directives relating to Water. Administrative Estimates, financial payments, procedural Files, statistics, miscellaneous correspondence, accounts / estimates and internal administration files. 8.8.3 List of publications Publication Name Managing our Shared Waters Available from DEHLG Cost (if any) Free 95 8.9 Water advisors The Water Inspectorate Unit has a number of key areas of responsibility: The provision of professional advice and technical support to Water Services Investment Programme Section in the management of the delivery of the Water Services Investment Programme (WSIP) and SubProgrammes including Rural Water Programme, Water Conservation, Serviced Land Initiative and Rural Towns and Villages Initiative to ensure value for money is achieved. The provision of professional advice and technical support to Water Quality Section on water quality issues such as EU Directive compliance and associated regulatory matters in relation to Drinking Water, Water Framework, Groundwater, Dangerous Substances, Nitrates, Bathing Waters, Shellfish Waters etc. The provision of professional advice and technical support to Water Policy Section on the Water Services Bill, Water Pricing Policy, Urban Waste Water and Sludge Management. The provision of professional advice and technical support to the IPPP/Construction Section in terms of delivering infrastructure by way of Design Build and Operate procurement and on construction issues, procurement, H & S, DOF’s Capital Works Management Framework etc. Effective and good communication with local authority management and engineering personnel on implementation and on technical issues and on meeting their training needs in the water policy/quality/services areas including procurement and contract conditions. 8.9.1 Information available 8.9.2 Classes of Records Personal information Policy & legislation Administration 8.9.3 List of publications 96 9. Corporate Services Division This Division is responsible for the effective provision and development of the Department’s human resources, organisation, accommodation and central support services; the proper management and control of its financial resources, and an effective information/communications service. The division is also responsible for encouraging and supporting the use of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) by local authorities. The Division is also implementing the transfer of the Department’s operations to four locations (Wexford, Waterford, New Ross & Kilkenny) under the Government’s decentralisation programme. 9.1 Structure of the Division An Assistant Secretary leads the Division and the work is divided among five sections, each with a Principal Officer. Divisional chart will be inserted here 9.2 Departmental Finance & Accounts Finance (Departmental) Unit is involved in implementing a range of strategies related to the objective for Resourcing and Managing the Department. In particular the Unit undertakes the various tasks necessary to engage in the annual estimates process and related work necessary to secure and monitor the expenditure of the financial resources required to implement the Department’s strategies. This involves close contact with the Department’s budget holders, Vote Control Section in the Department of Finance, Senior Management in the Department and the Minister. 9.2.1 Information available A list of publications and leaflets relevant to this Division are included below. Further information on any of the services of this Division can be requested from: Departmental Finance Section, Custom House: Telephone: (01) 8884460 9.2.2 Classes of Records Personal Information o Salary and travel & subsistence payment history records of retired and serving staff; o Lists of suppliers; o Payment/receipt records (includes withholding tax, VAT details) made to/received from suppliers/customers; o Correspondence from the public o Policy & Legislation o Departmental estimates/expenditure; o EU funding; 97 Administration o Financial records, o Procurement of equipment/services 98 9.3 Corporate Development The Corporate Development Section has responsibility for: Supporting the implementation of the Public Service Modernisation programme in the Department (not including MIF, FOI or eGovernment) Staff Training and Development Promotion and monitoring of PMDS Supporting internal communications in the Department The Customer Service function; Delivering and managing the accommodation and related needs of the Department. Promoting energy efficiency in the Department’s offices Enhancing disabled access into and within Department’s offices Promoting a safe health and safety culture within the Department Implementing the Government’s decentralisation programme. 9.3.1 Information available A list of publications and leaflets relevant to this Section are included in Appendix I. Further information on any of the services of this Section can be requested from: Corporate Development Unit, Custom House, Telephone: (01) 888 2597 9.3.2 Classes of Records ♦ Personal Information o Staff Training and Development Plans ♦ Policy & Legislation o Public Service Modernisation o Training and Development Strategy o Customer Service Action Plan and Customer Charter ♦ Administration o Procedural files, miscellaneous correspondence, and briefing material o Invoicing and payment details relating to suppliers o Departmental estimates/expenditure o Procurement of equipment and services 99 9.4 Personnel Personnel Section aims to support and inspire managers and staff to make the Department a great place in which to work by Providing staffing resources for line sections to meet the Department’s objectives Providing active advice and support to managers and staff in dealing with staffing issues Following best practice in dealing with staffing matters Leading the implementation of the Department’s Human Resource strategy 9.4.1 Information available A list of publications and leaflets relevant to this Division are included in Appendix I. Further information on any of the services of this Division can be requested from: Personnel Section, Custom House: Telephone: (01) 8882029 9.4.2 Classes of Records Personal Information o Personnel files of departmental staff o Payment/receipt records (includes withholding tax, VAT details) made to/received from suppliers/customers; o Correspondence from the public. Policy & Legislation o Personnel Administration; o State bodies/staff grading - numbers; Administration o Lists of suppliers; 100 9.5 FOI/Organisation & ICT The core function of the ICT Unit is to provide and maintain the information and communications systems necessary for the Department to meet its objectives. The Unit’s key role is in the delivery of a customer service. The Unit deals primarily with internal customers – the staff and Sections of the Department. However, through the eGovernment agenda and the maintenance of the Department’s website, the Unit also has a significant role in relation to the delivery of quality service to the Department’s external customers. In addition to the standard information and communications services available throughout the Departments, the Unit has a growing role in networking and supporting outlying offices and in developing and supporting major enterprise applications such as the Management Information Framework (MIF), the Development Applications Tracking System (DATS), the National Vehicle and Driver File (NVDF) and the user element of eCabinet. The functions of the FOI/Organisation Unit fall into three broad areas, which largely relate to support of staff and customer service. The first is the management of Freedom of Information in the Department, which involves both a customer service and a staff support role. The second is the provision of office support to staff, covering all aspects from general procurement advice, purchase of appropriate desktop equipment and stationary right through to the design and printing of divisional publications. Finally, the Unit has an important co-ordinating role in a number of areas, including AIE queries, ombudsman’s office queries, administration of consultancy database and maintaining consultancy data and the introduction of corporate procurement planning for the entire department. 9.5.1 Information available Information readily available includes statistics on FOI requests, which are published on the website. 9.5.2 Classes of Records Personal Information o IT training. o IT staffing and accommodation. Policy & Legislation o Freedom of Information and AIE o Involvement with the civil service CMOD (Centre for Management, Organisation and Development) and the interdepartmental IT groups under its administration. o IT security. o IT Strategy development. Administration o Procurement of IT hardware, software, consumables, services, office 101 o o o o equipment and stationery. Reference Material (manuals, promotional material, computer publications, Helpdesk queries log, systems procedures Equipment records (including maintenance, upgrades and asset register). IT system backup data. 9.6 PPP, Construction Policy & NDP Co-ordination The Section is responsible for encouraging and supporting the use of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) by local authorities, monitoring, for the purposes of facilitating policy formulation, developments in the construction industry, acting as a focal point in the Department for the purposes of communication in matters relating to the existing and new NDPs, the National Strategic Reference Framework and the successor to Sustaining Progress, advising local authorities on procurement issues generally and advancing eProcurement in the Local Government Sector. 9.6.1 Information available A list of publications and leaflets relevant to this Division are included in Appendix I. Further information on any of the services of this Division can be requested from: PPP, Construction Policy & NDP Unit, Custom House: Telephone: (01) 8882169 9.6.2 Classes of Records Personal Information o Correspondence from the public Policy & Legislation o Public Private Partnership (PPP) Policy o PPP guidance o PPP Projects information o LA PPP Seed Fund Grant Scheme Administration o Miscellaneous correspondence and internal administration files e.g. financial and statistical records, instructions and guidance to staff. 102 10. How to make a request for information A request for information under the Freedom of Information Act must be made in writing and should indicate that the information is being sought under the Freedom of Information Act. The request should also be sufficiently clear for us to identify the records sought. If we are not clear as to the records being sought we will contact you to seek clarification. If you wish to gain access to the records in a particular form (e.g. inspect the records, photocopies, computer disk, etc.) you should specify this in the application. Requests may be made by post by writing to FOI Unit Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin 1. Requests can also be made by email, by sending your request to Requests for information (other than personal information about the requester) should be accompanied by the appropriate fee i.e. €15 or €10 in the case of a person covered by a medical card. In the case of requesters covered by medical cards, details of the medical card registration number and issuing health board, together with consent to the verification of these details with the relevant health board should be included. If you have made a request by e-mail and an application fee is payable in your case (i.e. your request is for non-personal information) please enclose a copy of your e-mail when forwarding your fee. Processing of an FOI request will not commence until the appropriate fee has been received. There may be further charges for search and retrieval (€20.95 per hour) and photocopying (€0.04 per sheet) applicable to your request. Further charges would be very unlikely to be applied to requests for personal information. 103 11. List of Bodies under the aegis of the Department The bodies listed below fall under the aegis of the Department. Requests for information from these bodies are dealt with directly by them and requests should be made directly to the body in question. Affordable Homes Partnership An Bord Pleanála Building Regulations Advisory Body An Chomhairle Leabharlanna Comhar – National Sustainable Established under the Affordable Homes Partnership (Establishment) Order 2005 to coordinate and promote the delivery of affordable homes in the Greater Dublin Area. Established in 1977 under the Local Government (Planning & Development) Act 1976. Main responsibilities relate to planning appeals, assessment of local infrastructural development and compulsory acquisition of land and certain other matters under the Planning and Building Control Acts. The Board assumed significant additional functions under the Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act 2006, which provides for a streamlined planning process for certain strategic infrastructural projects. The new Strategic Infrastructure division has now been established within the Board to process applications received under the strategic consent process. The Division is now the sole planning consent authority for almost all major infrastructure development on land. Established in 1992 under Section 14 of the Building Control Act 1990. Function is to advise the Minister on the operation of the Building Regulations and related matters. Membership of the body includes representatives from the construction industry and regulators at national and local level. An Chomhairle Leabharlanna (The Library Council) was established by the Public Libraries Act 1947. The functions of the Council, as set out in the Local Government Act 2001 include: the provision of advice, assistance and services to library authorities in relation to the public library service; the making of such recommendations to and the provision of such services for the Minister in relation to the public library service as the Minister may request or as the Council sees fit; action to promote and facilitate library cooperation; and the maintenance and operation of the central library established under Section 2 of the Act of 1947. Established in 1999 by Government decision as a 104 Development Council Dublin Docklands Development Authority Designated Area Appeals Advisory Board Environmental Protection Agency Fire Services Council Heritage Council forum for consultation and dialogue on issues related to sustainable development. Its function is to advance the national agenda for sustainable development, to evaluate progress in this regard, to assist in devising suitable mechanisms and advising on their implementation, and to contribute to the formation of a national consensus in these regards. Comhar’s 25 members are appointed by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, for a period of three years, on the basis of nomination made by a range of bodies under five pillars: the State/public sector; economic sectors; environmental NGOs; social/community NGOs; professional/academic sector. The Dublin Docklands Development Authority was established in 1997 with a wide remit covering the physical regeneration and social and economic revitalisation of the 1,300-acre Docklands area. The development of the Docklands is based on a Master Plan, updated in 2003. The DDDA is heavily engaged in a wide range of activities, including physical and economic development, in partnership with the private sector, planning control, provision of social and affordable housing, and support for employment, education, social development, arts/culture and tourism. Body established to hear objections by landowners against decisions to designate certain areas as areas requiring protection under the Habitats Directive, Birds Directive and/or Wildlife Acts because of their unique flora and fauna or species. The Board consists of a Chairman and a panel of between 12 and 16 members with representatives from IFA; ICMSA; IBEC; Environmental NGOs. Established under the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992. Functions include the regulation of large or complex activities that have significant polluting potential; monitoring and reporting on environmental quality; managing an extended programme for environmental research and enforcing compliance with environmental protection legislation in Ireland. Established in 1983 under the Fire Services Act 1981. Function is to provide courses of instruction for fire services personnel and other persons and to advise the Minister in relation to the educational and training needs of fire services personnel. Established under the Heritage Act 1995. 105 Functions are to propose policies and priorities for the identification, protection, preservation and enhancement of the national heritage, and to promote education, knowledge and facilitate appreciation and enjoyment of that heritage. Housing Finance Agency The Housing Finance Agency plc is a company limited by shares under the terms of the Housing Finance Agency Act 1981 as amended. Functions are to advance funds to local authorities to be used by them for any purpose authorised under the Housing Acts and to borrow or raise funds for these purposes. Irish Water Safety Irish Water Safety was set up on foot of the Irish Water Safety (Establishment) Order 2006 to take effect on 26 July 2006, in succession to the Irish Water Safety Association. It is the statutory voluntary body established to promote water safety in Ireland. It educates people in water safety best practices; develops public awareness campaigns to promote necessary attitudes, rescue skills and behaviour to prevent drownings and water related accidents. Limerick Northside The Limerick Northside Regeneration Agency was Regeneration Agency established in June 2007. Its functions are to drive economic and infrastructural development in the Moyross housing development and adjoining areas and to co-ordinate intensive action to deal with social and educational disadvantage. Limerick Southside The Limerick Southside Regeneration Agency was Regeneration Agency established in June 2007. Its functions are to drive economic and infrastructural development in the Southill housing development and adjoining areas and to co-ordinate intensive action to deal with social and educational disadvantage. Local Government Computer Established in 1975 by the Local Government Services Board Computer Services Board (Establishment) Order under the Local Government Services (Corporate Bodies) Act 1971. Its functions are to provide computer facilities for local authorities, co-ordinate the use of computers by local authorities generally, arrange training and research and give advice to the Minister and local authorities in matters related to its functions. Local Government Management Established on 1 January 1997 under the Services Board provisions of Section 3 of the Local Government Services (Corporate Bodies) Act 1971. Role is to be a centre of excellence in the provision of management services, human resource and industrial relations support and advice to local authorities in Ireland. 106 National Building Agency Private Residential Tenancies Board Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland Rent Tribunal Incorporated with the approval of the Government as a private limited company under the Companies Acts in December 1960 - National Building Agency Limited Act 1963. Main objectives are to provide a range of consultancy services to local authorities in the provision of social housing, urban renewal, regeneration and other construction related activities. It responds to requests for its services from local authorities, public bodies and other clients. Established as an independent statutory body under the Residential Tenancies Act 2004. The principal activities of the Board include the resolution of disputes between landlord and tenant, which generally replaces the Courts, the registration of private rental tenancies and the provision of information, assistance and advice to the Minister and to the private rental sector. Established in 1992 under the Radiological Protection Act 1991. National organisation with regulatory, monitoring and advisory responsibilities in matters pertaining to ionising radiation. In particular the Institute concerns itself with hazards to health associated with ionising radiation and with radioactive contamination in the environment. In 2007 the Government decided to extend the remit of the RPII to include aspects of non-ionising radiation (NIR) - process currently underway. Established under the Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) (Amendment) Act 1983. The Rent Tribunal is the arbitrating body in the determination of the terms of tenancy for formerly rent-controlled dwellings. This role was previously carried out by the District Court. The Tribunal determines new cases, reviews cases previously determined by the District Court or by the Tribunal itself and has no statutory role in relation to the rest of the private rented sector. 107 12. Glossary of Terms Civil servants often use terminology that may not be familiar to the general public to describe their work and the information they hold. A glossary of the more commonly used terms is set out below Term Accounting officer Administration AEWA AIE Appropriation account ASCOBANS Attorney General Berne convention Explanation A senior official (normally the Secretary General) in each department or office specially and personally charged with signing the appropriation account and accountable for the propriety of the department’s expenditure Typically, information of this type can relate to staff training courses, annual leave, provision of accommodation for staff, circulation of information documents etc. Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA). The AEWA covers 235 species of birds ecologically dependent on wetlands for at least part of their annual cycle, including many species of divers, grebes, pelicans, cormorants, herons, storks, rails, ibises, spoonbills, flamingos, ducks, swans, geese, cranes, waders, gulls, terns and even the south African penguin. Access to Information on the Environment - European Communities Act 1972 (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations, 1998 The end of year account of a department’s spending of the monies voted by the Dáíl, which compares the estimate with the actual payments made and receipts brought to account and explains any substantial differences The Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas (ASCOBANS) was concluded in 1991 under the auspices of the Convention on Migratory Species (UNEP/CMS or Bonn Convention) and entered into force in 1994. Advisor to the government regarding legal opinion and matters of law Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern Convention). The aim of this convention is to ensure the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats by means of cooperation between States. 108 Biodiversity CDB CITES Comhar Comptroller and auditor general Council of Europe Council of the European union Data protection act 1998 Divisional budgets DOEHLG Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is defined as the variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part. This includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems. County/City Development Boards Convention in International Trade in Endangered Species. CITES is an international agreement between governments. Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. Comhar, the National Sustainable Development Partnership was established by the government in 1999 to provide a forum for national consultation and dialogue on all issues surrounding Ireland’s pursuit of sustainable development. Its twenty-five members are drawn from bodies and organisations representative of the State sector, economic sectors, environmental NGOs, ssocial/community NGOs and the professional/academic sector. Its secretariat is provided by the DOEHLG.” The main functions of the C&AG are to control and audit all state disbursement and accounts of money administered by or under the authority of the government and examine the efficiency and economy within government departments A distinct intergovernmental political organisation consisting of some 40 European Parliamentary democracies. The objective is cooperation in all matters, except defence, with emphasis on human rights and strengthening democratic institutions through political, legal, social and cultural cooperation Composed of ministerial representatives from the Member states of the EU. It exercises legislative and decision-making powers and is responsible for intergovernmental cooperation in foreign policy and Justice & home affairs Provides the individual with the statutory right to seek access to personal information held on computer and the right to ensure incorrect or inaccurate information is corrected or deleted. For more information contact the office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Irish Life Centre, Talbot Street, Dublin 1 Delegation of responsibility to line managers for the direct management of financial budgets in respect of specific categories of costs Department of the Environment, Heritage and local Government. 109 EIA An Environmental Impact Assessment is carried out by the Minister on foot of an Environmental Impact Statement. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the process whereby, prior to making a decision on a development proposal, the consent authority (e.g. a planning authority, An Bord Pleanála etc.) assesses the likely environmental effects of the development, having regard to an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) submitted by the developer and comments from interested bodies and the public. (An EIS is a detailed statement of the likely environmental effects of a proposed development.) EIS Environmental Impact Statement is prepared by a local authority detailing the likely effects on the environment of a proposed major development. It is submitted to the Minister for assessment. ENFO Ireland’s public information service on environmental matters including sustainable development EU directives Legally binding instruments available to the EU Council and commission as a means of implementing EU law. Directives are implemented in either of 2 ways – by primary legislation by the passing of a bill, or by secondary legislation, which involves ministerial regulations EU Directives/ Much of the work of the public service is now influenced by Guidelines European Union legislation (or draft legislation) on particular aspects of policy enacted at Union level. Material held on these EU files generally contains information on the legislation or guideline in question and how it is operated in this State. EU regulations Legally binding instruments which has immediate effect, requiring no implementation methods at national level Eurobats Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats set up under the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. FOI Freedom of Information Acts, 1997 & 2003 FOI Section 16 This reference book has been prepared in accordance with Reference Book the requirements of Section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act. It provides details of the rules and practices used by the Department for making decisions under schemes we directly administer. Franchise Franchise Section is responsible for developing and overseeing a modern, efficient, accessible and fair electoral system. GIS Geographical information systems GPSO Government Publications Sales Office Increment An increase in pay for which provision is made in a pay scale. AS a general rule, increments are granted annually provided an officer’s services are satisfactory 110 Information commissioner Provides an independent avenue for appeal of the Freedom of information requests where the individual is not satisfied with the decision made by the public bodies Instructions/ Records in this category would include instructions or guidelines guidelines issued to staff as respects the Administration of schemes/programmes operated by the Department. They could also include practical experiences gained in operating schemes/programmes. Internal This relates to the day to day management of the Department International The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was set whaling commission up under the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling which was signed in Washington DC on 2nd December 1946. The purpose of the Convention is to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry. IUCN The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, also known as the World conservation union. The World Conservation Union was founded in October 1948 as the International Union for the Protection of Nature (or IUPN) following an international conference in Fontainebleau, France. The organization changed its name to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1956. Legislation Files Legislation refers to the procedure by which a proposal becomes law through the introduction of an Act of the Oireachtas or by secondary legislation made by the minister under the primary act. Information kept on legislation files is likely to reflect the various stages of production of legislation and would normally include material on the following Analysis of initial proposals, leading to production of a document (called an memorandum) to the government setting out the reasons why the act is required and summarising its main points. Correspondence with the Attorney General's Office who draft the text of a Bill. The process of circulation to Departments and presentation to Government is repeated with the draft Bill. Briefing material for Minister as the Bill proceeds through the Oireachtas. Any further action, i.e. issuing of directions provided for in the Act, further correspondence etc. 111 Ministerial certificates Ministerial orders NDP/CSF NHA Ombudsman OSPAR Parliamentary Questions, (PQ) PMDS Policy PPP Public bodies Certificate provided for under section 25(1) of the FOI act in which a minister declares a record is exempt under the act National Development Plan and Community support framework. The NDP/CSF (2000-2006) is the largest and most ambitious investment plan ever drawn up for Ireland. It involves an investment of €57 billion of Public, Private and EU funds in numerous projects and initiatives throughout the country including education, roads, public transport, health services, social housing, rural development, industry, water and waste services, childcare and local development. Natural Heritage Area - site designated for conservation of wildlife habitats and species or geology of national importance - Wildlife Acts 1976-2000. Investigate complaints from members of the public who feel that they have been unfairly treated by Government departments and certain other public bodies The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (the “OSPAR Convention”). The 1992 OSPAR Convention is the current instrument guiding international cooperation on the protection of the marine environment of the NorthEast Atlantic. It combined and up-dated the 1972 Oslo Convention on dumping waste at sea and the 1974 Paris Convention on land-based sources of marine pollution May be posed to the Minister by other members of the Dáil, for written or oral answer in the Dáil Chamber. Answers to questions, which concern a particular Branch, are prepared by that Branch. Details of all such questions and Minister's answers are kept in the Department. Many influences can shape public policy, especially political direction. Policy files are likely to contain analysis of proposals, from the points of view of cost, impact and practicality. Once a policy has been put into effect, information held is likely to relate to measuring its impact, e.g. are policy instruments achieving their intended outcome. Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) 112 RAMSAR Representations SAC: SPA: Statutory rights Vote VRU Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971)", The Convention on Wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. There are presently 154 Contracting Parties to the Convention, with 1634 wetland sites, totalling 145.7 million hectares, designated for inclusion in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance Elected representatives may make representations on behalf of their constituents, other persons or, of organisations. Special Area of Conservation - site designated for conservation of wildlife habitats and species of European importance - EU Habitats Directive 1992. Special Protection Area - site designated for conservation of Bird habitats and species of European importance - EU Birds Directive 1979. Annual amount authorised by the Oireachtas for spending in each Department Vehicle registration unit/motor tax unit responsible for the management of the national motor tax, and driving licence infrastructure and the development of policies, which are consistent with optimization of the delivery of these services to the motoring public. 113