
Minutes Redevelopment Task Force (partial)
November 17, 2011
Graeme Brown, Deborah Curran, Patricia Lane, Larry Scyner
Robert Brown
1. Church Space Needs Assessment
Larry working with Catherine to review the draft. Larry/Catherine will coordinate all
staff comments to Christine by the end of November 25.
2. Review Project Plan
Master Development Plan
Traffic Study – Robert spoke with Bunt & Associates on the recommendation of
Christine and they will generate a proposal. Depending on what this looks like, may ask
for another proposal from a different company.
Sustainability Objectives – Start with an objectives document and priorities. What
strategies are doable depends on our discussions with different parties and finances.
Robert will circulate a document to start the discussion.
Trio Social Service Hub – Meeting pushed off until early December. Once we’ve talked
with them, can revise the MDP. Start talking about terms of an MOU. That will
determine how the more detailed designs will move ahead (scheduled for December but
now will be later) i.e. floor layouts. Likely draft MOU between church & Trio February.
Goal is end of March to have approvals from Diocese & Parish to move forward into
rezoning. People will want to see a solid MOU/agreement to do the deal. Suggest a
subcommittee of the Trio and Committee to agree on details, and then each group can do
their own due diligence (legal and financial; the Committee with the Diocese).
Agree that a meeting with the Diocese sooner is important to start floating our ideas and
get their interest before going into a meeting with the Trio.
Robert can break down the draft MOU into stages and content, leading to an executed
MOU in March.
We will start crafting the agenda for the meeting in December with the Trio so we
understand what documents to send out beforehand and to ensure we achieve our goals
for the meeting.
Trio Meeting:
Purpose: To agree on a direction or a number of options of how the deal (business terms)
will progress.
Discussion Points (fundamentals):
Is this a building that is just for the Trio or for other uses as well?
Co-development discussion
o What are the objectives for each party?
o What will each party contribute?
o What are the fundamental tenure/ownership/rental/lease pieces that need
to be discussed?
o Financing – who is going to raise what money?
Project Delivery
o Who is going to manage the construction process?
 Lead, financing, approvals, construction
o Through what venue does the Church secure its sustainable development
mission (oversight on process)?
o How do the users have ongoing input and responsibility for animation on
the site?
o How can we encourage community but ensure that each user group has
their own privacy?
Further discussion for Task Force prior to the meeting with the Trio:
Query for Task Force – how important is it for there to be other uses in that building?
Where else can the other uses on the site go if not in the Trio building?
Meeting with the City
Leave it to Robert and Christine as to whether they meet with the City sooner or wait
until there are more details.
Residential Building
Firm up MDP before get into details on the residential side, particularly with the
development partnerships.
Development Partnerships
Robert will regroup/re-contact housing providers when we have the MDP and timeline to
gauge their level of interest in co-developing the housing (after the Trio meeting).
First Met
Bear in mind, there is some willingness to look beyond cooperation. Joint venture
agreements were mentioned, if we can build the trust between the two groups. The first
concrete area of overlap is the hall space.
Other Potential Tenant
Dependent on the Trio discussion.
Financial Feasibility
Draft pro formas out there. Residential pro formas coming as Robert is talking with
Christine about unit sizes.
Flowing from the Trio discussion and Victoria Foundation funding.
Church Approvals
Need someone in the Task Force to take a hard look at the timelines in this section and
solidify it.
We must update the Parish (open house in mid-January) and definitely provide a report at
Vestry in February.
When the MDP is largely set (with go ahead from Diocese, Trio input), seek approval
from the congregation for rezoning and approval to enter into an MOU with the Trio.
Graeme will secure meeting with Chris Pease for early December to get lay of the land
with the Diocese.
Get affirmative not from Diocese, take that to the Parish to get their nod.
3. Co-Development Discussion
Contributions the Church Brings to the Project
Venue to have meetings, workshops and physically support the process
Experience with co-location relationships (arts, small business, social service, housing)
Technical and relational expertise
Proven track record in fundraising
Social services that the City does not need to provide
Decreasing the demand for social services
Benefits to the Community
Creating affordable housing
Increasing our/the site’s ability to provide social services
Supporting social service agencies by providing co-location space
Stimulating a closer relationship with our neighbouring faith communities
Catalyst for redevelopment of the neighbourhood (hub) and City
Maintaining a valuable and well-loved heritage asset
Contributing greenspace
Moving the City’s sustainability agenda
Decreasing infrastructure burden on the City
Providing performance, practice and office space for arts organizations
Manage rezoning process
Sustainability performance objectives i.e. energy use
Final approvals on design
Legal structure ensures that redevelopment goals are met (either through covenants on
title, land lease, rental agreements)
Site-wide animation model
- co-locators/all tenants agree to
- overarching body that manages animation and site
- would include criteria for types of organizations that are appropriate for being on
site and site management (environmentally-friendly, types of uses)
Graeme will express the Task Force’s values.
4. Master Development Plan Content
Generally agree with Robert’s suggested content for the MDP. Suggest lead off the
parking section with the cost (that it is prohibitive) and that we are looking at other
options. Also mention that other faith communities do not have much parking i.e. First
Met. Focus parking on rationale and solutions (demand management, on-street options,
shared parking opportunities for different times of day).
Deborah and Robert will bat around a draft table of contents.