Recognition of Patterns of Infant Cry for the Early

Recognition of Patterns of Infant Cry for the Early Identification of
Hypo acoustics and Asphyxia with Neural Networks
Orion F. Reyes-Galaviz* & Carlos Alberto Reyes-García**
*Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco, Av. Tecnológico S/N,
Apizaco, Tlaxcala, 90400, MEXICO
**Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica Óptica y Electrónica,
Luis E. Erro 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, 72840, MEXICO
Abstract: - In this paper we present the experimental study on infant cry aimed to the automatic recognition of
patterns of normal and pathological cries. The work is mainly oriented to the identification of three types of cry,
normal, hypo acoustic and asphyxia. The overall goal is to help doctors and pediatricians to make early diagnosis
of some pathologies in just born babies. Here, we describe the whole development process, which consists of the
acoustic processing, and the design, implementation, training and testing of the neural network. For the acoustic
processing we use feature extraction techniques like LPC (Linear Prediction Coefficients) and MFCC (Mel
Frequency Cepstral Coefficients), and a Feed Forward Input Delay Neural Network with training based on
Gradient Descent with Adaptive Back-Propagation. We also show and compare the results of some experiments,
in which we have obtained very encouraging results.
Key-Words: - Infant Cry, Classification, Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks, Acoustic Features.
1 Introduction
It has been found that the infant's cry has much
information on its sound wave. For small infants this
is a form of communication, a very limited one, but
similar to the way an adult communicates. Through
the infant's cry we can detect the infant's physical or
psychological state [1]. An experimented parent or an
expert on the field of infant care can learn to
distinguish the different kinds of cry from an infant.
Nonetheless, it is very difficult for all of them the
detection of some kind of pathologies, based just in
the perception of crying. The pathological diseases in
infants are commonly detected several months, often
years, after the infant is born. If any of these diseases
would have been detected earlier, they could have
been attended and maybe avoided by the opportune
application of treatments and therapies. Two
pathologies, without any notorious external evidence,
which pediatricians would like to detect as early as
possible are; asphyxia and hypo acoustic (deafness).
The opportune diagnosis of asphyxia might save the
baby’s life or avoid future sequels, which might be
caused by the lack of oxygen in the brain. Also, the
early recognition of deafness in just born babies is
particularly important as it may otherwise impair
learning and speech development.
In this work we present the development and
experimentation of a system that classifies three kinds
of cries. The sample cries used are recordings
obtained from normal, deaf and asphyxiating infants,
of ages from 1 day up to one year old. For the
acoustic feature extraction we used Praat.
Additionally, for the implementation of the neural
network to classify the infant's crying we used
Matlab. In the model here presented, we classify the
original input vectors, without reduction, in three
corresponding classes, normal, hypo acoustic and
asphyxiating cries. We have obtained scores that go
from 96.67 % up to 98.67 % in precision on the
On the next sections we make a description of the
design and implementation of the whole automatic
recognition process. We describe the methods we
used to perform the extraction of the acoustic
characteristics, along with definitions of the proposed
system, and the used algorithms. Next we show the
developed system as well as the results obtained. To
end up, we present the conclusions and main
2 State of the Art
Considering the need of unveiling the information
hidden in the infant cry’s waveform, at present, little
research work has been done on the automatic
processing and interpretation of infant cry, mainly for
diagnosis purposes. Although not as many as
expected, recently several studies on automatic infant
cry recognition have carried out showing interesting
results, and emphasizing the importance of doing
research in this field. In a pioneer work done by
Wasz-Hockert spectral analysis was used to identify
several types of crying [11]. Using classification
methodologies based on Self-Organizing Maps, Cano
[12] attempted to classify cry units from normal and
pathological infants. Petroni used neuronal networks
[7] to differentiate between pain and no pain cry.
Taco Ekkel [8] tried to classify sound of newborn cry
in categories called normal and abnormal (hypoxia),
and reports a result of correct classification of around
85% based on a neural network of radial basis. In [5]
Reyes and Orozco classify cry samples from deaf and
normal infants, obtaining recognition results that go
from 79.05% up to 97.43%.
3 The Infant Cry
Recognition Process
the one needed to be analyzed and processed in real
time applications. For that reason, in our cry
recognition system we used an extraction function as
a first plane processor. Its input is a cry signal, and its
output is a vector of features that characterizes key
elements of the cry's sound wave. All the vectors
obtained this way are later fed to a recognition model,
first to train it, and later to classify the type of cry.
We have been experimenting with diverse types of
acoustic characteristics, emphasizing by their utility
the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients and the
Linear Prediction Coefficients.
The infant cry automatic classification process (Fig 1)
is basically a pattern recognition problem, similar to
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). The goal is to
take the wave from the infant's cry as the input
pattern, and at the end obtain the kind of cry or
pathology detected on the baby. Generally, the
process of Automatic Cry Recognition is done in two
steps. The first step is known as signal processing, or
feature extraction, whereas the second is known as
pattern classification. In the acoustical analysis phase,
the cry signal is first normalized and cleaned, then it
is analyzed to extract the most important
characteristics in function of time. Some of the more
used techniques for the processing of the signals are
those to extract: linear prediction coefficients,
cepstral coefficients, pitch, intensity, spectral
analysis, and Holmes banks among others. The set of
obtained characteristics can be represented like a
vector, and each vector can be taken like a pattern.
The feature vector is compared with the knowledge
that the computer has to obtain the classified output.
Four main pattern recognition approaches have been
traditionally used: pattern comparison, stochastic
models, knowledge based systems, and connectionist
models. In the present work we are focused in the last
4 Acoustic Processing
The acoustic analysis implies the selection and
application of normalization and filtering techniques,
segmentation of the signal, feature extraction, and
data compression. With the application of the
selected techniques we try to describe the signal in
terms of some of its fundamental components. A cry
signal is complex and codifies more information than
Acoustical Analysis
Pattern Classification
Figure 1 - Infant Cry Automatic Recognition
The low order cepstral coefficients are sensitive to
overall spectral slope and the high-order cepstral
coefficients are susceptible to noise. This property of
the speech spectrum is captured by the Mel spectrum.
The Mel spectrum operates on the basis of selective
weighing of the frequencies in the power spectrum.
High order frequencies are weighed on a logarithmic
scale where as lower order frequencies are weighed
on a linear scale. The Mel scale filter bank is a series
of L triangular band pass filters that have been
designed to simulate the band pass filtering believed
to occur in the auditory system. This corresponds to
series of band pass filters with constant bandwidth
and spacing on a Mel frequency scale. On a linear
frequency scale, this spacing is approximately linear
up to 1KHz and logarithmic at higher frequencies.
Most of the recognition systems are based on the
MFCC technique and its first and second order
derivative. The derivatives normally approximate
trough an adjustment in the line of linear regression
towards an adjustable size segment of consecutive
information frames. The resolution of time and the
smoothness of the estimated derivative depend on the
size of the segment. [3]
4 Classification of Cry Patterns
ƒ(0) ƒ(1) ƒ(2)
Fig. 2 The MFCC filter bank
3.2 LPC (Linear Prediction Coefficients)
Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) is one of the most
powerful speech analysis techniques, and one of the
most useful methods for encoding good quality
speech at a low bit rate. It provides extremely
accurate estimates of speech parameters, and is
relatively efficient for computation. Based on these
reasons, we are using LPC to represent the crying
signals. Linear prediction is a mathematical operation
where future values of a digital signal are estimated
as a linear function of previous samples. In digital
signal processing linear prediction is often called
linear predictive coding (LPC) and can thus be
viewed as a subset of filter theory. In system analysis
(a subfield of mathematics), linear prediction can be
viewed as a part of mathematical modeling or
optimization [4].
The particular way in which data are segmented
determines whether the covariance method, the
autocorrelation method, or any of the so called lattice
methods of LP analysis is used.
The first method that we are using is the
autocorrelation function, for the finite-length signal
s(n) is defined by [6]:
where, l is the delay between the signal and his
delayed version, N is the total number of examples.
The prediction error function between the data
segment s(n) and the prediction ŝ(n) is defined as
As the order of the LP model increases, more
details of the power spectrum of the signal can be
The set of acoustic characteristics obtained in the
extraction stage, is represented generally as a vector,
and each vector can be taken as a pattern. These
vectors are later are used to make the classification
process. There are four basic schools for the solution
of the pattern classification problem, those are: a)
Pattern comparison (dynamic programming), b)
Statistic Models (Hidden Markov Models HMM). c)
Knowledge based systems (expert systems) and d)
Connectionists Models (neural networks). For the
development of the present work we'll focus on the
description of the connectionist models type, known
as neural networks. We have selected this kind of
model, in principle, because of its adaptation and
learning capacity. Besides, one of its main functions
is pattern recognition, these kind of models are still
under constant experimentation, but their results have
been very satisfactory.
4.1 Neural Networks
In a DARPA study [9] the neural networks were
defined as a system composed of many simple
processing elements, that operate in parallel and
whose function is determined by the network's
structure, the strength of its connections, and the
processing carried out by the processing elements or
nodes. We can train a neural network to realize a
function in particular, adjusting the values of the
connections (weights) between the elements.
Generally, the neural networks are adjusted or trained
so that an input in particular leads to a specified or
desired output. This situation is shown on figure (Fig
3). Here, the network adjusts itself, based on a
comparison between the output and the goal, until the
output of the network equals to the goal. Generally
many of these pairs of input/goals are used, on this
supervised learning, to train a network.
The training of a network is done trough changes on
the weights based on a suitable set of input vectors.
The training adjusts the connection's weights from
the nodes, after obtaining an output of the network
and comparing it with a wished output, with previous
presentation of each one of the input vectors. The
neural networks have been trained to make complex
functions in many application areas including the
pattern recognition, identification, classification,
speech, vision, and control systems. Nowadays the
neural networks can be trained to solve problems that
are hard to solve with conventional methods. There
are many kinds of learning and design techniques that
multiply the options that a user can take [2]. In
general, the training can be supervised or not
supervised. The methods of supervised training are
those that are more commonly used, when labeled
samples are available. Between the most popular
models there are the feed-forward neural networks,
trained under supervision with the back-propagation
algorithm. For the present work we have used
variations of this basic model, these are briefly
described below,
Fig 3. Training of a Neural Network
4.2 Feed Forward
The Feed-forward input delay neural network
consists of N1 layers that use the dot product weight
update function, which is a function that applies
weights to an input to obtain weighed entrances. The
first layer has weights that come from the input with
the input delay specified by the user, in this case the
delay is [0 1]. Each subsequent layer has a weight
that comes from a previous layer. The last layer is the
output of the network. The adaptation is done by
means of any training algorithm. The performance is
measured according to a specified performance
function [2].
4.3 Training by Gradient Descent With
The training by gradient descent with adaptive
learning rate back-propagation, proposed for this
project, can train any network as long as its weight,
net input, and transfer functions have derivative
functions. Back-propagation is used to calculate
derivatives of performance with respect to the weight
and bias variables. Each variable is adjusted
according to gradient descent. At each training epoch,
if the performance decreases toward the goal, then the
learning rate is increased. If the performance
increases, the learning rate is adjusted by a decrement
factor and the change, which increased the
performance, is not made [2].
System Implementation for the
Crying Classification
In the first place, the infant cries are collected by
recordings obtained directly from doctors of the
Instituto Nacional de la Comunicación Humana
(National Institute of the Human Communication)
and IMSS Puebla. This is done using SONY digital
recorders ICD-67. The cries are captured and labeled
in the computer with the kind of cry that the collector
orally mentions at the end of each recording. Later,
each signal wave is divided in segments of 1 second;
these segments are labeled with a pre-established
code, and each one constitutes a sample. From here,
for the present experiments we have a corpus made
up of 157 samples of normal infant cry, 879 of hypo
acoustics, and 340 with asphyxia. At the following
step the samples are processed one by one extracting
their acoustic characteristics, LPC and MFCC, by the
use of the freeware program Praat 4.0 [10]. The
acoustic characteristics are extracted as follows: for
every second we extract 16 coefficients from each
50-millisecond frame, generating with this vectors
with 304 coefficients by sample.
The neural network and the training algorithm are
implemented with the Matlab's Neural Network
Toolbox. The neural network's architecture consists
of 304 neurons on the input layer, a hidden layer with
120 neurons, and one output layer with 3 neurons. In
order to make the training and recognition test, we
select 157 samples randomly on each class. The
number of samples of normal cry available
determines this number. From them, 107 samples of
each class are randomly selected for training. With
these vectors the network is trained. The training is
made until 500 epochs have been completed or a
1x10-6 error has been reached. After the network is
trained, we test it with the 50 separated samples of
each class left from the original 157 samples. The
recognition accuracy is then shown in a confusion
6 Experimental Results
The classification accuracy was calculated by taking
the number of samples correctly classified, divided
by the number total of samples. The detailed results
of three tests of each kind of acoustic characteristic
used, LPC and MFCC, with samples of 1 second,
with 16 coefficients for every 50 ms frame, are
shown in the following confusion matrices.
Results using LPC.
Normal Deaf Asphyxia
Normal Deaf Asphyxia
Table 1. Confusion Matrix showing a 97.33% efficiency after
253 training epochs using LPC acoustic characteristics.
Table 6. Confusion Matrix showing a 99.33% efficiency after
252 training epochs using MFCC acoustic characteristics.
Normal Deaf Asphyxia
Table 2. Confusion Matrix showing a 96.67% efficiency after
262 training epochs using LPC acoustic characteristics.
Normal Deaf Asphyxia
Table 3. Confusion Matrix showing a 98.67% efficiency after
252 training epochs using LPC acoustic characteristics.
Fig 4. Training with LPC feature vectors
Results using MFCC.
Normal Deaf Asphyxia
Table 4. Confusion Matrix showing a 97.33% efficiency after
296 training epochs using MFCC acoustic characteristics.
Normal Deaf Asphyxia
Table 5. Confusion Matrix showing a 98.66% efficiency after
342 training epochs using MFCC acoustic characteristics.
Fig 5. Training with MFCC feature vectors
As can be noticed, there are some differences on the
results obtained for each set of three experiments,
using the same kind of acoustic features extracted.
Given that the experiments were done under the same
parameters, and all other circumstances being equal,
the variations on the results may be caused by the
nature of the randomly selected samples for training
the recognizer. It means that among the samples in
the corpus, there should be samples containing more
useful information than others. So, when selected at
random, the set of selected samples for a given
experiment with lower score, must contain a greater
number of less significant samples than a set selected
for an experiment with a higher score. We are
working to make more robust, in this sense, the
classification performance of our system. It can also
be observed in Figures 4 and 5 that the network
convergence, when training with MFCC, is faster
than when training with LPC. At the same time, the
results obtained are better in general when using
7 Conclusions and Future Work
This work demonstrates the efficiency of the feed
forward input delay neuronal network, overall using
the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients. It is also
shown that the results obtained, of up to 99.33 %, are
a little better than the ones obtained in other previous
works. These results can also have to do with the fact
that we use the original size vectors, with the
objective of preserving all useful information. In
order to compare the obtained performance results,
and to reduce the computational cost, we plan to try
the system with an input vector reduction algorithm
by means of evolutionary computation. This is for the
purpose of training the network in a shorter time,
without decreasing accuracy. We are also still
collecting well-identified samples from the three
kinds of cries, in order to assure a robust training.
Among the works in progress of this project, we are
in the process of testing new neural networks, and
also testing new kinds of hybrid models, combining
neural networks with genetic algorithms and fuzzy
logic, or other complementary models.
This work is part of a project that is being financed
by CONACYT-Mexico (37914-A). We want to thank
Dr. Edgar M. Garcia-Tamayo and Dr. Emilio ArchTirado for their invaluable collaboration when
helping us to collect the crying samples, as well as
their wise advice.
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