PORT QASIM AUTHORITY (PROJECTS & CIVIL WORKS DIVISION) CIVIL MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT TENDER EVALUATION REPORT SUBJECT: REHABILITATION AND REFURBISHMENT OF IRON ORE AND COAL BERTH AT PORT QASIM BACKGROUND 1. IOCB and related facilities were constructed in July 1979 by the French Contractor SGE under the supervision of the Consultants M/s. SOFREMER (France)/NESPAK at the cost of Rs. 424.00 million i.e. in local currency Rs.127.2 million and in foreign currency FF Rs. 296.8 (FF) at the rate of 1 Francs equivalent to Rs. 1.94 in 1979, for the exclusive use of Pak Steel. Since then the berth is functional till today which is for about twenty five years by now, whereas the effective life of a marine structure varies between 30 to 50 years depending on the quality of construction and the implementation of a properly devised Repair and Maintenance (R&M) procedure. In case of IOCB, due to paucity of funds it was not possible to strictly implement R&M procedure as suggested by KAMPSAX. It shall, therefore, be understood that the implementation of any refurbishment scheme at this stage will at best utilize the marginalised remaining life of the structure. Furthermore implementation and refurbishment scheme at this stage will not be able to address problems in their entirety, rather it will only address the relatively more critical problems. As the entire berth is already aged and exist in a distressed condition, the cracks in primary/secondary structural elements will continue to appear and shall be treated immediately without allowing the condition to further deteriorate. 2. Defects occurred in 1989, which were rectified at the cost of Rs.12.48 million, Rs. 3.744 million in local currency and Rs. 8.736.00 in FE (DM) at the rate of 1 DM= Rs.4.312,576.00 in 1989, through a German Contractor, M/s. BilFinger Berger. 3. The state of berth is being monitored regularly. Regular inspection revealed that almost all the spanning runways beams facing the sea side are damaged on large scale and spalling have appeared on these beams. Also the steel reinforcement of the main runway beams are exposed posing serious threat to the entire structure. Most of the front two rows of runway spanning beams are in need of replacement on an urgent basis. Concrete slabs also show signs of ageing and require extensive repair/refurbishment. Several other works at the IOCB are also to be attended for renovation/repair. 4. Keeping in view the specialized nature of the work M/s. Umar Munshi Associates were appointed on 9.8.2001 as the Consultant of the work after approval from Board during its meeting held on 16.4.2000. The Board approved the task that Consultants be asked to investigate, design, prepare Tender Documents, Cost Estimates and shall also give findings/recommendations for rectification of defects. 5. Accordingly Work Order was issued to investigate, design and prepare tender documents within three months time. The consultants had requested for extension up to 15th April 2002 on various grounds. The Consultants submitted its preliminary report on 28th January 2002 indicating that structural members carrying out loads such as spanning running beams facing sea side or south side are found severally damaged by spalling and corrosion and final proposal was submitted in the end of December 2002. Prequalification notice was published on 31.1.2003. A total of eighteen (18) firms applied for enlistment. The case was submitted to the Board, the Board in its 49 th meeting held on 24th April 2003, resolved that the tender and contract documents alongwith Engineer’s Estimates be examined by PQA and approval for short listing and inviting tenders from prequalified contractors was accorded and thereupon awarding the work to the responsive and lowest bidder. AWARD OF CONTRACT 1. The pre-qualification notice was issued to the reputable Pakistan and International contracting firms and in 31st January 2003. Eight (8) Firms were pre-qualified by the Consultants which were having no experience in marine works therefore prequalification was re-advertised in September 2003 on local as well as international basis from consortium of international and local contractors, only two (2) responded i.e. M/s. Muhammad Ayub & Brothers and M/s. PERLITE & TEES COOPAN. Due to poor response the prequalification was re-advertised in April 2004, in all the leading newspapers internationally and locally and letters were also sent to the leading firms who were having experience in marine construction. The bidders demanded extension in prequalification extended thrice up to 2nd August 2004. The advertisements for prequalification of contractors published in newspapers from time to time. 2. In response the under mentioned firms procured the tender documents. a. CHINA HARBOUR ENGINEERING CO (GROUP), CHINA. b. STFA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, TURKEY JOINT VENTURE M/S. NEAZ TRADING CORPORATION. c. PSI (US based at UAE) Joint Venture M/S. Pipe Link Construction (Pvt) Ltd. d. e. 3. CHINA GEZHOUBA WATER & POWER GROUP CO LTD., CHINA – JOINT VENTURE M/S. MUHAMMAD AYUB & BROTHERS, PERLITE & TEES COOPAN, IRAN JOINT VENTURE M/S. MURTAZVI BUILDERS (PVT) LTD., The under mentioned firms submitted their technical and financial proposals. a. STFA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, b. PIPELINK CONSTRUCTION (PVT) LIMTIED c. CHINA GEZHOUBA WATER & POWER GROUP CO LTD., All three firms submitted technical proposals which were evaluated as per contractual provision, it was found that M/s. STFA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY and M/s. PIPELINK CONSTRUCTION (PVT) LIMTIED were pre-qualified as they obtained 89 and 72 marks respectively against required qualifying marks of 70. M/s. CHINA GEZHOBUBA was disqualified as they scored 42 marks only which was below in prequalification standard. The financial bids were accordingly opened on 13.8.2004, from the following qualified contractors. The prices offered by each bidder are as follow: 4. a. STFA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 718,662,100.00 Rs. b. PIPELINK CONSTRUCTION (PVT) Rs.737,404,585.24 M/s. STFA was the lowest bidder at the cost of Rs. 718,662,100.00 and was invited for negotiations to reduce the cost on 25 th August 2004 in the presence of the Committee Members and the Consultants. During the discussions it was noted that the Engineer’s Estimated cost submitted, i.e Rs. 115.76 million, is of no match to the two proposals submitted by the Contractors. The Consultants agreed that their estimates are outdated and based on hiring locally hired contracts and are required to be updated and Revised. Accordingly the Consultants M/s. Umar Munshi revised their estimates. The Ist revision submitted by the Consultants was Rs. 437,548,716.00 which was later-on further updated to Rs. 707,437,556.00. The two revised estimates submitted by the Consultants. 5. The Revision of Engineer’s Estimates should have been made much before the opening of bids by the Consultants based on international tendering. The estimates prepared after the bid opening can be considered as controversial and may be discarded. The only way left was to negotiate with the lowest bidder M/s. STFA and in view of this number of meetings were held with them and negotiation was also held in the office of the Board Member (Head of Technical Committee). They have agreed to reduce their bid price by 2.5%. Their reduced offer is Rs.700,695,547.00 CONCLUSION 6. Following is concluded: a) IOCB being the back bone of the national asset, that is, Pakistan Steel. b) As no qualified/experience contractors are locally available to undertake the work an international tender was invited with joint venture of local firms as per Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) rules. c) The revised estimates given by the Consultant after the bid opening is discarded. d) STFA has reduced the cost by 2.5% as a good will gesture. RECOMMENDATONS 8. In view of the importance of IOCB, it is recommended that approval may please be accorded for award of contract for Rehabilitation and Refurbishment of IOCB to the lowest bidder M/s. STFA at a total cost of Rs. 700,695,547.50.