CAREER AND COURSE PLANNER This Career and Course Planner is designed to complement the LINKS Student Advisement Program. You will use this tool to help you document your career plans, assessment results, experiential learning and course work to help you make meaningful plans for your future. Student Identification Name | Year of Graduation | Address | Phone | City, State, Zip | Parent/Guardian | E-mail | Student Test Number | Career Plan Careers that interest me My career interest inventory results* * Career interest inventories are available online at or High School Academic/ Career Plan My diploma goal ___College Readiness ___Work Readiness ___Modified Career Cluster:________________________________________ Review Dates: ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Career Concentration: ______ ______ ______ ______ Postsecondary* * Education Plan ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ What I want to study after high school Colleges or training programs I want to learn more about **Four-Year University / Two-Year Community College / Apprenticeship / Proprietary School / Military / On-the-Job Training Improvement Plan for Learning Skills and behaviors I’d like to improve to help me succeed and to support my learning. This is my plan for how and when I will learn that new skill or behavior. 9TH Grade Skill /Behavior Improvement Plan Evaluation Date Improvement Plan Evaluation Date Improvement Plan Evaluation Date Improvement Plan Evaluation Date 10TH Grade Skill /Behavior 11TH Grade Skill /Behavior 12TH Grade Skill /Behavior Extracurricular Activity Log Extracurricular activities are a great way for me to explore career interests and prepare for future scholarships opportunities. Part-time jobs provide great work experience and help me save for college. Here’s a list of sports, clubs, church activities community service, work experience and so forth that I participate in throughout high school. Activity Grade Levels Leadership Roles Awards 9 G r ade th 1st Semester Last Name / First Name Four-Year Course Plan for High School ECA* Grade 2nd Semester English English Math Math Science Science Social Studies Social Studies ECA* Grade Here are the courses I plan to take throughout high school, based on my career interests and diploma goals. I will review my plan each semester to be sure that: I am on track to graduate and meet my goals. Total Credits Cumulative Credits Class Rank Class Rank GPA GPA I have strong academic courses all four years. 10 th Gr ade I am pushing myself to do the best I can. English English Math Math Science Science Social Studies Social Studies I am taking advanced classes and their prerequisites. I am exploring my career interests. 1st Semester ECA* Grade 2nd Semester ECA* Grade Test Scores EXPLORE Composite PLAN Total Credits Cumulative Credits Class Rank Class Rank GPA GPA Composite 11 th Gr ade Writing Assessment 1st Semester PSAT Critical Reading Math Writing ECA* Grade 2nd Semester English English Math Math Science Science Social Studies Social Studies ECA* Grade SAT Critical Reading ACT Math Math 9 Grade WESTEST English English 12 th th Math English Total Credits Cumulative Credits Class Rank Class Rank GPA GPA Gr ade 1st Semester ECA* Grade 2nd Semester English English WESTEST Math Math English Science Science Social Studies Social Studies Math ECA* Grade WorkKeys Total Credits Cumulative Credits Class Rank Class Rank GPA GPA LINKS Checklist Activities I need to complete each year to ensure that I am will graduate and am prepared for post-secondary success. 9th Grade/Freshman Year 11th Grade / Junior Year Activity Write goals letter for high school success Registered online for Indiana e-Transcript Explored careers, colleges, apprenticeships and other training programs at Took a career interest inventory Took a learning-style assessment Read Next Indiana: A Guide to Life after High School Registered on virtual career website Registered for rigorous courses to make the most of my senior year Review my portfolio Participated in at least one club Took the PSAT/NMSQT and/or PLAN (fall) Explored careers at Visited to explore careers Took the SAT and/or ACT (spring) Took an ASVAB assessment Learned about EDGE/Dual credit courses Attended a college fair Visited at least one college campus, training center or apprenticeship site Attended my high school orientation program Started or continued studying a world language Discussed my future plans with my counselor and family Applied for athletic eligibility to the NCAA Clearinghouse (if applicable) Reviewed my career cluster, researched career concentrations Participated in Junior Prep Interviews with 21st Century Scholars (if applicable) Developed a study/time management plan Called the Learn More Helpline at 1-800-922-2076 to get answers to college, career and financial aid questions 9th Grade / Freshman Year Discussed my future plans with my counselor and family Made sure I am on track to graduate Compared my schedule with graduation requirements Other: Took a career interest inventory Explored careers and colleges at 12th Grade / Senior Year Activity Took a learning-style assessment Participated in job shadowing Retook the SAT and/or ACT to increase scores (if applicable) Discussed my future plans with my counselor and family Visited college campuses and/or training programs Took the Learn More Indiana 9 Grade Career & College Information Survey Submitted college or training program applications t h Attended the financial aid program at my high school Submitted a FAFSA application for need-based financial aid at by the deadline Made sure I am on track to graduate Other: Applied for scholarships 10th Grade / Sophomore Year Activity Read the 10 th Grade OnTrack mini-magazine Took a career interest inventory Explored careers and colleges at Developed a budget for life after high school Attended College Goal Sunday in February Completed my Affirmation Form for 21st Century Scholars (if applicable) Participated in job shadowing Registered for the 21st Century Scholars Pledge Ceremony (if applicable) Participated in Get A Life Culminating Activity Called the Learn More Helpline at 1-800-922-2076 to get answers to college, career and financial aid questions Took the PSAT and/or PLAN (fall) Visited an area career center Started researching scholarship opportunities Developed my 3-year academic plan with my counselor and family Made sure I am on track to graduate Other: Took the Learn More Indiana 11 th Grade Career & College Information Survey Review EXPLORE Scores/ World of Work Map Activity Activity Made sure I am on track to graduate Other: