90103 World Bank Loan Gansu Urban and Rural Integrated Development Project-Linxia Subproject Procurement Plan 2014 Revision Date: July 31st, 2014 I. General Principles 1.Project Information Country: China Borrower: The People’s Republic of China Project Name: World Bank Loan Gansu Urban and Rural Integrated Development Project-Linxia County Subproject Loan No.:P133114 PIU:Gansu Province Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture Linxia County PIU 2. Date of Approval of Procurement Plan by the Bank: 3. Procurement Notice Date: 4. Procurement Plan Implementation Period: 5Years II. Goods , Civil Works and Consultancy Service Procurement Method 1.Procurement Method and Prior Review Threshold Expenditure Category 1. Civil Works (including Supply and Installation) 2. Goods Procurement Threshold Procurement Method (US$ ) ≥25,000,000 <25,000,000 ICB NCB <200,000 Shopping ≥3,000,000 <3,000,000 ICB NCB <100,000 Shopping Direct Contracting ≥300,000 <300,000 All The first two NCB contracts and the NCB contract that is more than USD15 million All The first two NCB contracts of each CPMO QCBS/QBS CQS Individual consultants 3. Consultancy Service Prior Review Threshold (US$ ) All the direct contracting contracts All The first CQS Contract Exceptional case Single source selection(Firm) all single source contracts Single source selection(Individual) ≥USD20,000 -1- Project Procurement Plan (Civil Works) 1 N o. 2 Contract No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description Estimated Cost (10,000 RMB) Estimate d Cost (10,000 USD) 6031.62 10 Cont ract amo unt (10,0 00 RMB ) 11 12 Proc urem ent Meth od WB Review (Prior/Post) Estima ted Bid Openi ng Date Actual Contr act Signin g Date Cont ract Perio d (mon th) Proc urem ent Statu s 988.79 NCB Work s Post Review April 2015 12 9086.16 1489.53 NCB Work s Post Review Octobe r, 2014 12 3460.57 567.31 NCB Work s Prior Review August 2014 12 A. Linxia County Urban Road Construction Works A 1 LXX-TJ -CSDL01 County urban area Binhe Road Upgrading Works A 2 LXX-TJ -CSDL02 Maoniu Road New Constructi on Works LXX-TJ -CSDL03 Connectin g Road from Fast Track to Yinji Township A 3 Urban Binhe Road Upgrading Works: L5778.715m, W24m, 1 small bridge (L18m、 W24m), 4 Culvert (L=104m), 9 Level Crossing; Ancillary facilities including illumination, greening works and traffic safety management etc.. Storm Sewer:8930m(DN200~600mm), Sewage Pipeline: 6554m(DN300~400mm) Maoniu Road New Construction Works: L7448.654m, W16m, 1 big bridge (L=126m, W=16m), 1 medium-sized bridges (L42.96m、 W16m), 15 Culverts (L=399m.), 2 Level Crossings; Ancillary facilities including illumination, greening works and traffic safety management etc. Storm Sewer:9298m(DN200~700mm), Sewage Pipeline:6636m(DN300~500mm) Connecting Road from Fast Track to Yinji Township: L1.576km (deduct 0.66km usage section),W16m, 1 big bridge (L138m、W16m), 1 medium-sized bridge (L41.96m、W16m), 4 Culverts (L=84m), 7 Level Crossing; Ancillary -2- Prepa ring the biddi facilities including illumination, greening works and traffic safety management etc. Storm Sewer:1683m(DN200~600mm), Sewage Pipeline:1494m(DN300mm) A 4 LXX-TJ -CSDL04 Connectin g Road from Fast Track to Xinji Township Connecting Road from Fast Track to Xinji Township:L1926.57m, W40m, 1 big bridge (L146.08m、W28m), 1 overbridge (L=66m, W=7m), 4 culverts (L=168.82m), 3 Level Crossings; Ancillary facilities including illumination, greening works and traffic safety management etc. Storm Sewer:2212m(DN300~600mm), Sewage Pipeline:1982m(DN300~400mm) Subtotal ng docu ment 5660.35 927.93 24238.70 3973.56 -3- NCB Work s Post Review Octobe r, 2014 12 Continued 1 No. 2 3 Contract No. Description 4 5 Estimated Cost (10,000 RMB) 6 7 8 9 Estimated Cost (10,000 USD) Procurem ent Method WB Review (Prior/Post ) Estima ted Bid Openi ng Date Actual Contr act Signin g Date 110.83 NCB Works Post Review April 2015 10 Cont ract amo unt (10,0 00 RMB ) 11 12 Cont ract Perio d (mon th) Proc urem ent Statu s B. Linxia County Rural Road Construction Works B1 B2 B3 LXX-TJNCGL-01 Longqua n to Dacaodia n III -Class Road Upgradin g Works LXX-TJNCGL-02 Mama III-Class Road Upgradin g Works LXX-TJNCGL-03 Hangou III-Class Road Upgradin g Works Longquan to Dacaodian III -Class Road Upgrading Works :L3960m, RoadbedW7.5m, Road Surface W6.5m, 1 small bridge ((L27m,W8m), 14 culverts (L=104m), 2 Level Crossings. Some road sections are equipped with drainage system, protection and warning signage facilities. Mama III-Class Road Upgrading Works:L20065m, Roadbed W7.5m, Road SurfaceW6.5m, 3 small bridges (L65.4m,W8m) , 34 culverts (L=345.3m), 8 Level Crossings. Some road sections are equipped with drainage system, protection and warning signage facilities. Hangou III-Class Road Upgrading Works: L15370m, Roadbed W7.5m, Road SurfaceW6.5m, 3 small bridges (L63m,W8m), 44 culverts (L=352m), 7 Level Crossings. Some road sections are equipped with drainage system, protection and warning signage facilities. 676.08 3687.85 604.57 NCB Works Prior Review August 2014 2568.11 421.00 NCB Works Post Review April 2015 -4- 6 14 12 prepa ring biddi ng docu ment 1 No. B4 B5 2 3 Contract No. LXX-TJNCGL-04 Zhangwo IV Road Upgradin g Works LXX-TJNCGL-05 Beixiaoy uan to Lianhua Dock III-Class Road New Construct ion Works Description Zhangwo IV Road Upgrading Works: L11420m, RoadbedW4.5m, Road Surface W4m, 26 culverts (L=162m), 2 Level Crossings. Some road sections are equipped with drainage system, protection and warning signage facilities. Beixiaoyuan to Lianhua Dock III-Class Road New Construction Works : L23240m, RoadbedW7.5m, Road Surface W6.5m; Newly construct 8 big and medium-sized bridges (L670m, W8m), Use 1 existing bridge (L60m, W8m), build 61 Culverts (L=520m), 6 Level Crossings. Some road sections are equipped with drainage system, protection and warning signage facilities. Subtotal C2 LXX-JT AQ-01 Road Repair Works and Goods Reserves It is used for the repair work of large-scale road damage and the actual payment in emergency situation. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Estimated Cost (10,000 USD) Procurem ent Method WB Review (Prior/Post ) Estima ted Bid Openi ng Date Actual Contr act Signin g Date 1531.28 251.03 NCB Works Post Review April, 2015 8394.29 1376.11 NCB Works Post Review April, 2015 14 16857.61 2763.54 Post Review After the project official ly starts It will be deter mine d accor Estimated Cost (10,000 RMB) 100.00 -5- 16.39 Shopping Works 10 Cont ract amo unt (10,0 00 RMB ) 11 12 Cont ract Perio d (mon th) Proc urem ent Statu s 10 1 No. 2 3 Contract No. Description 4 5 Estimated Cost (10,000 RMB) Estimated Cost (10,000 USD) 6 7 8 9 Procurem ent Method WB Review (Prior/Post ) Estima ted Bid Openi ng Date Actual Contr act Signin g Date 10 Cont ract amo unt (10,0 00 RMB ) 11 12 Cont ract Perio d (mon th) Proc urem ent Statu s ding to the actua l situat ion Total 41196.31 -6- 6753.48 Project Procurement Plan (Goods) 1 No . 1 2 2 3 Contract No. LXX-HW-01 2 LXX-HW-02 Traffic Safety Publicity Education Road Safety Publicity Education Emergenc y Rescue Platform LXX-HW-03 3 LXX-HW-04 Road Warning Monitorin g System Emergenc y Support 4 5 6 7 8 9 Actual Contr act Signin g Date 10 Con trac t amo unt (10, 000 RM B) 11 12 Con trac t Peri od( mo nth) Proc urem ent Statu s Description Estimated Cost (10,000 RMB) Estimated Cost (10,000 USD) Procure ment Method WB Review (Prior/Pos t) Estimat ed Bid Openin g Date Install 20 traffic safety electronic screens in the key points of Linxia County 100.00 16.39 NCB goods Prior Review 2015.4 6 Procurement of traffic safety manual, fliers, banner etc. . 74.00 12.13 NCB goods Prior Review 2015.4 6 3.03 Shopping Goods Post Review 2016,4 15 4.92 Shopping goods Post Review 2015,4 6 1 Electronic Screen (20,000 RMB); 1 Voice Command System(30, 000RMB) 100 surveillance cameras (100,000RMB); 300 Road Signages (30,000 RMB) ; 50 Information Board (5,000 RMB) Emergency vehicle-2 minivans (300,000 RMB) 5 13.5 30.0 -7- 1 No . 2 3 Contract No. LXX-HW-05 LXX-HW-06 Team Building Material Supports Building Description 1 excavator(1m³)(800,000RMB) 4 dump trucks (800,000 RMB) 1 loading machine (500,000RMB) 8 Telecommunication equipments (40,000 RMB) ; 80 Fire-extinguishers (4kg) (8,000 RMB); 100 Flashlights (5,000 RMB); Anti-skid sand for winter time (100,000 RMB) 6 Cameras(12,0000 RMB); 5,000 Woven bags (10,000RMB) Instruments, shovel etc (20,000 RMB) Cement used for emergency situation LXX-HW-07 Subtotal 4 LXX-HW-08 Road Maintenan ce Equipment 9 Traction type road cleaning machines (180,000 RMB); 45 Weeding machines (45,000 RMB) 4 5 6 7 8 9 Actual Contr act Signin g Date 10 Con trac t amo unt (10, 000 RM B) 11 12 Con trac t Peri od( mo nth) Proc urem ent Statu s Estimated Cost (10,000 RMB) Estimated Cost (10,000 USD) Procure ment Method WB Review (Prior/Pos t) Estimat ed Bid Openin g Date 210.0 34.43 NCB goods Post Review 2016,4 6 19.5 3.20 Shopping goods Post Review 2016.4 12 100.0 16.39 NCB goods Post Review 2016,4 12 378.0 61.97 22.5 3.69 Shopping goods Post Review 2016,4 6 -8- 1 No . 5 2 3 Contract No. LXX-HW-09 Project Monitorin g Description According to the WB project management requirement, the project monitoring, reporting, follow-up works are to be conducted. The necessary equipments should be procured, such as computers, projectors, cameras, scanners, etc. The traffic police, CPMO and relevant experts can conduct the traffic safety trainings at schools, Safety religious sites, vehicle Training management institute and other public institutions. The topic includes traffic safety, road maintenance, etc. 合计 4 5 6 7 8 9 Actual Contr act Signin g Date 10 Con trac t amo unt (10, 000 RM B) 11 12 Con trac t Peri od( mo nth) Proc urem ent Statu s Estimated Cost (10,000 RMB) Estimated Cost (10,000 USD) Procure ment Method WB Review (Prior/Pos t) Estimat ed Bid Openin g Date 25.0 4.10 Shopping goods Post Review 2015,4 6 28.90 4.74 Shopping goods Post Review 2015,4 36 628.4 103.02 Traffic 6 LXX-HW-10 -9- Project Procurement Plan (Consulting Services) 1 N o. 2 Contract No. 3 Description C. Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Component Empl oyme nt of Traffi The specialists of traffic safety education are to c be employed. They will be responsible for the LXX-J 1 Safet preparation of annual safety training plan, overall Y-01 y traffic safety training plan, compilation of Train teaching material, teaching etc. ing Speci alist Road Mana geme The project will propose the road safety nt equipment plan, prepare the road management and and protection regulations, establish new LXX-J 2 Prote mechanism for rural road management and Y-02 ction protection so that the overall road management Netw and protection mechanism can be greatly ork improved. Syste m 4 5 6 Estimated Cost (10,000 RMB) Estimated Cost (10,000 USD) Proc urem ent Meth od 18.30 3.00 124.20 20.361 - 10 - 7 8 9 10 Cont ract amo unt (10, 000 RMB ) 11 12 WB Review (Prior/Post) Planned Proposal Submittin g Date Actu al Cont ract Signi ng Date Cont ract Perio d (Mon th) Proc urem ent Statu s IC Post Review 2015,4 36 CQS Post Review 2015,4 36 1 N o. 2 3 LXX-J Y-03 3 5 6 8 9 Estimated Cost (10,000 RMB) Estimated Cost (10,000 USD) Proc urem ent Meth od WB Review (Prior/Post) Planned Proposal Submittin g Date Actu al Cont ract Signi ng Date 100.00 16.393 CQS Post Review 2015,4 12 100.00 16.393 CQS Post Review 2015,4 12 Community-based Road Maintenance Contract Management Model in Gausu Province Ethnic Area 100.00 16.393 CQS Post Review 2015,4 12 Procurement of MIS (Management Information System). 18.581 3.045 CQS Post Review 2015.4 12 Project Management Consultancy Service 108.599 17.803 CQS Prior Review 2015.4 36 Subtotal 569.68 93.388 Contract No. LXX-J Y-04 Resea rch Progr ams LXX-J Y-05 LXX-J Y-06 4 LXX-J Y-07 Proje ct Mana geme nt Description Gansu Province Linxia Prefecture Urban and Rural Integrated Public Transport and Non-motorized transport Plan Gansu Province Ethnic Area Urban and Rural Road Construction Facilitating Regional Industry Development Estimation Analysis- A Case Study of Linxia 4 - 11 - 7 10 Cont ract amo unt (10, 000 RMB ) 11 12 Cont ract Perio d (Mon th) Proc urem ent Statu s