Work Type Definition and Submittal Requirements 12.11 Archaeological Work 12.12 Historic Archaeological Work Work Type Definition Pages 1-2 detail the work type definition. In order to become pre-qualified for this work type, please see the “Work Type Submittal Requirements” on pages 3-5. I. Description Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of the undertakings on historic properties and afford the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) a reasonable opportunity to comment on such undertakings. The Section 106 process seeks to accommodate historic preservation concerns with the needs of the Federal undertaking through consultation among the agency official and other parties with an interest in the effects of the undertaking on historic properties, commencing at the early stages of project planning. The goal of the Archaeology Study is to identify, evaluate and provide recommendations on the eligibility of archaeological properties within the area of potential effects (APE) of the undertaking, or to perform mitigation for adverse effects for archaeological properties eligible for, or listed on, the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). All determinations of the APE, the NRHP eligibility of identified resources, the effects of an undertaking, and the development of mitigation programs must be completed by MnDOT Cultural Resources Unit (CRU) staff acting on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). II. Standards and Specifications Standards and specifications required for a project under this work type may include the following: A. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Archaeology and Historic Preservation (48 Federal Register 44716-44740; National Park Service). B. MnDOT’s Cultural Resource Unit Project and Report Requirements (2011). C. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Guidelines for Architecture/History Projects in Minnesota (SHPO 2001). D. MnDOT Geographic Information System (GIS) Standards (2002). E. MnDOT’s Standards for Archaeological and Historic Structures Data (2002). F. MnDOT’s Deep Testing Protocol (2006) III. Provided by Consultant Deliverables to be supplied by the consultant for a project may include the following: A. Archaeology studies in accordance with appropriate Federal and State standards including, but not limited to, the standards and guidelines described above. B. Level I Archaeology identification, precontact deep testing, precontact evaluation and precontact mitigation field work and reports. Rev. November 2011 Page 1 of 5 Work Type Definition and Submittal Requirements 12.11 Archaeological Work 12.12 Historic Archaeological Work C. Appropriate site forms, photographs, curation and GIS data by project. Level II Archaeological identification, historic archaeology evaluation and mitigation fieldwork and reports. Appropriate site forms, photographs, curation and GIS data by project. Levels of Deliverables/Work (Compare and Contrast) Level I: Precontact Archaeological Work Level II: Historic Archaeological Work (12.1) (12.2) Level I consists of Phase I archaeological Level II consists of Phase I archaeological identification, Phase II precontact identification, Phase II historic archaeological archaeological site evaluation, Phase I and II site evaluation, and Phase III historic precontact deep testing, and Phase III archaeological data recovery work as per the precontact archaeological data recovery work Standards and Guidelines cited herein. as per the Standards and Guidelines cited herein. This remainder of this page is intentionally left blank. Rev. November 2011 Page 2 of 5 Work Type Definition and Submittal Requirements 12.11 Archaeological Work 12.12 Historic Archaeological Work Work Type Submittal Requirements A consultant firm becomes pre-qualified based on the qualifications of the personnel that are employed by the firm and by meeting the demonstrated requirements. Key Personnel Requirements Minimum Number of Staff: Professional Certification/Licensure: At least one individual with the minimum qualifications described in the Professional Certification/Licensure section (see below). A. Individual performing under this work type must have a M.A., M.S., or Ph.D. in anthropology (with a specialization in archaeology), archaeology, or a closely related field (historical archaeology, ancient studies, classics, etc.). B. Current license issued by the Office of the Minnesota State Archaeologist (OSA), or the ability to obtain a current license issued by the OSA. C. Responding firm must have ability to provide GIS data, meeting specified standards, as ArcInfo coverages or ArcView shapefiles. The GIS standards for this work are published at Work Type Submittal Requirements* I. Resume and Relevant Project Experience Form (Form PQ1) Submit in Word format A. Complete Parts 1, 1A, 2 and 3 of Form PQ1 Part 1: Fill out general information and names of personnel and specify level for which pre-qualification is sought. Part 1A: Complete only the top portion of part 1A. Relevant Project Experience must be documented in Section IV on the Tables for Archaeological Studies. Part 2: Project Examples listed must correlate to those described below in “Project Example Requirements.” Part 3: Not applicable for this work type. II. Project Example Requirements Submit in PDF format A. For Level I, submit 2 Phase I Reports (Identification) and 2 Phase II Reports (Evaluation) on a precontact archaeological site (or combined Phase I and II reports may be submitted) for compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA or the Minnesota Field Archaeology Act from the past 15 years. Rev. November 2011 Page 3 of 5 Work Type Definition and Submittal Requirements 12.11 Archaeological Work 12.12 Historic Archaeological Work B. For Level II, submit 2 Phase I Reports (Identification) and 1 Phase II Report (Evaluation) on a historic archaeological site (or combined Phase I and II reports may be submitted) for compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA or the Minnesota Field Archaeology Act from the past 15 years. C. All reports must have been completed in accordance with the regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (36 CFR 800) or the Minnesota Field Archaeology Act. Letter reports are not acceptable; only final, completed reports will be accepted. The personnel submitted for pre-qualification MUST have been the project principal investigator, completed the field work, and acted as either the sole or primary author of the report, especially the results and evaluation sections of the report. If primary author, please indicate which sections of the report were written by the prequalified applicant. III. Tables for A. Applicant must complete the Tables for Archaeological Studies (12.1 – Level 1 – Precontact; Level 2 – Historical) in order to Archaeological Studies Submit in Word format clearly document their experience. Include years of PI experience and years of fieldwork experience in days. B. Level I – PreContact Archaeological Work: 1. For each person submitting for pre-qualification, a minimum of 2 years total (24 months) demonstrable experience in post-graduate school work as a Principal Investigator on precontact archaeology projects conducted for compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA or the Minnesota Field Archaeology Act completed within the past 15 years, PLUS 2. A minimum of 5 completed precontact archaeological projects in Minnesota within the last 15 years, totaling at least 25 days in the field. 3. No outstanding license requirements with the Office of the Minnesota State Archaeologist (OSA) and ability to obtain current OSA license in Minnesota; and Rev. November 2011 Page 4 of 5 Work Type Definition and Submittal Requirements 12.11 Archaeological Work 12.12 Historic Archaeological Work C. Level II – Historic Archaeological Work: 1. For each person submitting for pre-qualification, a minimum of two (2) years (24 months) within the past 15 years of experience in post-graduate school work as a Principal Investigator on North American historical archaeology projects conducted for compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA or the Minnesota Field Archaeology Act of 1963 (MS 138.31-42); PLUS 2. A minimum of five (5) completed historical archaeological projects in the United States within the past 15 years, totaling at least 25 days in the field, PLUS 3. No outstanding license requirements with the Office of the Minnesota State Archaeologist (OSA) and ability to obtain a current OSA license in Minnesota. Applicant may count the duration of each project for which they served as PI to total 2 years (e.g. if applicant was the PI on two concurrent projects, each of which was 4 months in duration, the two projects would total 8 months of PI experience.) *Work Type Submittal Instructions: Create a CD or flash drive that includes the following individual files or folders in this order: I. II. III. Resume and Relevant Project Experience Form (Form PQ1) Project Example Requirements (this should be a folder that includes individual files clearly named according to Part 2 of the PQ1) Tables for Archaeological Studies Each file should be saved in the format identified above. Submit 5 copies of the CD or flash drive. Rev. November 2011 Page 5 of 5