MACCABI JUNIOR BASKETBALL INFORMATION DOCUMENT CODE OF CONDUCT AND PLAYER AGREEMENT SUMMER SEASON 2015/16 The following document has been prepared for players and parents involved in the Maccabi Junior Basketball (MJB) Program, and provides: General information pertaining to the upcoming Maccabi Junior Basketball season relevant to players and parents (competition dates, competition age eligibility, uniforms etc) Details of fees associated with the Maccabi Junior Basketball – Summer Season 2015/16 Pre-Season Assessment Clinics (Compulsory Attendance) Team Selection and Announcement Processes Expectations and requirements of players and parents involved in the Program Player Code of Conduct and Behaviour Parent Code of Conduct and Behaviour Grievance Procedures MACCABI JUNIOR BASKETBALL PLAYER REGISTRATIONS SUMMER SEASON 2015-16 OPEN: 5pm Tuesday 11th August 2015 CLOSE: 5pm Thursday 20th August 2015 IMPORTANT (PLEASE NOTE) All players intending to play in the upcoming season MUST have an individual MyMacc Account to register. ENQUIRIES If at any stage during the registration process you require assistance please contact Maccabi Basketball on 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Competitions Maccabi Junior Basketball teams participate in the following competitions: Waverley Junior Basketball Competition Under 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 Boys – Saturday Under 16 / 18 – Sunday Hawthorn Junior Basketball Competition Under 9 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 Girls – Saturday McKinnon Junior Basketball Competition Under 9 Girls – Wednesday Under 11 / 13 / 15 / 17 / 19 Girls – Sunday Age Eligibility Please see below details of Age Eligibility Criteria for each Competition (please note variation of Age eligibility criteria for each competition): Hawthorn Age Group Year of Birth U9 2008/2009 U10 2007/2008 U12 2005/2006 U14 2003/2004 U16 2001/2002 U18 1999/2000 McKinnon Age Group Year of Birth U9 2007/2008 U11 2005/2006 U13 2003/2004 U15 2001/2002 U17 1999/2000 U19 1997/1998 Age Group U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18 Waverley Age as of 30th June 2015 1/07/2007-30/06/2009 1/07/2005-30/06/2007 1/07/2003-30/06/2005 1/07/2001-30/06/2003 1/07/1999-30/06/2001 1/07/1997-30/06/1999 Registrations / Fees Maccabi Junior Basketball Fees (Summer Season 2015-16): $330 (GST incl.) per player PLEASE NOTE: Registrations received after the closing date (Thursday 20th August 5pm) will incur an additional late fee ($55 incl. GST) on top of the registration fee. Maccabi Basketball cannot guarantee that players registered after the closing date will be placed into a team. Fees cover costs including: Competition Team Nominations Competition Match Fees (Scoresheet Fees) Maccabi Victoria Affiliation Fee ($15 per player per season) Training Fees (Venue Hire) Training Resources (basketballs, cones etc) Coach Payments Coach/Player Development Administration Fees are payable at the time of registration via the Registration Page on the Maccabi Basketball (Vic) website. 2 Maccabi Junior Basketball Calendar Dates Summer Season 2015-2016 Date Waverley Boys (U8-U14) Waverley Boys (U16, U18) Hawthorn Girls Tuesday 11th August 2015 Registrations Open at 5pm (all junior competitions) Thursday 20th August 2015 Registrations Close at 5pm (all junior competitions) Monday 31st August 2015 Player Assessment Night Player Assessment Night Tuesday 1st September 2015 Player Assessment Night Player Assessment Night McKinnon Girls Wednesday 2nd September 2015 Player Assessment Night Player Assessment Night Thursday 3rd September 2015 Player Assessment Night Player Assessment Night Monday 7th September 2015 Player Assessment Night Player Assessment Night Tuesday 8th September 2015 Player Assessment Night Player Assessment Night School Holidays Saturday 19th September 2015 Friday 26th September 2015 All Junior Teams Announced via Maccabi Website Sunday 4th October 2015 School Holidays Monday 5th October 2015 First week of Training (All Junior Competitions) Saturday 10th October 2015 Round 1 Sunday 11th October 2015 Saturday 17th October 2015 Round 1 Round 2 Sunday 18th October 2015 Saturday 24th October 2015 Round 1 Round 1 Round 2 Round 2 Round 3 Sunday 25th October 2015 Round 2 Round 3 Round 3 Saturday 31st October 2015 Round 3 Melbourne Cup Long Weekend (No Competition) Sunday 1st November 2015 Saturday 7th November 2015 Round 4 Sunday 8th November 2015 Saturday 14th November 2015 Round 4 Round 5 Sunday 15th November 2015 Saturday 21th November 2015 Sunday 20th December 2015 3 Round 6 Round 7 Round 6 Round 7 Round 7 Round 8 Round 7 Round 8 Round 8 Round 9 Sunday 13th December 2015 Saturday 19th December 2015 Round 5 Round 6 Sunday 6th December 2015 Saturday 12th December 2015 Round 5 Round 6 Sunday 29th November 2015 Saturday 5th December 2015 Round 4 Round 5 Sunday 22th November 2015 Saturday 28th November 2015 Round 4 Round 8 No Competition Round 9 Round 10 Round 9 No Competition Round 10 No Competition Saturday 26th December 2015 Sunday 27th December 2015 Saturday 2nd January 2016 Sunday 3rd January 2016 Saturday 9th January 2016 School Holidays Sunday 10th January 2016 Saturday 16th January 2016 Sunday 17th January 2016 Saturday 23rd January 2016 Sunday 24th January 2016 **Wednesday 27th January 2016** Saturday 30th January 2016 First Training After Summer School Holidays Round 11 Sunday 31st January 2016 Saturday 6th February 2016 Round 11 Round 12 Sunday 7th February 2016 Saturday 13th February 2016 Round 11 Round 11 Round 13 Round 14 Round 12 Round 12 Round 14 Round 15 Sunday 28th February 2016 Saturday 5th March 2016 Round 10 Round 13 Sunday 21st February 2016 Saturday 27th February 2016 Round 10 Round 12 Sunday 14th February 2016 Saturday 20th February 2016 Round 9 Round 13 Round 13 Round 15 Round 16 Sunday 6th March 2016 Round 14 Semi Finals Round 16 Semi Finals Wednesday 9th March 2016 Prelim Finals Saturday 12th March 2016 Labour Day Long Weekend (No Competition) Sunday 13th March 2016 Saturday 19th March 2016 Semi Finals Sunday 20th March 2016 Saturday 19th March 2016 Sunday 13th March 2016 4 Grand Final Semi Finals Gran Final Grand Final Grand Final Pre-Season Assessment Clinics To assist the club and coaches in the selection of teams, all players intending to play in the Summer season will be required to attend COMPULSORY pre-season assessment clinics to be conducted at Bialik College on the following dates: Waverley Boys Week 1 - Monday 31st August / Tuesday 1st September Week 2 – Monday 7th September / Tuesday 8th September Hawthorn / McKinnon Girls Week 1 - Wednesday 2nd September / Thursday 3rd September Week 2 – sessions will be conducted during this week based on the number of registrations received and will be assessed after the close of registration (August 20th) Specific dates and times of assessment clinics for each age bracket will be determined following the close of registrations (Details to be sent to all registered players on Friday 21 st August) Maccabi Junior Skills Development Program This coming Summer Season, Maccabi Basketball will be conducting a Junior Skills Development Program. This program will cater for 6-10 year old players as a means of introducing them to the game of basketball through skill development and modified games. These sessions will be developed and delivered by the highest standard of coaches in the club. Details such as dates, times, venues and costs will be released on Monday 17 th August. PLEASE NOTE: At the discretion of the Director of Basketball (Dale Ryan) and the coaches/selectors, players who attend the Pre-season Clinics (between the ages of 6-10) may be assessed to not be at a suitable skill level to play in a competitive environment. In these instances recommendations will be given to players/parents to attend the Maccabi Junior Skills Development Program until such time that their skills are assessed to be of a standard that is suitable to play at a competition level. Player / Team Selections (Number of Teams) The number of teams that Maccabi Basketball will enter into competitions (and the number of players per team) will be determined by the following factors: Number of registered players (minimum of 7 players for team in any age bracket) Number of coaches Access to facilities to train Skill assessment of players (relevant to the Under 8 / 9 / 10 age brackets) Players will be selected into teams on the basis of: Previous playing performance competing for Maccabi Junior teams (coach feedback) Assessment of individual skill level, understanding of team concepts, coachability and ability to compete during the Player Assessment Clinics (compulsory for all players) An identified need to have players in specific teams PLEASE NOTE: Outside of the first 2 teams in each age bracket, consideration will be given to accommodate player requests to play in teams with fellow friends and schoolmates. In these instances the players must be of equal/similar standard of ability. 5 Selection of players into teams will be performed by a selection committee consisting of: Director of Basketball Past and Present Maccabi Coaches who are familiar with the playing group Independent external coaches with significant experience and credentials Maccabi Basketball Executive Committee Members (independent observer) The announcement of teams/squads will be done via posting on the Maccabi Basketball (Vic) website on Friday 26th September 2015: Training Sessions As a general rule the following training nights will be allocated for each group: Boys: Monday / Tuesday night Girls: Wednesday / Thursday night Training Venues/Competition Venues: Final training days and times will be determined by the following factors (in order of priority): Availability of coaches Availability of venues Availability of players Every effort will be made to establish training times that do not clash with other sporting/personal commitments of players. Ultimately training times will be established at the discretion of the Maccabi Basketball Junior Committee taking into consideration the best interest of ALL members (note: there are currently in the vicinity of 550 junior players in the club). PLEASE NOTE: SUMMER SEASON 2015-16 TRAINING FOR ALL TEAMS WILL COMMENCE ON THE WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY 5TH OCTOBER 2015 6 Player / Parent Expectations (Code of Conduct) Information contained in this document outlines Maccabi Junior Basketball’s expectations of all players and parents for the upcoming season. To register for the upcoming season you will be required to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the details outlined in this document. Fees All fees must be paid in full at the time of registration (please note registration closing dates and fees/potential consequences associated with late registration) In the event of financial difficulty an alternative payment schedule must be arranged with the Maccabi Junior Basketball Club prior to the registration closing date (please contact: If a player withdraws from the Maccabi Junior Basketball Club for any reason there will be no refund or reduction of fees. Games 7 Players are expected to participate in all games listed in their relevant competition outlined on the Maccabi Junior Basketball Calendar (Please note that game dates, times and venues are subject to change by the relevant competition management. Maccabi Basketball will advise affected members of any competition changes once they have received notification from the competition management). In the event of a player be unavailable for a game, the player or parent MUST provide the Team Manager/Coach at least 24 hours notification regarding absence and reason. If a player is unable to play due to injury he/she will be expected to attend the game unless physically unable to. Players must arrive at games a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time for: - Pre-game meeting / discussion - Perform appropriate warm-up as outlined by coach Player/Parent actions (physical/verbal) during games must reflect the highest standard and in no way tarnish the reputation of the Maccabi Junior Basketball Club refer to Maccabi Basketball Code of Conduct website page for further details Training All players must attend scheduled training sessions. In the event of a player be unavailable for training, the player or parent MUST provide the Team Manager/Coach at least 24 hours notification regarding absence and reason - if a player is unable to train he/she will be expected to attend unless physically unable to Players must attend trainings a minimum of 10 minutes prior to scheduled time for: - Pre-training meeting / discussion - Perform appropriate warm-up as outlined by coach Players are to remain seated on the sideline bench until the previous training has been completed (no dribbling/shooting of the ball or behaviour which disrupts the training of other teams) Players are required to be appropriately attired in basketball training gear (must be wearing appropriate footwear). No school uniforms or shoes. Players’ actions (physical/verbal) during trainings must reflect the highest standard and in no way tarnish the reputation of the Maccabi Junior Basketball Club. All players must bring an appropriate size BASKETBALL AND DRINK BOTTLE to training. Failure to do this may result in players not being able to train for part or all of the training session. Player and Parent Grievance Process All players and parents must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner on and off the court whilst representing Maccabi Basketball: Players and parents must abide by the directions and requests of the Maccabi Junior Coaching Staff, Director of Basketball and Maccabi Junior Basketball Executive Committee members Players and parents must at all times maintain positive support (demonstrated through their actions and comments) towards the Maccabi Junior Basketball Club and all persons involved including Players, Coaching Staff, Team Managers, Director of Basketball and Maccabi Junior Basketball Executive Committee members In the event of a grievance, the dispute/disagreement must be communicated along the appropriate channels and to the appropriate person/s in the following order: Coach (in person) Team Manager (in person or via email) Maccabi Basketball Club: Maccabi Director of Basketball Maccabi Junior Basketball Executive Committee Negative comments/actions will be not be tolerated by the Maccabi Junior Basketball Club if the appropriate channels are not utilized for the purpose of expressing views. 8 Player and Parent Responsibilities Responsibilities and expectations of players and parents have been clearly articulated in this document. Signing of the document indicates your acceptance of all responsibilities and conditions placed upon you as a representative of Maccabi Junior Basketball Club. Failure to adhere to the standards set out in this document may result in the following actions being applied: Reprimand Impact on playing time in games Suspension of player (no refund of paid fees) Removal of player from team/club 9