GNM 3201 Darwin and Mendel STUDY GUIDE: WILSON AND BOSSERT, RATES OF CHANGE & STATISTICS Change 1. If you start at your house and drive south 10 miles, how has your distance from home changed? That is, what is d, where d = distance from home? 2. If you have $500 in your checking account on Monday, and on Thursday you have $85, what is $? What would $ be if on Thursday you had $5000? 3. If your employer automatically deposits $2000 in your bank account every four weeks, what is the $/t for your bank account per week? Assume you don't withdraw or add any other $$. 4. If you drive 10 miles in fifteen minutes, what is your d/t in miles per hour? 5. If you have a cat which gives birth to 6 kittens, and then you accept two more kittens from a neighbor, what is the change in the number of Felis domesticus in your house, (n)? 6. How many kittens would you have to give away to make n = 0? Growth Rates 7. What is the rate of change d$/dt in the value of $1000 invested at 4% annual interest (assume continuous compounding of the interest)? What interest rate would give d$/dt = 0? 8. What is the value of that investment after 2.5 years? Hint: use the ex key on your calculator. Statistics 9. What is the mean of (20, 25, 35, 50) 10. What is the standard deviation for the same data? GNM 3201 Darwin and Mendel STUDY GUIDE: WILSON AND BOSSERT, POPULATION GENETICS PROBLEMS My son and I used to play a game that used dice that had different numbers of sides. They included 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20-sided shapes. All were numbered from 1 to the total number of sides. If you roll one die with four sides and one with eight sides, what is the chance of getting a pair of threes? The wrinkled (a) gene occurs at a frequency of 0.55 in a population. What is the frequency of the round (A) gene, if no other forms are present? A certain recessive gene (a) occurs at a frequency of 0.05 in the population. What is the frequency of the other, dominant form of the gene (A) and what are the expected frequencies of the diploid genotypes (AA, Aa, aa)? Consider again the round (A) and wrinkled (a) genes. If the frequency of the melanic gene (M) in a moth population is 0.7, what are the frequencies of the three forms (MM, Mm, mm)? If 36% of the individuals in a moth population exhibit the recessive trait, speckled white coloration, what is the frequency of the gene m, for the trait? If we have a population consisting entirely of 40 AA and 60 aa individuals, what are the frequencies of the genes A and a? If we had 150 MM individuals in a population and 50 mm individuals, and if they mated at random, what would be the frequencies of MM, Mm and mm individuals in the offspring? Mutational equilibrium (page 44). What is the equilibrium frequency of gene a2 if the mutation rate () from a1 to a2 is 5 x 10-5 and the mutation rate () from a2 to a1 is 5 x 10-6? Gene flow (see pages 46-47): What is the amount of change in a generation of the frequency (q) of an allele where the frequency in one population (q) is 0.3 and in another population (q) is 0.8, if population gets 0.1 of its individuals in each generation from population GNM 3201 Darwin and Mendel Selection in one generation (page 50): Calculate the selection coefficients for the following case. Is selection happening? What type? Genotypes Number before selection After selection in same generation Survival Rate Relative Fitness Selection Coefficient AA Aa aa 2300 1000 1700 1700 300 1000 Selection between one generation and the next generation (page 52): Calculate the selection coefficients for the following case. Is selection happening? What type? Genotypes Number in first generation (before selection) Number expected in next generation based on the H-W formula Number in second generation (after selection) Corrected Rate of Increase Relative fitness Selection coefficient AA Aa aa Total 4000 3000 3000 10000 gene frequencies of A and a in Gen. 1 10000 4400 2600 3000 10000 Elimination of recessives (page 53): Consider a recessive gene that is lethal when homozygous, but harmless if the dominant gene is present. Suppose we start out with the frequency of that gene in a population equal to 0.3. What will the frequency be after 10 generations if only natural selection affects it? Mutation and selection (page 61): Consider a recessive gene that is lethal when homozygous, but harmless if the dominant gene is present. If the mutation rate from the dominant to the recessive is 0.0005, what will be the equilibrium frequency of the recessive allele, if no other factors act on the gene frequencies?