-1- Formblatt Z DOCUMENTATION OF GENTECHNOLOGY PROCEDURES FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES For further procedures under safety level S1 (not covered by the initial application) please fill in 1-10 and 14. For registered procedures (covered by the initial application or further procedures under safety level S2-4) or approved procedures fill in 4, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 14. 1. a) name and address of the operator: Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts Senckenberganlage 31 Postfach 11 19 32 60054 Frankfurt am Main b) location of the gene technology facility: 2. name of the project manager (Projektleiter): 3. name of commissioner for biological safety (BBS): 4. date and file reference for the facility for gene technology procedures Registration/safety inspection according to the „Genrichtlinie" Registration/approval according to GenTG 5. title of gene technology procedures: 6. safety level: 1 2 3 11/92 4 -2- Formblatt Z 7. starting date of genetechnology procedures and period including long-term storage: from: 8. to: a) donor organsim: b) nucleic acid species and purity: c) vector(s): d) receiving organism: e) properties of the receiving organism (if relevant for safety assessment of gene technology procedures): f) 9. properties of the genetically modified organsim relevant for safety level classification: description of the gene technology procedures including scientific purpose: 10. risk assessment of gene technology procedures: 11. change of safety level, reason, date (if applicable): 11/92 -3- Formblatt Z 12. Safety level 2: Further staff members directly involved in gene technology procedures and their duties: 13. Further information for safety level 3 and 4 (§ 2 Abs. 4 GenTAufzV): 14. unexpected incidents with possible hazard for the subject of protection (§ 1 GenTG) signature of operator or project director or person appointed by the latter: place and date name, title, official capacity signature 11/92