Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment Instructions _____________________________________________________ Paragraph 432.1 of the 2004 Book of Discipline states “The District Superintendent shall develop with the pastor and the committees on pastor-parish relations of all churches profiles that reflect the needs, characteristics, and opportunities for mission of the charge consistent with the Church’s statement of purpose.” This assessment is to be used annually to improve team ministry between your congregation and your clergyperson and to enhance clergy effectiveness. Schedule a conversation and allow plenty of time for dialogue, without any other items of business to discuss. Be sure every P/SPRC committee member has a copy of this document several days before the meeting so that everyone can prepare. Please be in prayer with your clergyperson before you begin your conversation. After your conversation, please have each P/SPRC committee member and the clergyperson sign the assessment before you send it to the District Superintendent’s office on or before the due date. This will help the District Superintendent in his/her evaluation of the team ministry. This assessment also applies to clergy in extension ministries and is to be used annually by the group or agency supervising the clergyperson. _______________________________________________ This assessment instrument is available in hard copy, as an electronic file, and on CD. Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment, page 1 Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment Definition and Explanation of Clergy Effectiveness _________________________________________ Out of a shared commitment to enhancing clergy effectiveness in local churches throughout the Southwest Texas Annual Conference, the Cabinet and Board of Ordained Ministry offer the following definition and explanation of our understanding of clergy effectiveness. All references are to paragraphs in the 2004 Book of Discipline. Clergy effectiveness encompasses all aspects of a clergyperson’s life and can be demonstrated by integrity of heart and life, wholeness in building and maintaining relationships, and competence in skills necessary for ministry. I. Integrity of Heart and Life (¶304.2) Effective clergy will: 1. Demonstrate personal faith in Jesus Christ and live in such a manner that the love of God is incarnate in their daily activities. 2. Follow spiritual disciplines, such as prayer, Bible study, Sabbath rest, spiritual retreat, periodic sabbatical, fasting, and participation in the sacramental life of the church, which are necessary for personal spiritual formation. 3. Live balanced lives which demonstrate an appropriate work ethic regarding time and attention spent in work for the congregation or agency where appointed as well as appropriate time for family and recreation and intellectual growth. 4. Make lifestyle choices that lead to physical and emotional health. 5. Be honest and forthright in all verbal and written communication. 6. Demonstrate the highest integrity in financial matters both within and outside congregational or agency life. 7. Be self-reflective regarding all aspects of spiritual formation, ministry, and personal life. 8. Uphold the theological integrity of the church. II. Wholeness of Relationships Clergy within the UMC exercise their ministry within covenant relationships with God, other ordained clergy, members of the congregation or agency to which they are appointed, spouse, family, and friends (¶303.3; ¶328). Effective clergy demonstrate skills necessary to create and maintain healthy and nurturing relationships in all aspects of life. Effective clergy will: 1. Exercise leadership in such a way that ministry is the work of the entire congregation and gifts for ministry among the laity are recognized, nurtured, and affirmed (¶303.4; ¶328). 2. Conduct ministry in cooperative and supportive relationship with other staff persons. 3. Meet regularly with P/SPRC and participate openly and honestly with P/SPRC in the process of evaluation (¶334.2c). 4. In appointments to extension ministry, engage in appropriate supervisory sessions with those to whom he or she is accountable (¶343). 5. Hold themselves accountable to a group of peers for growth in discipleship and the exercise of ministry. It is expected that this group will meet regularly and will deal with issues relevant to spiritual formation and growth in ministry. Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment, page 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Demonstrate communication skills that include effective listening and authentic relating. Respond appropriately when either praise or criticism is offered. Seek out needed help when any relationship is strained or broken. Set appropriate ethical boundaries in all relationships so that issues of sexual misconduct or harassment are never in question and appropriate sensitivity to cultural diversity is demonstrated. In singleness, keep dating relationships from becoming a detriment to ministry and uphold the covenant of celibacy. In marriage, exercise fidelity within the marriage covenant and give appropriate attention to nurturing their families. Avoid pastoral interference in the ministry setting of other clergy. Grow and adjust to change while maintaining balance. Live responsibly within their income and communicate any changes in church compensation to the District Superintendent. Exercise ministry under appropriate supervision of the UMC through the office of the Bishop and District Superintendent. III. Competence in Skills Necessary for Ministry Effective clergy demonstrate gifts for ministry that allow them to oversee the total ministry of the local church (¶340): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Making disciples for Jesus Christ. Guiding, supporting, training, and partnering with laity for ministry in the world. Proclaiming the Word of God through preaching and teaching. Giving leadership in implementing God’s vision and purpose for the congregation. Offering pastoral care in times of illness, crisis, or death. Providing priestly leadership in planning and leading worship and administering the sacraments. Providing prophetic leadership that calls the congregation to evangelistic mission beyond its walls and to justice in society. Providing professional leadership in areas of time management, supervision and management of staff and volunteers, and financial oversight. Supporting the vision and goals of the annual conference. Developing growth in stewardship as a spiritual discipline within the congregation. Using modern technology to enhance aspects of church programming and congregational life. Intentionally developing a plan for continuing education/spiritual formation that is approved by both the P/SPRC and the District Superintendent. These paragraphs in the 2004 Book of Discipline may be helpful: ¶259.2 – Election and duties of P/SPRC ¶340 – Responsibilities and duties of elders and licensed pastors ¶341 – Unauthorized conduct of pastors ¶432.1 – Consultation between District Superintendent and congregation concerning appointments ¶432.2. – Consultation between District Superintendent and pastor concerning appointments Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment, page 3 Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment ___________________________________________________ In dialogue with your clergyperson, please give specific written examples of the following as they relate to him or her. Add additional pages as needed. I. Integrity of Heart and Life Effectiveness in ministry grows out of a call and commitment to Almighty God evidenced by personal faith in Jesus Christ, ethical behavior, keeping of spiritual disciplines, appropriate balance between work and rest, honesty, and daily living that makes the love of God real in the world. 1. Demonstrates personal faith in Jesus Christ and lives in such a manner that the love of God is incarnate in his or her daily activities, while upholding the theological integrity of the church. 2. Follows spiritual disciplines that are necessary for personal spiritual formation and renewal, such as prayer, Bible study, Sabbath rest, spiritual retreat, periodic sabbatical, fasting, participation in the sacramental life of the church, and service to the world. 3. Exhibits an appropriate work ethic and financial integrity, while balancing work with family life, recreation, and personal enrichment time. 4. Demonstrates skill in all verbal and written communication. 5. Makes lifestyle choices that lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual health. II. Wholeness of Relationships Effectiveness in ministry is dependent on relationships, especially the personal relationship between the clergyperson and God and the relationship between the clergyperson and others. 1. Genuinely expresses an intimate relationship with God. 2. Exercises leadership so that ministry is a partnership between clergy and laity. 3. Engages staff/church leadership in a cooperative and supportive relationship. 4. Meets regularly with P/SPRC and fosters open and honest relationships with its members regarding evaluation and professional growth and performance. 5. Makes visible the connectional nature of the Church. 6. Meets regularly with and is accountable to a peer group for growth in discipleship and ministry. 7. Maintains appropriate ethical boundaries in all personal and professional relationships. 8. Shows openness to and works well with people of diverse backgrounds. Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment, page 4 III. Competence in Skills Necessary for Ministry (for Elders and Local Pastors) Effectiveness in ministry depends on the demonstration of specific skills in several areas. Please circle the phrase you think best reflects your clergyperson’s skills for ministry and in one or two sentences explain your answer in each situation. Always falls below the standard of effectiveness Usually falls below the standard of effectiveness Sometimes falls below the standard of effectiveness Meets the standards of effectiveness Sometimes exceeds the standards of effectiveness Usually exceed the standards of effectiveness Always exceeds the standards of effectiveness 1. Is actively engaged in making disciples for Jesus Christ by guiding, supporting, training, and partnering with laity for mission, ministry, and justice in the world (Micah 6:8). Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Demonstrates faithful transmission of the Christian faith through effective preaching and teaching of the Word of God and leading people into discipleship. Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Provides appropriate, timely, and compassionate care, particularly in times of illness, crisis, or death. Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment, page 5 4. Maintains confidentiality in counseling situations. Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Faithfully participates with the members of the congregation in planning and leading worship and celebrating the sacraments. Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Exercises leadership in upholding God’s vision for the church. Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Provides professional leadership in the areas of time management and supervision of staff and volunteers. Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Provides sound financial oversight while modeling stewardship as a spiritual discipline and lifestyle within the congregation. Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment, page 6 9. Embraces modern technology as a way to enhance outreach, church programming, and congregational life. Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Participates annually in a program of continuing education/spiritual formation and renewal (¶259.2g[h]). Always falls below Usually falls below Sometimes falls below Meets standards Sometimes exceeds Usually exceeds Always exceeds Explanation: __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Is there a need for further dialogue between the P/SPRC and the District Superintendent? Signatures of all P/SPRC members: ___________________________________ Chair ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Clergyperson Revised June 1, 2008 Southwest Texas Conference Clergy Effectiveness Assessment, page 7