Grammar Journal Information for Eng

Grammar Journal Information for Eng. 112
 This journal is your opportunity to work on your own personal surface type errors.
For the first three major works and your six reading logs, you will be correcting
every single error in this journal.
 I will make a mark that lets you know what kind of mistake you have made. You
will match that mark up with the symbols on the Marking System for Errors
document. If you need to look up how to correct it in your textbook, do so. If
you do not, because you already know how to fix it, then that is fine too.
 Furthermore, you may make spelling errors, and for those, you may need to look
up the correct spellings in the dictionary, or you may know, yourself, how to
correct it.
 You only have to correct one type of error per essay or reading log, but if you
make that same type of error in future works, then it has to be corrected for each
of those different essays and reading logs. For example, if you have twenty insert
errors in an essay, you only have to correct an insert once. But—if you have
twenty different types of errors, then you have to correct all twenty of them.
Furthermore, in the next essay or reading log that you have an insert problem, you
have to still correct that.
The format that I would like you to follow for this journal follows.
 Typed
 Heading that shows which essay or reading log you are correcting, i.e.
Creative/Nonfiction Essay
 All of your errors in your essays and reading logs numbered and all of
your errors in your journal entry numbered to match the numbers in your
essays and reading logs
 The format shows error, correction, and source
 Essays and reading logs turned in the left pocket of the folder
 Journal entries turned in in the right pocket of the folder matched up
directly across from their essay and reading log counterparts
In other words, it should look like this:
Creative/Nonfiction Essay:
1. Error:
 The grammar journal entries are all due in a folder on _____ and ______.