funerals and burials

Resolution No. 2007-137
Date: October 10, 2007
Whereas - the Ontario Works Task Force has given careful consideration to changes in
the Ontario Works local Funeral Policy and Rates;
Be it resolved - that Local Policy 30, Funerals and Burials, be approved as
recommended by the Ontario Works Task Force.
CARRIED __________________________________
CARRIED ______________________________
KOZIOL, JUDY (North Bay)
MAYNE, CHRIS (North Bay)
ETHIER, GUY (West Nipissing)
OGILVIE, BOB (South Algonquin)
GRAHAM, TOM (North Bay)
JUPP, GEORGE A. (Unincorporated)
OCTOBER 2, 2007
Whereas - the Ontario Works Task Force has given careful consideration to changes in
the Ontario Works local Funeral Policy and Rates;
Be it resolved - that Local Policy 30, Funerals and Burials, be approved as
recommended by the Ontario Works Task Force.
The attached Policy was reviewed again at the Ontario Works Task Force Meeting of September 27,
2007 and some revisions were made to clarify certain provisions of the Funeral and Burials Policy.
There was no change made to the funeral rates and disbursements from the proposal made to the
September Meeting of the Board.
The following Chart provides information on Funeral Rates and Disbursements from a 2005 Survey
by NOSDA of Ontario Works Delivery Agents.
At that time, the DNSSAB Funeral Rate Policy was in the average range of the survey.
A telephone survey conducted in 2007 confirmed similar rates are in effect in most Districts.
September 2007
 MINISTRY DIRECTIVE #1.0 – Overview of Ontario Works
 MINISTRY DIRECTIVE #7.1 - Provision of Benefits
 DNSSAB Board Resolution 2005-103, dated September 21, 2005
 SDMT Process and Payment Funeral Job Aid, October 2006
 Funeral Assistance Request Declaration, August 2006
 Funeral application checklist – October 2006
to distinguish between Type A and Type B funerals and payment limits
to outline Case Manager roles and responsibilities regarding required documentation, determination
of eligibility and payment levels
to comply with the requirements and minimum standards as established in Ministry Directive #7.1Provision of Benefits
to establish the DNSSAB Ontario Works standards
The DNSSAB will assess requests for funeral and burial costs on a case-by-case basis to determine
eligibility based on specific criteria. The maximum base rate will need to be clarified by a Team
Coordinator according to the annual amount as approved by the DNSSAB Board. In all cases, the
DNSSAB will attempt to recover the cost of a funeral or burial following the procedures outlined in this
policy. DNSSAB has approved a maximum payable amount for funerals and burials plus approved
disbursements fees as listed in this policy.
Funeral Director Responsibilities:
It is the responsibility of the Funeral Director to determine that all parties prior to a contract being signed
agree to the incurred charges and payments. The contract includes an itemized list of services and
details of payment. If before the contact is signed, the next of kin indicates that the costs of the services
outlined in the contact may impose financial difficulties, the Funeral Director may advise of possible
funding through DNSSAB. The Funeral Director could, at this time, discuss the funeral package covered
by DNSSAB. If the next of kin is in agreement, they should be referred to the DNSSAB for the completion
of the application. It is the responsibility of the next of kin to advise the Funeral Director of the financial
difficulties prior to the contract being signed. Death certificates will not be released until funeral recovery
is completed unless death certificate is required for next of kin in order to apply for other financial
Requests for Financial Assistance for Funerals Type A and Type B:
The deceased must have been ordinarily a resident of this municipality at the time of their death, in order
to be eligible for financial assistance. If the deceased was not a resident of this municipality, the Case
Manager will attempt to determine the area that the deceased resided in and refer interested parties to
the appropriate Ontario Works office for assistance. In the event of a death in a hospital or nursing home,
residency is determined to be the municipality in which the patient was ordinarily residing at the time of
their admission. Residency in the case of an unclaimed body is determined to be where the body was
found (i.e. within the limits of a city, town, village or township). In cases where the indigent person lived in
an unorganized township, the Coroner, as the inspector under the Anatomy Act, has the authority to
decide which Municipality or designate office will be responsible for paying the cost of the burial.
Once residency has been determined the Case Manager will proceed with the process for Type A or Type
B funeral.
Type A Funeral (OW/ODSP):
An active OW/ODSP recipient funeral is cost shared 80-20 % with the Province and applies to
deceased recipients and those who would have qualified for Ontario Works and ODSP financial
assistance at the time of their death. In cases requesting assistance with the funeral for an active
Ontario Works or ODSP recipient, no additional forms are required. The data collected regarding
costs will be recorded in the SDMT notes under category, Payments/Benefits, note type, Benefits,
and subject Funeral Benefits
OW staff will contact ODSP to notify them that the next of kin has applied at the OW office for
Funeral expenses. ODSP will make the necessary contact in the ODSP office to confirm that any
entitlement due will be redirected to the OW office.
Sufficient Funds:
 If there are sufficient income/assets available from the deceased’s estate to cover the total
funeral amount, the Case Manager will advise the applicant of ineligibility. All of the deceased’s
assets/income must be applied toward the funeral expenses, including life insurance policies,
inheritances, etc. that may be payable to a beneficiary or dependant. Additionally, the value of
the deceased’s estate is considered at time of death and not when all the deceased’s outstanding
bills/debts have been paid by the surviving family members.
 The Case Manager will send a courtesy letter to both the next of kin and the funeral home
indicating ineligibility.
Insufficient Funds/No funds:
 If there are not sufficient funds available to cover the total allowable funeral expenses, the Case
Manager will advise the applicant(s) that any income/assets available will be allocated toward the
total funeral expense.
 The OW Coordinator or designate will complete the required assignments prior to paying
funeral/burial costs.
 The Case Manager pays the total agreed funeral costs and DNSSAB is reimbursed from any
income/asset available from the estate.
 Complete Funeral Declaration form
 Letters will be sent to all of the deceased banking institutions along with a copy of the death
certificate requesting proceeds from the stated accounts be forwarded to the funeral home.
 Death certificates will not be released until funeral recovery is completed unless death certificate
is required for next of kin to apply for other financial resources.
Type B Funeral (Indigent/Unclaimed Bodies/Non-Recipient):
 Type B (Indigent/non-recipient) funeral/burial is paid 100 % by the Municipalities, in accordance
with the Board Resolution 2005-103. It is also paid in accordance with the statutes of the Public
Hospitals Act and the Anatomy Act which requires a municipality to cover the funeral or burial
expenses for non-recipients of OW/ODSP and for those who would not qualify under Type A,
unclaimed bodies or indigent persons who die in Nursing Homes where the deceased would
normally have resided within their jurisdiction.
 Bodies found and/or unclaimed in this municipality and in situations where there are no next of kin
or persons willing to sign for the costs associated with the final internment, will be considered for
financial assistance. In these cases, the OW Coordinator or designate will be required to sign the
funeral purchase contract on behalf of DNSSAB and to retrieve any financial information
regarding the deceased. In all cases the Police, the Funeral Home or other possible resources
should be contacted to access this information.
 Only the costs associated with the final interment will be considered for payment.
 If the person was not in receipt of OW or ODSP, the OW Coordinator or designate will complete
the application for assistance (part 1 only) to the best of their ability and the consent securing
information from a relative or funeral home as the case may be, and enter the case in SDMT. In
addition, if the deceased was in receipt of CPP survivor benefit, the SIN for the deceased spouse
will also be collected in order to properly complete the death benefit form.
 The OW Coordinator or designate will complete the required assignments prior to paying
funeral/burial costs.
 Letters will be sent to all of the deceased banks along with a copy of the death certificate
requesting proceeds from the stated accounts if applicable.
 Assistance for a burial will only be provided where approval is sought in advance of the
expenditure. The OW Coordinator or designate will document the circumstances of each request
noting the agreed to costs. Upon receipt of an itemized invoice it will be compared with the
approved notes recorded by the OW Coordinator. Any amounts billed in excess of the amount
approved by the OW Coordinator will not be paid by the DNSSAB but will remain the
responsibility of the funeral home.
 In the event that the total costs exceed the maximum amount allowable and the funeral director
and the person agreeing to pay the costs do not terminate or cancel the original contract, the
person(s) signing the contract will be responsible for any outstanding balances. Any payments
already made towards the funeral costs will be deducted from any OW payment.
No consideration will be given to an application beyond two months from the date of death,
unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by the OW Coordinator.
Note: If a deceased person was living on a reserve within the past 12 months the IWS indicator will need
to be checked off in SDMT. This will allow expenses to be recoverable at 100%.
It is expected that the funeral homes will advise family members (or interested persons), who may be
required to apply to Ontario Works for assistance with any of the funeral/burial costs of DNSSAB policies
regarding the maximum amounts considered, disbursements not to be considered and the need for
authorization prior to the person signing the contract for service.
The following goods and services will be considered for payment up to the ceiling established by
this policy:
Casket: 19 hinge plate, flat top, cloth covered or equivalent. If a cremation container is purchased
instead of a casket, the cremation container and a cremation urn can be exchanged for the casket, up
to the cost allowed for the casket.
Basic Services: Professional services of a licensed funeral director for consultation with the
purchaser and family, coordination of all arrangements with clergy. Cemetery, crematorium, church,
hospital or nursing home prior to, during and after the funeral. Also, support staff for general staffing,
assistance during the funeral service, clerical support, cleaning and maintenance and 24 hour
2 hours of visitation: Funeral director and staff supervision during visiting, receiving and setting up
flowers, coordination of donations, preparations for funeral service and staff to assist with and direct
the service.
Documentation: Prepare contracts with the purchaser, prepare any municipal and provincial
registrations, prepare and submit newspaper notices, obtain coroner and medical certificates, prepare
and submit cemetery or cremation forms, and preparation and distribution of any other required
Embalming: The preservation, sanitation and restoration of the body to allow viewing or sheltering of
the remains, only if requested by the next of kin or if the arrangements are in excess of 48 hours from
the time of death, as required by Funeral Home policy.
Other preparations: Includes dressing, hair styling, cosmetics, casketing and exterior disinfection
when no embalming is authorized.
Basic Facility: The use of the facilities and equipment required to operate as a licensed funeral
services establishment and including any public areas, parking, and arrangement office and selection
Visitation and Service: The use of the facilities, equipment, furnishings, flower and donation stands,
sound systems and religious equipment for the reception of family and friends during the visitation
period. Use of facilities, furnishings and equipment for funeral service in chapel, or any extra staff.
Preparation Room: Use of a designated room monitored by the local Health Unit for professional
sanctuary care and/or shelter of the remains and use of necessary specialized equipment.
Initial Transfer: Use of vehicles and equipment to transfer the deceased from the place of death to
the funeral home within 80 km.
Service Vehicle: Use of errand vehicle for delivery of floral tributes, to secure death certificate and
for any other tasks related to the services provided. Funeral Coach to transfer the deceased from the
funeral home to the place of burial
Lead Car: Cremation within 80 km.
DNSSAB will also consider assisting with reasonable costs of the following disbursements, in addition to
the maximum amount for both Type A and Type B funerals:
 cemetery plot for a single grave (resident)
 cemetery plot for a single grave (non-resident) in Community
 cemetery fees for opening and closing of a single grave
 vault charges (if required for winter storage)
 coroner fees
 cremation charges
$ no charge in North Bay
$ 75.00
registration tax fee:
North Bay
Sturgeon Falls
necessary transportation over 80 km, at the discretion of the OW Coordinator
extraordinary expenses, at the discretion of the OW Coordinator, such as:
o oversized caskets
o special casket liners or outside containers, at cost, only when legally required
o additional costs for handling and embalming of body with infectious disease
additional GST on any of the above additional disbursements
Since a GST rebate is available in funeral payments, a copy of the letter of approval and invoice is to be
forwarded to our finance department.
DNSSAB will not assist with the costs of the following disbursements:
newspaper death notice or other forms of media announcements
stationary package, thank you cards, printing of prayer cards or other items
register book
church fees and/or clergy stipend
transportation from funeral home for visitation in another location
transportation of pall bearers/family members
cremation urn, unless a cremation container is purchased instead of a casket and the cost of the
container and urn is equal to or less than the cost allowed for a casket
additional transportation when internment is outside the District of Nipissing, unless a cemetery plot
was pre-purchased and pre-paid, up to an amount equal to the cost for cemetery plot fees within the
District for a single grave as listed under additional disbursements
other additional costs incurred as a result of the wishes of the family
All funerals are to be filed in a black folder & papers fastened with “self-adhesive”
Papers are to be placed on the right hand side of the folder
Name, Month & Year of Death, Member ID (if applicable) and/or Date of Birth should be
indicated on the file label. Deceased should also be identified as either a recipient of ODSP/OW
or a “non-recipient”.
All funeral files from all district offices will be kept in a central filing location in the North
Bay office.
A copy of the Funeral contract and a copy of the letter sent to the funeral home identifying
the payment issued and its breakdown is to be forwarded to the DNSSAB finance department.
Random case file audits to ensure that maximums payable are not exceeded.
Random case file audits to ensure that recoveries are maximized where applicable
Funeral Assistance Request
Between: DNSSAB &
(Person Requesting Assistance)
I, ____________________________ DO SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT
(Person Requesting Assistance)
___________________________ died on the ______ day of
(Name of Decedent)
_________________, 20 ____ at ________________________.
________________________ was a resident of the Municipality of ________________ and
was an indigent person who was needy, poor and destitute as demonstrated by the attached
Income Tax Returns or as demonstrated by the attached Application for Assistance.
__________________________ had no other assets or income which to base payment for
burial expenses.
___________________________ had no other person to whom he or she could look to for
payment of or contribution for payment of his/her burial expenses.
No other person is making any payment or any contribution to the payment of burial
This Declaration is made in good faith and for no improper purpose.
Declared before me at the
Of ______________________________________
In the ___________________________________
Of ______________________________________
This _________ day of ________________, 20__.
A Commissioner, etc.