(Template Memo for College Research Offices to Send) To Recipients of ARC Linkage
Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities grants
Name and Title
T Phone F Fax
Day DD Month YYYY
Insert File reference if applicable, otherwise delete
Head of Departments
Dear Colleague(s),
Congratulations on your success in being awarded a Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities grant for funding commencing in 2014 led by Insert Administering Organisation
In order to facilitate the acceptance processes please provide your College Research Office contact, Insert name and title , with copies of the following documentation:
1. The submitted application
2. The ARC letter of award
3. The Funding Agreement between the ARC and the Administering Organisation
The ANU acceptance documentation is comprised of:
1. Agreement to Manage ARC/ NHMRC Grants form
2. Agreement for Income Shared between two or more ANU Budget Units form
3. Multi-Institutional Agreement (to be provided by the Administering Organisation)
Important conditions that you need to be aware of
Central Contribution acceptance
Checklist for accepting your LE14 grant
In order to accept this grant, please read the acceptance documentation carefully, complete the forms and return them to your College Research Office.
If the amount of money coming to the ANU is less than outlined in the proposal you are also required to prepare a revised budget and submit it to the College Research Office.
If statutory or ethical clearances are required for the Project, they must be obtained prior to commencement.
Please refer to the ANU Research Integrity website for ANU procedures.
If you have any questions about the acceptance process, the conditions of Award or would like to arrange a meeting to discuss setting up and managing your Award please contact Insert name and title.
Finally, it is important to notify your College Research Office as soon as possible regarding any changes to the approved Project (for example deferred start date, change to part time etc).The ARC are becoming more strict in their requirements around timely submissions of requests for variations. Please do not assume that variation requests will be approved, especially in cases where they are submitted retrospectively. Please refer to the ANU ARC Variations website for ANU procedures
<Insert Name and Title >
1 | T H E A U S T R A L I A N N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y
M E M O | Acceptance of 2014 Linkage Infrastructure, Facilities and Equipment
– Externally- led
1. Agreement to Manage ARC/ NHMRC Grant form
This form needs to be signed by the First-named Chief Investigator, Business Manager, Head of Department and Dean/Director. Signing this form binds you to abide by the Funding Agreement and confirms that all other participants on the grant have been provided with a copy of the Agreement and agree to abide by the conditions in the Agreement. When your Business Manager, Head of Department and Dean/Director sign this acceptance form, they are agreeing to host the project. This form is required to set up an account for the project.
2. Agreement for Income Shared between two or more ANU Budget Units Form (if applicable)
If the project will be conducted in more than one research school/college/university centre of the ANU, the
University requires information on the estimated percentage of the annual funds expected to be attributed to each area to be included on the acceptance form. This breakdown will be used to assess the block funding allocation attributable and should be agreed between the areas before signing.
3. ARC LIEF Multi-Institutional Agreement
As this project is in collaboration with another Institution you, your collaborators and their organisations are required to sign a standard agreement between the collaborating Institutions. The ARC does not permit the project to commence until these agreements have been signed by all parties. MIAs are required even when funds are not being shared.
The Administering Organisation will provide you or your College Research Office with a copy of this Agreement for execution by the appropriate delegate. The College Research Office will facilitate this part of the process so it is recommended that you meet with Insert name and title as soon as possible to discuss details of any shared funding and any other important negotiating matters.
4. Important Conditions of this Award
This award is governed by the Funding agreement between the ARC and the Administering Organisation. It is important that you read this in order to understand the terms and conditions of your award. The Funding
Agreement outlines the responsibilities of the Organisations and Personnel involved in the grant, including details relating to: use of funding, obligations of personnel, reporting requirements and variations which require ARC approval.
Below is a summary of clauses that you, your Head of Department, and your Business Manager/Grants
Officer will need to take particular note of in this Agreement. This is a summary of key points only, and not an exhaustive overview. It is therefore important that you read the Funding Agreement fully and keep a copy to refer to for management of the grant through its lifecycle.
Commencement (Clauses 10, 12 and 13)
Projects MUST commence by 31 July 2014 . Special extensions to 31 October 2014 must be justified in writing and approved by the ARC before 31 July 2014.
Projects may not commence and funding may not be expended until all collaborating organisations have signed the MIA.
Use of Funding (Clause 7)
Funds cannot be used for: o purposes not outlined in the original grant proposal without prior approval by the ARC.
o purposes excluded in the Funding Rules or the Funding Agreement.
o costs not directly related to the project including ‘but not exclusive to, visas, relocation, cost of dependants, insurance, and mobile pho nes (purchase or call charges)’.
o basic facilities (i.e. infrastructure) - the School/Department/College is required to provide these.
2 | T H E A U S T R A L I A N N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y
M E M O | Acceptance of 2014 Linkage Infrastructure, Facilities and Equipment
– Externally- led o research activities for which financial assistance from the Commonwealth has been, is being or is intended to be provided.
o travel or accommodation costs o teaching and/or teaching relief o salaries for CIs or PIs
Publication and Dissemination of Research Outputs (Clause 20 and 27)
The data and any publications arising from each Discovery Project must be deposited in an open access institutional repository within twelve months of the completion of research.
If this requirement is not to be complied with the reasons for not doing so must be detailed in the Project’s Final Report.
ARC support must be acknowledged in a prominent place on any outputs arising from the Project. With respect to publications, the relevant grant number should be included.
ARC Assessments (Clause 20)
By accepting this award you agree to assess up to 20 new proposals for ARC funding per annum for each year of funding.
Please note in particular that “ If a DECRA Recipient does not undertake assessment of the assigned proposals within a period specified by the ARC… funding for the relevant Project may be terminated ”
5. Central Contributions
If you requested and were granted a Central Contribution to your LIEF 2014 application before submission a pro-rata amount will be awarded to your successful bid by the DVC (Research).
A formal offer letter confirming this pro-rata amount will be sent out from the DVC (Research) through the
Research Services Division. The letter will be accompanied by a Central Contribution to ARC LE14 Grants
Acceptance Form. You will need to complete this form collect all the necessary signatures and return it to your College Research Office. They will liaise with the LIEF Coordinator in the Office of Sponsored
Research ( Kerrie Jackson ) for the release of these Central Contribution Funds.
3 | T H E A U S T R A L I A N N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y
M E M O | Acceptance of 2014 Linkage Infrastructure, Facilities and Equipment
– Externally- led
6. Checklist for Accepting your LE14 Award
ARC ID ........................................... First-named CI ………………………............................ .........
Provide your College Research Office with copies of the following:
1. The submitted application
2. The ARC letter of award
3. The Funding Agreement between the ARC and the
Administering Organisation
2. Read the Funding Agreement
Update your RMS profile to reflect your current keywords and Fields of
Prepare a revised budget (if the amount coming to the ANU is less than the requested amount)
Complete (forms): Signed
5. Complete the Agreement to Manage ARC/ NHMRC Grant form
Complete if required (forms): Signed Attached
Complete the Agreement for Income Shared between two or more
ANU Budget Units Form
7. Arrange as appropriate (Clearances):
Human Ethics Clearance
Animal Ethics Clearance
OGTR Approvals
Carcinogenic or Hazardous Materials Approvals
Provide all documentation to the College Research Office for forwarding to the appropriate Central
Administration Office (Research Accounting, Research Services or Human Resources – as appropriate).
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