First Cycle Degree LAUREA (Bachelor Degree) in Informatics Degree Duration Language ECTS credits Campus Laurea in partnership with the Middlesex University, London 3 years Italian 180 Camerino Programme description Fundamentals of computer science, mathematics and logic necessary for a basic preparation for a future designer of software systems. The course provides technical expertise and methodologies in the areas of computer networks, operating systems and software engineering required for g ood design and implementation of complex software systems.The course also provides the knowledge and skills to address and find solutions in the public and private sectors where the design and production of software systems is required. Study plan Enrollment Entry requirements Comments Tuition Fees Contact and Info 1 year Programmazione Calcolo ed Algebra Lineare Inglese (B1) Fondamenti di informatica Logica Matematica Reti logiche e Architettura degli elaborati 2 year Algoritmi e strutture dati Sistemi operativi Programmazione Web Gestione dell’informazione Internet, Reti e Sicurezza Ingegneria del software 3 year Two different curriculum choice: 1) Software development (*) 2) Modeling and analysis (§) Crediti liberi Business e management nell’IT Progetto di gruppo Stage Prova finale (*) Curriculum: Software (§) Curriculum: Modeling and Development: Analysis: It Security e-learning Artificial Intelligence Distributed System Neural Networks Cisco Academy Certification Modelling and Simulation e-learning Operational Research Formal Languages and Compilers Computational Mathematics Model Checking Mobile Calculi Software Engineering II Modelling and Verification Advanced Business Process Statistica Aziendale e Management Probabilità Advanced Databases Bioinformatics Big Data e Social Media Analitycs Knowledge Engineering and Business Intelligence Knolwdege Management and Competence Development virtual class NATIONALS and EU-CITIZENS: Enrolment is officially open from 15th July to 5th November. After this date enrolment is still possible until 15 January with the payment of a penalty of 25€. NON-EU CITIZENS, who reside abroad, in the period March-May must get in touch with the nearest Italian Embassy or Consulate to pre-apply following the suggested procedure. High School Diploma (with minimum 12 years education) Level of language competence required: ITALIAN level B1 (Threshold level) of the CEFR Lectures, tutorials, laboratories, project plans On the basis of the country of origin the amount can vary from 355€ to 1000€ + a levy of 500€ that can be paid by instalments over two years. Further information at An All-inclusive package is also available. Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie – CAMERINO Piazza dei Costanti Email: tel +39 0737 402126/2130 fax +39 0737 402127