Is your thyroid causing you to gain weight?

Is your thyroid causing you to gain weight?
How thyroid issues affect weight gain
When our naturopath Tara Ross ND talks to clients suffering with unexpected weight gain and/or
difficulty losing weight, often one of the first questions she is asked is “Is it my thyroid?”
Often problems losing weight can be due to several other factors (see our previous article Do you
have weight loss resistance? for more information on other factors that can affect weight).
Sometimes, however, Tara’s answer is “yes” — after all, your thyroid hormones play a large role in
regulating your metabolism and how you use the nutrients you get from your food. Think of the
thyroid as the thermostat of your body. If the thermostat is turned down too low (a condition known as
hypothyroidism or low thyroid function) then many functions of the body also slow down. This
includes slowing down your metabolism which leads to several symptoms including:
dry skin and brittle hair and nails
sluggish digestion – e.g. chronic constipation
fatigue and low energy levels
difficulty losing weight and/or unexplained weight gain
But my doctor keeps telling me my thyroid test results are within range
Research shows that even small changes to the thyroid function can cause weight gain. In fact, Tara
sees many people who have been told by their doctor that their thyroid test results are “normal” but
still display symptoms of low thyroid function such as weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight. This
is because the standard thyroid function blood test that doctors perform has a very broad range for
the hormone that they test for, thyroid stimulating hormone, known as TSH. If your TSH levels are
between 0.4 - 4 you are considered to have “normal” thyroid function. Thyroid researchers and many
doctors have been pushing for a reduction in the range for “normal” TSH levels for some years now.
Most have agreed that people can still present with troublesome thyroid symptoms such as weight
gain at TSH levels over 2. They now call this condition “subclinical hypothyroidism”. Whilst these
levels do not yet warrant pharmaceutical thyroid medication there is a lot that can be done with dietary
and lifestyle changes as well as herbal and nutritional supplementation to improve thyroid function
and prevent it from getting worse.
At our clinic Tara treats many clients who fit into all areas of the thyroid function spectrum — from
those just starting to suspect they have a thyroid problem to those that have been taking thyroid
medication long term. If you suspect or already know that you have a thyroid disorder, and even if
you are already taking thyroid medication, Tara can discuss with you how you can benefit from herbal
and nutritional thyroid support as well as make a few, simple dietary and lifestyle changes to help to
improve your thyroid function which will assist you in reaching your ideal weight.
The thyroid and unexpected weight gain: an early signal
Unexpected weight gain and difficulty losing weight is often one of the first noticeable signals that you
have hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) or subclinical hypothyroidism. Many clients with thyroid
disorders tell Tara about their frustration with gaining more and more weight, despite following the
same diet and exercise regime.
Reduced thyroid function may be the result of the thyroid’s impaired ability to produce hormones, or
the body may have difficulty using the thyroid hormones. Either way, problems with your thyroid
hormones may cause your metabolic rate to slow down.
Tara often sees clients that are already on thyroid medication and still have thyroid symptoms
including weight gain. Often these people’s bodies cannot process their medication correctly. Herbal
and nutritional supplementation can assist these clients to be able to process their medication more
efficiently. Others may not be taking the correct amount of their medication and should be seeing
their doctor on a more regular basis to check their thyroid levels and adjust their dose.
Thyroid issues are more common in women and can affect women of all ages
Women are especially prone to thyroid issues and weight gain because their thyroids are linked to
other systems that affect weight — including the proper functioning of our neurotransmitters,
reproductive hormones such as oestrogen, and adrenal glands.
While Tara sees women of all ages with thyroid issues, there are times in your life when your
hormones fluctuate more and when the development of thyroid issues may be even more likely:
if you experience PMS – due to a hormonal imbalance called oestrogen dominance
when you are pregnant
during peri-menopause and menopause
if you have had long term high stress levels – due to a condition called adrenal dysfunction
(for more information on adrenal dysfunction see our Is stress causing you to gain weight
What can you do about thyroid issues and weight gain?
Making good nutrition and supplementation a consistent part of your life is the most effective way to
support your thyroid. Consistency is so important! Many of us spend much of our lives dieting —
sometimes in a yo-yo cycle of feasting or fasting. This is one example of how we put stress on our
thyroid, decreasing our metabolic rate, as well as put stress on other hormone systems — which
leads to weight gain.
Tara’s top tips for supporting thyroid function:
choose whole foods for optimal nutrition and a high quality multivitamin-mineral supplement.
Iodine and selenium are the most important thyroid supporters, but you also need zinc, vitamins
A, D and E, and tyrosine – Tara can recommend a high quality herbal and nutritional supplement
that contain all of these nutrients as well as let you know which foods are high in these nutrient
eat your meals and snacks at regular times, and be sure to eat breakfast within an hour of
waking. Missing meals or snacks can put stress on your thyroid
include a source of protein as well as plenty of fibre for every meal. Remember that good sources
of fibre include nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, not just whole grains. Good sources of protein
are lean meat, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds and eggs
reduce your intake of gluten containing foods, dairy, sugar and artificial sweeteners, alcohol, and
processed foods as these foods impair thyroid function
avoid eating too many raw cruciferous vegetables – brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, and
cauliflower. These foods contain thyroid-suppressing compounds known as “goitrogens” in their
raw form. Whilst Tara recommends having a lot of these otherwise nutritious vegetables she
recommends that you always steam or cook these vegetables to reduce or eliminate the
avoid processed soy products such as soy milk, tofu and soy protein as well as vegetarian meat
substitutes that contain soy protein as they can supress thyroid function. Fermented soy products
such as tempeh and miso do not seem to have the same thyroid supressing effects and are safe
to have in small quantities
Your opportunity to take action
At Harmony Natural Medicine Clinic, Tara knows that symptoms are your body’s way of signalling that
it needs help. So if you start seeing unexpected weight gain and believe it may be related to your
thyroid, this is a good time to listen to your body and take action based on how you feel, rather than a
test result from your doctor. Often “normal” levels do not rule out subclinical hypothyroidism and
natural therapies can help. Also if you are already on thyroid medication you may not be taking the
right dose or you may be unable to uptake your medication correctly. In these situations a naturopath
such as Tara is in one of the best professions to work with you to correct these problems.
A balance of good nutrition along with herbal and nutritional supplements is often the most effective
way to support your thyroid function as well as prevent further thyroid dysfunction and other thyroid
symptoms from developing. Tara aims to help you achieve your optimal thyroid function which in turn
will increase your metabolism and help you to lose weight.
If this sounds like you and you would like help from Tara to achieve your optimal thyroid function and
lose weight please don’t hesitate to call Tara at Harmony Natural Medicine Clinic on 0432 428 947 or
visit our website