1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 A comparison of the wet and dry season DNA-based soil invertebrate community characteristics in large patches of the bromeliad Bromelia pinguin in a primary forest in Costa Rica Katie M. McGeea, William D. Eatonb* a School of Environmental and Life Science, Kean Univeristy, 1000 Morris Ave, Union, New Jersey, USA 07083 b Biology and Health Sciences, Pace University, One Pace Plaza, New York, NY, USA 10038 *E-mail of corresponding author: weaton@pace.edu 48 49 50 1 51 Abstract 52 53 In Costa Rica, the Maquenque National Wildlife Refuge (MNWLR) contains a unique habitat 54 gradient ranging from primary old growth forests, grasslands, pastures, to various ages of 55 secondary forests. Within these primary old growth forests are extremely dense naturally 56 occurring Bromelia pinguin (Bromeliaceae) patches that often grow with densities up to 2 57 plants per square meter. A previous study found that anti-fungal activity of this particular 58 plant appears to be altering the fungal community in soils adjacent to these plants. No work 59 has been previously conducted on the possible effects of this plant community on soil faunal 60 communities and if seasonality contributes to changes in soil invertebrate populations along 61 a moisture gradient. Thus, a study was conducted to assess the effects of this specialized 62 plant community on soil invertebrates with respect to season, and if these changes in soil 63 fauna guild structure could prove to be valid candidates as indicators of ecosystem condition 64 with changes in precipitation. In addition, a meta-analysis was done to determine how the 65 bromeliad-associated soil invertebrate communities differ from those in adjacent primary 66 forest soils. Therefore, comparisons were determined from previous primary forest wet 67 season metagenomic soil invertebrate community DNA to the current wet season Bromeliad 68 metagenomic soil invertebrate community DNA. Roche 454 sequencing was conducted on 69 the 650 bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of invertebrates to 70 obtain and characterize soil invertebrate community composition. To determine 71 relationships among soil faunal guilds across seasons, relative abundance was calculated, 72 and used in conjunction with EcoSim niche overlap and co-occurrence values. From the 73 Bromeliad seasonal metagenomic soil faunal DNA study, it appears certain invertebrate 74 guilds are driven by moisture as indicated by fluctuations in relative abundance of each 75 invertebrate guild across seasons in Bromeliad patch soils, as well as indicated by EcoSim 76 niche overlap values. In particular, guilds 1, 4, and 5, should warrant further investigation 77 as indicators of habitat condition. The meta-analysis showed that a naturally occurring 2 78 modified environment (the Bromeliad patches), can result in differences in relative 79 abundance and partitioning of a limited resource between invertebrate guild structure. 80 Those guilds associated with microbivorous and complex decomposition activities (i.e. Guilds 81 3 and 4), are more abundant Primary forest soils than Bromeliad patch soils and could be 82 potentially used for bioindicators of habitat perturbations. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Key Words: Soil fauna, Bromeliad, Costa Rica, tropical ecology, ecological indicator 3 105 106 1. Introduction 107 108 Primary old growth forests in Costa Rica’s Northern Zone ecosystems, in particular, the 109 Maquenque National Wildlife Refuge (MNWLR), contain extremely dense naturally occurring 110 Bromelia pinguin (Bromeliaceae) patches that are often 100 m x 40-50 m in size with 111 densities up to 2 plants per square meter (Looby and Eaton 2012). Bromelia pinguin is a 112 perennial plant found in Mexico, to South America, to the Caribbean Islands. Growing 1-2 m 113 in height, and 2-3 m in diameter, these plants were once used as hedges and living fences 114 around Indian Villages (Looby et al. 2012; Hallwachs 1983). Bromelia pinguin also provides 115 food and habitat for small mammals as well as invertebrate assemblages. Camacho- 116 Hernandez et al., 2002 showed that the methanol extract of the B. pinguin fruit pulp 117 possesses antifungal properties against 8/9 strains of Trichophyton and against a 118 nematophagus fungus, Paecillomyces variotti (Claviciptaceae). Few ecological studies have 119 been conducted on this bromeliad, however recent work by Looby et al (2012) showed that 120 the anti-fungal activity of these Bromeliads appears to be altering the fungal community in 121 the soils adjacent to these plants. They showed that the fungal abundance and diversity, 122 and microbial biomass all were all lower in soil closer to the Bromeliad plants as compared 123 to soil from the adjacent primary forest. However, there has been no work previously 124 conducted on the possible effects of these plants, either directly or indirectly, on the soil 125 invertebrate populations and if seasonal shifts have an affect on these soil fauna 126 assemblages, even though there are many well-recognized trophic level interactions 127 between fungi and invertebrates (Chapin et al. 2011). 128 129 Scientists are developing and attempting to use indicator methods to characterize ecological 130 variations within different habitats to study ecological processes, to assess ecosystem 131 quality/health, and to identify the impact of ecosystem restoration and damaging land 4 132 management strategies. Invertebrate assemblages have been used ubiquitously in aquatic 133 environmental studies as indicators of environmental condition (e.g., the United States 134 Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, 135 http://www.epa.gov/emap/), however, the applicability of soil invertebrate guild function in 136 terrestrial studies pertaining to ecosystem function appears less common, but is gaining in 137 popularity (e.g. Bik et al. 2011; Emerson et al. 2011; Hamilton et al. 2009; Meusnier et al. 138 2008; Yu et al. 2012; Hattenschwiler and Gasser 2005; Coleman et al. 2004; Decaëns et al. 139 2006; Lavelle et al. 2006; McGee and Eaton 2013a). Soil invertebrates play an essential role 140 in the recycling of organic matter and have a significant affect on decomposition in soils of 141 moist temperate and tropical ecosystems by enhancing primary production directly or 142 indirectly for microbial communities, resulting in more efficient C utilization (Cragg and 143 Bardgett 2001; Chamberlain et al. 2006; Lavelle et al. 1996; Brussaard 1998; Wang et al. 144 2009). More specifically, soil fauna accelerate microbial inoculation to materials and nutrient 145 availability through fecal material production rich in substrates and other microbes (Wang et 146 al. 2009; Chapin et al. 2011; Lavelle et al 1997; McGee and Eaton 2013a), as well as 147 through the fragmentation, transformation, transportation, comminution, and grazing in soil 148 environments (Wang et al. 2009; Chapin et al. 2011; Brussaard 1998; McGee and Eaton 149 2013a). 150 151 An examination of the invertebrate community structure associated with these Bromeliads 152 could show results that parallel studies of the fungal community, as well as how seasonal 153 shifts influence the biotic communities in tropical ecosystems, and warrants investigation. 154 Thus, a DNA metagenomics study was conducted to determine the invertebrate community 155 structure within the Bromeliad plant soils and to identify any differences in these 156 invertebrate populations associated with moisture changes that occur moving from the wet 157 season to dry season. One of our goals with this seasonality study was to show that 158 monitoring this specialized plant community for differences in the invertebrate population 5 159 structure by seasons might show differences along a moisture gradient. This could, then, 160 provide possible indicators of a changing climate over time. As well, we were interested in 161 determining how these Bromeliad-associated soil invertebrate communities differed from 162 those in the adjacent primary forest soils. Therefore, a meta-analysis was conducted to 163 compare previous wet season primary forest metagenomics invertebrate DNA data on the 164 invertebrate populations (McGee and Eaton 2014) with wet season Bromeliad metagenomics 165 invertebrate DNA data. Due to the known decreased fungal communities in these bromeliad 166 patches, as shown by Looby et al. (2012), we proposed that the meta-analysis hypothesizes 167 that a decrease in certain invertebrate assemblages associated with less complex carbon 168 source utilization should be observed. Given that many types of land disturbances affect 169 fungal community and invertebrate community structures (Wardle 2002; Wardle et al. 170 2004; Blanchart et al. 1993; Giller 1984; Carrillo et al. 2010), we hoped to show that 171 differences in the invertebrate community structures between the primary forest soils and 172 Bromeliad soils could be used to suggest ecosystem condition. 173 174 2. Materials and Methods 175 176 2.1 Field Location 177 178 The Costa Rican Ministry of Environment and Energy established the San Juan-La-Selva 179 Biological Corridor (SJLSBC) in 2001 to connect six protected areas into a single integrated 180 biological unit of 1,204,812 ha (http://www.lapaverde.org.cr). This biological corridor 181 initiative was developed to protect the Northern Zone ecosystems from further damage of 182 3-4 decades of legal and illegal extraction based land management practices (Monge et al. 183 2002) in this region. Situated about 15 km south of Nicaragua in the Northeast region of 184 Costa Rica, is the core conservation unit, the Maquenque National Wildlife Refuge (MNWLR). 185 This portion of the corridor conserves the highest percentage of forest cover most valuable 6 186 for biodiversity (Chassot and Monge 2006; McGee and Eaton 2014; McGee and Eaton 2013) 187 and contains a unique habitat gradient ranging from old growth primary forests, grasslands, 188 pastures, to various ages of secondary forests. The habitats used for this current study were 189 within the MNWLR (10.7151, -84.1697) and located within the private lands of the Laguna 190 del Lagarto Lodge. Four 20 m transects were established in a naturally modified 191 environment, the Bromeliad patches, which are found within the primary old growth forests. 192 Due to the high Bromeliad patch density, 20 m transects were preferred rather than 20 m x 193 15 m plots. For a Bromeliad dry season versus Bromeliad wet season soil fauna community 194 DNA comparison, sampling occurred in March 2011 for dry season, and July 2011 for wet 195 season. In a meta-analysis, previously described primary forest soil fauna sample 196 community structure determined by Next Generation Sequence analysis of DNA from the 197 wet season of July 2011 (McGee and Eaton 2013a) were compared to the current study 198 Bromeliad soil faunal wet season sample community. 199 200 2.2 Biotic Community Analysis 201 202 To characterize the invertebrate community composition in each soil sample, we collected 203 four 7 cm x 10 cm cores from each of the 4 subplots per habitat type, at the same location 204 where the LiCor readings were taken, using sterile methods. The soil cores were pooled by 205 habitat type; thoroughly mixed and then sieved at 8 mm mesh size. The soil community 206 DNA was extracted from three 0.3-g replicate samples of pooled soil using the Power Soil 207 DNA Isolation Kit (MO BIO Laboratories, Inc., Carlsbad, CA, USA). PCR amplification of 208 extracted DNA was performed using the HCO2198 (5'-TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA- 209 3') and LCO1490 (5'-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG-3') primers and the methods (i.e., 3 210 min 94°C; 5x at 30 sec 94°C, 30 sec 45°C, 1 min 72 °C; 35x at 30 sec 94°C, 1 min 51°C,1 211 min 72°C; and 10 min at 72°C) originally described by Folmer et al. (1994) to amplify a 650 212 bp fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of invertebrates. The 7 213 concentration and purity (A260/A280 ratio) of the PCR products DNA samples were determined 214 using a Nanodrop 2000/2000c (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). These samples 215 were then sent to the Georgia Genomics Facility at the University of Georgia, where they 216 conducted library preparation and Roche 454 sequencing development support for this 217 project, and delivered the FASTA/QUAL file results to us for analysis. The resulting 218 sequences were aligned and grouped into contigs using Laser Gene Genomics Suite, SeqMan 219 NGen software (DNASTAR Inc, Madison, WI). These contigs were subjected to BLAST 220 analysis within the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database for 221 phylogenetic inferences and grouped by the lowest taxonomic category as Operational 222 Taxonomic Units (OTUs). 223 224 Three functional guilds have been recognized in soil invertebrate ecology: Micro-predators, 225 Litter Transformers, and Ecosystem Engineers (Lavelle 1996; Lavelle et al. 1997; Wardle 226 2002). However, based on previous literature (Lavelle et al., 1997; Wardle 2002 Lavelle 227 1996; Lavelle et al., 2006; Lavelle et al., 1995), as well as our own conclusions, each class 228 of soil fauna (micro-, meso-, macro-) was not limited to one specific functional group. Thus, 229 these OTUs were then clustered together into 5 functional guilds known to perform specific 230 and critical ecological functions in soil development (Lavelle et al., 1997; Wardle 2002 231 Lavelle 1996; Lavelle et al., 2006; Lavelle et al. 1995) for further analysis. These Guilds are 232 (1) Litter Transformers; (2) Ecosystem Engineers; (3) Micropredators/Litter Transformers; 233 (4) Ecosystem Engineers/Litter Transformers; (5) Primary Decomposers. 234 235 2.3 Biotic Community DNA Sequence Data Analysis 236 237 The data from the invertebrate COI DNA sequences were rarified to 1000 sequences prior to 238 analysis. The abundance of the different OTU members of each invertebrate guild were 239 determined and converted into the percent relative abundance (%RA) by habitat, as in 8 240 previous methods done by McGee and Eaton (2014). From these data, differences in 241 invertebrate guild community structure were determined using EcoSim (version 7.0; Gotelli 242 and Entsminger 2001). 243 244 To take a more holistic or networking approach to begin identifying possible complex 245 ecological community patterns associated with soil fauna functionality, simple assessment of 246 the alpha and/or beta diversity was not used, but rather the Monte Carlo Null model 247 systems to explore interactions between taxa and possible functional roles or environmental 248 niches associated with the different taxa. We used EcoSim to analyze the different DNA 249 sequences to determine: a) if the communities were randomly or non-randomly structured; 250 b) the level of co-occurrence and competition between and among guilds, as an indicator of 251 shared space and niche among and competition between guilds; and c) if these biotic 252 communities were structured around a limiting resource or environmental condition using 253 the niche overlap analysis method. These analyses were conducted on total soil invertebrate 254 communities and on each of the soil invertebrate guild members to assess for differences in 255 community patterns between the different seasons studied. 256 257 To quantify patterns of co-occurrence and determine the relative strength of these 258 relationships, we used the Standardized Effect Size (SES) of the C-score index (Stone and 259 Roberts 1990) in EcoSim. The C-score is calculated by the simulated pseudo-communities 260 and this C-score should be significantly greater than expected by chance (Gotelli and Graves 261 1996). The Null Model hypotheses have been used to suggest the degree of co-occurrence 262 and non-randomness, as well as being the least sensitive of the models exposed to noise in 263 the data set, while still having good statistical value (Gotelli 2000). The Null Model 264 hypothesis is that the SES-C scores are 0, and that 95% of the observations will fall 265 between -2 and 2. For example, an SES-C score observed at 1.5 or more suggests a non- 266 random community and that there is significantly less co-occurrence than predicted among 9 267 species. Thus, members of the same group do not co-exist leading to a greater 268 “checkerboard” effect. This model supports the idea of a community that may be more 269 competitive for resources and space, however, the opposite can be said of a SES-C score 270 less than -1.5. 271 272 Recent use of C-scores in microbial ecology have generally shown non-randomly structured 273 communities and more co-occurrence of microbial taxa than anticipated (e.g. Horner-Devine 274 et al. 2007; Barberan et al 2011). The advantage in detecting such non-random assembly 275 patterns, which demonstrate specifically existing structured communities due to possible 276 competitive interactions between groups, is that it allows one to determine relationships 277 among these communities across different habitats or environmental conditions (i.e. 278 differences in nutrient content, anthropogenic perturbations, ecosystem management). In 279 the current study, the communities that showed a significantly greater observed SES-C 280 score than the simulated C-scores, were considered to be exhibiting less co-occurrence of 281 species than predicted, thus, suggesting a non-randomly structured community that was 282 competing for their appropriate environmental need. 283 284 The pseudo-communities were established by randomly reshuffling the Guild species 285 abundance data in EcoSim for 30,000 iterations to reduce the rate of Type I errors and 286 other algorithm biases as recommended by Lehsten and Harmand (2006). We used the 287 default EcoSim parameters as they are recommended when assessing communities that are 288 assumed to have different environmental conditions—such as we had in the Bromeliad wet 289 season conditions versus the dry season conditions. Reported are the number of times the 290 observed C score of the actual data was greater or less than the expected (simulated) C- 291 score, the SES-C score, and the p value of the chance that this difference was random 292 (thus, the community is randomly or non-randomly structured) for the total community and 293 the individual Guilds. When pexp > pobs was very small (usually <0.1), we said that the 10 294 greater observed SES-C score was meaningful, and represented a condition of competition 295 and a non-randomly structured community. Under the opposite conditions we said that 296 there were sufficient members of a group to suggest the community was not competitively 297 structured. 298 299 In order to validate niche overlap values as indicators of resource partitioning, the Monte 300 Carlo method was used in EcoSim to estimate the level of niche overlap, the overlap non- 301 randomness, and whether the overlap values were greater than or less than expected. The 302 randomization algorithm 2 (RA2) conditions were used (Lawlor 1980) to test for the 303 possibility that variations in certain resource states or conditions may be structuring the 304 invertebrate communities studied, when there are no other constraints on resource 305 utilization (Winemiller and Painka 1990; Gotelli and Graves 1996). Furthermore, we 306 developed pseudo-community assemblages by randomly re-shuffling the abundance data in 307 EcoSim through 30,000 iterations. The niche overlap indices were calculated for the total 308 invertebrate and also for each invertebrate guild. The observed overlap from the data, the 309 mean expected (simulated) overlap, the number of times the observed was > or < than the 310 simulated overlap, the probability that these differences were random occurrences, and the 311 Standardized Effect Size were calculated. Resource partitioning (and, thus, possible 312 resource limitations) was considered important in structuring the biotic communities when 313 the observed niche overlap was significantly (generally <0.1) less than the expected 314 (simulated) overlap (pobs < pexp). Evidence for a relatively “unlimited” resource was assumed 315 when the observed niche overlap was significantly greater than the expected overlap (pobs > 316 pexp) as suggested by Gotelli and Graves (1996). 317 318 3. Results 319 11 320 The 454 pyrosequencing yielded 9788 sequences total, and 7205 sequences that were classifiable. 321 These were rarefied to 1000 sequences per habitat, and grouped into 45 clearly distinct OTUs or 322 phylotypes, representing 17 distinct taxonomic groups that were then placed into the 5 functional groups 323 or Guilds described above and presented as the percent relative abundance (% RA) in Table 1. 324 325 3.1 Bromeliad wet season soil vs. Bromeliad dry season soil 326 327 Guild 1: 328 The wet season soils had the greatest relative abundance of this guild (50%), which were 329 dominated by Gammaridea Amphipoda (Table 1). During the dry season this guild 330 decreased in relative abundance (13%) and were dominated by Gammaridea Amphipoda as 331 well. The EcoSim analysis (Table 2) showed that this guild was non randomly structured and 332 there was little inter-specific competition between member of this guild, such that there 333 were significant enough members of the guild to suggest a non-competitively structured 334 community (pexp > pobs = 0.21320; SES = 1.92; Cobs > Cexp = 23,604 of 30,000 iterations). 335 It was also shown that there was a large amount of niche overlap among this guild, with 336 minimal partitioning of a resource of limitation in resources (pexp > pobs = 0.03253; SES = 337 1.79385; Number of times obs < exp = 29,024 of 30,000 iterations). These data in 338 connection with the abundance data suggests that during the wet season, this guild is not 339 limited by resources or some environmental condition. However, this is not the case during 340 the dry season. The relative abundance of this guild in the dry seasons suggest there is a 341 resource limitation that minimizes the abundance of this guild in Bromeliad soils. 342 343 Guild 2: 344 The Ecosystem Engineers, showed a similar relative abundance during the wet season 345 (14%) and the dry season (11%) (Table 1).The EcoSim analysis (Table 2) showed that this 346 guild was randomly structured, and there appears to be little inter-specific competition 12 347 between members of this guild to suggest a non-competitively structured community (pexp > 348 pobs = 0.33403; SES = 1.41197; Number of times Cobs < Cexp = 19,979 out of 30,000 349 iterations). It was also shown that there was a low amount of niche overlap among this 350 guild, suggesting the differential use of resources or limitation of some environmental 351 condition that could be helping to structure this guild community (pexp < pobs = 0.00013; 352 SES = -4.29660; Number of times obs > exp = 29,995 of 30,000 iterations). The relative 353 abundance did not vary much across seasons (wet season = 14%; dry season = 11%). This 354 guild appears to only be present when their resource is present. 355 356 Guild 3: 357 No detectable DNA for this guild. 358 359 Guild 4: 360 The wet season soil had a moderate amount of members in this guild (21%), but during the 361 dry season, this relative abundance appears to decrease (9%) (Table 1). The EcoSim 362 analysis (Table 2) showed that this guild was non-randomly structured, and that there is 363 inter-specific competition occurring between members of this guild, such that it is a 364 competitively structured community (pexp < pobs = 0.04923; SES = 2.59757; Number of 365 times Cobs > Cexp = 28,523 of 30,000 iterations). It was also shown there was a large 366 amount of niche overlap among members of this guild, suggesting no resource partitioning 367 (pexp > pobs = 0.00360; SES = 2.4; Number of times obs > exp = 29,892 out of 30,000 368 iterations). These data in connection with the abundance data suggests that during the wet 369 season this guild is competitively structured around some environmental condition that is 370 present due to the larger relative abundance (21%). However, during the dry season, there 371 appears to be a lack of that environmental condition not fit for Guild 4 to thrive, as indicated 372 by the minimized abundance of Guild 4 in the dry season (9%). 373 13 374 Guild 5: 375 During the dry season in the Bromeliad patch soils, representatives of this guild dominated 376 by Peronosporales and Pythiales Oomycetes, showed a large amount of relative abundance 377 (68%), while the wet season experiences a drop in the relative abundance of these guild 378 members (15%) (Table 1). The EcoSim analysis (Table 2) showed that this guild was non- 379 randomly structured, and that there is inter-specific competition occurring between 380 members of this guild such that it is a competitively structured community pexp < pobs = 381 0.11; SES = 2.28; Number of times Cobs > Cexp = 26,627 out of 30,000 iterations). It was 382 also shown there was very little niche overlap among this guild, suggesting resource 383 partitioning or limitation of some environmental resource (pexp < pobs = 0.00040; SES = - 384 3.7; Number of times obs < exp = 29,998 out of 30,000 iterations). These data in 385 connection with the abundance data suggests that during the dry season, this guild is 386 competitively structured around some environmental resource, and that this resource is 387 more present during dry seasons due to the large relative abundance of this Guild during 388 the dry season as compared to decreased abundance in the wet season. 389 390 3.2 Bromeliad patch soil vs. Primary forest soil 391 392 Guild 1: 393 Both habitats had a substantial amount of this guild in the soils, with the Bromeliad patches 394 containing the greatest abundance of this guild, representing 50% of the total relative 395 abundance of all taxa in these soils (Table 3). In all these habitats, Gammarid Amphipods 396 dominated this guild. The EcoSim analysis (Table 4) showed that this guild was non- 397 randomly structured and that there was little inter-specific competition between members of 398 this guild (pexp < pobs = 0.14950; SES = 1.86268; Cobs > Cexp = 25,515 of 30,000 399 iterations). It was also shown that there was a low amount of niche overlap, suggesting 400 resource partitioning or limitation of some environmental resource (pobs < pexp = 0.00136; 14 401 SES = -2.71437; Number of times obs < exp = 29,862 out of 30,000 iterations). These 402 data in connection with the abundance data suggests that member of this guild are non- 403 competitively structured around some environmental resource and that this resource could 404 be more present in Bromeliad soils due to the larger relative abundance (50%), as opposed 405 to the lower relative abundance in Primary forest soils (30%). 406 407 Guild 2: 408 The Bromeliad patch soils had the greatest abundance of this guild (14%) which were 409 dominated by several Ecosystem Engineers including: Haplogynae and Araneomorphe 410 (Table 3). The EcoSim analysis (Table 4) showed that this guild was randomly structured 411 with respect to competition (pobs > pexp = 0.335587; SES = 1.40617; Cobs > Cexp = 19,924 412 out of 30,000 iterations). It was also shown this guild had a low amount of niche overlap, 413 suggesting resource partitioning of limitation of some environmental resource (pobs < pexp = 414 0.00980; SES = -2.73; Number of times obs < exp = 29,706 out of 30,000 iterations). 415 These data in connection with the abundance data suggests that in Bromeliad soils this guild 416 is structured around a limiting resource that could be more present in Bromeliad soils due to 417 the larger relative abundance (14%). However, the Primary forest soils appear to lack this 418 environmental resource given the lesser relative abundance (1.48%). 419 420 Guild 3: 421 The Bromeliad patch soils contained no detectable DNA from any members of this guild, 422 however, the Primary forest soils contained 23% relative abundance of members of this 423 guild (Table 3). Specifically, these representatives included: Onychiurinae and 424 Proisotominae of Collembola, and Oribatida of Arachnida. The EcoSim analysis (Table 4) 425 showed that this guild was non-randomly structured and that there was little inter-specific 426 competition to suggest a non-competitively structured community (pobs < pexp = 0.13; SES 427 = -2.45; Cobs < Cexp = 26,246 out of 30,000 iterations). It was also shown that there was a 15 428 large amount of niche overlap with minimal partitioning of resources or limitations of 429 resources (pobs > pexp = 0.0001; SES = 1.61; Number of times obs > exp = 30,000 out of 430 30,000 iterations). However, these data in connection with the abundance data suggests 431 members of Guild 3 are structured around a particular resource that could be more present 432 in Primary forest soils as indicated by the high relative abundance in Primary forest soils 433 (23%), and the lack of detectable DNA in Bromeliad soils (0%). 434 435 Guild 4: 436 The Primary forest soils had the greatest relative abundance of this guild (42%) while the 437 Bromeliad patch soils only contained 21% relative abundance of this guild (Table 3). The 438 EcoSim analysis (Table 4) showed that this guild was non-randomly structured and there 439 appears to be inter-specific competition occurring between members of this guild, such that 440 it is a competitively structured community (pobs > pexp = 0.09007; SES = 1.91137; Cobs > 441 Cexp = 27,298 out of 30,000 iterations). It was also shown that this guild had very little 442 niche overlap suggesting resource partitioning or limitation of some environmental resource 443 (pobs < pexp = 0.0003; SES = -4.85070; Number of times obs < exp = 29,999 out of 30,000 444 iterations). These data in connection with the abundance data, suggests members of Guild 4 445 are structure around a limiting resource that could be more present in the Primary forest as 446 indicated by the large relative abundance in Primary forest soils (42%) as opposed to the 447 minimized relative abundance in Bromeliad patch soils (21%). 448 449 Guild 5: 450 The Bromeliad patch soils contained a moderate relative abundance of this guild (15%), 451 while only 4% relative abundance of this guild was observed in Primary forest soils (Table 452 3). The EcoSim analysis (Table 4) showed that this guild was randomly structured (pobs > 453 pexp = 0.40257; SES = 1.21820; Cobs < Cexp = 17,923 out of 30,000 iterations). It was also 454 shown that this guild had a low amount of niche overlap suggesting resource partitioning or 16 455 limitation of some environmental resource (pobs < pexp = 0.00883; SES = -2.62633; Number 456 of times obs < exp = 29,735 out of 30,000 iterations). However, these data in connection 457 with the abundance data suggests members of Guild 5 are structured around a limiting 458 resource that is more present in Bromeliad soils as indicated by the larger relative 459 abundance in Bromeliad soils (15%) compared to the lesser relative abundance in Primary 460 forest soils (4%). 461 462 4. Discussion 463 464 The data from this study suggests that certain invertebrate guilds appear to be driven by 465 moisture as indicated by fluctuations in relative abundance of each invertebrate guild across 466 seasons in Bromeliad patch soils. The data from this study also suggests that members of 467 Oomycota are structured around a limited resource and this resource could be moisture as 468 shown by the large changes in relative abundance moving from wet season to dry season in 469 Bromeliad patch soils. From the meta-analysis studied, the data suggests that a naturally 470 modified environment such as the Bromeliad patch soils, results in a modified environment 471 with respect to invertebrate guild structure. Invertebrate guilds associated with more 472 complex carbon development appear to be more abundant in Primary forest soils, than 473 Bromeliad patch soils. 474 475 In Bromeliad Patch soils moving from wet season to dry season, there is a decrease in 476 relative abundance of guilds 1 and 4, an increase in relative abundance of guild 5, and guild 477 2 had similar relative abundances. Members of guild 1 and 4 were competitively structured 478 with high niche overlap, however, the decrease in relative abundance of these guilds across 479 seasons, suggests that representatives of these guilds are driven by moisture. This is 480 consistent with the literature as Polychaeta and Gammaridea (guild 1) prefer dark, damp 481 habitats (Minor and Robertson 2006). The decrease of guild 4 members is also consistent 17 482 with the literature such that, during the wet season, more litter fall is occurring on the 483 forest floor that provide resources for representatives of guild 4 like Coleoptera, which make 484 up the majority of guild 4. 485 486 Members of guild 5 increased in relative abundance in the dry season, were competitively 487 structured, and had a low amount of niche overlap which suggests resource partitioning. 488 Guild 5 representatives appear to be driven by a decrease in moisture as indicated by the 489 increased relative abundance during the dry season. This could possibly be explained by the 490 germination strategies of Oomycota. Soil-dwelling and aquatic Oomycota commonly 491 reproduce asexually via sporangium that contain flagellated free swimming zoospores 492 (Sleigh 1989; Margulis et al. 1990); but the Bromeliad soil may become too saturated 493 during the wet season, that these motile spores are actually washed away. Given the low 494 fungal abundance and activity in these Bromeliad soils, this suggests Oomycota are the 495 primary decomposers in the Bromeliad soils during the dry season. However, the primary 496 decomposers might be the Amphipods during the wet season, as indicated by the increase 497 in relative abundance of guild 1. 498 499 In the meta-analysis comparing a complex primary forest to the specialized Bromeliad plant 500 community, there was an increase in relative abundance of guilds 1, 2, and 5, and a 501 decrease in relative abundance of guilds 3 and 4. Guild 1 representatives were competitively 502 structured and had a low amount of niche overlap. However, the relative abundance of guild 503 1 in the Primary forest soil is less than the relative abundance in Bromeliad soils. In primary 504 forest soils, guild 1 could be outcompeted by other more efficient litter transformers and 505 micro-predators that belong to guild 3, such as Collembolans and Oribatids. The more 506 complex vegetation associated with the Primary forest stimulates more complex fungal 507 decomposers which could account for the presence of guild 3 members that graze on these 508 fungi. In Bromeliad soils, there is a decrease in fungal activity and abundance (Looby et al. 18 509 2012), as well as vegetation complexity (Looby and Eaton 2014) which would not stimulate 510 those of guild 3 that are active micro-predators, thus allowing guild 1 to thrive. 511 512 Interestingly, guild 3 was only present in the Primary forest soils, were non competitively 513 structured, and had high niche overlap. The lack of guild 3 DNA in Bromeliad soils is no 514 surprise as there are fewer fungi and less organic matter present, as well as less vegetation 515 complexity and diversity. These conditions would be less conducive to the growth of 516 members of guild 3. 517 518 Guild 2 was randomly structured with respect to competition, but had a low amount of niche 519 overlap. Members of guild 2 were more abundant in Bromeliad soils as opposed to Primary 520 forest soils, most likely due to the prominent presence of complex guild 4 ecosystem 521 engineers/litter transformers associated with more efficient Carbon utilization in the Primary 522 forest. Guilds 2 and 4 exploit similar environmental resources but on different levels of 523 complexity. Therefore, it would be predicted that the soil invertebrate guilds (i.e., guild 4) 524 capable of comminuting recalcitrant residues, would outcompete those soil invertebrate 525 guilds (i.e., guild 1) that are less efficient at such decomposition. Since there was a greater 526 relative abundance of guild 2 in a specialized habitat, this increase could be an indicator of 527 an altered environment. Consequently, higher abundance of guild 4 in the Primary forest 528 habitats is most likely due to the increase in vegetation complexity which would attract 529 those members of guild 4 associated with the degradation of complex herbaceous and 530 woody plant material. The dearth of vegetation complexity in the bromeliad habitats may 531 not be capable of sustaining an ample amount of resources to stimulate high growth and 532 relative abundance of this particular guild. Thus, in the presence or absence of complex 533 vegetation, guild 4 could be a possible indicator of ecosystem condition since it appears that 534 the relative abundance of guild 4 parallels that of the vegetation community. 535 19 536 The results of this study showed that the relative abundance of guilds 1, 4, and 5 appear to 537 be driven by changes in moisture across seasons in Bromeliad patch soils. Members of guild 538 1 would be expected to decrease in relative abundance moving from wet to dry season due 539 to their preference for damp and dark habitats. Therefore, guild 1 could be used as an 540 indicator for disturbances in seasonality. Also, an interesting indirect relationship between 541 guild 1 and guild 5 could be occurring. As the relative abundance of guild 1 decreases from 542 wet to dry season, guild 5 is increasing in relative abundance. Due to the known roles of 543 guild 1 and guild 5 as decomposers, some compensatory effect may be taking place. Thus, 544 it could be beneficial to observe the relative abundance of guilds 1 and 5, rather than just 545 one of these guilds. 546 547 4.1 Conclusions 548 549 The results of the meta-analysis showed that a naturally occurring modified environment 550 (Bromeliad patches) found within a primary forest can have differences in relative 551 abundance between invertebrate guild structure, such that those guilds associated with 552 microbivorous and complex decomposition activities (i.e., guilds 3 and 4) are more 553 abundant in primary forest soils than Bromeliad patch soils and could potentially be used for 554 indicators of habitat disturbance. Along the gradient of environmental conditions moving 555 from primary forest soils to bromeliad patch soils, the relative abundance of guilds 1 and 2 556 increase, and Guilds 3 and 4 decrease. Since Guilds 3 and 4 are linked to more efficient 557 Carbon utilization in the primary forest, if their resource were depleted, such as occurs in 558 the Bromeliads, this could lead to a decrease in relative abundance of these guilds. Thus, 559 this would allow other guilds, such as guild 1 and 2 to increase in relative abundance due to 560 the decrease of competition among these guilds that may perform similar roles, at a lesser 561 complex level. Therefore, observing the difference in relative abundance patterns between 562 each guild in a naturally modified environment (i.e., the bromeliad patches) to those in the 20 563 primary forest soils, may be a valuable tool for bioindicators of habitat damage. 564 Interestingly, the meta-analysis in this study in connection with a previous study by McGee 565 and Eaton (2014) showed the relative abundance of the invertebrate community across 566 guilds between Grassland and Bromeliad wet season soils are very similar (Fig 1) This 567 suggests that should some environmental alteration occur, whether natural or 568 anthropogenic, could result in changes in invertebrate community structure that parallel the 569 vegetation community and could possibly be a good indicator of ecosystem condition. 570 571 Acknowledgments 572 573 We would like to thank Vinzenz and Kurt Schmack, and the staff members at the Laguna del 574 Lagarto Lodge in Boca Tapada, Alajuela, Costa Rica for their great assistance in this project. 575 and processing. 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