community awards and scholarships

The Arnold M. Albero Memorial Patriotism Award
$1000 is to be awarded to the senior who demonstrates an appreciation for
the freedoms we share as Americans as well as an understanding of the historic
price individuals have paid for these freedoms. This award is presented in memory
of Arnold M. Albero, a decorated WWII veteran who wanted young people to
understand that the ethic of hard work, love of family and love of country are what
makes the United States of America a great nation. Kristen Bona is this year’s
The Pelham Art Center Scholarships
The Pelham Art Center, a non-profit community art center founded in 1969,
has awarded $500 scholarships to two graduating seniors who plan to continue
studying art in college or who plan to continue their artistic activities while in
college. Awarded since 2002, one scholarship recognizes achievement in the visual
arts and the other is given for achievement in the performing and theater arts.
The art form in which the student participates does not have to be taught at
Pelham Memorial High School. Recipients for 2008 are Angela Catalano and Justin
The C.S. McClellan Real Estate Scholarship
C.S. McClellan Real Estate was the first real estate company in Pelham to
establish an annual award to a graduating senior at Pelham Memorial High School.
Established in 1995, this award is given for general excellence in scholarship,
community service and participation in school activities. The 2008 C.S. McClellan
Real Estate Scholarship is awarded to Carolyn Seras.
The Chamber of Commerce Award
The Pelham Chamber of Commerce is an organization made up of business
owners in the Pelham area. Members work together to improve the community
through community service, business ethics and volunteering time to various
projects. It is with pleasure that the Chamber of Commerce annually donates
scholarships to Pelham High School students who wish to continue their education in
business. This year’s winners are Alexandra Krosche and Carolyn Seras.
The Pelham Civic Association Scholarships
The Pelham Civic Association is Westchester County’s most active volunteer,
charitable organization. Founded over 65 years ago, it is run by local residents
addressing local issues. It continues to serve the community in many ways,
concentrating on four main objectives: the Needy, the Disabled, the Elderly and the
As part of our Youth Program, a Pelham Civic Community Awards Program
was established. Each of the five awards issued are named in honor of a member
and the special contributions he made to the organization and the community.
The Joseph L. Nunziata Award for Creativity and Service is named for a
current Pelham Civic member. Joe has volunteered his creative talents in many
ways, both locally and nationally, to assist many causes. A few years ago he created
a Pelham Memorial Day Brochure that earned him national recognition and a
nomination for a “National Point of Light” from President George H. W. Bush. He
was named the Pelham Civic Association “Man of the Year” in 1998. The Joseph L.
Nunziata Award for Creativity and Service is an award that recognizes a student
for outstanding spirit and imagination and artistic talent used in the service of the
community. The recipient is traditionally a member of the Junior Class. The award
is in the amount of $1000, and this year’s winner is Morgan McDaniel.
The Philip J. Colicchio Award is also named for a current Pelham Civic
member. Phil is a man who is always ready for a challenge. He personifies the
virtues of effective leadership. He devotes boundless energy and time in the
community, and just watching Phil work inspires those who work with him to give the
best effort they can. The Pelham Civic Association honored him in 1995 by naming
him as their “Man of the Year”. The Philip J. Colicchio Leadership Award is
presented each year to the incoming Pelham Memorial High School President of the
Student Association. The award, in the amount of $1000 goes to Caitlin Leavey.
The Honorable Richard J. Daronco Award is named in honor of a past
Pelham Civic member. Judge Daronco was an active member in the organization for
many years. He was honored as the Pelham Civic Association’s “Man of the Year” in
1974, and in 1987 President Ronald Reagan appointed Judge Daronco to the bench
of the United States District Court. At that time he was the youngest appointee in
history. The Honorable Richard J. Daronco Civic Leadership Award is presented to
a junior class student who best personifies civic leadership and responsibility along
with the ideals and principles of the late Judge. The award includes an expensepaid trip to serve as a local representative to Model Congress in Washington, D.C.,
Model UN, or similar program. Caitlin Leavey and Corin Kinkhabwala are this year’s
Danny Fund Scholarships
The Michael Velez Memorial Scholarship is presented to a young man who
embodies the attributes of spirit and courage in overcoming what appears to be an
insurmountable obstacle, a continuing sense of humor in the face of hardship, a
willingness to assist fellow students to the greatest extent possible during this
period of adversity, and a determination never to give up. This year the Velez
Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Justin Ianda.
The Julianne Borsella Memorial Scholarship is presented to a young woman
who embodies the attributes of spirit and courage in overcoming what appears to be
an insurmountable obstacle, a continuing sense of humor in the face of hardship, a
willingness to assist fellow students to the greatest extent possible during this
period of adversity, and a determination never to give up. This year the Julianne
Borsella Memorial Scholarship is given to Ashley Veal.
The Pelham Children’s Theater Vange Gorsline Scholarships Pelham Children’s
Theater is a community theater group for 5th and 6th graders who attend Pelham
schools. We consider ourselves to be the stepping stone in theater for children.
Hopefully, they will fall in love with theater and pursue their acting in the Middle
School Drama Club, Sock ‘n Buskin, and further. Three years ago we voted to award
scholarships to PCT alumni who have continued in theater, whether it is acting,
stage crew, lighting or sound. It has been a pleasure to watch our alumni grow, and
see the talent they share with all of us. This year the scholarships are dedicated
to the memory of Vange Gorsline, and are awarded to Justin Juliano and Tristan
The Lt. Joseph G. Leavey Foundation Scholarship
The Lt. Joseph G. Leavey Foundation was established to award educational
grants from funds raised in memory of Lt. Joseph G. Leavey who died at the age of
45 on September 11th 2001. The foundation raises money to enhance educational
opportunities in the community through many charitable events.
Again this year the Lt. Joseph G. Leavey Foundation will be awarding a
$2000 scholarship to a deserving PMHS graduating senior who would not otherwise
meet the requirements of other scholastic scholarships but demonstrates
standards of integrity, hard work, strength of character and an understanding and
commitment to learning. Matthew Clyde is this year’s recipient.
The Pelham Realty Scholarship in Memory of Joseph Leavey
Lt. Joseph Leavey of Ladder Co. 15 at the South Street Seaport was one of
the first firefighters to arrive at the World Trade Center that tragic day of
September 11, 2001. Joe Leavey moved to Pelham in 1984. Here he and his wife,
Carole, raised their family - Kerri, Brian and Caitlin. He was an exemplary member
of the Pelham Community - donating his time and energy to St. Catharine’s Church,
where he was a Eucharistic Minister - and to his children’s schools, where he was an
active member of the PTA.
Joe greeted everyone with his great big smile, and always had time for
conversation. His love for his family and friends was always apparent.
This scholarship is intended for the deserving student who embodies Joseph
Leavey’s spirit, selflessness and curiosity about life. It will serve to memorialize a
man who touched many lives and who bravely and without hesitation gave his own
life on September 11, 2001. Justin Juliano is the 2008 recipient.
The Pelham Women’s Club Award
The Pelham Women’s Club was founded in 1968 to foster a spirit of
cooperation and understanding to women through civic, cultural and philanthropic
activities. This award will be given to a student who best represents these qualities
of our mission, and who also plays an active role in the high school community. This
year the Women’s Club is awarding two scholarships – to Angela Catalano and Jacob
The Pelham Guidance Council Awards
The Pelham Guidance Council presents the “Kids Helping Kids” Community
Service Award to members of the Class of 2008 who have brought their
commitment, creativity, performance skills and special talents to a theatrical
production on themes of character education for the elementary school children of
Pelham. They have contributed to the quality of life for the young people in this
community by their service and by their example. They are Anne Aust, Walter
Barnett, Christina Biaggi, Kristen Bona, Justin Brown, Ian Forrest, Assefash
Makonnen, Amy Mauro, Anna Menon, Aline Nakouzi, Stefanie Perschilli, Tristan
The Houlihan Lawrence Theatre Arts Award
The Houlihan Lawrence Theatre Arts Award is given in recognition of the
importance of Theatre Arts to the enrichment of the student experience and
contribution to the Pelham Community. The recipients are honored for teamwork,
accomplishment and responsibility to self and others. This year’s recipient is Jacob
The Wartburg Foundation Scholarship
This is the third year the Wartburg Foundation is awarding a $1000
scholarship to a deserving PMHS graduating senior. This scholarship may be
renewed in each of the four years of college. This student will major in a healthrelated field. The winner of the Wartburg Foundation award this year is Adriana
Ernest H. Wood Memorial Scholarships
Ernest Wood was a devoted and learned member of Community Church of
the Pelhams. Mr. Wood believed in the importance of education, and he asked that
part of proceeds from his estate be used towards a Scholarship Program for
Pelham’s young men and women going on for further education. Since 1988, we have
had the privilege of distributing over $163,000 from Mr. Wood’s scholarship fund.
The 2008 recipients of these scholarships are Brighid Bennett, Justin Ianda,
Alexandra Krosche and Jacob Martin.
PEO Bursary Award
PEO is a national Women’s Philanthropic organization dedicated to educating
women. It was started on a college campus in Iowa in 1869 by seven young women
and presently has over 250,000 members in the U.S. and Canada. We have a twoyear college - Cottey College, in Nevada, Missouri and the women go on to
prestigious universities for their last two years. Brighid Bennett is this year’s
The Manor Club Scholarship
The Manor Club was founded in 1882 with the objective to encourage the
cultural and philanthropic activities of its members. This year the committee is
awarding scholarships to students who were chosen for academic achievements,
community involvement, a desire to further academic studies, and as examples of
young people who embody the very spirit of The Manor Club. We extend a very
special thank you to the students who applied for our scholarships and to their
families and teachers. This year’s scholarships are awarded to Adriana Figueroa,
Javier Henriquez, and Jacob Martin. Additionally, the Manor Club is giving an
“Honorable Mention” this year to three other students whom the committee felt
were also worthy of recognition. They are Gina Maruschak, Carolyn Seras, and
Arielle Smith.
The Pelham Democratic Club Michael Schwerner Civil Rights Award
The Pelham Democratic Club Michael Schwerner Civil Rights Award is given
to a student who has made important contributions to protecting or promoting civil
rights as enshrined in the Constitution of the United States. Michael was a popular
PMHS graduate of the Class of 1957, and one of three civil rights workers
murdered near Meridian, Mississippi in the summer of 1964 while working to
register poor black voters who had been deprived of their rights as citizens in the
segregated south. Michael had hoped to spend “the rest of his life” working
towards the integration of American society.
The award is sponsored by the Pelham Democratic Club, whose members
hope that this award, as well as the memory and legacy of Michael Schwerner, will
remain an enduring part of the Pelham community. Anna Menon has been chosen to
receive the award this year.
The John Graham Memorial Scholarship
The John Graham Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a senior who has
shown hard work, dedication and commitment throughout his/her high school career
overcoming any obstacles in his/her way. John had many wonderful personal
attributes but, in his long career as a New York State Court Officer, his
dedication, hard work and commitment in the face of adversity are the traits that
we honor with this scholarship. This year’s winner is Spencer Lord.
The Junior League of Pelham Scholarship
This $2000 scholarship was established in 1987 and is given annually to a
Pelham High School Senior who has demonstrated outstanding community service
during his or her high school years. While neither financial need nor academic
standing is a determining factor in selecting the recipient, each candidate must
include written verification of his or her plan of continuing education. Applications
must include a brief statement about the candidate’s volunteer activities and the
impact of these activities on their future plans. The recipient is chosen by the
Executive Board of the Junior League of Pelham. This year the recipient is Brendan
The Stiefvater Real Estate Scholarship
Stiefvater Real Estate Inc. has served the Pelham real estate community’s
needs for over 30 years. In all of these years we have also strived to be civicminded and helpful to many local organizations and people.
We believe that awarding a graduating senior for charitable works, deeds
and selflessness can only be an inspiration to other students. One’s strong sense of
community is crucial to our future and worthy of recognition. This year’s
Stiefvater Scholarship is awarded to Gina Maruschak.
Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition
This certificate is awarded by United States Congresswoman Nita Lowey to
a student who has demonstrated outstanding and invaluable service to the
community. The winner of this award for 2008 is John Tonetti.
The New York State Assembly Award
New York State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin awards this certificate to
a PMHS graduating senior who has shown leadership in the fields of journalism,
student government, and/or speech and debate. Mara Kravitz is this year’s winner.
New York State Office of the Attorney General Triple “C” Award
This award is presented to a student in recognition of his/her Commitment
to bettering themselves and their community, their strength of Character, and
Courage, which will aid in meeting all of the challenges ahead. This year’s winner is
John Doherty.
New York State Comptroller Achievement Award
New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli presents this award annually
to a PMHS senior who has devoted a significant amount of time to helping his or her
school and/or community, has shown academic excellence and displayed a potential
for leadership. Anna Menon is this year’s recipient.
West Point Award
Each year, approximately 13,000 young Americans apply to the United
States Military Academy. Less than 10% are offered admission. Applicants must
embody the attributes of scholar, leader, athlete. They must be medically
qualified, and receive a nomination from their U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, or
other authorized nominating source.
A West Point Cadetship represents a fully funded scholarship and annual
salary, valued at $448,000. West Point’s four year education and training program
will give this student the opportunity to develop his/her leadership potential and
prepare him/her for a lifetime of selfless service to our nation. When he/she
graduates in 2012, with a Bachelor of Science degree, this student will be
commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Army.
On behalf of the President of the United States, the Secretary of the
Army, and the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, I am proud
to announce the appointment of John Tonetti to the West Point Class of 2012.
The American Association of University Women Outstanding Student Award
The recipient of this award has demonstrated service to her school,
academic ability, and potential for future service to women in the solution of social
and civic problems. Alicia Darnell has been awarded this year’s AAUW Outstanding
Student Award.
The American Association of University Women Excellence in Writing Award
The recipient of this award excels in the writing of short stories, poetry,
personal essays, and plays, along with fulfilling the state writing standards of
excellence in academic writing. This year’s recipient is Sarah Schwartz.
The President’s Awards for Educational Excellence are presented to members of
the senior class who have achieved an average of 90% or better, and reached the
85th percentile on both parts of the SAT or the ACT Composite Scores.
Joshua Alexander, Jibi Alexander, Anne Aust, Reeve Ballard, Max Bearak, Brighid
Bennett, Christina Biaggi, Laura Blasi, Kristen Bona, Caroleann Calgi, Maura Casey,
Angela Catalano, Eli Cecil, Jon Chandler, Alicia Darnell, Victoria Difigola, Lily Evans,
Ian Forrest, Sarah Gerald, Alex Goldberg, Robert Gorman, Jeremiah Joseph,
Matthew Keller, Mara Kravitz, Ali Krosche, Daniel Lapadula, Harry MacInnis,
Matthew Magnani, Assefash Makonnen, Jacob Martin, Gina Maruschak, Amy Mauro,
Brendan McCormick, Anna Menon, Jessica Morgan, Aline Nakouzi, Katie Niedt, Kelly
Ann O’Brien, Kristen O’Sullivan, Michael Plotycia, Lily Primason, Monica Ricci, Marc
Ritacco, Talia Rossman, Sarah Schwartz, Carolyn Seras, Calvin Sigelbaum, Ami Tian,
John Tonetti, Kathryn Tracy, Chelsea VanderPutten, Matthew Volpe, and Adam
The President’s Awards for Educational Achievement are presented to members
of the senior class who have shown outstanding educational growth, improvement,
commitment, or intellectual development in their academic subjects. It is meant to
encourage and reward students who work hard regardless of personal obstacles.
They are: Julian Bacquie, Charlotte Donovan, Kristen Hano, Justin Ianda, Rachel
Lynch, Melissa Mirra, Devon O’Malley, Ashley Veal
PTA Scholarships
It is with great pleasure that the Parent-Teacher Association of PMHS
awards two scholarships this year. The criteria the PTA has established for
selecting the recipients are: School Citizenship; Commitment to School and
Community; Character and Academic Achievement. The winners of the 2008 PTA
Scholarships have been recognized and respected by their peers, at all times
maintaining the highest standards of behavior and concern for others. They have
made PMHS a better place for us all. This year’s winners are Caroline Carlson and
Robert Gorman.
PTA Awards to National Honor Society Members
Each year the PMHS PTA recognizes the contributions of the senior
members of the Knight & Lamp chapter of the National Honor Society by
presenting each student with a token of their appreciation. This year’s senior
members are: Jibi Alexander, Joshua Alexander, Christopher Alpert, Anne Aust,
Reeve Ballard, Max Bearak, Brighid Bennett, Christina Biaggi, Kristen Bona,
Caroleann Calgi, Maura Casey, Angela Catalano, Eli Cecil, Jonathan Chandler,
Gianmarco D’Emilia, Alicia Darnell, Victoria Difigola, Mary Drucker, Kristina Dzenis,
Lily Evans, Ian Forrest, Sarah Gerald, Alexander Goldberg, Christopher Goldstein,
Robert Gorman, Jeremiah Joseph, Mara Kravitz, Alexandra Krosche, Matthew
Magnani, Assefash Makonnen, Jacob Martin, Gina Maruschak, Amy Mauro, Brendan
McCormick, Anna Menon, Jessica Morgan, Katherine Niedt, Kelly Ann O’Brien,
Kristen O’Sullivan, Michael Plotycia, Lily Primason, Samantha Pyes, Monica Ricci,
Marc Ritacco, Talia Rossman, Sarah Schwartz, Calvin Sigelbaum, Carolyn Seras,
Zachary Small, Arielle Smith, Ami Tian, John Tonetti, Kathryn Tracy, Chelsea
VanderPutten, Charles Vetrano, and Emily Whitaker.
Fine Arts Department
These senior art students are to be commended for their outstanding
creative growth and dedication to the Fine Arts. Their original creative skills have
transformed them into the unique and talented artists they are today. Natalie
Oikawa, Gina Maruschak, Ava Martinez, Sarah Gerald, and Caroline Carlson are to
be commended.
The following students are to be recognized for their outstanding skills in
creativity, layout design, organization, leadership, writing, editing and computer
technology. Their commitment to complete a job well done is certainly evident in
the production of the 2008 Pelican Yearbook. Their endless hours of dedication
and the passion to create a unique and outstanding yearbook will always be
appreciated by the Yearbook Advisors, Mr. & Mrs. Orfei, and the 2008 Yearbook
staff. We are pleased to honor Pelican 2008 editors. Reeve Ballard, Samantha
Pyes, Gina Maruschak, and Jacqueline Negliaccio.
English Department
Excellence in English
Mara Kravitz and Sarah Schwartz
Commitment and Achievement in English
Max Bearak, Jonathan Chandler, Alicia Darnell, Victoria Difigola, LeLuo Ding,
Kristina Dzenis, Alexandra Krosche, Jessica Morgan, Aline Nakouzi, Kelly
O’Brien, Marc Ritacco, and Talia Rossman.
The Elizabeth Collins Lucey Award - Elizabeth Collins Lucey was a teacher at PMHS
from 1958 to 1970, and the wife of former Pelham Board of Education President,
Stuart Lucey. Mrs. Lucey’s family has decided to present this award every year to
a member of the graduating class who excels in English, and plans to continue the
study of English either through literature, drama, or writing in college.
The members of the English department have chosen Lily Evans to receive this
The English Department is also pleased to present the following Book
Awards to members of the Class of 2009:
Wellesley College
Rebecca Carden
Smith College
Morgan McDaniel
Brown University
Andrea Mazzella
Oberlin College
Rosa Gandler
Mt. Holyoke College
Melia Bonomo
Foreign Language Department
The Northeast Conference Award for Excellence in Modern World
French – awarded to Sarah Schwartz
Spanish – awarded to Jessica Morgan
Italian - awarded to Angela Catalano
The Ruth Yergin Award for Excellence in Latin is given to the senior who has
the highest average in the study of four or more years of Latin. Ms. Yergin taught
Latin at Pelham Memorial High School for over 30 years, and the prize is maintained
through contributions to the PMHS Gift Fund in her memory. Michael Plotycia is
this year’s winner.
The Fieri Italian Language Achievement Award was established in 1985 to
enable and encourage gifted students to pursue their educational goals. It is
presented to a college-bound Italian American student who has excelled in the
study of the Italian Language. This year the award goes to Stefanie Persichilli.
The Foreign Language Plaque Award is given annually to students who have
successfully completed at least eight years of study in one or more foreign
languages. This year’s recipients are:
Anne Aust
Brighid Bennett
Laura Blasi
Maura Casey
Alex Goldberg
Katie Niedt
Monica Ricci
Arielle Smith
French 5 years; Spanish 3 years
French 5 years; Spanish 3 years; Italian 1 year
French 4 years; Italian 4 years
Latin 5 years; Spanish 3 years
French 5 years; Latin 3 years
French 5 years; Spanish 4 years
French 5 years; Spanish 3 years
Spanish 5 years; Latin 3 years
The Yale University Book Award is presented to Orly Treitman.
Mathematics Department
Rensselaer Award for Mathematics and Science is awarded annually to a
member of the junior class who has distinguished his/herself in the study of math
and science. Upon enrolling at Rensselaer, the medalist is awarded a $15,000 annual
scholarship. James McEntee is this year’s winner.
The Ralph E. Roberts Mathematics Award is given annually to a senior in
recognitions of her/his dedication to the study of mathematics. The 2008 award
goes to Aline Nakouzi.
Excellence in Mathematics recognizes a senior for his/her outstanding
achievements in math over four years, along with an exceptional insight and ongoing
quest for deeper understanding of mathematics. Jeremiah Joseph is this year’s
recipient. Jeremiah also received a Math Team Certificate for participation in
Math Club for 4 years.
The Math Department is also pleased to present the Vassar College Book
Award to T.J. Heins, and the Emory University Book Award to Morgan McDaniel.
Music Department Awards (the following awards were presented at the PMHS
Spring Band Concert)
The Amy Geissinger Music Award is named for Amy Geissinger, a member of
the PMHS Class of 1992. Amy was a member of the Marching Band, Concert Band,
Flute Ensemble and Stage Band. The criteria for this award are as follows: (1) a
band member from the senior class (2) recipient must possess an innate sense of
musicality (3) even though not planning a professional career in music, music is a
powerful force in his or her life, as it was in Amy’s (4) the student has pursued
outside interests in music through private lessons, church activities, participation in
bands or orchestras outside of school as well as active participation in school. And
(5) exhibits school spirit through active participation in varied school activities.
Angela Catalano is this year’s winner.
The National Marching Band Award is presented to a senior in the Marching
Band for 4 years of dedication and service to the PMHS Marching Band. This year
it is presented to Assefash Makonnen.
The Instrumentalist Musicianship Award recognizes outstanding
musicianship and musical contributions to the PMHS Bands. This year the award
goes to Anna Green.
The John Philip Sousa Award is the highest national award for High School
Bandsmen. Given to the PMHS Senior who has been the most outstanding member
of our band and has given a 4 year commitment to the Band and Ensemble. Lily
Evans is this year’s winner.
The Patrick Gilmore Band Award is presented to a senior in the Band for
effort, improvement, and commitment over 4 years in the PMHS Band and
Ensemble. This year’s winners are Max Bearak, Vincent Shapiro and Chelsea
The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award is presented to a senior in the Stage Band
for performance, dedication, and commitment to the Stage Band. This is the top
national award for high school Jazz Ensembles. This year’s winner is Matthew
Vocal Music Awards
These awards are presented to seniors who have excelled in the
performance of choral music. This year they are:
Outstanding Achievement in Choral Music - Justin Brown, Angela Catalano,
and Sarah Schwartz.
Excellence in Choral Music - Anne Aust, Reeve Ballard, Danielle Bryant,
Alexandra DeSantis, Katie Lyman, Katie Niedt, Kristen O’Sullivan, Michael Plotycia,
and Kathryn Tracy.
Physical Education Department Awards
The Physical Education awards are given to those students who exemplify
excellence in physical fitness, skill, attitude, and participation. Rashidah Sherman
and Joseph Boyd are this year’s winners.
Science Department Awards
The Science Department is pleased to award the following prizes to
members of the Senior Class:
The Ciba Award
The Ciba High School Science Award is given annually to the one outstanding
science student from 100 Ciba Area high schools in the United States. The Ciba
Specialty Chemical Foundation presents a certificate and monetary award at a
special reception in their honor in the spring. Every student nominated for this
award has excelled in science and is recognized by the science faculty as an
exemplary science student. This year the winner is Jonathan Chandler.
The Science Teachers’ Emeritus Award
This award is given annually in honor of all retired teachers of the science
department. It recognizes the student for his/her sustained effort in science
classes, optimistic attitude, striving to do the best in science, and for the
persistent determination in meeting the demanding challenges of science. This
year’s winner is Alana Visconti.
Achievement in Science Courses
The following individuals have earned the recognition of being exemplary
students in the specific subject taken. This includes outstanding grades, ability to
complete the rigorous coursework in a timely fashion, the capability to work
collaboratively with classmates, and proficiency in contributing to class discussions
in a scholarly manner.
Achievement in AP Biology
Anne Aust
Achievement in AP Environmental Science
Lily Primason
Achievement in AP Physics
Daniel Lapadula
Achievement in Forensic Science
Alexandra Krosche
Achievement in Science Research
Alicia Darnell
Excellence in Science
The excellence in Science Award is given annually to the student who has
excelled in every science course taken at Pelham Memorial High School. It takes
into account not only the scholastic record of the student, but the number of
courses taken by the student. The science department faculty then recognizes the
individual merits of each nominated student with respect to motivation,
participation in science activities, and overall science aptitude. This year’s recipient
is Jonathan Chandler.
INTEL Science Talent Search Semifinalist
The INTEL STS is the oldest and most prestigious high school science
competition in America. Jonathan Chandler was selected as an INTEL Science
Talent Search Semifinalist for his research project, “Mechanicstic Dissection of
Human Spermidine/Spermine N 1-Acetyltransferase”.
Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology
Alicia Darnell was awarded 2nd place in the National Finals in the Siemens
Competition in Math, Science, and Technology. Alicia’s research on “Alternative
Splicing Defects Linked to Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis” with Dr. Maniatis at the
Molecular and Cellular Biology Institute at Harvard University awarded her a
$50,000 scholarship from the Siemens Foundation. The Siemens competition is
administered by the College Board.
The Harvard-Radcliffe Club of Westchester along with the Harvard Alumnae
Association has for many years awarded the Harvard Book Prize to one outstanding
student in the Junior Class in Westchester County High Schools. The outstanding
Junior is the person who “displays excellence in scholarship and high character,
combined with achievement in other fields.” Harvard Alumni originated the harvest
Prize Book Program in 1910 as part of an effort to attract the attention of talented
young students to the opportunities available at Harvard. This year’s book award
goes to Danica Stone.
Social Studies Department
The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Awards are presented to
seniors who have demonstrated overall achievement and scholarship in United
States History. This year’s recipients are Mary Drucker and Mara Kravitz.
The following awards are given to seniors who have demonstrated qualities
of intellectual curiosity, academic scholarship, and motivation in Advanced
Placement United States History and Advanced Placement European History.
Excellence in Advanced Placement United States History and Advanced
Placement European History: Sarah Schwartz, Anne Aust, Jonathan
Chandler, Alicia Darnell, Anna Menon, Jeremiah Joseph
Achievement in Advanced Placement United States History and Advanced
Placement European History: Harry MacInnis, Reeve Ballard, Amy Mauro,
Jessica Morgan, Katherine Tracy.
The Excellence in Participation in Government Award is given annually to
seniors who have exemplified excellence in Sociology and/or Criminal
Justice: Katie Niedt, Christopher Alpert, Elizabeth Grace, Eli Cecil, Chelsea
Vander Putten, Alexandra Krosche.
The Achievement in Social Studies Award is given annually to seniors who
have exemplified achievement in social studies over a four year course of
study: Kelly O’Brien, Kristen Bona, and John Tonetti.
The Social Studies Faculty is pleased to present the Princeton University
Book Award to Orly Treitman.
The Social Studies Faculty is also pleased to present The Columbia
University Book Award to Morgan McDaniel.
Technology Department Awards
The following students received an Exemplary Award from the New York
State Media Arts Teachers Association for their outstanding achievement in
Graphic Design: Justin Brown, Matthew Spafford, and Michael Rosa.
The Excellence in Technology Award goes to students who have dedicated
their high school careers to technology and computer graphics. We applaud these
students for their hard work in the area of technology: Chris Alpert, Nico Alix,
Philip Biegaj, John Cermanski, Robert Culen, Carla Donan, Kristen Hano, Michael
Rosa, Matthew Spafford, and Angelo Tellone.
The Outstanding Young Graphic Designer Award is the highest honor given
to a technology student. These recipients possess not just a talent for graphic
design, but also a business sense, strong work ethic, professional attitude, ability to
think conceptually and a drive for excellence in the area of graphic design. We are
pleased to honor the following students for this achievement: Nicholas Rouke,
Michael Biruk, Jennifer Corton, and Justin Brown.
Extra-Curricular Awards
National Honor Society - St. Michael’s College Book Award
This award is presented to one male and one female member of the Junior
Class who are members of the National Honor Society. They must show a sustained
and sincere commitment to community service activities, as well as show significant
academic achievement. The two Knight & Lamp Junior Book Award winners are
Morgan McDaniel and Erich Heintzen.
Peer Leadership Program St. Lawrence University Book Award
This award is given to a junior who embodies the spirit of a mentoring
relationship in the Peer Leadership Program. This student has volunteered his/her
service to tutor a Middle School student, and in the process, has become a friend
and confidant. Jesse Clain is the 2008 winner.
Sock n’ Buskin Awards
Each year Mr. Orefice delights and amazes the senior members of Sock n’
Buskin and their families with his unique awards. This year’s recipients are:
Anne Aust, Justin Brown, Angela Catalano, Jennifer Corton, Charlotte Donovan,
Julia Holden, Justin Juliano, Mara Kravitz, Katherine Lyman, Jacob Martin,
Katherine Neidt, Michael Plotycia, Cyndi Roman, Nicolhas Rouke, Ami Tian, Tristan
Tiggleoven, Chelsea VanderPutten, Alana Visconti
The Whipple Scholarship Awards
The Whipple Scholarships, named in honor of F. Hamilton Whipple who was
principal here from 1945 to 1961, are given annually for outstanding leadership in
extra-curricular activities and service to the school. This year the recipients are:
Alana Visconti, Justin Brown, Jack Polcari , and Brendan McCormick.
The John M. Conroy Scholarship
Dr. John Conroy was the principal of PMHS from 1977 through 1998. At the
time of his retirement, a scholarship fund was established in his name to honor a
PMHS graduating senior who, in addition to having a strong academic record, is
generous in his commitment to others and makes a real effort to include everyone
in the work that he does. The John M. Conroy scholarship is presented this year to
a student whose involvement in the life of the school, generosity of spirit, and
concern for others fully reflects the ideals of the Pelham community. Jack Polcari
is this year’s winner.
The Faculty Service Awards
The Faculty Service Awards recognize students who demonstrated service
and worked to improve the quality of life at PMHS. This year they are:
Caroline Carlson, Eli Cecil, Alicia Darnell, Mary Drucker, Lily Evans, Sarah Gerald
Alex Goldberg, Mara Kravitz, Assefash Makonnen, Katie Neidt, Chelsea
The School Spirit Award
Each year, the members of the Student Association single out one member
of the PMHS family for special recognition. This year, the member of the PMHS
Community to be so honored is Mme. Anne Marie Duignan.
School Awards and Scholarships
The Colonial School PTA is pleased to award two scholarships to graduating PMHS
seniors who are alumni of Colonial School and who have shown achievement in an
area of the arts. Angela Catalano and Mara Kravitz are this year’s winners.
The Hutchinson School PTA Award is given each year by the members of the PTA
to a graduating PMHS senior who attended Hutchinson School and who has shown
qualities of integrity, loyalty, and scholarship. This year the award goes to Justin
The Mary Deck Award was established in 1975 in honor of Mary Deck, a Hutchinson
School kindergarten teacher for 40 years. This scholarship is given to two PMHS
seniors each year. The criteria for the award are: the students must be graduating
seniors who attended Hutchinson School, have a solid academic and extracurricular
record and plan to attend college. Three awards are being presented this year. The
recipients are Alexandra Krosche, Jacob Martin, and Gina Maruschak.
The Marian St. Clair Award - Prospect Hill School
The Marian St. Clair Award is presented by the Prospect Hill School PTA as a
tribute to Marian St. Clair, a primary teacher whose love of the arts was an important
part of her classroom teaching. This award is presented to a Prospect Hill graduate
who shares Ms. St. Clair’s commitment to and love of the Arts through education. Amy
Mauro is this year’s winner.
The Siwanoy School PTA Scholarship
The Siwanoy School PTA Scholarship is presented by the Siwanoy PTA to a
Siwanoy alumnus who is a PMHS graduating senior. The student selected is one who
embodies those attributes instilled during their years at Siwanoy: friendship,
leadership, citizenship and commitment to educational excellence. The Siwanoy award
this year goes to Sarah Schwartz.
The Pelham Teachers’ Association Scholarship
Each year the Pelham Teachers’ Association requests donations from its
members to award $2000 in scholarship money. Each scholarship of $1000 is awarded
to a senior who displays a high level of academic achievement and a strong desire to
continue their education studies. This year’s winners are Alexandra Krosche and Jacob
BEPT Book Award
This award is presented by the BEPT Teacher Center Policy Board to a
graduating senior who is interested in pursuing a career in teaching, and who has
displayed the lively curiosity, commitment to learning, and belief in service that are the
hallmarks of the truly professional teacher. The award will be in the form of a $100
gift certificate to a bookstore. This year the committee has chosen to award two
prizes – to Alexandra Krosche and Patsy Montiel.
Principal’s Award
The recipient of this award vividly demonstrates that he/she has made a
remarkable contribution to the Pelham Community. This student has volunteered a
significant amount of time to serve the community. John Tonetti is this year’s winner.
Fitzgerald Brothers Scholarship
The Fitzgerald Brothers Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in
memory of Police Officer Patrick Fitzgerald and his older brother, Sergeant Walker
Fitzgerald, both New York City Police Officers and PMHS graduates who tragically lost
their lives in 1997 only two months apart. The Foundation helps to raise money “when
the need arises” for all men and women in blue. They donate money to families of fallen
police officers, to police precincts for better equipment and to many other charitable
organizations, such as the Danny Fund, the Red Cross, and Habitat for Humanity. The
foundation was the idea of Mrs. Lona Fitzgerald, Patrick and Walker’s mother. She felt
that her sons’ passion for criminal justice could in some way be passed on through
PMHS’s Criminal Justice curriculum. This year’s winner is John Cermanski.
The Kerry Clare Kennett Scholarship
Kerry Clare Kennett was a 1970 graduate of Pelham Memorial High School. She
attended the College of New Rochelle School of Nursing and the Mt. Vernon Hospital
Hopfer School of Nursing where she successfully passed her nursing board to become
an LPN. She was to begin working at Sound Shore Medical Center on February 10, 1987,
but she was killed by a truck on the Boston Post Road. Her family has asked that PMHS
award a scholarship in her name to a graduating senior who will enter a degree program
in nursing as Kerry had planned to continue to study for a Bachelor of Science Degree
in Nursing. Deanna Rivera is this year’s recipient.
The Dr. Suzanne T. Megahan Scholarship
Dr. Suzanne Tellman Megahan was the school psychologist at PMHS in the early
1980s, who died tragically from cancer in the prime of her life. Her family has funded
a scholarship in her name, to keep her memory alive in the PMHS community. This
award is presented to a graduating senior pursuing academic or vocational goals after
high school. The recipient must exemplify those qualities most admired by Dr.
Megahan: a sense of compassion and concern for others, and a capacity to persevere
with dignity and integrity. The committee is awarding two scholarships this year to
Carla Donan and Bryan Matthews.
The Sandy Stephens Award
This award is given in memory of Sandy Stephens, who died while a student at
PMHS in the late 1970s. It is presented each year to the girl who has “contributed the
most to women’s athletics and team spirit, friendship, and dedication.” Stefanie
Persichilli is this year’s winner.
The Billy Kenion Award
Billy Kenion, a 1984 graduate of PMHS, was tragically killed in a motorcycle
accident in 1992. A group of Billy’s friends and teachers created this award in his name
shortly after his death to honor a graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding
citizenship, diligence and commitment to his school and community. This award goes to
Javier Henriquez.
Award winners and their family and friends are cordially invited to a reception
sponsored by the PTA in the Information Center immediately after the Ceremony.
The names of all senior award winners will be listed in the
PMHS Graduation Program on June 28, 2008.
They will also appear in the
Graduation Edition of The Pelham Weekly.