History of Oceanography – Prologue I Early Times Overall - Information about the sea/oceans collected by explorers and traders Paleolithic / Neolithic Periods - fossil evidence of fishing (5000 BC - 51 AD) -1500 - 600 BC Phoenicians big traders, navigators and sailors (Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic coast, Red Sea, Persian Gulf -1500 - 500 BC Arabs traded in the Pacific and Indian Oceans; little recorded information -325 BC - 51 AD - Greeks called Mediterranean “Thalassa” surrounded by land which was surrounded by a river “Oceanus” Alexander the Great - explored oceanus Nearchus (commander) took first Greek ships into the ocean to explore the coast and return safely Pytheas - navigator, geographer, astronomer, contemporary of Alexander, made one of earliest recorded voyages from Mediterranean to England. Recognized relationship between tides and moon, tried to relate latitude and longitude together Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) - deep ocean parts, water cycle and cataloged marine organisms Eratosthenes (264 - 194 BC) - calculated the circumference of Earth Posidonius (135 - 50 BC) - measured deepest ocean depth 1800 m. near Sardinia Pliny the Elder (AD23 - 79) - related moon phases with tides and learned of currents in Straits of Gibraltor Ptolemy (AD127 - 51) produced the first world Atlas and established world boundaries Middle Ages Shipbuilding and extended voyages, regular trade routes established, navigation improved along with charts (AD 700 - 1400) -Vikings (AD700 - 1000) - colonized Iceland, settled Greenland, and NE N. America, -Arabs established regular trade routes across the Indian Ocean -1200’s - detailed charts and compass, tide tables -1300’s - Europeans established trade routes -1416 - Prince Henry of Portugal founded a school of navigation for mariners and craftsmen to develop and improve instruments, charts and ship designs Voyages of Discovery Chinese - 15th century made 300 ships, 7 voyages to explore Pacific and Indian oceans, thought others had little to offer so began the 400 years of isolation Europeans - (1487 - 1596) Dias - sailed around Cape of Good Hope into Indian Ocean (1450-1500) Columbus - 4 voyages across Atlantic (14511506) Amerigo Vespucci - several voyages to new world for Spain and Portugal, explored 6000 miles of S. America, continent named after him ((1454-1512) Ponce de Leon - discovered Florida and Florida current (1460-1521) Magellan - Straits of Magellan, crossed Pacific, Indian around Cape of Good Hope for first circumnavigation of the earth. Established length of a degree of latitude and measured the circumference of earth (late 1500’s) numerous failed attempts to find sea passage around N. America Francis Drake (1540-1596) - showed English flag around, circumnavigation completed in 1580, returned with Spanish gold Beginnings of Earth Science Experimental science flourished, specific properties of substances, pamphlets written, societies formed to discuss discoveries. Kepler (planetary motion), Galileo (mass, acceleration, weight), Newton (gravity), Halley (longitude, compass) Importance of Charts & Navigational information 1720 first hydrographic office established for mapping the oceans 1735 John Harrison made first chronometer (seagoing clock) but 4th design was most accurate 1772 Captain James Cook used the chronometer to produce accurate charts of new areas and correct previous chart positions. Charted Pacific Ocean, one of founders of oceanography (soundings, observations of wind, currents and water temperatures) 1769 Ben Franklin - Franklin Folger chart for Gulf Stream, sail in it going to Europe and avoid on return. 1802 Nathan Bowditch published a navigation book available for all sailors (US Navy bought copyright and still published today), set stage for US Supremacy of seas during Yankee clippers 1807 US congress formed whats today the Nat’l Ocean Survey, US Naval Oceanographic Office dedicated to exploring oceans and producing accurate ocean and coastal charts. 1842 Matt Maury collected wind and current data from ships logs and produced first charts -1st atlas of sea conditions and sailing directions to help seaman save time -1st true oceanographer - 1st book on oceanography Ocean Science Begins 1799-1804 Alexander von Humboldt 5 yr. journey to S. America, observed animals inhabiting the current on west coast of S. America, bears his name, 1831-1836 Charles Darwin classified organisms from land and sea, first to describe atoll formation 1815-1854 Edward Forbes surveyed marine life around British Isles and Mediterranean and Aegean Seas -another founder of oceanography Late 19th century Britian laid trans-Atlantic telegraph cables which improved deep sea knowledge 1873 Wyville Thomson published “The Depths of the Sea” first oceanography book Challenger Expedition 1872 - 1876 A steam powered sailing vessel undertook most comprehensive trip ever taken all over the oceans conducting science research. Took 20 years to compile all the data. -John Murray edited all reports and became known as 1st geology oceanographer -sparked other countries to try expeditions Oceanography as Science 1800 - 1900’s - Changing from a descriptive to a quantitative science - tested hypothesis and gathered data; models of ocean circulation and water movement were developed. -1893-1896 Fridtjof Nansen studied the Arctic ocean by building a vessel that was to be frozen in ice to drift to the north pole. Became frozen for 36 months but studied ocean depth (Arctic was deep ocean basin), water chemistry, water and air temperature, plankton blooms. Laid foundation for modern oceanography -1911 Roald Amundsen had the first successful expedition to the south pole and made a northwest passage entirely by water from Norway to Alaska Technology -1872 Lord Kelvin produced tide tables 1925-1927 ocean depth after echo sounder developed US Oceanography Moves into the Twentieth Century -1800’s government agencies gathered information for commerce, fisheries and the Navy. After Civil War, steam powered boats turned interest away from study of winds, currents and ocean floor. so turned private -1882 Alexander Agassiz led and financed expeditions for deep sea biology, first ship built (Albatross) for scientific ocean exploration. -1927 National Academy of Science established first committee on oceanography World War II Military needed all oceanography input to help with the war, men had to travel long distances over seas, needed to know shore conditions, behavior of explosives in seawater, destroy submarines. Ocean Science expands in the US After war new instruments (sonar, radar, automated wave detectors and temp-depth recorders) were available along with government funding for research and education. -1950 - earth science and oceanography as sciences grew government agencies took off -Office of Naval research ONR funded research vessels and programs -National science foundation NSF wrote basic research -Coast and geodetic survey began seismic sea wave warning system -1970 reorganized National oceanic and atmospheric administration NOAA under the Dept. of commerce which aids in economic growth by increasing exports and becoming competitive in world market. -National weather service National marine fisheries service Oceanography of the recent past -1957-1958 international cooperationInternational geophysical year IGY 67 nations to explore ocean floor -1963-64 Indian ocean expedition -1960’s giant strides in programs and equipment, special research vessels and submersibles built for gov and univ. Deep sea drilling program sampled earths crust below ocean, computers on board of vessels to help organize and analyze data (ocean chemistry, water motion, air-sea interaction) -1970’s International decade of ocean exploration IDOE multinational effort to survey seabed mineral resources, improve environmental forecasting, investigate coastal ecosystems, modernize and standardize the gathering and use of data -Funds and interest faded until the discovery of deep sea hot water vents - animals, minerals renewed interest; deep diving submersibles, deep sea moorings, remote sensing (satellites) encouraged large scale research programs -1970-80 satellite images allowed observation and model comparison on a global scale (currents, eddies, plant production, sea level, waves, thermal properties, air-sea interactions) Present and future -1990’s studies ocean circulation and climate, management of resources, transport of materials, chemistry,dynamics, energy sources, gas exchanges, ocean transport, food availability. -US global changes research program wants to understand oceans role in our atmosphere, provides data for models and predictions of future changes -World ocean circulation exp WOCE studies computer models of present ocean state and predict future changes -US joint global ocean flux study JGOFS studies relationshiips between ocean plant production and solar radiation -Global ocean atmosphere-land system GOALS understands EL Nino and climate predictions -Deep Ocean drilling program DODP, Ridge Interdisciplinary global exp RIDGE explores ocean floors and margins of continents, investigate structure and history of earth