Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service

Patient Participation DES – Patient Survey Report
Repeat Prescription System
The practice identified the repeat prescribing system as an area requiring
improvement following written complaints, patient suggestions and problems
highlighted by members of the practice team.
Members of our Patient Forum group indicated that they too would like to see
an improvement in the repeat prescription system at the meeting held on 18th
May, 2011. The practice was asked to detail the basis on which the survey
would be undertaken and submit a proposal at the next Patient Forum
The practice submitted details of how the survey would be undertaken eg. the
proposed questions and sample size etc. at the Patient Forum meeting held
on 17th August, 2011. The proposal was subsequently discussed and agreed
by the members of the Patient Forum.
The Survey
Questionnaires were made available to patients between Monday 20th
December, 2011 and Friday 6th January, 2012. We specifically chose this
period to ensure we reached as many patients as possible who use the repeat
prescribing system (we process a very high volume of requests in the lead up
to Christmas/New Year).
Notices were posted in reception and information was included on the practice
website detailing the survey and asking patients to participate.
Questionnaires were attached to all repeat prescriptions processed during the
survey period, reception staff opportunistically encouraged patients to
complete a form when they came into the practice and forms were made
available at reception.
Results of the Survey
A total of 257 completed questionnaires were returned; the breakdown of
responses for each question is detailed below:
Do you have any medication on repeat prescription?
Total number of responses = 256 (257)
Yes = 229
No = 27
How do you make your repeat prescription request (please tick all that
Total number of responses = 244
Prescription request counterfoil/form completed and left at reception = 162
Prescription request made via the practice website = 58
Prescription request faxed to the practice = 8
Prescription request posted to the practice = 16
Have you experienced a problem with the current system?
Total number of responses = 242 (257)
Yes = 31
No = 211
If yes was the problem related to (please tick all that apply)
Total number of responses = 57
Prescription was not ready within 48 hours = 18
Prescription was not signed by a doctor = 14
Prescription had been completed but was not in the collection box = 6
Prescription was not forwarded in stamp addressed envelope provided = 0
Prescription was not forwarded to the chemist as requested = 5
Prescription did not contain all items of medication requested = 10
Prescription contained incorrect items of medication = 4
Would you like your repeat prescription forwarded directly to your local
chemist if this facility was available?
Total number of responses = 235 (257)
Yes = 125
No = 110
We also collected information in relation to the demographics of those who
completed a questionnaire; the details are as follows:
Are you male or female?
Total number of responses = 210 (257)
Male = 96
Female = 114
What age are you?
Total number of responses = 238 (257)
Under 16 = 5
17 – 24 = 15
25 – 34 = 25
35 – 44 = 45
45 – 54 = 59
55 – 64 = 38
65 – 74 = 38
75 – 84 = 6
Over 84 = 7
What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?
Total number of responses = 229 (257)
White British = 108
White Irish = 16
Mixed White & Black Caribbean = 5
Mixed White & Black African = 3
Mixed White & Black Asian = 4
Indian = 14
Pakistani = 0
Bangladeshi = 5
Black Caribbean = 15
Black African = 18
Chinese = 3
Other = 38
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?
Total number of responses = 237 (257)
Once a month or more often (12 or more times each year) = 79
Once every 1 – 2 months (6 – 12 times each year) = 74
Once every 3 – 4 months (3 – 6 times each year) = 49
Once every 6 – 12 months (1 – 2 times each year) = 35
Evaluation of the Survey
It would appear that only a small number of patients who have their
medication on repeat prescription and who completed a questionnaire have
experienced a problem with the current system. However, in view of the fact
that problems have arisen for both patients and practice staff and, in order to
ensure we eradicate or at least minimise these in future, we are proposing to
implement a new system for dealing with repeat prescription requests.
We are proposing to:
 Introduce a new protocol for processing repeat prescription requests
 Produce a repeat prescribing system information leaflet for patients
 Review and obtain feedback, from both patients and practice staff, about
the new system once it has been in operation for 3 months
 Update the prescription request form available at reception to ensure
patients are clear about the information required to complete the request
(this will replicate the on line request form to ensure continuity)
 Explore the possibility of being able to forward prescriptions to more local
chemists than at present
Review of the Survey Results and Proposals for Change – Patient Forum
Members of the Patient Forum considered the patient survey report, the
proposed new protocol for processing repeat prescription requests, the
proposed information leaflet for patients and the proposed changes to the
prescription request form available at reception at the meeting held on 14th
March, 2012.
Following discussion members unanimously approved the report and agreed
to the proposals as detailed. Members requested that:
 the practice implement the proposals as soon as is practical
 the patient survey report be made available on the practice website and
in the waiting area
copies of the patient survey report be made available for patients to
take away from the practice
the practice report back on the progress made at the next Patient
Forum meeting on 16th May, 2012