The Princess Who Didn't Want to Marry - A Short Story

The Princess Who Didn’t Want to Marry
Once upon a time there was a Princess who… (make up whatever description
you like) …was clever and sporty and very tall. She enjoyed going paragliding
and was also an excellent painter. She was very happy spending her time on
long walks up mountains and teaching small children how to sing.
But the King and Queen really wanted the Princess to get married. They
wanted grand children. So they sent out a proclamation inviting any Prince
who would like to marry their daughter to come to the Castle.
Many came to the palace.
(Describe a range of Princes who came to try to marry the Princess and
explain why she rejected each one.)
e.g. The first Prince to arrive was tall, dark, handsome and rich. All the
ladies at the Castle thought he would make a wonderful husband but the
Princess didn’t want to marry him because he was scared of heights! The
next Prince was super sporty. He was captain of the rugby team and had
climbed all the way to the top of Ben Nevis with a baby on his back. All the
ladies at the Castle thought he was sooo cool but the Princess didn’t want to
marry him because he was scared of spiders.
[We didn’t go for an ending to the whole story but you could if you wanted.]